pear / 1895 posts
DH tried a bottle tonight. I'm glad I only pumped 1 oz to start bc he took approx. .5 oz. Don't think he ever latched on.
We just tried the Medela bottles since we already have one that came with my pump. Should we keep trying that one, or should we get a different bottle? I feel like he didn't like the Medela nipple because it's waaay longer than my actual nipple. Are there bottles with shorter nipples?
GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts
@allison: j hated the medela one too it was too long and too narrow at the base ! We tried playtex ventaire and never looked back ! Shorter nip and nice wide base !
pineapple / 12053 posts
@allison: I would try one or two more times. Rowan refused the first bottle and then the second time I stayed away and she took it. She kinda just gums at the nipple anyway but drinks it. We use the life factory bottles and avent bottles. They couldn't be more different but she's fine with either.
pear / 1599 posts
Our adventure into soldis has been fun so far! Abi was doing oatmeal for awhile but we have moved on. So far her favorite is sweet potatoes. She has also tried avacado (hated it) and pears. She is an EATER! She loves food and gets so so so upset when it is gone. Yesterday she decided to stop drinking her bottles, I am guessing either thinking she would get more food or maybe she was just having an off day. But just in case I have decided that she gets her bottles first completly and then I will offer solids after. We were doing a bottle until she stopped, usually about half way and then she would finish it to use it to wash down her food. But the little stinker started to refuse the bottle once she saw her little bowl of food. We have been doing all organic fresh made food, way easier and faster than I thought it would be. Next up are green beans and then peaches : )
This was todays hissy fit after her pears were gone
GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts
@pinkb: hahahaha !! So cute ! I think we are going to start with sweet potatoes when the time comes !
honeydew / 7504 posts
@allison: D loves the Tommee Tippee bottles - they are shaped just like a boob. I have mine to my sister but I don't think she's using them, so I might be able to send you a couple next weekend, if you want to try before you buy! Let me know!
@pinkb: Aww, little Abi! Our ped gave us the green light to strt solids around 5 months, and I think we'll also probably start with sweet potatoes!
pineapple / 12793 posts
@pinkb: OMG so cute! She loves food!
We have the green light to start, but our ped said he started his own kids at six months. I think we'll wait until six months to start. L really wants to start its pretty funny watching her while we eat. We might give her a little here and there before six months. I think sweet potato will be her first food too.
pear / 1895 posts
@littlebug: um, that would be awesome! We haven't tried a bottle yet again (I keep forgetting about it), but we really need to.
honeydew / 7504 posts
@allison: Ok. I am going to see my sister next weekend (the 8th) so I'll get them from her then and mail them to you asap. Email me your address (!
pear / 1895 posts
re: starting solids, I've been thinking about what we'll start with, too. He's definitely not ready yet, though. I just want to throw it out there that I read somewhere (but can't find the source now!) that sweet potato may not be very easily digested by a baby. I think because it's starchy? I had thought that would be what we started with, too, but I'm rethinking it. I think we'll start with egg yolk or bananas. I read that bananas have an enzyme in them that our bodies naturally produce to digest our food (so since it's already present in the bananas, it's easy on the baby's body to digest).
After reading all the blog and board posts about baby constipation and gut health, I'm so paranoid!
ETA: I'm pretty sure the sweet potato thing was from a post I read about the Nourishing Traditions book. It wasn't this post, but it seems to have some good advice: She ferments her sweet potatoes to make them more easily digested.
grapefruit / 4923 posts
@oliviaoblivia: i think i'm going to wait until 6 months also, for a few reasons. one of them being that i'd like him to be sitting up on his own or almost so when he starts foods.
pineapple / 12053 posts
i think we're going to wait until 6 months as well. she's not showing that she's near ready for sitting (although we've been strapping her into her high chair to play with toys just for practice) and like @allison: i'm concerned about gut health and not looking forward to the poop change or constipation issues.
i have started researching though because i'm terrible about meal planning and i don't think meals of bread, cheese and juice (my favorite lazy dinner, just sub juice for wine) is acceptable for a baby!
pomelo / 5628 posts
I don't even own a high chair yet! Better get one... I'm waiting until about 6 months too. I've only done casual research but want to learn more. I'm definitely going to do purees, not blw. And I want to skip cereals since they have no nutrition. My sister just tries each cereal to check for allergy...I might do that too. No idea what I'll start with? I've seen some people start with avocado and is like something calorie dense since needs needs every calorie he can get.
I'd live to hear about everyone's research! I get out of school in 3 weeks so that's when we will probably staet
pineapple / 12793 posts
L sits up really well, watches me eat like a hawk, and opens her mouth for food. BUT....
All of my research says six months or later is best.
Kelly mom really convinced me to wait even though my gut says start.
@allison: thanks for that link on sweet potatoes! So interesting.
GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts
@oliviaoblivia: i'm in the same boat as you. My gut is telling me to start soon but everything else says to wait. I bought a high chair yesterday! J watches us eat constantly. Like watches the fork and follows it to my mouth and has recently started reaching for the food and fussing when he can't get it. He usually sits in his Bumbo seat on top of the dining table while we eat so he is all in the middle of the meal process. I don't know what to do!
@allison: aw boo. I was going to start with sweet potatoes too.
honeydew / 7504 posts
@oliviaoblivia: @coacheswife123: Dax watches us eat, too. And he is CONSTANTLY grabbing at our cups when we're drinking. Hubs let him put his cup to his mouth and Dax totally started tipping it! I was like "What are you doing?!" Crazy hubby.
honeydew / 7504 posts
@allison: Really interesting article! I had not planned on starting Dax on grains, and am now considering waiting to introduce grains for a bit longer. Will have to look into it a bit more. Also, I started looking into lacto-fermentation for sweet potatoes, and it doesn't look too hard! Basically just strain a yogurt and put the liquid you collect in with the ingredient. I seriously may give it a shot! Thanks for posting that link!
pomelo / 5628 posts
@littlebug: That sounds like a lot of work to me! Maybe I'll just wait on sweet potato : )
I'm thinking avocado and banana at the start.
I saw another graphic on Kellymom (but can't find it right now) that listed when the body was able to digest certain aspects of foods. Like starches take a bit longer, fats even longer than that...(need to find it!)
honeydew / 7504 posts
@Mrs Green Grass: Yeah, well...I say that now, ha ha! We'll see! Definitely post a link to that graphic if you find it!
pear / 1895 posts
@littlebug: @Mrs Green Grass: The instructions I read said to just mix the yogurt in with the sweet potatoes and let it sit out on the counter for a day or two, then refrigerate. No straining. But I'm not sure I want to give LO yogurt that early, so I might try it with raw apple cider vinegar. I think the key is to mix the cooked potatoes with something that contains probiotics. The probiotics then feed on the starches, making the potatoes easier to digest. You have to let it sit out because extreme heat or cold can retard/kill the cultures.
Here's one recipe I found that uses yogurt or coconut kefir:
NVM about the ACV. This site says it won't work. Boo.
Guess I'll try the coconut kefir, then.
honeydew / 7091 posts
L is very interested in our food, but she's not sitting up at all yet, and I think it's definitely important for her to be sitting well before she can eat. I'm not mentally ready for her to be eating solids though, she's still a little baby to me! We still 1.5 months til 6 months, so that'll hopefully give me some time to get prepared!
I think we'll start with avocado, then banana. My SIL did A LOT of research based on how babies' gut bacteria develops, and said that pears are the best one to start with.
clementine / 750 posts
Well our bottle strike resolved a week and a half into going to daycare. She barely took anything the first week and a half and even had to be dropper fed several times. She only likes the Playtex nurser with the brown latex nipples.
Trying to figure out when to start solids. She is 5 months on Sunday. Pedi said resolve the bottle strike first, which we have. I;m somewhat reluctant to start solids but I'm getting some push back on pumping at work. She comments like you need to start solids soon and that you should probably try mixing formula in type of things.
pear / 1895 posts
@kayakgirl73: the Playtex bottle you're using--is that the drop-in one? I nannied for a bf baby that would only use those, too. I'll have to add that to my list of bottles to try.
grapefruit / 4923 posts
@swurlygurl: i feel very similarly. *i'm* just not ready for it yet, and LO can't sit up on his own so i feel like it would be a lot of work to try and feed him. my pediatrician said to start sometime before 6 months, but i'll see when he starts sitting up unassisted or almost unassisted.
@kayakgirl73: oh thank goodness the bottle strike is resolved that must have been so stressful.
how is everyone feeling about purees or baby led weaning or a combination? i'm intrigued by BLW and would like to do it, but i think for daycare we will send purees.
pear / 1895 posts
@edelweiss: Right now, I think we're going to start solids by just mashing it up a bit. Not BLW, but not completely pureed, either. Since he'll just be tasting things and getting used to the concept, I don't want to go through all that trouble making a big batch of pureed food. After he gets the hang of it, I'm thinking I will reevaluate and see how I feel re: BLW vs. purees.
honeydew / 7504 posts
@edelweiss: Yeah, we're going to do a combination of purees and BLW. Since he's in daycare, and I doubt they'd be comfortable with BLW, we'll send purees for during the day, but a dinner time we'll do BLW. I think. That's my plan for now. We'll see if that actually happens.
pomelo / 5628 posts
I'm going to do purees. I agree it all very overwhelming which is why I'm waiting until school gets out next week. Right now I'm looking at high hairs and supplies.
My sister told me about the site wholesome food. It's great for listing foods and giving recipes.
I think I'm going to start with avocado, then banana... I'm totally not ready though!
GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts
Those of you who work ... How many bottles and how much does your LO take ? I saw a thread that is freaking me out saying babies should only have like 25 oz a day total and anything more is stretching their tummies. Well J nurses in the morning , has 4 (sometimes 5) 5oz bottles while I'm at work then nurses while I am home at night. So he's taking 20 oz just while I'm at work. We don't feed him on a schedule necessarily but he eats pretty consistently at every 2.5 hrs and only eats when and if he is hungry !
Should I just ignore and keep doing what is working for us ? Doc is happy with his weight gain and I honestly can't see us cutting back on bottles and don't think we should. Help !
honeydew / 7504 posts
@coacheswife123: D gets 3 5-oz bottles at daycare, plus I nurse him 3x a day (once in the am, once when we get home, and once at bedtime).
I'd say if your doctor isn't worried about his weight gain, then I wouldn't try to change anything. What you're doing obviously works.
GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts
@littlebug: that's what I think. He's not throwing up from being overfull and has always eaten more frequently !
Speaking of feeding. I just mailed this off to a milk bank! Feels so good to donate ! 300 oz !
grapefruit / 4235 posts
@coacheswife123: I was sending 4 4 oz bottles to daycare, which L was eating when he had his growth spurt, but since then he's been wasting a lot. So they switched him to 4 oz bottles every 3 hours (so 3 bottles/12 oz) and he's been eating much better. He nurses once around 5 am and again around 8, then immediately when we get home and again before bed. Plus a couple of night feedings. I wouldn't worry about it!
J is a pretty big (long) baby and i'm sure his belly is naturally bigger than other babies!
I think I am going to do skip grains, do purees for daycare and BLW at home - avocado and banana to start probably.
I might make my own purees, mainly depending on what's in our CSA box! It's local and organic. Plus I have some applesauce I canned without sugar last fall.
grapefruit / 4235 posts
@coacheswife123: that's awesome! I have 200 oz in my freezer stash right now. I am sitting on it for now b/c my friend is pregnant with triplets and once they're here i was going to see if she would want any before I donated. (totally letting her know I'm OK if she doesn't want any!)
honeydew / 7091 posts
@coacheswife123: L gets expressed milk and formula, so i know she's getting exactly 25-30 ounces a day. Lately it's been closer to 30 ounces daily. She's in the 50%, so it's not even like she's a fatty or anything. So, I would say you're fine - especially since you have such a long baby!!
GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts
We caved and gave J some banana purée anddddd he loved it. He only ate maybe 10 bites but swallowed it all and was grabbing the spoon and moving it to his mouth !
pomelo / 5628 posts
I gave D just a taste of avocado last night (totally unplanned). He wasn't sure about it, but didn't hate it. Excited to start for real in the next couple if weeks. Do you all have all your gear? I just got a high chair but otherwise have nothing.
@coacheswife123: D's all-time record is 23 oz in a day. I feel like it's waay on the low end. I think 19-30 is average right? But I know many babies who eat more.
My bffs baby eats 4 8 oz bottles a day! Omg I can't even imagine!
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