pineapple / 12053 posts
@pinkb: she's so stinking cute!! she's really trying hard to sit!
Row rolled back to tummy for my mom last week. she caught it on film and we all screamed in delight when we saw it. it was pretty funny. then we watched her until she did it for us and she did!
honeydew / 7091 posts
@pinkb: Oh my goodness - adorable!
@oliviaoblivia: A tooth?! Already?!? What is going on... these babies are growing like weeds!
L has been rolling back to stomach for about a week now. But, she won't roll back over to her back, which is the first rolling she was able to do. Seems weird...
I don't think she's anywhere close to sitting up. I blame the cloth diapers - soooo much bulk around her middle, it's hard for her to bend! Poor baby...
She's finally interested in toys. She'll actually grab for something now. She especially grabs for her bottle when we're trying to burp her in the middle. She likes to scream when we're burping her, too... haha. That baby likes her food like her momma does!!
pear / 1895 posts
Ok, so when we say "sitting up", are we talking about baby going from laying down to sitting up all on their own? Or are we just talking about putting them in a sitting position and them holding themselves there? Because if it's the latter, we're doing okay (not there yet, but working toward it). If it's the former, he's not even remotely close to that!
GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts
@pinkb: such a cutie !
@allison: positioning him !! Nowhere close to sitting up on his own !
honeydew / 7504 posts
@allison: I was thinking the same thing. Dax is getting close - he still needs "close supervision" - but like @swurlygurl said, I think the cloth diapers hinder that a little bit cuz they're so bulky! He definitely has trouble rolling over because of them. I toyed with the idea of letting him hang out sans diaper for a bit this weekend, but I'm so afraid of a potential mess.
honeydew / 7504 posts
@swurlygurl: Oh yeah, Daxon get so mad when we interrupt his feeding to burp him. SO MAD.
honeydew / 7504 posts
@dagret: Yeah, D started blowing raspberries, too. Kind of. Have you seen National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation? You know when they're dong the drum roll for Clark turning on the lights, and the one grandfather does it all slow. That's kind of how his raspberries are.
pineapple / 12053 posts
@littlebug: we do diaper free time but I put one under her while she's laying down.
pear / 1965 posts
Around 15 weeks Belle rolled from back to tummy. She hates tummy time though so usually rolls right back over. Its crazy she had that one down before tummy to back. Little backwards but hey! Haha!
She had her 4 mo shots yesterday. Oh what a not fun evening that was. Poor thing. She was in the 21% for weight and 86% for height.
Other than that I am not on here as much as I would like. I am so busy. With DH gone and so much to handle around the house between dogs/cats/chickens and 2.5 acres to maintain. Then of course managing all that and Baby and working full time. My days fly by. They truly do.
So glad to hear everyone is doing so well though. Really need to try to "swing in" more often.
pineapple / 12793 posts
@allison: when I put L in a sitting position she'll stay there for 20 minutes. She is working on getting herself into position, I'd say she's halfway gets her torso at a 45 degree angle.
pear / 1895 posts
We had our 4 month check-up today. Eli weighs 17 lbs 10 oz, is 26.75 inches long, with a 17 inch head! He is a giant. No wonder my back has been killing me.
honeydew / 7504 posts
@allison: Aw, big boy! And I hear ya on the back pain. "Daxon" got me a spa day for Mother's Day, and I had my massage last weekend. It felt great....and then I came home and carried him around for 20 minutes. Oh well!
GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts
@allison: haha ! J is 17 lb now too and about 27 in so I think we are in the same boat !! It's so hard to hold him like a baby anymore because he hangs off my side !
pineapple / 12793 posts
@coacheswife123: @allison: why are the January babies so big? Liv is the same (or was a month ago when we had a check up) 17lbs and 27".
GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts
@oliviaoblivia: I seriously think its so funny that most of our babes are so big !? It's almost weird !
pineapple / 12793 posts
@coacheswife123: I think it was all the Christmas cookies I ate before her birth....
GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts
@oliviaoblivia: totally !!! I ate an entire chocolate pie by myself in about 3 days. Whoops
pear / 1895 posts
@oliviaoblivia: @coacheswife123: it is pretty weird. Definitely the Christmas treats! My birthday is right around Christmas, too, and I pretty much ate the entire birthday cake myself. Haha, that's so gross.
pear / 1895 posts
@dagret: so I just looked at the Honda Odyssey online and I'm officially jealous! It looks so awesome. I will be getting one of these one day.
honeydew / 7504 posts
@coacheswife123: @allison: @oliviaoblivia: I guess Dax is a peanut compared to your littles! At his 4-month appt, he was 14lb10oz, 24.5". Everyone keep telling us what a big boy he is, but....yeah....
grapefruit / 4235 posts
Leo had his 4 month appointment today (at 20 weeks.) he's 27 inches and 14 lb. 11 oz. So he's a string bean!
grapefruit / 4235 posts
@allison: ugh, two of my Mean Girls coworkers are vehemently anti-minivan and were going on and on in front of my boss about how they can't believe I drive a minivan, and they wouldn't be caught dead in one, etc...
pear / 1895 posts
@dagret: Ugh. Bitches.
I'm also looking into a Mazda 5. A little smaller, but cheaper and easier on the gas. But you lose the seventh seat and a lot of cargo room.
pineapple / 12793 posts
Two teeth! Gotta say two teeth is way cuter than one tooth.
Also baby girl is starting to babble. We have dadadada (just in time for Father's Day) and gagaga.
She starting to pull up on me when we play on the floor.
What are your LO's up to?
pomelo / 5628 posts
@oliviaoblivia: wow..two teeth!
I can feel D's molars but nothing coming up yet. His newest skill is grabbing toys while he's on his tummy. He's really close to finding his feet and I think sitting will happen somewhat soon (within a month).
He's been babbling for awhile, but keeps trying out different weird sounds. So funny!
honeydew / 7504 posts
@oliviaoblivia: Wow, 2 teeth? Dax is a gnawing, drooling machine, but I don't feel anything in his gums yet.
He is really starting to "talk" a lot, but mostly it's kind of closed-mouthed and sort of sticking his tongue out. Hard to explain. But it's hysterical. And he really loves to yell. And he's kind of blowing raspberries. He still is showing zero interest in rolling over. He'll roll to his side, but then seems like he doesn't want to keep going. He can do it, he just doesn't care! He can kind of sit up on his own for a few seconds.
pear / 1895 posts
@littlebug: Eli doesn't care at all about rolling over either! The doc just laughed and said "sometimes the big ones skip the rolling over part". Ha, cool.
We've been practicing sitting up, and he's doing pretty well, I think. He can tripod sit for several seconds. Longer if he's engaged in something right in front of him. Otherwise he gets lazy and just falls over. He's been making lots of sounds, but no consonants yet. He also found his feet about a week ago. If you follow me on IG, you know this already.
grapefruit / 4235 posts
@oliviaoblivia: holy cow! Two teeth!
No teeth here, and he can roll if he wants to but he's not so into that. He looooooovvvveeesss chewing on his feet, which is the cutest thing ever. Working on sitting better.
He was babbling constantly but now he finds it amusing just to scream really loudly.
pear / 1599 posts
@oliviaoblivia: Wow! Still no teeth here, but the drooling has increased 10 fold over night. Not sure if that is a sogn of anything or not.
Abi has been babbling for awhile and loves to talk to her wubba nubb. She has the ma, da, and ga sounds down but just random.
She found her feet a couple weeks ago but today she found her legs! Hillarious really. She was sitting in her seat eating breakfast with her legs wide open and straight up in the air.
Still not rolling from tummy to back, she got it once but she really isnt interested.
I love the screams she does just to hear herself but she doesnt do it very often.
Sitting is going good wont be too long before she can do it on her own 100%
And still no real laughs or giggles. She smiles and inhales and makes a noise like she is gonna giggle but doesnt.
pineapple / 12053 posts
@Rescuemom10: we'd love to hear more, but i understand being busy! i try to catch up every now and again otherwise, i'm just browsing!
@oliviaoblivia: two teeth! we've got drooling for days, but still nothing that i can feel or see!
she has been saying ma ma ma ma ma, but as much as i want to count it, i know it's just her babbling!
@dagret: row loves to put her feet in her mouth during diaper changes! otherwise, the CDs make it harder for her to get it in there!
@pinkb: row's been sitting tripod recently! so fun!
i posted on the sleep thread, but it's definitely a milestone that she's out of our room and into her nursery/crib! a week ago, i wasn't ready, but being woken up by her babbling in the middle of the night and being exhausted along with her crying in her cosleeper during a nap because she couldn't turn, meant we switched her abruptly yesterday!
after she went to sleep, DH and i had some parental alone time in our bedroom drinking wine and... you know. it felt like we had a night in a hotel! it was awesome!
i thought i'd miss her, but a successful night of sleep means that we did the right thing!
pineapple / 12793 posts
@birdofafeather: in my last IG pic you can see her little chiclets.
We moved L from her cosleeper a couple weeks ago for the same reason. I woke up one morning and she was on her belly with one hand on the side of the cosleeper trying to pull herself out! I was surprised how easy a transition it was. And yeah...,mom and dad alone time DOES feel like staying in a hotel now! Haha!
pineapple / 12793 posts
Crawling and sitting up by herself. Life is getting more interesting.
pineapple / 12053 posts
@littlebug: ha! Seriously!! @oliviaoblivia: I swear Liv is at least 2 months older than all the other January babies!! She's always paving the way! Now you have to baby proof! Yeeps!
pomelo / 5628 posts
I'll bring is back down to earth!
Dylan's most recent milestone is finding his feet. He's tried to get them on his mouth, but it hasn't worked yet! He's done 4 second sitting unassisted, but he's not really into it, doesn't even like to prop himself up. He starting blowing raspberries a little over a week ago which is a lot of fun. He hasn't rolled back to tummy yet, but it's close...
pear / 1599 posts
We are closer to you and D @Mrs Green Grass:
Abi only rolls back to front and will not even try front to back. Still no belly laughing or even giggles. More of a inhale high pitch noise...I think that is her giggle, but I am still holding out hope for the belly laugh. She can tripod sit for 10 seconds or so. Found her feet about 2 weeks ago, loves them!
honeydew / 7091 posts
We have 1/2 a tooth!! A little corner is poking through. I'm not readyyyyyy!!!!
She is SO close to crawling. She can belly crawl everywhere, but she's days away from real crawling!
No belly laugh, just giggles - mostly for Daddy
Nowhere close to sitting up!! I blame the bulky cloth diapers, but who knows
She likes to eat her feet only when I change her diaper. I blame the diapers for that too, haha.
No real distinguishable sounds/'words'. She likes to babble in a really high pitched voice, especially when she sees herself in the mirror! She getting pretty good at the 'guh' sound though
grapefruit / 4235 posts
My coworker's daughter was due Christmas Eve and born Jan. 2 - girlfriend has multiple teeth, is crawling and PULLING HERSELF UP already! L is not nearly as motivated.
We gave L some avocado last night - that was fun!
ETA: @swurlygurl: wow, teeth! I am *definitely* not ready for that!
pear / 1895 posts
@Mrs Green Grass: @pinkb: E isn't rolling either way! I've pretty much just given up on it, honestly.
And he started blowing raspberries about a week ago. It is the funniest thing, especially when he times it just right to coincide with a smarta** remark from the DH. Haha.
He's getting a ton better with the sitting up, though. He can sit unassisted (mostly tripod, but he can lift his arms to reach for a toy or whatever) for a minute or two. Sidenote: DH was in charge of spotting the other day while I tried to take a photo. He got distracted by the cat, looked away for 2 seconds, and of course E fell straight backwards. He screamed bloody murder. It was horrible.
@swurlygurl: Like I said on the photos thread: CRAWLING?!
When @oliviaoblivia: 's LO does something, I usually give E at least two months to reach that same milestone.
@dagret: yeah, I'm hoping teeth don't make an appearance for a niiiiice long while.
pineapple / 12793 posts
@littlebug: @birdofafeather: the joke around here is that I was really 48 weeks pregnant. It explains why she was so enormous at birth.
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