pineapple / 12793 posts
@swurlygurl: wow since four months!? I feel like we've been in 2-3 purgatory for a month now. I really prefer two naps to three.
pear / 1599 posts
I have had days where Abi takes only 2 naps and it was so much better than 3! But she still consistanly takes 3 mostly crappy naps.
pineapple / 12053 posts
so we've have two night wake ups for a couple weeks now and i last night i saw four (!!) swollen lumps on the top along with the tips of the white teeth under the surface. she also was running a fever in the middle of the night last night. really hoping these teeth come through soon. they are killing me!
pomelo / 5628 posts
@birdofafeather: ugh! I hope they do too for both of your sakes!
honeydew / 7091 posts
I am going to go crazy... I miss my 3-6 month baby that STTN! 6-8 months she woke up once anywhere from 2 am to 4 am. Not my favorite, but I've been dealing. I just made sure to remember to cherish the extra sleepy cuddles. But now she's also waking up at 10/11 which is right after we fall asleep. I don't know where this came from!? She has never ever woken up that early. She'd better be doing some amazing growing... haha
grapefruit / 4235 posts
I AM IN SLEEP HELL. He was doing much better for a while but he's teething (top gums all swollen) and is in the 37 week wonder week and i think a growth spurt - he'll go down the first time at night just fine, but when he wakes at 10/11, he's a beast to get back down, and as soon as his head hits the mattress he starts crying. He has slept the past two nights ON TOP OF ME EATING ALL NIGHT (and his food consumption is INSANE throughout the day) and wakes at 5:30 (yesterday) and 615 (today) OMG i am so tired I want to die.
honeydew / 7091 posts
@dagret: That sounds a lot like us (minus the nursing). L is eating 40+ ounces a day! Good grief child!
grapefruit / 4235 posts
@swurlygurl: I'm glad I'm not alone.
Yesterday he ate:
10 oz BM in bottles
breastfeeding x 3
4 oz baby food puree x2
4 oz yogurt/kiwi puree
1/3 c cucumber matchsticks
1/2 c chicken and noodles leftovers
1/3 c shredded cheese
2 oz pork
some carrot and potato
1 oz noodles
and then ate pretty much all night for the second night in a row!
honeydew / 7091 posts
@dagret: What a good food eater! We're still not much for solids... she eats 8-10 ice cubes of purees a day, and doesn't show any interest in solid-er food.
pear / 1599 posts
@dagret: I fell your pain! Abi slept thru the night all the way for the first time in ages on Sunday and now it is hell. I am having such a hard time getting her to go to sleep, she is fighting it so bad. Today for her nap she whined and cried in her bed for 45 minutes until she finally passed out. She had been up from 5:30am till 10am. I went in and she was so tired she was loopy, I had to lay her back down and she was out. If we put her in her crib awake or drowsy she will just sit up and play and whine until she either falls over asleep or we go in and lay her down. For her nap yesterday I had to physically hold her laying down in my arms while she was crying to get her to relax and she immediately passed out for 2 hours. I am use to my snugly baby who happily falls asleep in my arms and then I put her in bed. Wake ups are back to 2 or more a night I dont like the night wake ups but I will gladly go back to just those if she will just fall asleep again.
And definitely growing, a lot!
pineapple / 12053 posts
Yeah, we had one of 4 teeth poke through but we're still in the thick of gnarly teething. She's super whiny and clingy, poor girl. DH gave her some hylands tablets when she woke up crying about an hour and a half after she went to bed. She passed right out.
grapefruit / 4235 posts
I don't want to jinx myself --- but L has only woken up ONCE at night these past 3-4 nights!!!
We started CIO when we put him down at night. When we got that under control (might only get a minute or two of whining), I started not going to him when he had his first wakeup of the night.
And since he got that under control, he's only been waking at midnight or 1 am. HOLY CRAP.
pear / 1895 posts
Resurrecting this thread to ask how naps are going with everyone! After a teething bout over Christmas, accompanied with a runny/stuffy nose and major sleep troubles, we have officially moved to one nap a day. After about a week of inconsistent sleep lengths, he seems to have settled in to at least 2 hours, so I'm happy with it. He usually naps from 1-3ish, but today he went down at noon! He's also going to bed around 7:30-8, waking once at 2am to nurse, and waking for the day at 6:30-7.
Is this pretty comparable to everyone else? Sometimes I feel like he should be sleeping more at night. Like maybe I should put him down earlier?
(I'm also about to post in the Feeding thread about nursing sessions. Trying to keep things organized! But it's related...)
pineapple / 12793 posts
@allison: We are still doing two naps. Occasionally she'll have a one nap day. A typical day is:
up at 7/8
nap at 9:30ish
wake at 11ish
nap at 2ish
wake at 3:30ish
bedtime at 7:30 again -ish.
she's been fighting bed time more this week (last night didn't go down until 8:40) but I just started back at work so there has been a bit of upheaval to her little lifestyle.
pineapple / 12053 posts
@allison: @oliviaoblivia: we're in the 2 nap to 1 transition i think. some days, she does really well and naps 2 times well and goes to sleep easily. other times, she rocks the 1 nap. the last couple days, she's fought her second nap (but still went to bed easily for the first nap after 2 hours of awake time!) and then had a hard time falling asleep at night. we're traveling next week and i have no idea what naps will be like. after that, i might try to transition her to 1 nap so we have some consistency.
pear / 1895 posts
@birdofafeather: That's what Eli was doing, too! Going down easily for the first nap, but skipping the second. Switching to one might be in your near future. It did take about a week (for a friend of mine, it took more like a month... :/) to get that one nap to a decent length. But he does much better going down at night, now that we're only doing one.
@oliviaoblivia: poor mama and baby! I hope the work transition is going okay for the both of you.
grapefruit / 4923 posts
@allison: we're still at 2 naps, at least on the weekends. at daycare he just gets 1 nap. at home, based on his sleep cues, we put him down about 2 hours after he wakes up (usually a 45-minute nap) and then later in the afternoon for a 1.5 hour nap. although i feel like my LO has usually been slower in transitioning to longer awake periods (i remember people writing about jan '13 LO's staying up for 2 hours at a time, and LO was still pushing 1 1/4 hours).
pineapple / 12793 posts
@allison: She's actually doing really well. A friend with a 14 month old is looking after her. The girls seem to be having a blast during the day. And I'm actually liking being back at work more than I expected. I was a mess for my last two weeks of leave. Randomly sobbing throughout the day. It's nice to have that part of my life back though.
grapefruit / 4235 posts
we're in the 2-to-1 nap transition. And L is starting full time daycare next week to hopefully make that transition (to just one nap and the next room up) a bit easier. L's schedule right now is most often like @oliviaoblivia's.
pineapple / 12053 posts
@edelweiss: R could never be up very long either. i was pretty shocked that she suddenly could go from 2 hours awake in the morning to 4 just like that, but she's done really well! i still think she could go to sleep easily for her morning nap, but she would fight the afternoon nap like crazy and then fight bedtime too! she was on the two nap routine since 7 months, but her awake times were no more than 3 hours tops before the transition to one nap.
honeydew / 7504 posts
D has been taking one nap at daycare for months...probably since about 8-9 months. I don't know how they keep him happy and melt-down free, because if he gets up at his normal time at home, he is a disaster by around 10 and usually passes out for about 30-45 minutes. Then he consistently naps from about 1-3 every day. I am not happy about the one-nap thing, and worry (probably ridiculously) that it's contributed to his delays in development. But everything I've read says that babies do most of their growth and development in their sleep, so... It didn't really dawn on me how inappropriate it was for an 8-month old to only have one nap until about a month ago, at which point it was kind of too late to bring it up because he'd be transitioning to the older room at daycare and one nap, anyway. So then of course I'm kicking myself for not thinking about it sooner. Oh well...nothing we can do about it now. Anyway, he goes to bed around 7:30 and is up at 6:30 on the weekdays and anywhere from 8-9 on the weekends. So at least I know he's getting decent sleep at night.
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