grapefruit / 4923 posts
@oliviaoblivia: no joke! little liv gives us all a preview of what's to come!
@swurlygurl: almost crawling, that's so exciting! LO has started getting on all fours and rocking back and forth a bit, but i think we're still at least a few weeks away from crawling. hopefully longer. starting solids is enough change for me right now!
@allison: i can also wait a looong time for any teeth to come it. damn it did i just jinx myself.
@birdofafeather: hooray for transitioning her to a crib in her nursery! glad you and DH got some *special* time together.
pineapple / 12053 posts
@coacheswife123: wow! R keeps grabbing at her ears (has been for a month) but nothing is coming through!
nectarine / 2771 posts
@birdofafeather: I saw your reply on the other post but just haddd to commiserate more, haha. The ear rubbing is getting ridiculous!! All day, ever day. And now I have to be extra vigilant about her nails as she's scratched herself a few times already.
I hope some teeth show soon for both our LO's
grapefruit / 4235 posts
@coacheswife123: whoa J! L still doesn't have any but he's started gumming my nipple, awesome.
pineapple / 12053 posts
@yerpie110: gah. I hope so! I told DH what you said about the teeth and their ears. It's crazy how much she does it!
nectarine / 2771 posts
@birdofafeather: I hope your LO feels better soon! Mine has massive drooling to go along with the ear grabbing, and I think i see a tooth coming out, but I can't say for sure yet. We'll see! Hope she'll still have ears by the time her first few teeth come in, haha.
pear / 1599 posts
6 moth check up today! 14.4 lbs and 26 inches so still 2nd percentile for weight but 50th for height so is continuing on the upward curve so all is good. LO is doing really good with all her milestones, just started rolling from tummy to back (finally!) She is eating really well, about 30 oz a day and 2 meals, so the Dr now wants her on 3 meals a day. Only one concern, she turns her right leg out (and sometimes the left also) when you sit her upright, like in a W shape. So we have been referred to an orthopedic Dr to get a x-ray and consult. Hoping it isn't anything too serious and that it can be fixed with therapy or exercises.
pineapple / 12053 posts
6 month check: 16 lb, 7 oz, 27.5 in. still our tall girl and her weight jumped up from 38th to 55th percentile! still no teeth, but she's starting to sit on her own and do push ups!
@pinkb: our ped said 3 meals a day and i was shocked since we just started last week. what constitutes a meal for her?
cherry / 210 posts
Hello all! I've been lurking for a few days, trying to find the best place to introduce myself. @allison introduced me to Hellobee and I already love it.
JM was born 1/3/13. 8lbs. 12 ounces. As of our 6 month appointment he is 20 lbs. 1 ounce and 27 inches long. He is sitting and rolling, but doesn't seem too interested in crawling yet. I feel like I've really slacked on tummy time lately and maybe that's why. He just would rather sit than be on his tummy. He also has 2 teeth on the bottom. I was shocked last month when the first one came in. I was hoping they would hold off for a while, but nope. His top gums have been very swollen the last few days and he's been grabbing his ears a lot so I think his top teeth will make an appearance soon. So that's where we are!
pineapple / 12053 posts
@Cain13: welcome to you and JM! we're glad to have you and way to jump in! 2 teeth already, wow! we look forward to hearing more from you!
GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts
@pinkb: keep us updated !!
@Cain13: welcome !! We have 2 teeth too!
@birdofafeather: we do 3 meals a day but we basically just offer 3 a day and let him eat what he wants !
pear / 1895 posts
@Cain13: YAY! I'm so glad you decided to introduce yourself :). Watch out, Hellobee is so addictive! But I justify it because I've learned so much here. It's my #1 parenting resource.
Can't wait to hear more about JM!
honeydew / 7504 posts
@Cain13: Welcome! Looking forward to hearing more about you and JM! D has never had interest in being on his belly, and now that I'm trying to get more "forceful" with it, he flips himself right over onto his back. I'm kind of starting to kick myself on that, now. It's basically a game of me putting him on his belly, he flips to his back, and I flip him back onto his belly....and back and forth like that until I give up or he starts to yell.
We still have no teeth, and not really any signs that we're getting any, other than the fact that he puts EVERYTHING directly into his mouth and gnaws on it. But D is officially mobile - he's rolling! It still surprises me when he rolls from back to tummy, since he hates being on his tummy, but it's usually when he's going after something (often the cat, who is trying to get away from his grabby little hands).
Still getting just one meal a day. Anxious to see what our ped says about how much to feed him. He also has super goopy eyes and wakes up every morning with tons of crusties in his eyes - Dr. Google has diagnosed him with clogged tear ducts. Not much we can do about it other than keep wiping his eyes out. Anxious to check with the ped about it for sure, though. Our 6-month is on Monday, so I'll update his stats then!
GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts
@littlebug: j had clogged tear ducts when he was a newborn! I put breastmilk on them and they cleared up!
pineapple / 12793 posts
Lots of milestones in our house lately (causing lots of sleep disturbances).
Liv stood up unassisted yesterday. She was sitting in my lap and then just stood up like it was no big deal. She held it for maybe four seconds. I was with another HB mom and we both just looked at each other like "is she standing? Holy crap she's standing!"
And her top teeth have FINALLY poked through. They've been hanging around wrecking havoc for a month. I'm not looking forward to any more teething. She is just so miserable when they are cutting through.
Updates ladies! What are the kiddos working on?
pomelo / 5628 posts
We have two teeth (bottom) and more on the way, but I'm not quite sure where. We are definitely working on crawling as the next milestone. He can almost get on all fours by himself and when I help him, he rocks a bit.
pear / 1599 posts
I feeel like everything happened at once. LO started sitting up unassisted and then 2 days later she was up on her knees. She is rocking but hasnt gotten any where yet. And she finally started grabbing her food, and trying to feed herself. No teeth at the moment but I think they have been making our lives difficult for a couple weeks now.
honeydew / 7504 posts
@oliviaoblivia: L is like super-baby! Wow!
D has 2 bottom teeth, and is gnawing on stuff like crazy, especially on the back left side, so I'm wondering if more are coming. He is rolling up a storm - it's how he gets everywhere! He JUST pushing himself up into crawling position, but that's about it. And he sits unassisted really well. And he is sooo vocal!
grapefruit / 4235 posts
L's 2 top front teeth are starting to work their way down. He's also started scooting on his butt and belly a little. Sleep has been total crap lately...and yesterday he got stung by a bee. My poor baby. At least he's not allergic.
nectarine / 2771 posts
@dagret: Oh no!! Hope he's ok
LO is desperately wanting to crawl! So far, all she is able to do is turn around in circles and that irritates her immensely, but it cracks me up. She also loves to jump in our lap and chat up a storm. She's still sitting up well, but no pulling up yet/putting herself into a sitting position. And still no teeth (or hair )!
cherry / 210 posts
JM has a total of 5 teeth now. Yikes. I think we will see the 6th shortly. Will teething ever end... or at least slow down a bit. He was still taking 3 naps a day until the past few days. He has started crying when I try to put him down for his naps so I think its time to re-arrange. I'm thinking I should move the afternoon nap until 2:00 instead of 1:00 and drop the 4:00 nap all together.
He is combat crawling for now. He has been getting up on all fours lately and rocking back and forth. He's getting close to crawling with his belly off the floor. He is still pulling up on me, and has tried on the furniture and toys, but hasn't quite made it yet.
He has started trying to pick up food using the "pincher" grip, but hasn't quite mastered it yet. I'm also starting to hear some new sounds... which I hope will turn into some more definite consonant sounds soon. I don't know why it's worrying me so much that we haven't had any "buh, buh, buh" or "ma, ma, ma" sounds yet.
@dagret: Poor L! That must have hurt..... both of you!! I've never been stung by a bee, so I would have freaked out I'm sure.
pear / 1895 posts
Eli has no teeth yet. He's finally rolling over from belly to back, but that means that he won't do tummy time anymore. I put him down on his belly, and he almost immediately flips over. He's sort of pushed himself around a couple times, but mostly doesn't. I think it will definitely be awhile until he's crawling, and I'm okay with that. He's started making lots of funny sounds with his mouth, like smacking his lips. Pretty funny
cherry / 210 posts
@allison: JM started smacking his lips too! It is so funny. And don't rush the crawling/scooting thing.... or the teeth! I can't even go to the bathroom anymore because he ends up under the couch or something like that. We ended up having to set up the pack-n-play so that I can contain him in there if I need to run out of the room. I was so hoping he would get his teeth later, but nooo.... we have 6 now. And he likes to bite! I don't think he understands yet, but I've had to start saying "NO" when he does it because it hurts! He'll act like he going to give me a kiss... then he bits my face! Not cool LO. He has also started grinding his teeth, which sounds terrible. Nails on a chalk board!!
pineapple / 12053 posts
@pinkb: us too! it was like one day she could barely sit on her own and then all of a sudden, she was sitting and crawling backward!
@littlebug: R has really found her voice in the last week! it's fun!
@dagret: oh no! poor L! R got (what i think is) an ant bite when we were camping. she didn't make a fun, but there is a scab where it was.
@yerpie110: so funny! hopefully the frustration will turn into movement! they figure it out so quickly!
@coastmama: yeah, the nap thing has been throwing us too! it's all over the place! sometimes two solid naps, sometimes 3 short ones! i gave up figuring it out and just go by her!
@allison: way to go E! it's so amazing how fast they start picking up new tricks after they start rolling! i feel like he's been sitting for a while though, right? or is that my eyes playing tricks on me?
R can sit up on her own well and now can get herself to sitting easily (it went from once in a while to all the time within a week!). she was crawling backward for a couple weeks and yesterday, she finally moved forward in a quasimoto kind of way. she tucks her leg under her and then uses that to push herself forward. her goal yesterday: my bowl of cheerios! ha. she looks like a drunk gimp.
she's also become way chatty and laughs more frequently. she has always been a more observant, chill babe and now in the morning and evening, she brings out the chatterbox. it's awesome.
pineapple / 12053 posts
we FINALLY have a tooth poking through. i saw it yesterday morning and last night she was sobbing and inconsolable for over an hour, we gave her camilia and hylands and finally i nursed her again (after nursing her fully less than 2 hours before) and she fell asleep. hoping we can be preventative tonight and avoid a repeat. and hope that freaking tooth comes all the way out and leaves her alone!
she's also crawling like a hunchback (dragging her leg underneath her), and just today pulled herself up on the coffee table twice. we got the baby gate out to keep her out of the kitchen and we need to use it because this happened:
honeydew / 7504 posts
@birdofafeather: Awww...I hope tonight goes better for you! Teething is the worst. D handled the first 2 pretty well, but I think he's working on a top tooth now and it is a B!TCH. He is a cranky mess.
And OMG, she's crawling! D will kind of push himself into position, but goes absolutely nowhere and then just gets MAD.
grapefruit / 4235 posts
@birdofafeather: Congrats on the crawling! still no real crawling over here. He'll scoot on his bum while he's sitting, and get himself into the position but not go anywhere like @littlebug's D.
L has started to "give kisses" - really he lunges at us with his mouth open and gums at our face. It's like having a puppy.
pear / 1895 posts
<<"...i feel like he's been sitting for a while though, right? or is that my eyes playing tricks on me?">>
Ah! I didn't get a notification for this, for some reason! Yeah, he's been sitting up since around 5ish months. I think he's just fat, so it makes it harder for him to move around!
I really don't see how he's ever going to crawl because he WILL NOT stay on his belly for longer than 5 seconds. I'll keep trying, though...
I hope R goes down easier for you tonight. We've had a few of those nights lately, but I can't really pinpoint the cause. I've blamed overtiredness and teething, so far.
Crawling! That's so exciting/stressful! Stressful because of the required baby-proofing . Go, Row, Go!
honeydew / 7091 posts
@dagret: That is so sweet!! I can't wait for kisses
L has started trying to pull up on things. She can do it if it's low or sloped (like when I'm sitting on the ground and leaning back on my elbows, she can slowly pull up on me). This is leading to a LOT of head bonking...
She's been 'crawling' for over a month now, but it's still not proper hands-and-knees crawling. She's doing a mix of dragging her body with her arms, but jumping forward with her legs. Pretty hilarious to watch. I wish she'd figure it out though, because her clothes are getting filthy on the belly!
cherry / 165 posts
Omg ive been gone way too long! I cant believe how much all the babies have grown! My little one has been a maniac in his milestones. He pretty much skipped the whole rolling over thing. One day he just sat up two weeks later started crawling. He has been crawling since he was 5 1/2 months and has been pulling himself up and scaling since 6 months. He wants to walk like now! But he has ZERO teeth! He's still a gummy little man! I haven't read through all yhe post but hes gonna be 8 months in like 2 weeks, anyone else still waiting for teeth?
pear / 1599 posts
@heartsnsunshine: We are! She will be 8 months in a couple days. I think the bottom 2 are just under the surface though, hoping they come thru soon! She is such a crabby slobbery
pineapple / 12053 posts
@heartsnsunshine: our LOs have the same birthday! Welcome back! R just this week had the tooth start breaking through. I thought the day would never come! Ha. Sounds like your guy is on the fast track to walking like @oliviaoblivia:
pineapple / 12053 posts
@pinkb: I could feel her gums were swollen on the front for the last 3 weeks and she was a cranky pants for a while then totally fine. And then sick/crazy and then the tooth poked through! Hope they show up soon!
cherry / 165 posts
@birdofafeather: yay for birthday twins I totally forget everyone s due dates..but ds is a wild man...always has been....hardly sleeps but thats another story.. lol
@oliviaoblivia ds is also stands unassisted too like it's no big deal. If he would just "relax" and not out his arms up.and down like hes flying hed probably stand for a while. He makes me.laugh.
grapefruit / 4923 posts
@birdofafeather: aw look at R go! it's like a whole new world is open to them now! hope her teething pains have gotten better.
@dagret: oh my goodness baby puppy kisses, love it!
@littlebug: haha he's eager to move already! have you guys switched to the convertible seat yet?
E is transitioning from the funny "butterfly stroke on dry land" crawl to a more regular crawl--not often, but sometimes.
he loves to pull up on anything. loves it. when i pick him up and try to set him down, he locks his legs so that he can be in standing position.
it's all cute and really exciting to see, but i was kinda hoping that he would be on the later side in crawling/standing. it's a lot more work watching him these days!
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