pineapple / 12053 posts
@pinkb: we're on 3 naps. lately around an hour each, sometimes longer if we're solidly at home. she woke up about an hour into her morning nap, i let her settle and she went back to bed, so this nap will be around 2 hours. this is a totally new development (like in the last week) since she started flipping immediately to her tummy for sleep. she is awake for about 1.5-2 hours at a time, then a nap. repeat til bedtime. she actually napped until 6:30 last night and was totally beat by 8 (which is around her usual bedtime) but we were out, so she was cranky til we got home and got her to bed by 8:45. so a nap with your hubby isn't out of the question!
ETA: a photo of said belly sleeping:
grapefruit / 4235 posts
L's on 3 naps with 2 carseat-induced catnaps. He gets up at 6:30, takes a catnap (10-15 min, max) in the car on the way to daycare, takes a 1.5-2 hr nap at 9:30, a half-hour nap at 12:30, a 1.5 hr nap at 3-330ish, then another catnap on the way home from daycare. Then he's asleep around 715-730. Night wakings around 10:30, 12:30, 330.
pear / 1599 posts
Thanks for the info ladies. I guess it is just gonna be more trial and error till we get it figured out. Definitly sticking with 3 naps cause after really watching her closely today I know she needs them. I just get so frustrated at that morning feed time. She falls asleep as she finishes the bottle but the second I move to lay her down her eyes are wide open. So I know she is still tired. I have been just putting her back in her crib hoping she will fall back asleep but she just goes between playing and crying till I get her up for the day. Such a little booger butt, she did it for almost 2 hours the other day when I finally went in and got her.
grapefruit / 4923 posts
@pinkb: i was researching this issue because LO often gets up about 45 minutes before his usual wake time. at first i thought it was a phase because they say babies enter a light period of sleep from 4-6am, but it's gone on for a while so i don't know whether it's the amount of naps, the timing of the naps, too early of a bedtime...who knows. i'm hesitant to cut back on his naps, though, because he has REALLY crappy sleep at daycare (it's so bad i don't even want to write how much sleep he gets) and i feel like he needs as much rest as possible, whenever he can get it.
pineapple / 12053 posts
@pinkb: I've definitely left her in the crib just for quiet time even if she doesn't fall asleep. I do think that helps them and sometimes she does fall asleep for a short while. Even 5-10 minute catnaps will energize her sometimes. If she refuses, I feel, play and then try again 45 min - 1 hr later. Sometimes she's just overtired!
pineapple / 12053 posts
what's your kiddos average awake time? i don't know if it's because she's bored with me, but R's average is 1.5-2 hours max! she can go longer if she's being stimulated, but she definitely hits a wall and it can get crazy if she doesn't get a nap in around 2-2.5 hours.
in the evening, she can go a little longer, but 3 hours is max and that means we better have the whole nighttime routine done and her feeding by then.
pineapple / 12793 posts
@birdofafeather: L is the same way. Max 2 hours during the day unless there is something really exciting going on. And three hours before bed.
Anyone else going through a six month regression. I got spoiled with STTN 12+ early on and have been dealing with one, sometimes two wake ups a night for the past three weeks. I'm soooooo over it.
pear / 1510 posts
@oliviaoblivia: Yes! We went on an out of state trip for the 4th of July and she hasn't been the same since. At least then it was one or two wake ups. Now she's teething. She used to STTN and sometimes teases us with it now. Friday night - 9pm-9am. It was glorious. Last night? 9pm-12:30. To 2:00. To 3:30. To 4:00. To 5:30. To 7:00. I am barely functional.
grapefruit / 4923 posts
@birdofafeather: usually 1.5 hours. once in a while 2 hours, but that's rare and it means we're pushing it.
nectarine / 2771 posts
@birdofafeather: it's about the same for us! 2-2.5 hours max during the day (although 2.5 is really pushing it), 3 hours before bedtime.
grapefruit / 4235 posts
@birdofafeather: L's sweet spot is 2.5 hours awake time.
@oliviaoblivia: we've had crap sleep since the last growth spurt. He now is (usually) back to his 1030/230/445 wakings.
@BlueWolverine: L's sleep was crazy last night too - but 1. it was a full moon and 2. we had a power outage so no white noise.
pineapple / 12793 posts
Crap sleep in our house again. We had a few weeks of good sleep and then the past week she started to wake up at one and again at four. Bleh.
How are you guys doing?
pineapple / 12053 posts
We had a pretty consistent one MOTN wakeup for a while where she was also taking amazing 2 hour naps and then three weeks ago she started with a runny nose and was cranky, poorly napping, crying like a banshee falling asleep and overall just crazy. I thought for sure teeth were gonna show, but still nothing. This last week we went camping and she slept 9-10 hours in a row and has now done that in a crib as well. I hope camping reset her!
pomelo / 5628 posts
Sleep is really good around here. He almost never wakes up at the 40 minute mark during naps anymore and has been pushing bedtime earlier which is nice. He did wake up at 1am last night for the first time ever (after eating at 11:20), but went back down after a little comfort.
Teething is definitely causing some random bad days though.
honeydew / 7504 posts
D is still pretty consistent. He goes down around 8, sleeps thru till about 6. On the weekends, I give him his paci and he goes back down for another 1.5-2 hours. On weekdays, I let him kick around until I'm ready to go in and get him, usually around 6:15, at which point he's up for the day. But then he's REALLY tired, so I've tried going in right around 6 to "dream feed" in hopes that he'll fall back asleep, but it's only worked once. And he naps pretty consistently - usually around 10-11 then 1-3. Sometimes he dozes off for 20-30 minutes after our 6pm nursing session when I pick him up from daycare.
grapefruit / 4235 posts
@oliviaoblivia: you're not alone- L's sleep has been crap for a week now. I'm dying.
nectarine / 2771 posts
LO's sleep has been relatively consistent. She had a few bad nights here and there (and one was particularly bad where she woke every 20 minutes for the first 3 hours of her sleep - worse than a newborn!!!!), but overall, she's still STTN from 730pm-630am. She is transitioning from 3 to 2 naps, most days are 2 but some days she still needs 3. It's fun to have her more awake these days
cherry / 210 posts
Will I ever sleep a full night again?
JM is at least a creature of habit. He goes down around 7:30 each night. Up at 11:30 and 3:00 to nurse. Anyone else still nursing twice? Even after "sleep training"..... I guess I just expected him to drop at least once night feed after he started putting himself to sleep about a month ago.
Naps have been psycho the last few days. He has been crying when I put him down. Like major crying. It is only amplified by his runny nose. Then I have to suction his nose, and that makes him even more angry, then there is more crying. Ugh. I think it's time to drop a nap. He was still taking 3 naps around an hour long a piece, but I think this is his way of showing me that he doesn't need his last one. I'm gonna try a nap at 9 and 2 tomorrow and see if things go better. That sound about right to y'all? Any other suggestions? We are going on a weekend trip in a few weeks, and I would love to have all this settled... if there is such a thing.
pear / 1895 posts
E goes down around 7:30 or 8. He usually wakes around midnight, 3am, and 6am. Sometimes he'll go back to sleep, sometimes he's up for the day at 6. So, @coastmama: , I'm right there with you. We sidecarred the crib because I was tired of getting up so much every night. It's maybe not the best idea, habit-wise, but I sleep better so I don't care!
He usually only takes 2 naps, about 1.5 to 2 hours each. If he wakes up early, he'll take 3. Still napping in the RnP... I'm just going with it, for now. Maybe when he starts sleeping better at night, I'll nap train in the crib. For now, I think he just needs to sleep wherever and however he can.
grapefruit / 4235 posts
L is back to waking up every 2 hours. I was blaming it on his upper teeth coming in and him working on crawling...but I think it's more b/c he's used to eating. I'm working on putting him to sleep drowsy but awake and decreasing the time he eats in the middle of the night.
honeydew / 7091 posts
We don't have it *that* bad, I guess, but L's sleep has been crazy lately. The last month she's been waking up once a night probably 75% of the time. Before that she'd been STTN for 3.5 months. The weirdest change is that she wakes up crying in the middle of the night - she never cries when she wakes up in the mornings. It makes me kind of sad... wondering if she's starting to have bad dreams or something
pineapple / 12053 posts
@coastmama: i spoke too soon with my sleep... we're back at two wakeups per night. i still BF, so i'm feeding her and putting her back down because it's easiest for us... well me. DH is in fire academy, so he wakes up at 3:30, so i don't want to bug him with MOTN wakeups, but i don't know if is should try to "fix" this or just keep nursing her and hope she drops back down to 1 wake up.
@dagret: are you still nursing? do you nurse him every time he wakes up in the middle of the night? did you fix his crazy wake ups? obviously i'm looking for solutions to our crap sleep too!
@swurlygurl: what do you do for the MOTN wake ups? feed or not?
grapefruit / 4235 posts
@birdofafeather: his wake ups calmed back down - but they were IN. SANE all weekend. I am still nursing, I am trying to taper down the amount of boob at the night feelings but it really does seem like he's starving in the middle of the night.
pear / 1599 posts
I usually dont comment on Abi's sleep cause I feel like I jinx myself. But she has 2 to 5 times a night where she starts crying. She doesnt get fed until she gets up between 6 and 7. Not exactly sure what the wake ups are for, I tend to think most are her teeth hurting, cause if I rub some of the teething tablets on her gums she is fine for awhile agian. But it sure would be nice to get back to one awake up.
@birdofafeather: I do all the wak ups too. DH gets up at 5:30 for work and I feel bad to interupt his sleep.
honeydew / 7091 posts
@birdofafeather: I feed any time she wakes up. I've started wondering about this recently though... she gets more than enough milk/food throughout the day, so she's probably just doing it for comfort. But, she gets SO worked up if I don't feed her - I spend an hour+ trying to get her back to sleep, then end up caving in and feeding her anyway. If I start off by feeding her, it's a 10 minute ordeal.
L is now waking up at least once a night, 100% of the time. Some nights it's twice, and one night it was three times o.O I am slowly losing it!
pineapple / 12053 posts
@pinkb: oh mama! 5 wake ups! i'm so sorry! when did you stop feeding her overnight? do you ever feel like she's hungry any of those times? i only ask because i'm too chicken/lazy to night wean and she also seems to really nurse a lot overnight. i wonder if it's a bottle/BFing difference? i feel bad complaining about my 2 wake ups a night!
@swurlygurl: yeah, 10 minutes is better than an hour. i don't have the patience or stamina to try anything else right now!
pomelo / 5628 posts
I hate to offer advice because every baby is so different, but D has no night wake-ups. I fed every 4 hours for 4-5 months and still do a dream feed at 10, but otherwise he sleeps from 7:30-6:30. I have always ignored extra wake-ups, but he also doesn't really cry much. I also read a lot of sleep books and I think happiest baby would suggest doing a dream feed before the typical wake up time and then slowly pushing that back by 20 minutes. The idea is that you avoid the crying and waking up so it isn't a pattern. I'm not sure how this would work with the older baby, but I think it's worth a shot.
Some of my fb mom friends have gotten baby sttn by adding just the 10:00 dream feed... Also, having your dh go in to soothe rather than you (with the milk) can also help.
I wish you all luck!
pear / 1895 posts
@birdofafeather: @dagret: @pinkb: @swurlygurl: I'm in the same boat. He wakes up at least once, but usually 2-3 times a night. His newest thing is to wake at 10pm. I almost always nurse unless it's the 10pm wakeup, in which case I send DH in to try to soothe. That works maybe half the time. He's not eating a ton during the day, so I think he's getting a lot of his calories at night. Which sucks for me, but I can't make him eat during the day!
pineapple / 12053 posts
@Mrs Green Grass: my problem is that it's NOT at the same time every night. so while sometimes it can seem habitual, then she goes a couple nights with only 1 wake up, etc. and i want to send DH in, but since he gets up at 3:30 am M-F until december, i'm on night duty. she's STTN sometimes, so i know she's capable, but i also don't want to force the issue at this point! talk to me in two months and we'll see where i'm at!
pineapple / 12053 posts
@allison: i think that's happening with us too. she's SO distracted during the day, her MOTN feeds are the only ones where she's totally into it and concentrated.
pear / 1599 posts
@birdofafeather: Thats what frustrates me is I know Abi is capable of STTN, she has done it plenty of times. She was still doing an overnight feeding about 2 months ago and it was always bewteen 4 and 6am. When we went out of town for a few days she dropped it and then just started waking for the day between 6 and 7am. She will eat a bottle overnight if I offer it but it doesnt affect the wake ups or the time she gets up for the day.
I might even be confused on what a "wake up" is! lol. She will started whining and then it will turn into crying if I dont go in. Usually all i do is give her a paci, why she doesnt do it on her own I am not sure. Sometimes I think she isnt even awake. But when the paci doesnt help right away its process of elimination either she is too hot and I move her to a nice fresh patch of the matress and turn up the fan or its teething tablet time.
Naps during the day have turned to crap. She use to do two 45 min to an hour naps and one longer one over an hour if not 2. But now its 2 or 3 naps that are 30 - 45 min. I need to gain control back
grapefruit / 4235 posts
L is back to 3-ish wakeups per night - but he's gotten a cold so last night was pretty crappy. he woke up twice after about an hour of sleep. DH went in and gave him a sip of water and he went right back to sleep.
Also, twice last night i went in to get him and he was sitting up. We've got to adjust the crib ASAP!
honeydew / 7091 posts
@dagret: We only recently lowered our crib, and thank goodness, because the last week she's started standing up in her crib!!! I probably need to get teething bumpers for the crib now...
In the last 4 nights, L has slept through the night 3 times! Fingers crossed for a continuation of this pattern! Well, one night she woke up at 4, but I turned her music on and she went right back to sleep without bottle/rocking, so I'm counting it
pineapple / 12793 posts
L is finally back to STTN. It's been three weeks of bliss after two months of at least one motn wakeup. Just in time for the nine month regression. Fingers crossed that she skips that one!
She is someone doing two naps sometimes three. What are your LOs naps like?
pineapple / 12053 posts
@pinkb: aw man! i count any time i have to help her go back to bed as a wakeup. it stinks when you know they are capable of it!(R sleeps better when we're traveling too!)
@dagret: bummer! we need to drop ours all the way down too because she's standing up! (it's in the second lowest position, so still safe, but might as well go all the way down!)
@swurlygurl: lucky! i keep crossing my fingers that my good little sleeper will return.
@oliviaoblivia: that sounds heavenly. R is on a solid two nap routine. usually one 2 hour nap and either an hour or 2 second nap. those naps do help because i can get a lot of work done during that time! so i guess that's a plus.
pear / 1895 posts
We went down to two naps a few weeks ago. It's going really well! He's also (finally!) napping in the crib instead of the RnP.
Night sleep is still the same. He usually sleeps from 7:30 to 7 or 8, with at least two, usually 3-4 wakeups.
honeydew / 7091 posts
@oliviaoblivia: L's been doing 2 naps since like 4 months. This past weekend though, due to our schedule she only did 1 nap Sat and Sun (I have no idea what goes on at daycare - it's better for my sanity to not ask), and it was great! She napped longer for the one nap than the two naps combined. She even tolerated the extra awake time in the morning pretty well.
Her two naps lately have been 1 hour each. This weekend her one naps were each 3 hours!
pomelo / 5628 posts
D is transitioning from 3 naps to 2. When he takes a third, it is always only 30 minutes, almost exactly. His first two naps range from an hour to over two hours each. I would say average is an hour and a half. Sleep is good around these parts!
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