cherry / 178 posts
@SwanSong: Yay, same due date! Congrats! 5 weeks tomorrow. My first appointment is 5/27. xoxo.
cherry / 154 posts
@kristinleigh: @SwanSong: WELCOME and congrats on the BFPs, ladies! So stinkin' exciting
@travellingbee: So happy for you, what an awesome thing to know everything is A-OK in there Congratulations!
cherry / 154 posts
I made a huge mistake today and wore a kimono over a pair of leggings + tight cami, and I am SO BLOATED. Can barely suck in! Totally paranoid my co-workers notice, it's a super gossipy office.
Anybody else's clothes feeling a bit tighter than usual these days?
pomegranate / 3604 posts
@smith: I'm still on Mat leave with #2. Yoga/pj pants and tank tops FTW.
pomelo / 5129 posts
@smith: I'm also mega bloated today! I think I've been slacking on the water intake...
persimmon / 1141 posts
@JoyfulKiwi: Oh gotcha! I called back and rescheduled for June 10 when we will be 8-9 weeks. hopefully everything will be healthy when we go in. i'm excited to go with a midwifery practice this time around.
@travellingbee: Congrats!! What a beautiful sight. That must be so reassuring - we didn't see the heartbeat with our first LO until after 6 weeks so that is a great sign!
@kristinleigh: @swansong: Welcome ladies and congrats!!
@sera_87: oops my EDD is jan 16, sorry!
@smith: i think the bloat is pretty much there 24/7 now. i hate anything tight around my waist. luckily it's summer so i'll probably be wearing cotton dresses and maxis everyday!
for second time moms, do you feel like you're getting bigger, quicker? some moms have said it felt like their bellies popped out right after their BFP lol... i guess we'll know more in a month or so. eep!
and first time moms, enjoy this incredible time even though the worry and anxiety can be overwhelming. the next pregnancy will be so different, chasing after a toddler or two.
ETA: whoa that's a lot of May wedding anniversaries. our 3 year is in a week, i kid you not. i guess this board was meant to bee!
nectarine / 2667 posts
@travellingbee: hurray!
@smith: oh man, yes! I am feeling very frumpy in all my clothes
@SupernovaJ: I've read that 2nd timers show about a month ahead. I'm definitely "bigger" now than my first pregnancy at this point, but I was also a little heavier than my typical weight when I got pregnant. I hope I pop out sooner - I loved my pregnant belly!
pomelo / 5129 posts
So, I survived the happy hour last night and I think maybe one friend might suspect something...
The first person who asked if I was drinking water I just said "I haven't been feeling great lately" and she sort of gave me a side-eye so I knew it had to get better.
Others I used the allergy excuse on. I DO have a reaction to beer if I drink when my allergies are bad, so it wasn't a total lie.
My SIL came later and I knew she'd be all over me not drinking, so I told her I had a drink earlier and had to drive home.
I didn't get to leave until close to 10:30 (my old roommate was in town and was running late), and even though all I drank was soda water, I think I was so tired I was nearly drunk!
I considered just telling some of my closer friends, but with it being so early I stopped myself.
I do wonder if DH has told his coworkers though (he works at the bar we went to). When I asked for soda water the waitress kind of gave me a look.
coffee bean / 33 posts
Wow, all these May anniversaries! Our 6 year will be in June
Location: Midwest
EDD: January 22
How far along: 3w 5d
First child? Yep!
First doctor appointment: Not sure yet
Any symptoms so far? Today is the first day I have felt a little queasy. Other than that, nothing so far!
Who have you told? DH and my sister
grape / 78 posts
I'm a complete message board newbie, so I hope I do this right. I lurked on another forum during my first pregnancy and loved the community of the due date board, but they were just so hateful to new people, so I never joined. I'm really excited to be pregnant again and love having people to share it with, so I figured I'd give this a shot!
Location: Virginia
EDD: January 19th
How far along: 4 weeks
First child? Nope, my son will be two in August
First doctor appointment: June 8th, but with a midwife.
Any symptoms so far? My totally deflated post-nursing boobs perked right up over the weekend, hooray! At the same time, I stared having weird dreams / trouble sleeping.
Who have you told? My husband and my team at work. I'll tell my best friend Friday and immediate family this weekend, then I'll try to keep a lid on my big mouth.
Second time mamas, did you feel different when you found out you were pregnant this time? We were both super excited, but feel like we just got things functioning well with the one and are nervous about throwing a newborn into the mix.
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
@cvwood: Welcome! This is a pretty welcoming community. Well, my circumstances were different since we've been trying for 10 months, been seeing an RE and had interventions and 2 miscarriages so my feelings were a combination of relief and fear of it not working out. Still feel that way.
clementine / 828 posts
@cvwood: I am actually more excited, but my son is the easiest baby/toddler ever, and parenting has been much easier than I expected. My son will also be 2 in August.
cherry / 134 posts
EDD: 1-19/2016
How far along: 4wksish
First child? No. This will be our third. Although my youngest is 8 so I am in a sense beginning all over again. Eek!
First doctor appointment: 6/12/15 with ultrasound yay!
Any symptoms so far? Feeling anxious a bit. Slight soreness to bbs. Exhausted. Mild pulling in abdomen. Starving.
Who have you told? My very close cousin and my husband couldn't contain himself anymore and told his close friend.
I am excited and nervous to join this board. Hope everyone has a h&h 9 months
coffee bean / 33 posts
@travellingbee: Thanks!
@cvwood: I'm a newbie too! Congrats on #2!
@Swoggette: I'm biased, but I'm the third in my family with an 8 year gap between me and my siblings and I love it! Congrats!
pomegranate / 3779 posts
@cvwood: @Swoggette: welcome ladies! I've found HB to a very welcoming community and the due date boards to be especially so, even though my last group moved off of HB to a private FB group, they are still pretty active and there is rarely any drama.
grape / 78 posts
@mdf106: Oh, man. My son is my favorite person on the planet, but he didn't sleep a lick until 6 months. Maybe that's why we're so nervous. He's so much fun now, but still a handful. His current game is spinning in circles until he gets so dizzy that he runs into furniture or hits the floor. I think we're just going to have to get him a helmet when we have a newborn to steal our attention and hope for the best.
@travellingbee I miscarried the first time I got pregnant. I think if you've ever gone through that, you'll always have a little cloud hanging over you in early pregnancy, but my mantra now is "everything is fine until someone tells me it's not". I'm sending lots of warm fuzzies to your womb!
pomelo / 5129 posts
@travellingbee: I probably tell myself 10 times a day "I'm pregnant today, and that's a good thing"
And I realized my father taught us an incredible lesson when I was little. If we'd fall down and be on the verge of tears, he'd quickly pick us up, wipe us off, and say "No blood. Everything's ok."
That's SO come back to me!
Though I fear that not being the case (the first time my sister seriously hurt herself she seriously freaked out! "But there's blood!")
clementine / 828 posts
@cvwood: My son likes that game... He has always been a freakishly good sleeper, though, so I am probably in for a rude awakening. He slept 4-6 hour stretches from birth, and STTN some of the time from 7 weeks and almost all the time from 4 months. I was actually more sleep deprived at the end of pregnancy. To this day he will ask to go to bed early if he is tired.
nectarine / 2667 posts
@MaryM: I'm glad to hear happy hour went well (and congrats on graduation!) I love that you played each person differently with different excuses!
@Hiker85: hello and woo-hoo for another first-timer! I remember how excited I was the first time!
@cvwood: welcome! In general, everyone here is really nice. We were TTC, but when we found out we did panic a little bit. It likely had to do with being stressed in other areas of life (there's been insane rains in our area, our basement flooded, it's going to be $$$ to fix stuff), but I feel bad that this little embryo didn't get the "HUZZAH!" that our last one did. Funnily, our son (he's 2.5) was the woooorst sleeper ever. He still doesn't regularly sleep through the night! But he's such a pip - sooooo funny - and I hope the new baby doesn't mess up our groove.
@Swoggette: welcome and congrats on #3!
Oh my gosh, I was feeling nervous for a day or so because I didnt "feel" pregnant, but today I nearly cried because my lunch break was a half hour earlier than usual, after an afternoon walk I took a 10 minute "nap" because I was so tired, and then I was starving when I got up and ate pretzels, black olives with mustard, an orange, 3 helpings of dinner, and a warmed up chocolate chip cookie. My husband was like "you're totally pregnant." Anybody else feeling like they're in a TV sitcom as the stereotypical pregnant lady?
coffee bean / 32 posts
@travellingbee: Congrats on your ultrasound! Such a cute little bean hiding out in the corner.
Wow, ladies...I'm gone for a few days and so many new BFPs! So exciting...congrats new mamas and welcome to the board!!
@JoyfulKiwi: YES, totally the pregnant lady. Morning (all-day) sickness set in last week, a lot earlier than last time around. I'm miserable all morning and evening, and basically useless at work since I'm tired and grouchy. Also, I made the mistake of wearing a shirt that's tight around my stomach to work today, and I look like I have a huge spare tire/bloat around my middle. Can't wait until the secret's out and I have an excuse for all of this
pomegranate / 3779 posts
Is anyone else really clumsy yet? I remember being clumsy in my last pregnancy, but I don't remember it starting this early! I seriously dropped my knife 3 or 4 times during dinner and then dropped food all over my shirt.
And the eating! There is no way I'm not going to gain like 50 lbs if I continue eating this way.
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
@mrs.shinerbock: clumsy, no? Stupid forgetful, yes! I went into starbucks and left my car running with the keys in it!! wth?!
I'm starving all the time and have gained 4lbs! I just lost all that weight!! I'm crazy bloated and fit in nothing and I have on and off nausea all day. Thank goodness it isn't constant though. Worse in am and pm but ok in the afternoon usually.
grape / 78 posts
@mdf106: Everyone keeps telling me that the second baby is always easier, so I guess your next will come home changing his own diapers.
@joyfulwiki I'm really sorry about your house! And your non-sleeper! Ours mostly sleeps now, but occasionally he wakes us up just to see what we're doing at night. He's never really that upset once we go in, just wants to say hello. We can't even be mad about it, it's too cute.
@mrs.shinerbock I forgot about the clumsiness, I definitely walked into a wall the other day and didn't even attribute it to pregnancy. I guess between the exhaustion and the apathy, walking in a straight line is just too much for me right now.
Y'all, I gain so much weight in my first tri last time that when I announced my pregnancy at 12 weeks, everyone at work said they already knew. I'm trying to keep it under control this time, but so far I'm ending every night at the kitchen counter inventing new food combinations. Also, I care about NOTHING at work already. I can't make myself do anything. That's why I went ahead and told my team I'm pregnant, so I'd have an excuse.
clementine / 878 posts
Love having this group to b&*^h and moan about some things and for the joy in others!
Oh the nausea. I hate it so much. It's worst in the morning and evening because there's very little food I'm willing to eat at home. The only food I can manage to make myself eat for breakfast for example is a slice of toast w/ PBJ. Since I'm not full, I just feel nauseous until lunch.
I can't stop telling people I'm pregnant! I'm such a doof, since I haven't even had my first doctor's appointment to confirm it but it's so hard to hide that I feel like total crap. It's mostly just to people I interact with frequently so they know why I'm looking so miserably sick/sleepy but still, I wish I could keep my mouth shut!
Please continue sharing your happy moments and cute ultrasound pix if you don't mind. They make me happy.
pomelo / 5129 posts
@mrs.shinerbock: I don't know that I'm clumsy, but my peripheral vision is completely wonky (maybe from being tired? I don't know).
I keep getting freaked out that I see something near my moving and it'll end up being my hair or something simple. And I feel like I've been driving like an asshole because I have to triple check my blind spots.
This morning I feel like my boobs have doubled in size. Hopefully at least that will help take attention away from my horrible bloat.
apricot / 369 posts
Hi ladies! This is my first time using hellobee, so bear with me while I figure this out Our little bean is an IVF miracle! Are there any other IVF babies in the group?
Location: Maryland
EDD: January 5th
How far along: 6 weeks 1 day
First child? Yes - this is my second pregnancy (I had a miscarriage at 10 weeks at the end of 2014)
First doctor appointment: I've already had quite a few since our little bean is an IVF baby and I had some early bleeding that was very, very scary.
Any symptoms so far? I am on progesterone and estrogen injections until 10 weeks, so some of my symptoms might be from those - exhausted, nauseous and dizzy at times, peeing like crazy, some soreness in my inner thigh area (like something is stretching), breast tenderness and swelling
Who have you told? A lot of people already know since they knew about our treatment. I am holding off making a big announcement until at least 12 weeks, but my parents and a lot of friends already know,
apricot / 369 posts
@smith: thank you so much! I am a nervous mess, but also so excited! Every day is like a mini-rollercoaster over here (especially after the bleeding last week), but I am just trying to take it one day at a time
cherry / 154 posts
@lauren0817: I'm not in your same situation, but I do understand - this is my first time being pregnant and I'm a NERVOUS MESS. I totally overanalyze every little twinge ... it's going to be interesting to see how (if?) this changes
Sending you lots and lots of good juju! One day at a time is a good way to think.
apricot / 369 posts
@smith: thank you so much! It makes me feel better to know that I'm not the only nervous one It has been a long road to get here, so now I am just hoping for a happy & healthy pregnancy!
persimmon / 1141 posts
You ladies crack me up. Welcome new mommies!
I had one FRER left so I took it last night and my test line came out way darker than my control line. Has anyone else experienced this? I read online and some people had asked if it meant multiples but that doesn't seem the case. I never tested this late with my last pregnancy so I never saw such a dark test line. I'm 19 dpo. Just curious!
pomelo / 5129 posts
@SupernovaJ: I think we have the same EDD, but I tested last night too (but used a digital). I just wanted to see it's estimator add up to where I thought I was, and thankfully it did.
@lauren0817: Welcome! I've also had a MC in the past and man does that make things scary... I want to tell everyone about our great news, but I hate the idea of having to "untell" people again...
ETA photo
apricot / 369 posts
@SupernovaJ: Congratulations! It's really hard to say with multiples - sometimes the hCG levels are A LOT higher than a singleton pregnancy and sometimes they are in the same ballpark. Hopefully that dark line means you have at least one strong little bean happily growing
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
@SupernovaJ: by 19dpo with my son, the line was waaaay darker than the control and he's only one little guy. In fact it was darker than the control by 15dpo. I do t think it means anything except your levels are going up like they should.
pomegranate / 3779 posts
@lauren0817: welcome to HB! I've had a MC too, and it made me a nervous wreck for the first tri in my second pregnancy. This time around, I'm trying not to stress about it because chances are it will stick and there is nothing I can do about it anyway. But we aren't telling people until after the first ultrasound, just so we don't have to untell everyone again.
coffee bean / 32 posts
@lauren0817: Congrats and welcome to the board! I totally get the rollercoaster of emotions...before I had my son, I also had a miscarriage at 10 weeks or so. Then I had an early miscarriage back in March of this year. And to top it all off, my son was born with some special needs. So yeah, I don't have the best track record
But, one day at a time...hoping for lots of good luck for you! Vent away or come chat whenever you need to.
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