persimmon / 1141 posts
@lauren0817: @marym: @travellingbee: thanks for chiming in ladies! Reassuring that it doesn't mean anything necessarily. First ultrasound isn't until 6/10 which seems SO far away!
pomelo / 5129 posts
@SupernovaJ: That's why I caved last night too. My first US is June 1. Last pregnancy that's when we found out I MCed, so I'm pretty sure I'll be freaked out until that's over.
I bought a two pack and am saving the other stick for next weekend at the earliest...but am hoping I'll be strong enough to just wait until the scan on the 1st.
apricot / 369 posts
@MaryM: I hear you about the "untelling part" - a lot of people knew about our IVF cycle so it was hard not to tell them when we found out the results. Congratulations on your latest test - I love those tests! I actually almost went out last night to buy one because I was so nervous about our appointment today
apricot / 369 posts
@mrs.shinerbock: That is such a wonderful attitude - hopefully I will get there Do you know when your first ultrasound will be?
persimmon / 1141 posts
@MaryM: aww. Hugs!!! It's definitely tough waiting when sometimes you let your mind wander to think the worst. We will have to cheerlead each other on and keep distracted somehow. Here's to a healthy and happy 9+ months.
Just for fun: While it goes without saying that a healthy baby is the only priority, does anyone have gender preferences this early on? Whether it is your first, second or third child. Anyone think they will be Team Green?
apricot / 369 posts
@karen: thank you so much! I'm sorry to hear about your losses. I hope your son is doing well now I think I might get "one day at a time" tattooed on my forehead I am still on bedrest after the bleeding, so I have lots of time to sit and think and worry - now I can sit and chat away instead!
pomelo / 5129 posts
@SupernovaJ: I wouldn't mind being team green, but my DH wouldn't be able to stand it so we'll find out. He wants to know more than I don't want to
I think we're pretty traditional and I want a girl (because I'm close to my mom and want to be able to carry that on with a daughter) and he wants a boy so he can coach them in sports.
apricot / 369 posts
@SupernovaJ: that dark line is definitely a wonderful sign that your levels are going up I'm hoping that the days between now and the 10th fly by - hopefully there is some nice spring weather that you can enjoy until then
clementine / 828 posts
@SupernovaJ: I plan to find out, and I don't really have a preference, I go back and forth. I think either would be great.
pomelo / 5129 posts
For the record, I'll be overjoyed with either (especially after the 18 month journey we've been on...)...but if it was up to me, I'd choose a girl.
Given that, I think I'm fully expecting a boy.
pea / 19 posts
@lauren0817 Wahoo! Welcome! i also got my BFP from IVF and our due dates are a day apart!
apricot / 369 posts
@Mermaidri: oh my goodness - so exciting!! How are you doing so far? Have you had your first ultrasound yet? I have already had two ultrasounds because I had some heavy bleeding last week - hopefully things will be a bit quieter from here on out
pea / 19 posts
@lauren0817 - i feel oddly great! i dont have any symptoms other than being exhausted all the time! i have had 3 rounds of blood work and as of monday my level was at 4200! i have my first ultrasound on Tuesday!!
Im so happy to hear everything is okay with you, eary pregnancy can be really scary! i had an ectopic my first pregancy, that was a nightmare!
what was your transfer date?
pomegranate / 3779 posts
@lauren0817: First US is scheduled for 6/5. I'll be 8w5d and my 8 week US was when we found out that I was MC with my first pregnancy, so hopefully I can keep a zen attitude until then. It's so hard though.
@SupernovaJ: I know DH would love to have a boy. I'm excited about either, but I have it in my head that this is a boy. (But I thought that about the last one too until the 16w US and I was wrong!)
apricot / 369 posts
@Mermaidri: oh wow that is an amazing number! I will be thinking of you on Tuesday - let us know how your ultrasound goes! Yeah the exhaustion is tough - I'm becoming a nap addict
So thankful that everything looked okay today - last week was absolutely terrifying. My transfer was on 5/20 - we transferred one day 5 blastocyst - what about you?
apricot / 369 posts
@mrs.shinerbock: I will be thinking of you and hoping that your ultrasound goes well! I completely understand what you mean about being worried around the same time as your miscarriage - it really is so hard. I am so hopeful that these little beans are the ones for us
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
Really struggling with nausea and exhaustion today and I'm solo parenting for a week. It's already rough..... Sigh...
I have another ultrasound on May 29 (8w3d) and then if all is well I will graduate to my OBGYN at 10 weeks.
apricot / 369 posts
@travellingbee: I'm sorry that you're struggling this week - how old is your little one? May 29th is so soon - very exciting!
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
@lauren0817: 26 months. He's a handful. DH never goes away without me so I'm just not used to doing it all alone. Especially while pregnant.
apricot / 369 posts
@travellingbee: Oh and I also meant to ask if you are seeing a RE right now? I am assuming that you are since you talk about being released to your OB. Did you have infertility treatment? Our little bean is our IVF miracle (well actually a frozen transfer from our first cycle) - I tried to look back and find your previous posts, but it is hard to find everyone Congratulations!
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
@lauren0817: yes we are with an RE. We were going to start IVF next cycle but this one worked! This cycle we just did Clomid with TI. Last cycle was a failed IUI. And before that we had back to back losses on natural cycles waiting to start IUI.
persimmon / 1141 posts
love that this board is so active
@MRS.SHINERBOCK: same here! i was convinced i was having a boy, turned out to be a girl. i think it's a boy again, watch me be completely wrong! i would love to give LO a sister (b/c i have one) but at the same time, think a boy would be so cute (i also have a younger brother). so i guess in the end, there is no true preference! i want to be team green though, but i doubt husband would ever allow that.
it's 7.30pm and i am sooo sleepy. that seems to be my biggest symptom so far - UTTER fatigue in the evening and bloating. but i know nausea is so much worse and i am scared for what's to come. i had nausea beginning 6-7 weeks with the last pregnancy so that should be just around the corner.
apricot / 369 posts
@travellingbee: Oh wow - it must be hard having a 2 year old and being pregnant. I hope your SO is back soon and you can put your feet up!
It is so amazing that you got pregnant the last cycle before IVF! We did a few cycles of clomid, but unfortunately it didn't work for me.
I'm so sorry to hear about your losses. I had a missed miscarriage at 10 weeks at the end of 2014 - it was one of the hardest experiences of my life. I am so excited and so terrified to be pregnant again - it is a strange mix of emotions.
We actually couldn't have a fresh transfer because I was very sick with OHSS. The lab was able to freeze 6 embryos and we had our first transfer last month. It has been a crazy journey so far!
I hope the rest of your week goes well! Maybe your little guy will want to watch movies tomorrow (or is that way too wishful thinking from someone who hasn't been around a two year old boy in awhile!?)
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
@lauren0817: I know, we were really shocked! But I did have three perfect mature follicles and a super thick lining so we were hopeful! I'm 37 and had no trouble with our DS but since then my egg quantity and quality have taken a nose-dive. So glad your frozen cycle worked for you!
Oh and he will watch about half of a movie at this point.
@SupernovaJ: I also don't really care. A boy would be fun because brothers would be cute but a girl would be nice just to experience something different. Since I'm older, I think we're going to have the genetic testing and therefore will know the gender early (around 11-12 weeks I think)
grape / 78 posts
@SupernovaJ: We were team green last time and plan to be again. My husband doesn't want to know and I can't keep a secret. It was hard, because I really wanted to shop more, but it was worth it in the end. The first thing I said when our son was born was "Ha, I told you" because he thought we were having a girl. I'm sure the staff thought I was a jerk. We both want a girl this time, although I'm terrified of dealing with a teenage me. My mom wants me to have a girl so I can see what I out her through :).For some reason we're both thinking it will be a boy, though. We'll find out in February!
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
@cvwood: hopefully you won't have to wait until February!!! What is your due date?
pea / 19 posts
@lauren0817: We had the same transfer date! we also did one 5 day blastocyst Do you still have cramping or did that go away? i had it up until last week and now im only tired, really hoping that is normal!
grape / 78 posts
@travellingbee: haha. It's january 19th. I'm already such an airhead, I don't remember getting pregnancy brain this early last time. I forgot to set my alarm last night AND forgot to bring food with me to work today, I'm a total mess.
cherry / 134 posts
Good morning ladies! So the TTW seem so short in comparison to the 4 weeks to wait to the first Dr appointment. Although some relief due to being nauseous now and my lines at 17 dpo are pretty dark. Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
@Swoggette: test looks great! nauseous already at 17dpo?? Yikes I hope it's not too bad!
cherry / 154 posts
@MaryM: @mrs.shinerbock: Forgive me if this is a sensitive subject, but I read that you both found out you MC at your US appointments. Were there no signs or symptoms before then? This is my first time being pregnant, so I admittedly don't know much, but I assumed we would know when we MC and it's not find something we would be surprised with at the US appointment.
pomelo / 5129 posts
I had my first US on the earlier side out of a sincere lack of patience. They wanted to see me around 7/8 weeks, but I managed to get in when I was like 6w5d.
At the US they only saw an empty sac measuring 5 wks. They said I could just have bad math (which I was pretty sure I didn't) and I wasn't as far along as I thought, or it could be an impending MC. They took betas, but my numbers were still rising, so that added to the confusion. But I didn't start spotting until after the US, and I never really got very bad cramps. Even when it passed it wasn't any worse than AF.
It can be different for different people. Some start to cramp or bleed right away. I unfortunately did not.
But, if people are tempted to go in for early USs, I'd suggest that they put it off as long as possible, at least until 7 weeks or so. The earlier you go, the more likely it could end up really confusing and cause more worry.
cherry / 154 posts
@MaryM: Thank you so much for explaining - that sounds like a very sad and confusing time. I was totally unaware that something like this could happen, but your advice to wait as long as possible for an US is certainly helpful
pomelo / 5129 posts
@smith: My SIL had a similar situation to me happen, but her baby ended up being just fine (her math actually was off).
In early pregnancy, I think there's just so much that can happen and so much that doctors can't really control. It's probably best to just remain hopeful!
pomegranate / 3779 posts
@smith: my first pregnancy was from an IUI, so we had a lot of early monitoring with the RE. At the 6 week US, we saw 2 sacks and what the RE thought was 2 heart beats. At the 7 week US, we saw 2 sacks and 1 heart beat. At the 8 week US, only 1 sack was visible and there was no heart beat. The miscarriage never started naturally, so I had a D&C done at 10 weeks. Since it was a partial molar pregnancy (meaning there were some chromosonal defects), my OB had me do periodic blood testing and no TTC for a year to make sure that I did not have uterine cancer.
pomegranate / 3604 posts
@SupernovaJ: I make no bones about wanting a girl. I have two boys! If I have another boy I will cry. Don't make me name another one!
cherry / 220 posts
@SupernovaJ: Am I awful for saying I would slightly prefer a boy since we have all the clothes already? I mean buckets and buckets and buckets, he is 2T now and we have inherited so much we have never had to buy anything.
That being said, I would be stoked for girl too. My little guy says "baby in mama belly baby girl," and so far with all of my friends' pregnancies he has never been wrong...
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
@SwanSong: we told our little guy about the baby too but now I'm terrified he'll tell people!! He looked into belly button yesterday and said, "oh yeah, I see it, baby!"
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