Hellobee Boards


January 2013 milestones

  1. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    L is doing well.
    I'm back to work and she is really thriving during the day. She spends the day with Travelgirl1 and her daughter A that is a Nov. baby. It really is the best of both worlds for her. Special attention because there are only two kids and some good socialization. The girls are so cute together.

    She was sick last week with a stomach bug and had the big V and big D for the first time. It was the first time I really felt helpless as a mom. She was in a great mood the whole time and if I didn't look into her diaper I'd never know she was so sick. DH got it too. blech. I escaped it, thankfully.

    She is walking and running, and has been practicing walking backwards. She really likes pushing our laundry sorter/cart thingy around our apartment, backing it around corners and around obstacles. We joke that she'll grow up to be a hospital orderly.

    She's still eating well but what she will and won't eat changes by the hour. We are still nursing about three times a day. She drinks WCM while I'm at work and has finally started taking in more than a couple ounces. She's up to about 7-10 oz. of milk during the day. I'm not sure when we'll stop nursing. Sometimes I'm totally over it and then sometimes I just want to sit and cuddle with my girl.

    She has quiet a few words and is picking up more every day. Her favorite word is "That". This weekend we worked on teaching her to say "Delish" after she eats something yummy. So far it's sticking. So funny.

    At her last appt. she was 20lbs 15 oz (72%) and 31"(97%).

    @littlebug: I use this growth chart-
    it uses World Health Info for Breastfed babies.

  2. pinkb

    pear / 1599 posts

    Abi is doing good. At her 12 months check up she was 20lbs (40th%) and 31 inches (90th%). She eats great but is getting picky about what she wants a lot of the time. We switched to WCM at 12 months she does ok with it, but only drinks about 10oz a day if we are lucky. Dr wants at least 16 oz but she just won't do it. We got rid of the bottles too, that was pretty easy but that was when her intake when down.

    She is cruising around on the furniture and walks with her walker but doesn't walk on her own yet. She doesn't talk yet, she babbles and says mamamama and dadada but mostly babababa. But doesn't really associate it with me or DH. She can listen and follow a few instructions like go get wubby or where is wubby.

    In between 1 and 2 naps, just depends on the day. But I think going to just 1 soon.

    Wubby is her lone paci she has left. It stays in her crib and she only gets it for naps and bedtime. We have decided to keep it around a bit longer, we were going to get rid of it at 1. But after seeing how she reacted to me cutting the paci off her other wubbanub, I just couldn't take the last one I rather wait until we can explain to her that it is going bye-bye and she can understand a bit.

    We go to a story time/ playtime every week at the library. She is the ADD mean kid…lol. She wants to run around during the quite storytime and then during playtime she tries to steal any toy that is being played with and gets mad if the other kid doesn't give it up…..she even resorts to trying to bite them We are working on it though, more socialization is the only way it will get better so we keep going. But still very embarrassing.
    My SIL watches her once or twice a week also so she gets to socialize with her cousin who is 7 months. She does pretty good with her.

    She hates the park! Hates hates hates the swings.

    Has 4 teeth. And she is working on 4 more, has been for over a month, they take so long to come in!!

  3. Mrs Green Grass

    pomelo / 5628 posts

    Great to hear from everyone!

    D is doing well. He was about 17.5lbs, 29.5 inches at 12 months so a long skinny skinny kid which makes pants buying very difficult. He's still wearing 6 month clothes and 3 month pants!

    He's not walking either, but has excellent balance...can stand without pulling up...he's just not very interested in walking. I've been saying we're close for a long time, so I'll just stop saying it...I have no idea! He likes to dive head first off of things like couches and down stairs and has impressive arm strength...such a boy!

    He's got two meaningful words I think: "da or dad for DOG" and "Ca" for car, but the babbling of all different syllables and new ending of "words" is exponentially increasing each day. He says "Dada" all the time, but not to dad and almost never says "mama" in any way.

    He loves to read and play with water and opening and closing doors is a new obsession.

  4. yerpie110

    nectarine / 2771 posts

    I can't believe our babies are one!

    LO is doing well, though anyone else feel like their baby is 1 going on 13? She is so strong willed sometimes...I can't imagine her as a teenager! She doesn't walk consistently, though she does take a few steps here or there when she feels inclined to do so. I think she CAN walk, she just prefers crawling, and despite my efforts to encourage her, she'll just become rubber woman and drop to the floor if I try to make her stand when she doesn't want to. She can cruise like a pro and run around with her push walker. She is super indepedent (could play by herself for quite a while) and wants to do everything on her terms. I see a lot of myself in her, YIKES.

    Eating is the same. She eats well, and at least her green smoothies and fruits, as well as her WCM (she could drink a gallon if i let her!), remain passions of hers, because otherwise, she'll like something one day and hate it the next. And when she doesn't want to eat something, there's nothing I can do to make her!

    She says mama consistently, and occasionally says hi and appah (dad in Korean). She loves to wave and clap, give kisses, chase her "brother" (our dog), and our nanny taught her a new trick recently - we ask here "where's your nose?" and she'll point to her noise. So cute!

    She's still on two naps and sleeps through the night as well. She weighs 22 pounds and is 29 inches long. It's more tiring keeping an eye on her now since she gets into everything, but it's so much more fun! Her laughs and giggles are contagious

  5. dagret

    grapefruit / 4235 posts

    So great to hear from everyone!

    L is good. His last dr. appt. he was 20.5 lbs (with a soaking wet diaper) and I think 31 inches? So he's a little string bean.

    He had hand foot and mouth right before his birthday, so THAT was fun.

    He's walking everywhere and can bend down and pick things up/carry them while he's walking. It's really cute. He has started to give kisses - both the fish mouth and open-mouthed variety.

    He moved up to the toddler room at daycare and doesn't take bottles any more. In fact, my husband has been rocking him to sleep instead of me nursing him to sleep. He's still nursing in the morning, after daycare, and in the night (kill me...) I'm kind of sick of it but i do love my snuggles, and how quickly it can calm him when he's hurt. Eating is still the same - he demands bananas several times a day and will only eat apples whole.

    Like @yerpie110's LO, he wants to do everything independently. We are in big trouble.

    He says mama, dada, dog, ball, banana (Baaaa-naah-naah), uh-oh, bye, and knows the sign for more.

    He's down to one nap, which kind of sucks. and he's in to EVERYTHING! He's started to get in to the bookcase and tries to crawl into the bathtub on the regular. And let's not forget his favorite toy, the dog's dishes.


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