pineapple / 12053 posts
we're still on breast milk only, but i've been putting row in her high chair and practicing sitting while we eat. she can sit tripod now for a little bit, so i think sitting up will be here soonish! we have a trip planned for early july, so i don't want to worry about starting before that. she will be just around 6 months then, so we'll try something out then! does anyone have any recipe books or anything? i know in the beginning, we'll just do a food at a time, but i seriously feel lost! ha.
i was looking at this book:
pineapple / 12793 posts
We started solids tonight. L is 5.5 months and withholding food from her was starting to feel mean. She's been so into us eating for long while. Last week she stole a sip of my diet coke while I wasn't looking - apparently she knows how to use a straw. So her first non breastmilk flavour was diet coke. Mom fail.
Today she had roasted sweet potato and looooooved it.
@birdofafeather: I haven't looked at any baby cookbooks. I think I'm just going to wing it by making blander versions of whatever we are eating.
pear / 1895 posts
I found another solids article (via Weston A Price); thought I'd share.
We're still holding off on solids, for now. Glad to hear it's going well for everyone, though! It's so hard to believe our babies are eating solids.
honeydew / 7504 posts
@allison: We haven't started solids yet, either. We had a banana that was over-ripe, and attempted to give it to Dax, but he was nowhere near interested, so we didn't push it. We'll probably wait another couple weeks till he's closer to 6 months.
pomelo / 5628 posts
@allison: what did you think of the article? It's definitely not very common to advocate meats first although I've heard it occasionally.
I'm thinking I'll stick to high calorie feeds and ill add olive oil and butter pretty early.
I have D a taste of avocado and also banana. He wasn't sure what to think. I'm totally nervous about starting! I'll probably wait two more weeks.
Have I posted this site yet? It's come highly recommend by multiple moms I know:
GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts
@oliviaoblivia: hahaha diet coke ! I die !!! J is meh about bananas but loves apples ! That's all we've tried !
pear / 1895 posts
@Mrs Green Grass: I like that the article (and Nourishing Traditions as a whole) focuses on what the body is capable of digesting (like, what enzymes a 6 month old baby makes and what their bodies can break down). It makes sense to me to start meats early. I'm not sure I'll do actual pieces of meat, but I definitely plan to start bone broths early, as well as trying a little bit of egg yolk.
I've cared for too many constipated babies, and it is so sad! I really want to do everything I can to help prevent Eli from going through that. Though I know sometimes it just happens, no matter how hard you try to prevent it.
ETA: btw, I do NOT plan to feed Eli raw liver. Yuck.
pineapple / 12793 posts
@Mrs Green Grass: that's a great resource, thanks!
@coacheswife123: big fail. I was horrified. I was busy taking the dog's collar off and thought L was just playing with my cup. I had no idea she could use a straw. Clever girl.
She had bananas this morning. She gets so excited when I put her in her high chair and then pounds on the table while I'm prepping her food. I'm going to have to work on her table manners. So her first bite of banana was a total disappointment for her -it wasn't sweet potato! She was pissed. And then realized that bananas are yummy too and opened her mouth for more. So funny
grapefruit / 4923 posts
@oliviaoblivia: haha love the image of her pounding her fists for her food. so are you doing finger foods or purees?
@Mrs Green Grass: i'm nervous about starting solids as well. i was talking about it to my husband the other night and he was like, what's the big deal? men.
@birdofafeather: we've been putting E in his booster seat as well to practice sitting and being with us at mealtimes. i have to wedge burp cloths around him to make sure he doesn't tip over too much. have you thought about what food you're going to start with?
as an aside from solids, how much breastmilk/formula are your LOs having these days? E nurses in the morning and at bedtime, and i send 3 bottles to daycare, each 5.5 oz. the ddaycare recently asked me to increase the amount, so they're 6 oz each.
related to that (i feel like 6 oz is fine), i'm worried that they think he's hungry when he's actually just tired--he naps horribly (and i mean HORRIBLY) at daycare. i'm going to talk to the director about it today.
grapefruit / 4235 posts
@edelweiss: L eats 4 oz every 3 hours. I have been sending 4.25-4.5 if i pump more than 12 oz. - I only pump twice a day. Some days he still doesn't finish the bottles.
He nurses as soon as we get home, around 6 pm, and again right before bed (730 at the latest) and at his first wake up at 10:30 pm.
pineapple / 12793 posts
@edelweiss: we are doing a bit of both. Purées with a bit more texture and I'll hand her pieces for her to gnaw on.
So far she's had avocado, broccoli, banana, sweet potato and pear. Everything goes over better on the second day.
I was totally freaked out about starting but I've really enjoyed it. I was also paranoid about starting before six months. Watching her while we eat is ridiculous she gets very upset if she isn't eating too. I feel much more confident in our decision to start early. I'm fairly certain nothing magical is going to happen on July 8th.
honeydew / 7504 posts
I gave D a little bit of egg yolk last night. At first he totally spit it out, but eventually he kind of got it. Not gonna push it, though. But he was sitting at the table with me (which doesn't often happen because of time issues) and he was really interested in watching me eat. So I got out a hard-boiled egg, scooped out the yolk, and gave him a couple small bites.
nectarine / 2771 posts
I had wanted to wait until 6 mths to start, but we started purees at 5 months, and tiny pieces of solids just recently at 5.5 months. lo LOVES to eat - she has yet to try anything she doesn't like, and she starts screeching if we are eating around her and she doesn't get any! Crazy girl. So far, it's been a ton of fun.
pear / 1895 posts
@edelweiss: I have no idea how much bm E is getting, but he recently dropped a feeding. He was nursing every 3 hours, but he decided to start going 4 hours between now. He is still waking at least 1x at night, so I guess he makes up for it then. I estimate he gets around 4 oz at each feeding, so that would be around 24 oz, I guess?
@littlebug: I'm kind of excited that you started him with egg yolk! That's my plan, too, but I'm a little nervous about it. So glad D seemed to do well with it.
pear / 1965 posts
We are still on BM only. I thinking once she is closer to 6 mos we will try. I honestly think she may be ready. She is so into her mouth. Hands, feet, always has to be chewing on something even if its her tongue. But then again she has always been that way, So we will see.
Right now she is nursing in the morning before we go, then two 5 oz bottles at daycare, then nurse twice before bed and usually once during the night.
grapefruit / 4923 posts
@oliviaoblivia: it sounds like a lot of fun! i think we'll do a combo also, but timing is hard for us because we have long commutes, so there's not a lot of time during the week. but i think we're going to try something this weekend. what "something" is, i have no idea. oatmeal cereal? fruit/vegetable puree? we've given him finger foods to handle (big slices of apricot), but he hasn't really been "eating" them.
@yerpie110: that is so cute that she wants to join in the fun! we gave LO a chunk of croissant to suck on, and when i took it away he reached for it and made protesting noises--it was one of the only times i've seen him express a strong preference!
@allison: we were on a 4-hour schedule for a little bit--it's kind of nice! i'm sure he's naturally adjusting how much he eats at his remaining feedings to get enough.
@Rescuemom10: i know, right? i feel like everything goes into the mouth these days.
@littlebug: we don't get a lot of table time together either because of our commutes. that's exciting that he tried egg yolk!
pomelo / 5628 posts
We started officially today! He did not like the avocado mixed with breastmilk. Hopefully oliviaoblivia is right and he'll like it better tomorrow.
D had an appt yesterday and is 12 pounds, 12 ounces at 5.5 months adjusted. He's significantly upped his feeding averages recently. He eats about 22 ounces a day with a record of almost 25...yay! He eats between 6 and 8 times but is definitely starting to space himself out to closer to 4 hours.
GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts
@Mrs Green Grass: ha! This made me lol !
J is loving solids and takes 2-4 oz a day in purées ! I also recently stopped nursing and EP and really am so happy with the decision. He has been such a distracted nurser and wouldn't go for more than 5 min at a time so I was ALWAYS nursing. I pump 5 times a day 10 min a time and he happily takes bottles ! I feel like I have so much more time when I am home now that we made the switch !
honeydew / 7504 posts
Tried bananas again this morning. Went a little better than the first time. It's kind of hard to figure out how we're going to start feeding him solids more regularly, because I don't have time to make dinner before he goes to bed, so usually Hubs and I eat after he goes down. Guess he'll just have to eat dinner alone.
honeydew / 7091 posts
I am SO excited to give L food soon! I'm waiting til 6 months (07/14), because I'll be visiting my parents then and I think it'll be nice for them to get to see *something* before my in-laws get to. It's hard though - she wants to eat so bad! I cheated a little bit and let her suck on my nectarine pit for a couple seconds - she looooved it
@Mrs Green Grass: We're going to do avocado first too! I hope I get such an awesome face
clementine / 750 posts
I'm waiting until 6 months to start which is next week. Egads, so nervous. I'm not sure what to start with, I did get rice cereal and oatmeal. I'm going to talk with the pedi at her visit on Tuesday. One of the pedi's mentioned starting with the rice cereal at her 4 month visit, but we were in the midst of a major bottle strike so they said to hold off until that resolved and then give her a few weeks, so by then we were at 5 months so I decide to wiat until 6 months. She's EBF, but I'm having trouble keeping up with her, I can't pump enought at work and I'm raiding my freezer stash which is small.
grapefruit / 4235 posts
We started some avocado w/breastmilk last night b/c L has been nursing like crazy lately, and can sit pretty well. We didn't feed him a ton, maybe 1/8 of an avocado? He looks really upset in this picture but I swear he was going after the spoon.
@kayakgirl73: I recently upped L's bottles to 5 oz every 3 hours - and I have a 3 oz deficit. Luckily i have a pretty decent freezer stash. Debating about whether to add a pumping session after I put L down at night. (I only pump twice a day at work.)
clementine / 750 posts
@dagret: She gets 5 3oz bottles at daycare. I think I need to consolidate to four bottles. Maybe three 4oz bottles and one 3oz for her last bottle as she usually nurses soon after we get home. I pump 12oz in three sessions at work. So I have a three oz deficit also. I have a not great freezer stash. I have enough in the freezer to make it to August. I could pump after she goes to bed but some nights I can't get her down until close to 10:00pm although it's usually 9:00pm. I just don't think I can take another pumping session. Ugh. I guess I'll see what happens when we start solids.
pear / 1895 posts
I think maybe my milk is super-charged. E is so fat, I just had to buy him 18-24 month shorts from Old Navy. Granted, they are girl shorts (his legs are short!) and run a little small. But come on.
pomelo / 5628 posts
@coacheswife123: 10 min a time! Dang!
@allison: wow! We just graduated to 3 month pants! He's got the narrowest little hips and chicken legs.
Still no luck on the foods...but I'm keeping at it! I'm also giving him hard foods to explore like a large whole carrot. He likes gnawing on that a bit better. (Not for "eating".)
pear / 1895 posts
@Mrs Green Grass: ohh, I like the idea of giving him a carrot to gnaw on. I'll have to try this out. What else can you do? I let E lick an apple slice (that I was holding) once.
grapefruit / 4923 posts
@dagret: i was going to wait until 6 months to start solids, but like your LO, my LO started ratcheting up his intake (three 7 oz bottles at daycare, plus morning and nighttime nursing) and i can't keep up. i pump twice a day at work and added a session before i go to bed and it wasn't enough. daycare said he'd been getting increasingly fussy earlier and earlier, so i read the writing on the wall and started oatmeal cereal and purees this past weekend.
oh my goodness, so cute with the avocado on his mouth!
grapefruit / 4235 posts
@edelweiss: I'm still really careful about breastfeeding him first, THEN offering solids. But i think it was the right thing to do even though it's earlier than I had anticipated.
DH watched L yesterday while I went berry picking...and when I came home he was feeding L pureed peas! I was like, WTH are you doing....he said he was crying and hungry. I told him that's what bottles were for...he was also giving him yogurt!
He's home with him today and I made him promise to feed him a bottle first, and THEN try solids, and no dairy!!
grapefruit / 4923 posts
@dagret: we're doing bottle/breastmilk first (except this weekend when my parents were trying to be nice by letting me nap longer but gave him solids instead of letting me nurse him...), but already i feel like his nursing sessions are shorter. or maybe it's just that he's been a distracted nurser lately. oh what do i know.
good to lay down some ground rules with DH now that we're starting this new stage! i need to do the same with my husband and parents (who live nearby and sometimes babysit).
pear / 1510 posts
Baby A is still on breast milk only except for a few ounces of formula mixed in to her day care bottles if I haven't pumped enough. That stressed me out for a while, but it's fine. I still do a nighttime pump before I go to bed that I'm really wanting to drop. I could then go to bed earlier and maybe even get up to work out!
We're less than two weeks from her 6 mo birthday, so we're going to try some purses while visiting my mom this week. She's 1300 miles away, so I want to do things while we're here that make her feel involved. We just bought a few organic purees. Banana, sweet potato and peas. DH wants to make some of our our own, which is fine with me, but not while traveling.
I'm loving all of the first food baby faces! So cute!
grapefruit / 4923 posts
@BlueWolverine: i would love the drop the last pump of the day also, but i'm stubbornly holding on.
my sister was visiting from across the country last weekend, and we did oatmeal cereal/purees so she could be part of it--i think trying them while you're visiting your mom is a great idea. i'm sure it will be fun, whether A actually eats any or not!
pear / 1895 posts
E just had his first bottle. Ever! It makes me kind of sad, but also relieved.
grapefruit / 4923 posts
@allison: hooray for E! had he rejected bottles before or was this his first time trying one? i can understand the mixed emotions.
pear / 1895 posts
@edelweiss: we tried maybe once before? And he didn't do well with it. I stay at home with him, so we just haven't really needed him to take one. Just kept putting it off.
pineapple / 12053 posts
@allison: glad he took a bottle! Do you have something planned for a little "me-time"?
Rowan had some ripe avocado today mixed with a little breast milk to make it a little runnier. But there were still chunks in it. She didn't hate or love it. Definitely was more interested in the spoon and bowl itself. I can't believe she'll be 6 months in less than a week!! Ah! Our babies are growing!
We have some puréed zucchini that I'll try next. Is it always this messy?? We were outside since we wanted her to have fun but I don't know that we can do that every time!
pear / 1895 posts
@birdofafeather: also, that pic is hilarious. Avocado everywhere! Is that a wooden spoon?
GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts
@allison: good job E !!!
@birdofafeather: her little side rolls are SO CUTE!
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