Hellobee Boards


Hospitalized - 23 weeks

  1. Trailmix

    nectarine / 2152 posts

    I'm so glad to read this update, keep it up, I'm crossing my fingers for you!

  2. Mrs. Jacks

    blogger / pineapple / 12381 posts

    Viability tomorrow! I'm sending you some virtual Martinelli's to celebrate! Baby house should just stay quiet and cook that little bean :). Way to keep a positive attitude too.

  3. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    Eww. Shots are no fun for sure. Try to get some rest! How many weeks/days are you now?

  4. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    Ouch. Shots. But shots for a good cause!
    And please keep updating here so we don't miss anything.
    Praying for you and for baby grass to take his sweet time in his personal swim tank.
    @Mrs. Jacks: Yay!

    Also... did you know if LO is a boy or girl? or team green?

  5. Mrs Green Grass

    pomelo / 5628 posts

    @Thehistoryofus: 23w5d.

    I'm team blue...baby boy is a fighter!

  6. Ree723

    grapefruit / 4819 posts

    You have such a positive attitude - very admirable! Still sending lots of positive thoughts your way and checking in here regularly to see how you're going.

  7. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    Just checking in to see how you're doing. I'm glad all is looking good and you're cooking that little one nicely. Thinking of you often. x

  8. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    Yea little boy! Keep up the positive thoughts and keep him cooking!

    I know you said you don't have a shower yet but my friend had a premi and she was able to buy what she needed until the shower and made it through. What things do you still need?

  9. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @Mrs Green Grass: YAY for getting the steroid shots!!!!! Well, they hurt like hell but it's great you got them. You can get to beta complete for this little one...no problem. When I was in the hospital all I heard was "beta complete" so we joked our son's name was going to be Beta : )

  10. Mrs Green Grass

    pomelo / 5628 posts

    @Thehistoryofus: I really need everything. But I'm thinking we'll just set a date and it'll either be here in the hospital or at my house...the baby might be born, might not be, but we'll just do it...

    I finished both steroid shots so tomorrow I'll be out of my "steroid window." I think at that point we'll discuss trying to go off the Mag. I'm still pretty constant at 3-4 an hour which is an improvement. But I'm also still bleeding. It's just a little and just overnight and sometimes with a BM. I wish that would just stop! They think it's likely that the bleeding is irritating the uterus which is causing the contractions.

    I'm kind of feeling like time should be moving faster, like I should already be at 25, not 24. (I'm 24 today by my count, tomorrow by the doctors.) Just need to keep moving forward...

  11. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @Mrs Green Grass: I'm sure time moves super slow in the hospital. Can someone bring you up a big calendar to help cross off days and keep notes? I know that's helped for any hospital stay.

    Congrats on reaching 24 weeks!

  12. Mrs Green Grass

    pomelo / 5628 posts

    @Thehistoryofus: That's on my list for my mom today. There's a social worker who comes around who had some great suggestions and that was one of them : ) I'm also trying to plan ways to make the weekend different from weekdays so it feel "special." DH is going to spend the night on Sat night and we are going to have a "fancy" dinner for his birthday which is tomorrow.

    If anyone has any other ideas of different activities, let me know.

  13. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @Mrs Green Grass: is there anything we can help you with? Critique your registry? Pick out names?

  14. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @Mrs Green Grass: Can you do crafts in the hospital? You could crochet baby clothes! They are much faster than adult clothes. We can all recommend patterns. (Are your hands swelling at all though?)

  15. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    I'm working on creating an alphabet/numbers/color book for my LO. Going through magazines and cutting out pictures to paste into a scrapbook. Maybe you could do something like that?

  16. Mrs.VW

    apricot / 460 posts

    Do you have a kindle? What about reading? Or watching movies? I'm sure that has to be so hard to just sit there. I've done needlepoint or embroidery and maybe you could try something like that? It gets to be pretty mindless once you start. Someone could pick you up a kit or something. Something cute for the nursery
    Like this - http://www.etsy.com/listing/84158502/you-are-loved-purple-embroidery-sampler?ref=usr_faveitems

    Hang in there lady!

  17. MaisyMay

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6703 posts

    Do you like scrabble? Yahoo's literati is pretty much the same thing. If you have consistent internet, that can be a fun way to pass some time.

  18. jedeve

    pomegranate / 3643 posts

    You can make a "this is my family" book on Shutterfly or something. There's usually coupons for them and editing them can take *hours!*

  19. Mrs Green Grass

    pomelo / 5628 posts

    I love the ideas! My sister already brought all of her knitting supplies - I need to get a little more desperate first, but knitting might be fun : ).

    I think I like embroidery even better though - it's artsy and I know how to do it. I can make something for the nursery. I had an embroidered alphabet growing up that I absolutely loved!

    I'll probably be able to try all of them!

  20. singingbee

    pomelo / 5073 posts

    @Mrs Green Grass: embroidery!!!! Awesome thing to do!!! Hope you are doing well!

  21. Mrs Green Grass

    pomelo / 5628 posts

    So today was a very painful day - but for my arms and hands and veins, not my uterus. I blogged about it.

    I'm definitely on the Magesium until at least Monday (Day 11) and I'm still bleeding just a bit overnight and into the morning. Not a flow - just enough to keep the doctors from saying that I'm stable (I'm not).

    My mom came and we put up a wall calendar to count the days on the advice of the social worker and we got a rolling cart to put all of my "stuff" in - so I'm moving in. I'm even wearing my own underwear today!

    It's the small things.

  22. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @Mrs Green Grass: I'm sorry girl. All I can say is keep on trucking, because that's all you can do at this point. I watched 2 seasons of Downton Abbey in three days. Have you seen? Amazing. Also, Parenthood, Up All Night, the Wire, Breaking Bad (ok I didn't watch them all on bedrest, but they are amazing).

  23. Mrs Green Grass

    pomelo / 5628 posts

    @winniebee: Downton Abbey would be perfect! Something DH wouldn't like. We're watching Game of Thrones together at night. (We just caught up to current on Breaking Bad. I loved the first few seasons, but started to kind of hate it because he's such an ass!)

  24. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @Mrs Green Grass: Game of Thrones is awesome too!! Have you seen the Wire aka best series of all time? Breaking Bad is awesome but I agree, Walt is a complete ass....but then season 4 is just crazy!

  25. Mrs. Jacks

    blogger / pineapple / 12381 posts

    Next big goal: 25 weeks... at that point the risks and problems of a baby born at 25 weeks are SO much more reassuring... so let's gun for that for now!

  26. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    @Mrs Green Grass: happy bday to your dh!

  27. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @Mrs Green Grass: I'm so sorry. I hope tomorrow is a better day for you! No New IVs so that's good news! Hang in there!

  28. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    You should get someone to find a mobile esthetician to come and pamper you. A mani, pedi, and facial would probably feel awesome! That would eat up an afternoon in fine fashion.

  29. Mrs Green Grass

    pomelo / 5628 posts

    @MsMini: That sounds awesome! My DH was planning on sending someone for my nails...i didn't even think of a facial. I feel like I have a sunburn from the Mag.

    @Mrs. Jacks: Yep...25 is so much better! I can do another week. And now I have a nifty calendar to watch for it on.

  30. Boogs

    hostess / papaya / 10540 posts

    @Mrs Green Grass: Nothing like your own underwear! Hope things go well over the weekend and you can at least go home next week.

  31. loveisstrange

    pineapple / 12526 posts

    @Mrs Green Grass: I just wanted to let you know that I told my mom group about and they are all praying/fingers crossed for you. A friend of mine had her son at 26 weeks, and she said if you want her name to talk to her that I was free to direct you to her FB page.

  32. blackbird

    wonderful grape / 20453 posts

    Does the hospital have a program for its bed rest mothers? Mine has one called, I think, "While You Wait" and they do activities and things to keep you entertained, from your bed, obv. But they'll teach you to knit and some other stuff, from what the website said.

    Hang in there!

  33. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @blackbird: Yea I would ask about what kind of services they may offer! I know when I was getting chemo they had Tea that was served on real china every Tuesday. There also may have days/times that a service dog could come visit you.

  34. jedeve

    pomegranate / 3643 posts

    Careful with Downton Abbey - my husband LOVED it! Yours might get jealous!

  35. Mrs Green Grass

    pomelo / 5628 posts

    @zippylef: That would be nice, thanks!

    @blackbird: Nope...we're all isolated, but they have social workers and nutritionists come by and help us find ways to make our rooms more comfortable.

    They're actually opening a new Antepartum Unit in a month with brand new beds and private rooms (I'm private unless I become more stable). Hopefully I won't be here then, but its' kind of something to look forward to...

    @jedeve: Ooh...I'll have to ask! : )

    Day 8 Update: My contractions have been really stable over the past 24 hours at 3-4 an hour (or less). I'm still getting a little bit of bleeding with BMs usually which sucks. They really want the bleeding to stop in order to call me stable, but it's definitely a very small amount.

    I'm 24 weeks and I have my steroids so if baby comes we will fight!

  36. Trailmix

    nectarine / 2152 posts

    @Mrs Green Grass Great attitude and I don't think that baby's coming anytime soon!
    Here's a semi-decent list of suggestions for things to do while on bed rest: http://pregnancy.thefuntimesguide.com/2010/11/pregnancy_bed_rest.php

  37. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @Mrs Green Grass: yay for being beta complete!!!!! Cook baby boy cook!

  38. Mrs Green Grass

    pomelo / 5628 posts

    So I got moved last night. It was really sudden; at 10:30 they told me I'm moving and that they'd get all of my stuff (I have a lot of stuff!). I was afraid that it might be kind of traumatic and that I might cry, but it wasn't so bad.

    My new room is designed a bit more for long term stay - has a locker - a nightstand - the bed is fully adjustable (legs and back). But I do have the potential to have to share. Luckily it sounds like it doesn't happen too often. My view has changed from trees to a building with a bit of sky, but at least I still have a window...

    My contractions are still slowing, but the damn bleeding just won't go away. It only makes its way out when I have a BM but something in there is still bleeding at a trickle.

    DH and I are having a "fancy dinner" and sleepover tonight. Let's hope it's fun... : )

  39. kayakgirl73

    clementine / 750 posts

    Crazy that they moved you that late at night. Have a good time with the Hubs. I'm on at home bed rest as of yesterday afternoon due to a shortened cervix. it went from 4. something at 21 weeks to a 2.5 at 25 weeks 5 days. We re-evaluate in a week.

  40. BananaPancakes

    grapefruit / 4817 posts

    @Mrs Green Grass: I was just thinking about you today and hoping its a good day for you. I can't imagine what you're going through and your strength is so admirable. Sending lots of good thoughts and prayers your way!

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