pineapple / 12793 posts
@gracecat: they moved it to the 12th. My youngest will be one on Dec. 29th and was a c-section so they don't want me to go into labor at all. I want birthdays to be spread out a little more and because I'd like to give her a few more days inside.
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
@gracecat: I had the same thing- I was due jan 4, but have been measuring due Dec 30/31 but they never officially changed my date. However, she said she'd like to get things going before the new year so we'll see.
@MrsYellowJacket: I'm not even having twins and I feel like my body is giving up! I can't imagine!
35 weeks- oof this belly is huge!
grapefruit / 4361 posts
All this talk of early babies, and two already arriving.... when should we start the delivery board?? Mid December??
The ILs came this past weekend and helped DH move a bunch of furniture and do a lot of yardwork; all of which I couldn't really help with due to lifting / straining restrictions etc. The nursery is 95% done - I'm waiting on one more package to arrive tomorrow evening and then I'll be able to take pictures I also packed most of my hospital bag and put it in the car just in case, though there are some things (glasses, cell phone charger) that will have to wait until last minute.
I will say, I am definitely getting frustrated that I am even growing out of my maternity clothes. Every day I try on an average of 3 outfits before I find something that fits and looks good. My box of "too small" clothes is getting fuller and fuller by the day! I've started taking pictures of every working outfit so I have some inspiration!
33 week appt this Tuesday and birth classes start this Wednesday!
clementine / 878 posts
@MrsYellowJacket: Omg twins... I have no experience with that but I heard that early delivery was likely. Did your doctors have any idea when that might be?
@OLIVIAOBLIVIA: That really sucks. I don't know why they all have to overlap around Xmas too.
@TRAVELLINGBEE: Yup, we're at around the same point. 35/36 weeks now, depending on whose starting point you go by! Every time I eat, it's like the freaking gymnastics olympics in my belly!
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
I had my appointment today and I'm not dilating or effacing yet which I guess is normal at 35 weeks. But my blood pressure shot up. It is still within normal (130/80) but was high for me so they were a little concerned especially with all the swelling. They are going to continue to monitor and make sure it isn't going higher.
apricot / 378 posts
@gracecat: we had two appts today with my OB and MFM. My OB is predicting within the next two weeks!!
My blood pressure has sky rocketed out of nowhere, I'm doing a 24 hour urine collection tomorrow, and my platelets and iron are on the downfall. It was quite an overwhelming appt. I'm so glad DH was there. OB asked me to buy a cuff and do avgs if it's over a certain level. So for now my avg is 140/93. I'll call tomorrow and give that update. *whew* it was a whirlwind of a day!
apricot / 378 posts
@DesertDreams88: hehe! I've already lent out my small maternity clothes and bought two sweaters to get me through the winterish weather.
@travellingbee: sounds like we're in similar boats. I can't get my swelling to go down where previously I could through elevation
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
@MrsYellowJacket: sorry about your swelling and BP too. Exciting about the babies coming soon though!!
@DesertDreams88: I also have lots of too small clothes this time and no shoes fit me. Like, none.
kiwi / 589 posts
I'm 34 weeks and someone asked me today if I'm sure I'm not having twins! Definitely bigger this time around, I found a pic of the day I delivered my daughter and I'm so much bigger now!! Yikes. My clothes are also not fitting, very hard to find something to wear to work each day, especially now that my feet have swollen!
clementine / 828 posts
The baby was measuring 5 pounds 5 ounces at 32+3, which is big, but not as far ahead as before, 92nd percentile, and about two weeks ahead, on track for a 9 pound full term baby. I very much want to make it to January for a variety of reasons, but I probably will.
@gracecat: This one is significantly more active than my first, although he is also much bigger.
@DesertDreams88: I already went up a size in maternity clothes (as I did last pregnancy), but even they are getting small. My belly is enormous this time, my shirts are all getting too short or too tight. It has recently gotten cold, and I don't have enough work appropriate warm clothes.
@brady80: I have also been asked if I am sure it is not twins. I have also had a lot of comments on how big my belly is.
honeydew / 7504 posts
I'm 31 weeks today and feel absolutely ENORMOUS. I carry big because I'm really short-waisted, so my babies have nowhere to grow but OUT. During my last pregnancy, I was constantly asked if I was having twins (no, all 13 of my ultrasounds showed only 1 baby, thank you) or that my due date just "had" to be wrong (I know exactly what day I conceived, thank you) or that there was "no way" I'd make it to my due date (D was forcibly evicted at 41 weeks). This time people are less free with their comments, but every now and then I get a "Wow, you're ready to pop!" Nope, nope...9 weeks to go!
She is carrying really low, so I constantly have pain in my lower abdomen/pelvis, and actually recently my ladybits are already feeling swollen. Postpartum is going to be a JOY, ha ha!
I'm growing out of my clothing but refuse to buy more, so instead I just feel like my circulation is getting cut off. My sister gave me a bunch of maternity skirts, but they don't provide enough support, so instead I'm mostly wearing pants that are too tight.
nectarine / 2667 posts
@littlebug: I pretty much could have written your exact post! I'm 33 weeks & people keep assuming I've only got a month left. Nope! 7 weeks left and that's IF she's on time (big brother was induced at 41 weeks). I am resigned to just rotating the same 5-6 outfits. It's a mind-f*** for sure. I feel super frumpy, even though I know I (probably) look fine. I've been wearing more makeup & doing my hair to try to compensate.
Anyone writing birth plans? My midwife said to bring it after my GBS results, since that makes a bigger impact. I figured I'd just reprint my one from last time, but I re-read it and I was so naive! It's made me nervous for this time around, because now I know what I'm getting into!
apricot / 378 posts
Ahh! Officially in labor. Lost mucus plug, 2cm dilated, high BP and officially diagnosed with preeclampsia. Got a steroid shot and waiting for further info!!!!! ️
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
@MrsYellowJacket: oh gosh! Healthy delivery to you!
My diastolic bP has spiked to 89 and I'm concerned. It's normally 70. I called nurse and she was unconcerned. She said she'd let the doctor know....
grapefruit / 4361 posts
@mrsYellowJacket: Good luck!!!! hope those babies come out plump and healthy, maybe with some snuggles before the NICU....?
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
I started a labor watch thread since babies are on the move.
apricot / 378 posts
Thank you for all the well wishes!! Babies are here and I'll update on the new labor thread
Thanks @travellingbee
persimmon / 1141 posts
Oh my goodness what just happened to this thread! So much action and these babies are seriously on the move!!
@MrsYellowJacket: congrats!!!!!! So exciting!!
apricot / 369 posts
Hope everyone is doing well! I think we're going to have a lot of baby activity over the next few weeks - exciting!!
Just wanted to post a quick update - Matilda is doing really well and is learning to breastfeed and take a bottle. She likes breastfeeding a lot more, but needs to be able to do both since she is having fortified breastmilk for extra calories. We are so in love and can't believe this little peanut is actually ours We're hoping that she will be home from the hospital before Christmas, but it's a day by day thing at this point. She started gaining weight really nicely and is up to 5 lbs 4 oz from 4 lbs 7 oz at birth - I cannot believe she's 3 weeks old already!
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
I just took my 36 week bump pic (I'm taking the official ones monthly) and I am hoping it's my last one! Ahhhh getting so close!
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
@lauren0817: Yay! good updates! I hope she will be home before Christmas and you can all get settled in as a family!
pineapple / 12793 posts
@lauren0817: So glad she's going well!! Keep it up Matilda!
Home stretch. 36 days until #3 and I've officially outgrown my pants.
grapefruit / 4361 posts
@lauren0817: Yay for Matilda! Fingers crossed for a Christmas arrival at home
honeydew / 7504 posts
@lauren0817: Yay! Was just thinking of you yesterday and wondering how you guys were doing!
@oliviaoblivia: I wore yoga pants out today to a Polar Express Pajama Party at a local museum. I so wish that was acceptable at my job, because nothing else fits. I still have 8 weeks to go!
cherry / 220 posts
@lauren0817: So happy to hear the awesome update! Fingers crossed that your remaining time in the NICU is limited and you can take baby girl home soon!
I have officially passed the point when my son was born by more than a week and 1. I am breathing a sigh of relief and 2. cannot wait to be done, the goal is 36 weeks so only a week and half to that point. The closer we get to Christmas the more anxious I am getting.
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
Had my 36 week this morning and my cervix is 1cm and 50% effaced, short and very soft! Woohoo for progress!
apricot / 394 posts
@travellingbee: woo hoo, you're getting there! I'm 2 cm dilated but cervix is still closed and very high. If I don't go on my own, I'm looking at induction on 12/29. Home stretch!!
clementine / 828 posts
For a variety of reasons, I am very much hoping to make it to January (and I probably will). Due to some weird health insurance stuff, my medical costs would be much higher in December than in any other month. At least I would get the tax deduction. Also, my parents will be in town, and I will not have to worry about care for DS while I am giving birth.
I am also trying to wrap up as much work stuff as possible, although it does not seem to be working, I keep getting more stuff to do. Work is really stressing me out right now. I have also been unreasonably sensitive to criticism.
I am having trouble dressing, especially finding shirts that are long enough. Some of the clothes that do fit are stained or have holes, which are not good for work.
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
@Worrywart: oh I'm confused. Isn't dilation when cervix opens? How can you be closed and 2cm dilated?
@mdf106: hopefully you'll make it to January then! How many weeks are you?
Growth ultrasound today predicted that he was about 6#7oz right now at 36 weeks. Couldn't see his face as he is head down facing my back so I was glad for that but sad I couldn't see him. He has hair. Ha ha.
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