Hellobee Boards


January 2013 sleep

  1. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    @coacheswife123: go baby J! That's awesome!

    Four month update: we had two nights with two night wakings and have been STTN for the past four. Please let this post not jinx us.

  2. dagret

    grapefruit / 4235 posts

    We started swaddling L with arms out. He's been doing great!

    During his growth spurt 2 weeks ago he was waking every 2 hours - about 4x/night. Then he slowly went down to 3 night wakings, then 2 - now he's waking at 2 am and then around 515 - 550. At the morning one i've been grabbing him and bringing him into bed with us, breastfeeding, so we can all sleep till 6 or 7.

  3. edelweiss

    grapefruit / 4923 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: hooray hooray! also hoping for the no jinx.

    @dagret: that's great about the swaddle-weaning, and L gradually dropping his night feedings. hope the trend continues!

  4. Mrs Green Grass

    pomelo / 5628 posts

    We actually let Dylan STTN the last two nights instead of feeding him at 3 am. He falls asleep usually around 8pm (last night at 6:30!)...I feed him around 8 and 10:30 still, but both nights he's slept all the way until 6am.

    I was so afraid of his volume going down, but he still hit his average ounces yesterday.

    So he slept 11 1/2 hours last night and probably went back to sleep after I left this morning (after his morning poop).

  5. littlebug

    honeydew / 7504 posts

    @Mrs Green Grass: I just read that in your blog - that's so awesome!

    D has been waking up in the middle of the night (well, early morning). He wakes up, and I nurse him back down to sleep, then he sleeps again till I wake him up for the day (usually around 6). It's only the once, but it keeps getting earlier and earlier, so I wonder if it'll be more than once eventually, or if it'll just go back to normal. Hoping for the latter! It's only the once for now, but it's so out of the ordinary for us, it's been a tough adjustment.

    ETA: The past 2 mornings, when my alarm has gone off, I've found him sleeping on his side. He goes to sleep flat on his back, so he must roll himself over at some point!

  6. pl0508

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts

    @littlebug: j did this at 12 weeks - I bet it passes quickly ! After him sleeping through that middle of the night wake up was HORRIBLE. I feel your pain!

  7. dagret

    grapefruit / 4235 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: how's her sleep? Still sttn?
    @Mrs Green Grass: that's awesome on all fronts- more sleep for you and D's hitting his intake goals? Yay!

    @littlebug: l did this too a few weeks ago. He used to just wale at 430. Now he wakes at 230 and between 5-6.

    We went to friends for dinner last night and L refused to sleep in the rnp- so we put him on the couch and he conked out. When we got home we just plopped him in the crib - no swaddle- and he was fine!

  8. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    @dagret: don't jinx it! Haha, so far so good.

  9. Mrs Green Grass

    pomelo / 5628 posts

    @dagret: that's awesome! I think Dylan would be ok with his crib, but he's never slept in the pack and play. I know we need to transition soon but I'm scared! I have the crib at an incline...not sure how to do that for a pnp - or maybe he doesn't need it anymore...

  10. dagret

    grapefruit / 4235 posts

    @Mrs Green Grass: he sleeps great in the pack n play - he hates the rock n play! He's D's opposite - he usually won't sleep at an incline.

    So last night L got congested and WOULD. NOT. STAY. ASLEEP. I coudn't even get the junk out with the Nosefrida.

    I wanted to die of exhaustion. He was up from 1030-12, woke at 1, 230, 4 and 6, then was up for good at 630. And I was on edge b/c he didn't feel good, so I barely slept. Daycare just called and said he had a smidge of a temperature. Really hoping tonight is better.

  11. allison

    pear / 1895 posts

    Man. I don't know what's up but Eli has not been my champion sleeper the past several nights. We had family come visit Thursday-Monday, and I think that messed him up a little bit. I know I don't really have any right to complain about a 3.5 month old waking up once or twice a night to eat, but I was so used to STTN! He does go right back to sleep, so it could definitely be worse. Still hope he goes back to normal soon...

    We did finally get the hang of side-lying nursing a couple nights ago! I'm a big fan.

  12. littlebug

    honeydew / 7504 posts

    @allison: D went through this last week! It only lasted a week and now we're back to STTN. He actually seems to need an earlier bedtime, too! Hope it corrects as quickly for you guys!

  13. allison

    pear / 1895 posts

    I think we may have rounded a corner with the sleep situation. Finally. I started putting him in a huge prefold-contraption diaper and he can't move around very well in it. Pretty sure that's why he was waking up so much--he'd spin around in the crib and get all up on the side and didn't like it. He still wakes up way earlier than he used to (5:30), but now that I can nurse him lying down, I just do that and let him stay in the bed with us until we get up.

  14. birdofafeather

    pineapple / 12053 posts

    we're back to two night wakings some times which is now suddenly killing me (i guess i was on adrenaline for the last 4 months!), but swaddling her hands to her mouth has helped a ton. she now has been putting herself to sleep when i put her down awake. i still cross my fingers every time i do it, but it works. she also wiggles her hands/arms completely free at night, so it's pretty funny to finally go to bed ourselves and see her arms all splayed out. i think that she still has a hard time getting her hand to her mouth to soothe once she's totally free (thus the second night waking) but i'm hopefully she'll figure that out soon too!

  15. dagret

    grapefruit / 4235 posts

    @allison: I'm doing the same thing with morning nursing, ha.

    @birdofafeather: we are back to 3 night wakings all of a sudden. I think he moves around and is freaked out.
    He has started to cry when I put him down but I just dump him out of my arms really quickly and run away.

  16. edelweiss

    grapefruit / 4923 posts

    @birdofafeather: so glad the swaddling of the hands near the face is working! i know what you mean about the night wakings being really hard now--during maternity leave it didn't seem like a big deal, but when i went back to work, even one night waking was killing me. interrupted sleep is no fun!

    @dagret: they're going through so much these days--it's funny to see what different positions they end up in (but not so much the crying). i laughed at the image of your "dump and run" maneuver.

    @allison: glad things have gotten better!

  17. littlebug

    honeydew / 7504 posts

    @dagret: Hee hee...dump and run. We're planning to switch up Daxon's bedtime routine next week after the holiday (don't want to try something new before we travel for 2 nights). Right now I'm nursing him to sleep, and I'd like to get away from that. So I may be dump-and-running soon, too! Does he soothe himself to sleep quickly then?

    Dax usually ends up on his side most mornings. One morning he was on his tummy, and that was the first time I've ever snuck into his room to make sure he was breathing! His head was turned, but it just made me nervous cuz he's still rolling on his own yet. But yeah, he usually ends up on his side, shoved right up against the crib bars. Hubs went to get him one morning and he was, like, hugging the crib bar - he said it looked like he was hanging on for dear life!

  18. littlebug

    honeydew / 7504 posts

    Ugh, so we attempted to switch Daxon's bedtime routine this weekend. Friday night went great - I nursed him, Hubs bathed him, then he got his massage and lullaby, and then I rocked and read to him on the glider. I put him in his crib awake. After about 10 minutes, he started to cry. We let him cry for 3 minutes, then I went up and gave him back his paci and comforted him. He fell asleep 5 minutes later. I thought we had sleep training in the bag.

    Yeah, no. Last night, save routine. He started crying almost immediately. After 3 minutes, Hubs went up. Daxon was inconsolable. Hubs even picked him up and held him, and it did nothing to calm him down. I let them go 3-5 minutes before finally going upstairs to help. After another minute of me trying to calm him down with the paci and rocking on the glider,I finally said eff it and nursed him to sleep.

    It was awful. Daxon had screamed himself hoarse! He still sounds absolutely terrible this morning. I feel horrible. I feel like feeding him to sleep may not be so bad now compared to that - I can't go through that again, and don't want to put him through it.

  19. allison

    pear / 1895 posts

    @littlebug: I've been sort of debating attempting to sleep train because I'd like for him to take all naps in his crib (because eventually he's going to outgrow the RnP, where he takes all his naps currently). But the only way he goes to sleep in his crib is if I nurse him first. I usually put him down asleep, but sometimes he's allllmost asleep, but not quite. I'm just going with it. I know it's probably not the most healthy thing in the world, in the long run, for me to nurse him to sleep, but I'm with you in that I just really can't handle him screaming! I hope neither of us regret our decisions on down the road, but I think I'm just going to go with what works for now.

  20. Mrs Green Grass

    pomelo / 5628 posts

    Here's what I'm doing if it helps (no magic cures through):
    Dylan takes almost all naps in his crib or the pack n play and we transitioned to pack n play at night about 3 weeks ago with no problems - he actually goes down in his crib first because I stay up to do 1-2 dream feeds before going to bed, so that's when he moves to pack n play. He typically sleeps from 8-6 with an occasional 3 am wake-up (which is when he used to get his MOTN feed).

    I don't have a set schedule so I wait for him to get pretty tired, then we read, then I swaddle him, arms out, I turn the sleep sheep on and his mobile with no sound, then I hold and pay him for a bit until he gets "heavy," then I put him down. He often gets upset, so I jiggle/rock him with my hand on his chest, then just leave my hand on his chest, then slowly leave the room.

    Often it works well and he's down, but I definitely have some really difficult nights. If he gets really upset, I do pick him up and calm him down, then start over.

    Our biggest issue right now is 30 minute wake ups for naps. He's still tired, but needs help to go back to sleep.

    Most of the techniques I'm trying are from dr karp (happiest baby). He's a huge advocate of swaddling and white noise and also says you can do whatever you need to to get then to sleep, (just make sure it's something easy for you to potentially do all the time), but you wake the baby up just a bit when you put them down so that they learn to calm themselves.

    Anyone else dealing with the 30 minute wake up?

  21. birdofafeather

    pineapple / 12053 posts

    and last night she woke up 3 times. i died a little inside. hope it was just a weird fluke and not a regression. she was just once a night and it was around 3 or 4. last night it was midnight (!!) 3 and 7.

  22. swurlygurl

    honeydew / 7091 posts

    I might be a victim of the 4-month sleep regression... It's too early to tell for sure though.

    Lyla has been STTN for the last 10 weeks, with NO wakeups. All of a sudden, 4.5 months old, we've had two middle of the night wakeups in a row! But, we've also stopped swaddling her, and she's pretty congested right now. So, I don't know if it's strictly 4-month regression, or a combo of the other things.

    I do miss the swaddle though

  23. edelweiss

    grapefruit / 4923 posts

    @littlebug: i'm sorry that must have been heartbreaking! good job on going with your instincts and just nursing him to sleep--it sounded like he was pretty upset, little guy. i'm having a brain blip, but have you heard of the sleep training method where you sit by the crib and gradually move away as the days progress until you are out of the room? i wish i could remember the name right now. maybe that would be an easier transition? but if nursing to sleep is working and you're okay with it, i think that's great.

    @Mrs Green Grass: the 20, 30, and 45-minute wake ups during naps have been the bane of my existence since week 4. around the 12-week mark, i started waiting 15-20 minutes when he woke up before picking him up to see what would happen. he usually fell back asleep. that was good, but he continued to wake up at those intervals for at least a month, so i listened to him cry/fuss...a lot (to clarify, it wasn't hard continuous crying; i could see on the monitor that his eyes were usually closed and he was trying to fall back asleep). now at 4.5 months he is getting better, although occasionally he will still wake up at a short interval. if he cries for more than 15-20 minutes, i call it a wash and pick him up. nap training is harder than night sleep training, i've heard.

    @birdofafeather: i hope it was a fluke, or at worst just a short phase. LO has definitely gone back and forth a couple of times. i feel so disappointed when i feel like it's a step "backwards"--i know i shouldn't view it so negatively, but it's hard not to worry, you know?

    @swurlygurl: first of all, i'm so amazed that you've been having STTN for 10 whole weeks! sounds like there are several factors going on right now that could be affecting her sleep--crossing fingers that whatever it is, she's back to her regular schedule soon!

    in the past week, we've had more mornings of LO waking up 1 to 1.5 hours before his usual wake up time. it is rough.

  24. allison

    pear / 1895 posts

    Eli has woken up at 3 and 6 for the past two nights. At 3, I nurse him and put him back in his crib. At 6, I nurse him and he stays in bed with us. He usually goes right back to sleep, thank goodness. I'm really thankful I haven't had any supply issues, else these new wake-ups might be a lot more difficult!

    Today, he hasn't taken very good naps AT ALL. I really think his gums are bothering him and keep waking him up. He's woken up crying several times, which is really unusual for him. He feels a tad bit warm, too (low-grade fever), but I don't want to give him Tylenol or anything, so we're just all suffering through together

  25. birdofafeather

    pineapple / 12053 posts

    how late do you let your little ones nap? i've been having a hard time recently figuring out how long i should keep her up. i think when she naps too late, she's not tired enough and she wakes up more at night? but then it feels weird to wake her up... but it's almost 5:30 and she's been out for about an hour and a half bc her other two naps today were only about 45 minutes each.

    she has seemed to fall into an 8-8 schedule, on a good night with one wake up, on a not so good night with 2-3.

  26. pl0508

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts

    @birdofafeather: its 7:30 here and J has been asleep for 2 hrs. He's only taken crap naps today though so I'm glad he's sleeping. I can't figure out if it affects his night sleep though. We never wake him but sometimes I just end up putting him to bed during a late nap!

  27. birdofafeather

    pineapple / 12053 posts

    @coacheswife123: yeah, i haven't woken her up yet either because i feel bad about her crappy naps too. at what point do you say, okay, it's bedtime instead? there have been times where she's been exhausted around 6:30/7 or so and i get her ready for bed (or she takes a cat nap on someone) but this late afternoon, early evening naps are so confusing!

  28. pl0508

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts

    @birdofafeather: usually by 8:30 or so !!

  29. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    @birdofafeather: I let Liv nap until five but no later. She's settled into a 7-7 schedule which works pretty well for us. On days when I let her sleep longer, she still wants to go to bed at seven. For the longest time she had a nine bedtime which I preferred. I wake her at five if she naps that long because I'm afraid she's just going to keep going to bed earlier and earlier. DH comes home too late a lot of the time anyway, I want him to still be able to see her awake.

  30. allison

    pear / 1895 posts

    Eli has been waking up 2-3 times a night for the last week or so. Last night he nursed for OVER AN HOUR. Got multiple letdowns. He never even did that when he was a newborn! He had it figured out, too: we side-lie nurse at night, so he's usually on his side on the bed. But for this session he turned back over onto his back and just turned his head toward the boob to eat.

    I think this is my new normal.

  31. birdofafeather

    pineapple / 12053 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: @coacheswife123: thanks for the nap feedback. we've just been playing it by ear and sometimes she naps late, other times, she's up from 4 to 8! she's a pretty flexible kiddo though and let's us know if she's tired.

    so we moved her to the crib last night! after 3 days/nights at my mom's where she could (and did!) roll around in the crib, get perpendicular, turn in 180s, etc., she was not happy when she couldn't do the same in the cosleeper. so we got a curtain rod, slapped up a quilt to block out the sun (it's way brighter in the nursery than our room!), moved the white noise, monitor, and thermometer, and broke down the cosleeper so i couldn't go back!

    i was kinda nervous, but i had been feeling like it was time as she was regressing from 1 MOTN wakeup around 3/4 to two and keeping me up with her chatting to herself. this photo sealed the deal:

    so last night was a total success and she slept from 8:45-6, nursed and went back to sleep until 8. hoping it's not a fluke!

    @allison: is eli still waking up super frequently?

  32. allison

    pear / 1895 posts

    @birdofafeather: actually, it's gotten better! He's not STTN, but is just waking up once now, usually after 3am. Looking back, I'm realizing that it was the 4 month sleep regression. I mean, everybody's always talking about it, so how did I not connect the dots til now?! But we have been noticing that the last week or so he's advanced a lot, physically and mentally, so it makes sense!

  33. allison

    pear / 1895 posts

    Eli has pushed his bedtime back to 8:30 and it's GLORIOUS!

  34. dagret

    grapefruit / 4235 posts

    Holy Shnikes, I started putting L on his belly to nap and it HAS CHANGED MY LIFE. He used to nap from 20-45 min, tops, and now naps from 45 min - 2 hours at a stretch.

  35. birdofafeather

    pineapple / 12053 posts

    @dagret: now that row has been unswaddled and in her crib, she flips immediately to her tummy and is out. it's amazing!

  36. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    Belly sleep is the best. L won't have it any other way now.

  37. swurlygurl

    honeydew / 7091 posts

    Same here - belly sleep all the way. I don't even try to put her on her back anymore

  38. pinkb

    pear / 1599 posts

    How much do your LO's nap? Abi was sleeping from 8 or 9 till 4 or 5 eating and going back down til 6:45 - 7:30. But now Abi has started a bad habit of waking up between 4:45am and 5:45am and wanting to get up for the day Considering I work till 11pm and dont get to bed most nights till 12, I really need to try and get her to sleep a bit longer so I can function! She usually naps within 2 hours of waking for the day, sometimes it is just for 30 min and sometimes for 2 hours. And then she usually goes down again around 1 for between 30 min to an hour and a half (just depends how the first nap went usually) Then she usually naps for DH in the evening around 5ish. I am thinking it should just be 2 naps a day and nothing later than 5...? Thoughts? Cause DH isnt very happy with me sayign no nap time during his time with her

  39. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    @pinkb: L is usually up at 7, back down for a nap at 8:30, awake at 9:30, nap at 11:30, awake at 1, nap at 3:30, awake at 4:45, bed at 7:10. But it's all fairly variable some times she'll take a two hour morning nap and just a half hour at lunch. Yesterday she took four thirty minute naps and went to bed at nine.

  40. Mrs Green Grass

    pomelo / 5628 posts

    I'm on at least 3 naps too. He gets up at 6, down at 8. Sometimes the late nap is close to 5, but it stresses me out when it is because I really would like him asleep by 730...usually it's more like 8. He's sleeping a total of about 14 1/2 hours.

    I would try not going to her right away or offering paci if she takes it. D sometimes waks up at 430 and if we ignore him he usually goes back to sleep pretty quickly.

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