What are those sweet January babies eating? How's it going?
What are those sweet January babies eating? How's it going?
pineapple / 12793 posts
Boob food only in our house. I still haven't pumped any. This pump phobia is going to land me with a bottle phobic bebe.
GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts
Breastmilk only ! He gets one pumped bottle a day and doesn't mind it !
nectarine / 2771 posts
Still only breastmilk here. She doesn't take the bottle great and generally refuses to take it from everyone but the nanny. I work mostly from home so so far it's not that big a deal, although once I start to increase my hours and will be in the office more, homegirl will need to get it together! Hopefully she will by then.
Although I don't think we'll be starting at 4 months, I still can't believe that in a month our babies could be beginning solids!! That's crazy to me.
pineapple / 12793 posts
I'm definitely waiting until six months for solids too. Mainly because I like to hog my baby. Nobody can feed her but me!
....I said that with an evil laugh.
GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts
I think we will wait until 6 months too. I'm excited to start though ! I think we will do purées instead of BLW - what about y'all ?
nectarine / 2771 posts
I am totally about the hogging! I am selfish and like that I am the only physical nourishment she needs to grow and thrive right now, haha.
We're planning on doing purees too. I don't quite get what BLW is, yikes. And we haven't decided between 5 or 6 months. I want to wait but DH is so overly excited about her starting solids, it took a lot to convince him to wait past 4 months! Maybe we'll compromise at 5.5 months. We already picked bananas as our first food!
pineapple / 12053 posts
Breast feeding but I've pumped to work part time and for a wedding. It's not my favorite but I'm glad she takes the bottle pretty easily now.
pomelo / 5628 posts
I've been exclusively pumping the whole time (6 1/2 months now!) and D eats almost 50% fortified BM, 50% formula - 24 calorie instead of 20. He's eating about 20 ounces a day. I wish he'd eat more, but he's growing pretty well.
I'm definitely doing purees and I don't know when we will start - I'll probably ask the ped this week. Reflux babies are often the ones who are recommended to start at 4 months. I'm not sure exactly why, but I think it's because of the thickness of the food - it stays in the tummy better. So we will start if she recommends it, but otherwise I would definitely wait.
I'm also planning to skip cereals. I just don't like what's in them. But I guess in the end, I'll let Dylan tell me what works for him!
pear / 1599 posts
@Mrs Green Grass: With preemies do you have to go by their adjusted age when talking about starting purees? Abi has her 4 month check up in 2 weeks and I was hoping to speak with the DR about starting them, but Abi will only be 3 months adjusted.
Abi has always been FF and has some digestive issue along with the reflux. We are planning on starting purees as soon as we get the go ahead from the Dr., in hopes it will help keep the formula down and help keep her more regular along with gain some weight, fingers crossed. I love the idea of BLW but that would have us put off food for awhile since she still isnt really reaching or grabbing anything yet. Also planning to skip cereal and go straight for fresh made purees.
pear / 1599 posts
@Mrs Green Grass: 10.6 lbs. She is eating about 25 oz a day. We went back down to every 3 hours and it seems to work better for her. Last week was her all time high at 30 oz! But we are slowly going back down
pear / 1895 posts
Boob only, here. I JUST started pumping in the am because E had a random wake up once a few nights ago and it made my body produce too much milk the next night. I decided I'd just pump the extra that morning, and I've been making too much ever since! It's not too bad, apart from being much more full than usual when I wake up. It feels good to have a little back-up stash in the freezer "just in case". He hasn't taken a bottle yet, though. I'm not ready!
Re: pumping. I have a nice Medela double electric that I got from my ins. but I HATE it. I used it once and I had sore nipples for the next two days! I switched to my manual and it's much better. I used the same flange, so not sure what's up. The manual works just fine, so I don't really mind, but I pitched a fit about my ins. company being so slow in providing me my electric pump and now I feel like a brat because I don't even like it. Oops.
grapefruit / 4235 posts
Breast milk only here- I started back at work and am pumping 2-3 times throughout the work day. I also pump around 1030 at night, which helps me build my stash. L is eating 3.5 oz bottles at day care every 2 hours.
honeydew / 7504 posts
D is getting all boob juice. During the week, I nurse him first thing in the morning, once even I pick him up from daycare, then to sleep. On the weekends, it's pretty much all me.
He gets 3 5oz bottles at daycare. I pump 5 times a day - first thing in the morning, I pump whatever side he didn't nurse from, then 3 times at work, then once right before bed. I get anywhere from 18-24oz per day, so I bottle some fir the following day, and freeze the remainder.
I think we're going to do a combination of purees and BLW. Am thinking we'll start around 5 months - I'm anxious to start, but 4 months just seems so young!
grapefruit / 4235 posts
@littlebug: I agree, 4 months seems super young to start solids. I am hoping to hold off until 6 months, unless L shows some major interest earlier.
honeydew / 7504 posts
@dagret: That's kind of what I'm thinking - just follow his cues. He definitely already watches us eat. And I don't know why I said I'm anxious to start - I totally love that I can be a baby hog and I'm not ready for the inevitable times that he'll be given inappropriate foods (by my MIL and other in-laws).
grapefruit / 4235 posts
@littlebug: hah. I feel the same way. I'm not ready to give up a bit of breastfeeding, ESP bc we only do it 4x day max during the week now that I'm back at work.
grapefruit / 4923 posts
@coacheswife123: we were doing one bottle a day also, until he started daycare so now he gets two bottles a day.
@allison: i wish my boobs were that responsive! now that i've started working, i'm concerned about my supply and am going to try pumping more frequently and/or longer.
@littlebug: you are a champ for pumping so much in addition to nursing! my schedule is similar to yours except that i don't pump after nursing.
@pinkb: E is not reaching for thing either so i can't even imagine contemplating BLW at this point.
i don't have my act together enough to think seriously about solid foods at the 4-month mark, so i will probably wait until 6 months.
E is getting breastmilk, via nursing or bottle. i nurse in the morning, he gets bottles at daycare, and then i nurse before bed. he also usually gets up for a short nursing session in the middle of the night.
grapefruit / 4235 posts
I work from home Mondays, but had to run to work for a meeting for about 2.5 hrs. I nursed L right before I left, and while I was gone he ate 7 ounces!!!! And then he nursed when I came home!
Insane. He's super cranky too. So maybe another growth spurt?
GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts
@dagret: j just came off of a horrible growth spurt ! L is growing !! His little looks are changing
I think we have a mild case of mspi. Blah. I cried all night about it. Eliminating dairy and soy for a few weeks to see if that helps. I went to the grocery today and felt lost !
pomelo / 5628 posts
@coacheswife123: good luck! I know it's not going to be easy, but I hope it helps.
grapefruit / 4235 posts
@coacheswife123: poor J. I saw your post earlier. Hopefully it's just a temporary sensitivity and he grows out of it. Hang in there. J is getting big too!
GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts
@dagret: @Mrs Green Grass: thanks ladies !!! From what I have read he either has a very mild case or we caught it early! Hoping its a mild case and he outgrows it quickly !
GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts
Over a week without dairy or soy and J is much much much happier. I, however, would really love some ice cream
Worth it, though !
nectarine / 2771 posts
@coacheswife123: glad to hear the little guy is feeling better!! ah the worthwhile sacrifices we mamas make
honeydew / 7504 posts
@coacheswife123: I missed this post. So sorry, but glad you caught it early. I'm kind of clueless - will he eventually "grow out" of it? Glad to hear he's feeling better, but that has to be tough on you. See if you can find some coconut milk ice cream - my friend had to cut dairy and she started eating that cuz she is an ice cream fanatic. She said it was actually pretty good!
GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts
@littlebug: he should grow out of it ! In 3 weeks or so I may try a little yogurt or something and see how he does ! If anything I will be skinnyyyyy haha!
pineapple / 12053 posts
@coacheswife123: glad he's doing better! I pinned a bunch of Popsicle recipes that are just fruit, let me know if you want me to send them your way! (Not a coconut milk fan!)
GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts
@littlebug: @allison: the coconut isn't too bad ! I need to try different flavors !
@allison: I saw your post - poor E! Good that he hasn't had bloody dipes though! I've been eating lots of homemade pasta salads !
@birdofafeather: yes that sounds awesome ! Do you still have my email from the spreadsheet ?
pear / 1895 posts
@littlebug: Oh, sorry, I didn't see that you'd already rec'd the coconut milk ice cream!
@coacheswife123: Yeah, I pretty much wrote off the first incident as a fluke, but we just naturally don't eat a ton of dairy so I never really tested it out until this week. Even though we don't eat much of it, it still sucks to know that I CAN'T! Ha.
I also have been scared that I'm getting thrush. My nipples keep getting itchy and I've had some mild shooting pains, but I've had those since the beginning, I think, anyway. So I've started worrying that I eat too much sugar and bread. Cut a lot of that out starting today. SUCKS. I reeeeally don't want us to get thrush, though.
pomelo / 5628 posts
I live all of our different thread by the way!
D had 2 record days in a row this week! He ate 22.5 ounces and then 23. Before that he never got over 21 and his average is typically 19.5. I'm hoping we've turned another tiny corner.
pear / 1895 posts
@Mrs Green Grass: that's awesome! I have absolutely no clue how much Eli eats. He pees/poos like a champ, though, so I just always assume it's enough. I'm curious to know, though!
Poop is back to yellow! My breastmilk is sometimes green, now that I think about it/went and looked in the freezer. Could mother's milk tea do that? That's the only other thing I've consumed differently the last week.
honeydew / 7504 posts
@Mrs Green Grass: Huzzah! Go Dylan!
@allison: I"m trying to think whether or not my milk is more green in the morning or evening. There's definitely a difference. I think it's more green in the morning? Which makes sense, cuz milk is fattier at the end of the day. Right? Or do I have that backwards?
honeydew / 7504 posts
So this weekend, D wasn't nursing too well. He was constantly pulling off, sputtering, and he spit up several times. I'd burp him and let him chill for a bit, then put him back on to nurse, and he'd just sort of root around but not really eat, so I'd assume he was finished. Then an hour later he'd be screaming hungry, and Hubs would give him a bottle - he'd kill 5oz in 20 minutes! I hope we're not going through a nursing strike, but I have a few theories:
1. During the week, I pump both sides every 3 hours. On the weekend, he eats every 3-4 hours, but only one side at a time, so it could be 6-8 hours between boob usage, so my letdown has to be seriously intense. So maybe that's kind of overwhelming him, and he just doesn't want to deal?
2. I also know that he needs to go up on his Zantac dose. He's been gagging and coughing a lot more, and we can see him chewing on spit up every now and then. The dose is based on his weight from his 2-month appointment, and he's nearly 4 months old now - he's gotta have gone up at least a pound or two since then.
Anybody else experience anything like this?
grapefruit / 4923 posts
@Mrs Green Grass: that's wonderful! go dylan!
@littlebug: we had some issues with letdown earlier on--i had pumped too much and created an oversupply. i could tell he was having issues with letdown because he would pop off during the first minute or so (i.e. when letdown occurred) and i could literally see the spray of milk. to help, i would hand express a little milk just to relieve initial pressure--pumping or expressing too much wouldn't have helped because i didn't want to cue my body to produce more. when i felt my letdown coming on during nursing, i would lean back, so that gravity would reduce the force of the stream.
if it were reflux, would he be having issues with the bottle as well (especially if he's drinking so fast!)?
honeydew / 7504 posts
@edelweiss: Well, we use an anti-colic/reflux bottle, so maybe not? I did hand-express a bit this morning before letting him latch (we were also up at 3:30am this morning, which hasn't happened in a while), and that seemed to maybe help a little.
I'm going to see how it goes during the week, and if he nurses like normal, I'm going to try to start pumping whatever side he doesn't nurse on on the weekends, since my body is now used to expressing both sides every 3 hours (so, if he nurses on the right, I'll pump the left).
clementine / 750 posts
We have a bottle strike. It started around 3 months. She had taken a few and then suddenly wouldn't when I got haircut and color. About a week later she had her tongue tie laser-ed and has not taken a bottle since. We've tried multiple bottle types, feeding positions, had hubs try and grandma try. Ugh she goes to daycare on Wednesday since I go back to work.
pomelo / 5628 posts
@Kayak: It'll probably be super stressful for you, but I bet daycare will fix it. :(. Good luck with going back
@littlebug: @allison: my milk is never green... Interesting
@littlebug: I bet a lot of it is the dosage. D was definitely "chewing" and spitting up more right before an increase... Now it's better.
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