I can't believe how different this second pregnancy is from #1. I have the oddest symptoms like dry mouth, heartburn, acne, zero fatigue (I'm only 7.5 weeks), no boob pain. And the vivid dreams!
So how were your pregnancies different? Boy vs girl?
I can't believe how different this second pregnancy is from #1. I have the oddest symptoms like dry mouth, heartburn, acne, zero fatigue (I'm only 7.5 weeks), no boob pain. And the vivid dreams!
So how were your pregnancies different? Boy vs girl?
pomelo / 5720 posts
I feel like mine have been pretty similar but I had more acne with my son and more nausea with my daughter. That said, my son was born in summer and my daughter in the Fall, so I think the acne may have been related to the weather more than anything and I think the increased nausea may have been because I was chasing a toddler around and not able to rest as much. I'm pregnant now with #3 and so far the main symptoms have been nausea in the evenings and fatigue. I've also had bad heartburn with all three and pretty strong food aversions.
apricot / 374 posts
I'm still trying for #2, but a friend of mine who is always team green swore her #3 was going to be a boy b/c her symptoms were so different from her first two pregnancies. You can probably see where this is going -- she's now the mom of three daughters.
pear / 1717 posts
Boy and girl mama here! Both pregnancies were VERY different and that's what tipped me off that the second was a girl. With DS I had slight nausea the first trimester but never threw up...after that NOTHING it was as if I wasn't pregnant at all other than towards the end when I got very swollen. With DD I had the works: throwing up, acne, slow hair growth, the mood swings, and so on.
Although I didn't think I could be so lucky to get a pair so quickly, my symptoms proved to be right and I had a boy and girl, two extremely different pregnancies.
pomegranate / 3355 posts
Mine were pretty similar actually. One girl and one boy. I was more tired with the boy and I was more gaggy with the boy.... However, I attribute the tiredness to having a 3yo DD running around. I couldn't just veg out on the couch like I had when I was PG with DD.
persimmon / 1198 posts
My second pregnancy was way more difficult than and so different my first. With my first (a boy) I barely felt pregnant outside of my belly. I was running and crawling around after the 18 month old I nannies and felt fantastic up until I delivered at 40 weeks. I had almost no morning sickness and almost no fatigue. I had some heartburn, but it started in the third trimester and it was nowhere near the level of my second pregnancy.
With my second (a girl), my morning sickness started the day before I got my positive test. I threw up a lot, not everyday, but I only threw up once with my first pregnancy. My heartburn was terrible and started at like 6 weeks. I was exhausted. I did have to keep up with my (very energetic) toddler, but it was constant...even in the second trimester. Another weird thing was my nails and hair. I never noticed significant growth with my first pregnancy, but they grew like crazy with my daughter. I had a lot of ingrown hairs on my belly and upper thighs...I think it was related to quick hair growth. It was so weird! I had breakouts regularly with both kids, but they were definitely worse with my daughter.
pear / 1648 posts
Two girls and my pregnancies were vastly different. With DD1 I had terrible back pain, gained weight like crazy, awful swelling throughout the whole 3rd tri. I'm almost 37 weeks with DD2 and the weight gain has been fairly minimal/normal, felt great outside of morning sickness in the 1st tri, but have had trouble sleeping the entire time. Virtually no swelling still. Go figure
nectarine / 2436 posts
Anecdotally, it *seems* like pregnancy #2 + is worse and that girls tend to make you a little more sick. But there's a million cases where this is wrong I guess!
grapefruit / 4321 posts
That early on (first tri) my pregnancies were remarkably similar. So much so that I assumed my second would be another a girl since my pregnancies were the same, but nope, he was a boy.
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts
My pregnancies have been completely different and I have one girl and am having a second.
grapefruit / 4079 posts
Mine were very different. I so badly wanted it to be different genders since I wanted one of each. I have two boys.
pomegranate / 3973 posts
First was a boy, 2nd a girl. Fairly similar pregnancies except for a few symptoms.
With DS I had a ton of nose bleeds, maybe 1 with DD. I had a bad neck rash in the 3rd trimester with DS also, not with DD.
With DD I gagged when brushing my teeth, didn't have that with DS at all.
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@josina: Me too! I wanted to just not brush my teeth at all, it was awful!
And 2nd pregnancy I hated smelling my dog's food! In general I was more miserable 2nd pregnancy, same gender.
persimmon / 1095 posts
Very similar, only thing was that the nausea lasted longer and was slightly more severe with number 2. 1 boy, then 1 girl.
pomegranate / 3438 posts
Very different and I had two boys. With my first I gained weight all over, my second was mostly in my belly and thighs. The nausea was way worse with #2 but didn't last as long as it did with #1. I had so many food aversions with #1 but hardly any with #2. A lot more energy with #2 as well.
persimmon / 1273 posts
I was much less sick with my second boy. I felt sooo different that I was sure he'd be a girl.
pomegranate / 3658 posts
Pregnancy #2 has involved way, way, WAY less nausea than #1 did. #1 was a girl, #2 is a boy.
Other than the nausea, everything is pretty much the same except it's all happening earlier. It's like my body is saying, Oh yeah we remember what to do. Like e.g. sciatic pain ridiculously early on. Ugh.
grapefruit / 4455 posts
My girls I have been way more nauseous for! My third I am more tired than my first or second and my first I got more pimples but I was also pretty young (early 20s) so maybe my skin was just different? My second I had a lot of RLP but there's still room for that now because I'm only 16 weeks with #3.
cantaloupe / 6171 posts
Both girls but really different symptoms! First I had way more nausea at the beginning (felt like I had flu immediately and puked at least once a day for the first 20 weeks...) and second I had very little nausea but other digestive issues later and much more achey at the end
papaya / 10560 posts
LO1-Gained a ton (70+ pounds), fortunately a lot of water weight, first trimester had horrible nausea and then acid reflux was awful with vomiting almost nightly throughout the pregnancy. Had major bleeding episode at 12 weeks.
LO2-Didn't gain as much and lost the weight more quickly, some nausea throughout but not too bad, occasional vomiting but not as bad as LO1.
LO3-So far (30 weeks in), haven't vomited once. Nausea was even minimal at beginning and haven't really had much since. Mainly just really tired but probably due to fact I have two other little ones. Easiest pregnancy so far.
Boy, Girl, TG.
nectarine / 2436 posts
@PawPrints: oh damn, I had pretty bad sciatic pain (but only after sex?) and a weird burning sensation under my right rib every time I sat down. I carried very very high and only gained weight in my belly. I was a weird looking pregnant lady.
persimmon / 1130 posts
We were team green with both, so it was fun to compare symptoms and try to guess if that meant anything. My second pregnancy I was more nauseas, and had way more food aversions, and those symptoms lasted longer than with my first. I was also more exhausted. I felt like I was also craving bad foods a lot more than I did with my first, although weight gain was about the same. I carried differently as well. With my second I was only belly, and it stuck straight out. Everyone (including me) thought it was a boy. I ended up having two girls!
nectarine / 2148 posts
My first was low key with just some heartburn and bad carpal tunnel. He was a boy.
So far with this one it's been so much more intense all the way around. I've gotten every symptom at one point or another. It's a girl.
nectarine / 2466 posts
My 3 pregnancies were all very different each time, not really comparable at all.. and I had 3 girls.
nectarine / 2243 posts
I'm at the start of pregnancy #2 so maybe I'll circle back to this
LO#1 (girl): gained 25 lbs, bad acne, horrible heartburn, first tri general nausea but no throwing up,some hip pain. But generally felt pretty great up until the end. I was active and working, and even went skiing at 7 months
LO2 (boy): skin is clear, I haven't gained any weight yet (I actually need to start putting some on per my doc), nausea was gross during first tri but over now. Heartburn is starting to ramp up but I'm taking nexxium this pregnancy and life is 1000% better. Still feeling fairly good, just tired from chasing a toddler.
apricot / 485 posts
Overall mine were fairly similar. They had some differences but I consider them minor (like length and degree of morning sickness- first one was longer at the beginning and I puked more and the second was shorter with no puking but worse aversions and then came back again at the end WITH puking lol). Lots of fatigue in the first trimester with both, awful heartburn at the end (doesn't everyone get this??), carried the same though I gained more weight with #2. I got some melasma with both of them (although not on my face, just other areas). Uncomplicated, easy pregnancies.
Girl, Boy
apricot / 286 posts
Both pregnancies felt the same. I was convinced I was having a second girl. Nope! Second was a boy.
persimmon / 1316 posts
Mine were similar symptom wise, both girls. But 2nd one I have been way way more uncomfortable, feet hurt, back hurts, just kinda miserable which I didn't get last time.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
Mine were all a little different. All boys. First and fourth pretty similar and second and third similar.
1- no real nausea just hunger, terrible skin, and sore boobs
2- nauseous, sore boobs, very tired
3- nauseous, sore boobs, very tired
4- not too nauseous but very hungry. No sore boobs. Tired.
My third pregnancy was the hardest. We lost that pregnancy at 18 weeks. My fourth was the easiest in many ways, even the end and the recovery.
pear / 1563 posts
I've felt much worse with this pregnancy than with my daughter's (currently almost 35 weeks with a boy) but I mostly point to tiredness and second pregnancy syndrome, as my midwives call it, rather than the sex of the baby, but you never know....
pomegranate / 3895 posts
It's hard for me to really say. I was pretty sure this LO (currently pregnant) was another boy because while I was nauseous, it wasn't anything like my son. I had always heard that less nausea meant boy and just figured my son / all the vomiting with him was a weird anomaly. Nope - it's a girl. I have experienced a bunch of weird symptoms like really bad heartburn, super vivid dreams, and cystic acne (yum!) which was different.
I question whether my symptoms - namely nausea - were more muted with #2 because I couldn't wallow in it. My son didn't care if I felt sick and I didn't have time to feel sorry for myself. I think having to get up and live life helped me TONS. I also think maybe some of my nausea with him was heartburn and I didn't know the difference and the power of treating it until the second time around.
pineapple / 12566 posts
Fairly similar and I had a boy then a girl. The symptoms weren't that bad, but a bit more amphlified the 2nd time. The one very stark difference, however, was my libido. It was crazy with my boy and practically non existent with my girl.
pear / 1563 posts
@pachamama: haha, it's mostly a joke/euphemism they use for all the aches and pains that come on earlier the second time, plus the variety of extra BH, SPD and other stuff. It's not exactly the answer I want when I feel like crap but it's somehow reassuring, at least to me.
pear / 1586 posts
I had two extremely similar pregnancies and had one boy and one girl. I had more insomnia with the second (girl) but it might have just been more noticeable because there is no sleeping in with a toddler in the house.
nectarine / 2243 posts
@LBee: ditto to the nausea part. All I ever felt like doing when I was nauseous was laying down...but every single time I felt better once I forced myself up and got outside or did something more active. With my second, that's just the way I have to be because of my 2 yo, so it made the nausea more bearable.
nectarine / 2436 posts
@Revel: Oh I can see second rpegnancy sndrome definitely being a thing! This is rough! what is BH and SPD? And the nausea is currently hitting RIGHT MEOW, ughhhh I am having a rough day. I feel hungover (I'm not) and nauseous and just not motivated to love or talk or smile. #2 has definitely been worse for me!!
pomegranate / 3375 posts
My pregnancies have been so different (the first was much easier), but both are girls.
Things that are different this time: my age (3.5 year gap), my fitness level (I was working out a lot more before this current pregnancy), my diet (I am vegan now). I thought the fitness piece would help me feel better during the 1st trimester, but here I am at 38 weeks, and I think I've worked out like 4 times total.
nectarine / 2951 posts
DS1- I felt nauseous for the first trimester, but never threw up. I had a super easy pregnancy and had energy. I exercised until the day I delivered.
DS2- I had the same nausea in the first trimester, no vomiting. I had a big bleeding episode @ 11 weeks. Was diagnosed with a complete placenta previa @15 weeks. I was on modified bedrest until my previa resolved itself @ 35 weeks.
Therefore, pregnancies were very different since DS2 was high risk.
nectarine / 2878 posts
All 4 pregnancies were about the same for me (2 boys, 1 girl)-the nausea went away quicker with my miscarriage, around 8 weeks.
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