Hellobee Boards


January 2017 moms!

  1. babypugs

    persimmon / 1101 posts

    @snowjewelz: Very exciting indeed--sending lots of good thoughts your way for a fantastic appointment!

  2. IRunForFun

    pomelo / 5509 posts

    @afishermanswife: Wow that's so exciting!! How fun!!

  3. IRunForFun

    pomelo / 5509 posts

    @snowjewelz: Good luck today!

  4. nana87

    cantaloupe / 6171 posts

    Very, very, VERY cautiously stepping in here, both because it's still super early, and because I had a chemical pregnancy in Feb. Also I'm technically a Feb mama, though lo1 was born at 37 weeks so I bet I deliver early again!

    Location: NYC

    EDD: 2/6/17

    How far along: 4 weeks 1 day

    First child? second

    First doctor appointment: I haven't called yet

    Any symptoms so far? fatigue, some breast soreness, and cramps

    Who have you told? only dh! lo1 saw the pregnancy test this morning on the bathroom counter and said "I don't like that" but there's no way she knew what it was, lol

  5. IRunForFun

    pomelo / 5509 posts

    @nana87: Welcome and congratulations! I hope this is your sticky baby!!

  6. nana87

    cantaloupe / 6171 posts

    @IRunForFun: thank you!!

  7. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @snowjewelz: Good luck!
    @nana87: Congrats and welcome!

    I feel like ass today. Fries for lunch it is.

  8. Tanjowen

    nectarine / 2521 posts

    This comment has been deleted by the original poster.

  9. sunnyday

    kiwi / 573 posts

    @Tanjowen: sorry to hear, when is next follow up u/s? Will be thinking about you and staying positive for you. Hope to see you back here.

  10. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @Tanjowen: I'm so sorry. I will keep thinking good thoughts for you.

  11. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @nana87: Welcome!!

    @Tanjowen: I will be thinking of you

    U/S went well! Good heart beat, they have me at a 1/5 EDD also. They took my blood for maternit21 even though I'm not 35. So we'll end up knowing the sex in a couple weeks!

  12. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @snowjewelz: Great news! How far along are you? I was told the tests can't be done before 10 weeks.

  13. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @Smurfette: Really? I'm 8 weeks. I'm pretty sure that's the test she mentioned.... But I can totally be wrong since I was pretty tired/hungry the whole time lol. But at the end she said she'd call with results in the next 2 ish weeks.

  14. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @snowjewelz: Everything I saw online and in the pamphlets my doctor gave me said 10 weeks was the earliest. Maybe they want you to come back at 10 weeks? The blood today was for other test?

  15. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @Smurfette: I guess I will find out eventually, lol!

  16. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @snowjewelz: the online pamphlet, page 5, says as early as ten weeks. I would call. You don't want to get false results and/ or pay for it when it was to early. Especially since your insurance might not cover it.


  17. Makingbabyw

    grape / 82 posts

    @snowjewelz: so exciting!! I can't wait to see what everyone is having! Do you have a preference?!

    I'm having MAJOR anxiety... Our first appt is in 14 days, but I'm just fearing the worst... We haven't told our parents yet (waiting until Father's Day when we have been to the doctors). A little nauseous and still beyond exhausted but otherwise I dont "feel pregnant". Counting down and it couldn't come quick enough

  18. IRunForFun

    pomelo / 5509 posts

    @Tanjowen: Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear!! Take care of yourself.

  19. IRunForFun

    pomelo / 5509 posts

    @snowjewelz: Hooray for a good ultrasound!

    @Makingbabyw: Same! My first ultrasound is in 2 weeks as well and we're hoping to tell DH's parents on Father's Day weekend. I've got super sore boobs, some fatigue, and have been feeling a bit carsick with minor food aversions, but I'm still so nervous. Time feels like it's crawling!!

  20. afishermanswife

    coffee bean / 25 posts

    @Tanjowen: sending love

  21. afishermanswife

    coffee bean / 25 posts

    @sunnyday: yes so close! Right now they are 8 blocks away but we were already house hunting in their neighbourhood and this just adds even more appeal. She's a first timer too so looking forward to sharing all the highs and lows. Although now I'm finger crossing about 2 early pregnancies…

    I saw my doctor today and everything went well. She asked if we were interested in genetic testing. Looking to get some more input. My husband definitely wants to do it. I am on the low end of 25-30 age category so fairly low risk based on that. I guess my worry is that it just adds another thing to be anxious about when the result wouldn't change the outcome (unless a result was incompatible with life).

    We don't have NIPT here (Canada) so this one screens for Trisomy 13, 18 and 21. If there is a positive result they will pay for you to send samples to the states for NIPT. Who has done it before and can you think of any pros/cons I'm missing?

  22. madger

    cherry / 178 posts

    @afishermanswife: we talked about it a lot with our first, and ended up passing on all testing and just had the two ultrasounds my practice does (one for dating and the anatomy scan) and passed on all genetic testing. ultimately, I think it comes down to what you'd do with that knowledge. if you need it to feel prepared, or you think you might make a tough choice based on what the data might give you, then it's absolutely worth it! the tests are getting better, but there are still false positives and can cause a lot of unnecessary stress. we also chose to pass on some just based on costs. since I'm under 35 a lot of the additional tests weren't covered by our insurance.

  23. sunnyday

    kiwi / 573 posts

    @afishermanswife: I just scheduled my IPS (is that the Canada, or Ontario name for it?) today. I am 30, and did the testing with my previous two. I never thought to question it, my doctor just treated it as the norm and I went with it. I have had many friends skip it for the reasons above you mentioned. For me, if there is something I can know, versus not know, despite false positives and additional stressors, I would just rather know, so that is our thinking. At the very least it's another chance for reassurance that everything is okay if nothing alarming comes up.

    I had my first prenatal appt today, physical, whole check over, too. Lots of preggo related questions and confirmed I "got in" with the family doc I will switch to for the remainder of pregnancy and through delivery! I will see my regular fam doc one more time, and then switch. Booked June 28th for that next appointment, as well as the IPS u/s and bloodwork, so the 28th will be a busy day. If we have a good u/s that day, we will tell my parents either the 29th or 30th before we leave for 3 weeks on July 1st!

    I was 150.5lbs today, so up 2 pounds already, from weigh-in at doc three weeks ago.

  24. sunnyday

    kiwi / 573 posts

    @nana87: Welcome!!!

  25. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @afishermanswife: personally I think knowledge is power. Whether you would do anything or not, I would rather know and be prepared then have a curve ball throw at me at delivery. @sunnyday: glad you had a great appointment!

  26. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @Smurfette: I will definitely call today to ask about it then. Thanks! Ugh, I really like this new dr so far too, bummed that I'm already running into problems.

    @Makingbabyw: I'd love another girl! But will be happy with either. We just have ZERO boy names...
    I know it's so scary! I hate feeling tired/sick but at the same time at least it comforted me that I must still be pregnant!

  27. babypugs

    persimmon / 1101 posts

    @nana87: Congratulations! I'm very happy for you--welcome!

    @Tanjowen: I'm so sorry. Will keep you in my thoughts and am wishing all the best for you.

    @snowjewelz: Yay heart beat! I can't believe you'll know so soon!

    @afishermanswife: I was 26 for my last pregnancy and didn't do it. I'm not sure if I will this time at 29. I don't know how to advise--I'm undecided myself, but I guess go with would you want to know? What steps would you take if you found something out?

  28. nana87

    cantaloupe / 6171 posts

    @Smurfette: @snowjewelz: @sunnyday: @babypugs: thank you!!

    @Tanjowen: I am so, so sorry

    @snowjewelz: hooray heart beat!

    @afishermanswife: I'm in the camp of wanting to know everything that I can to be as prepared as possible as early as possible. My ob is very cautious and into testing as much as possible, and with lo1, there were a couple times where something would come up that *could* be an issue--like, at the anatomy scan, there was an issue with one of her kidneys being smaller than the other, and so I got the materniti21 test then (at 20+ weeks) because it could be a "soft marker" for downs even though that didn't show up on the NT scan at 12 weeks, and I had a few extra u/s to make sure it kept developing. And in the end, everything was completely, totally fine--lo was born completely healthy and still is at 2 years old (knock wood!). throughout all of that, my mom kept saying how she wished they'd stop worrying me with all of this "unnecessary" testing, and that the extra monitoring was a burden, but I was so grateful that I would have been able to have that extra time to be prepared.

    @sunnyday: yay for a good appointment!

    eta: I just called to make my first appointment! it's not until 6/23 though. I swear during my first pregnancy my first appt was at 6 weeks, but I guess my ob changed her policy because the receptionist told me 8 weeks

  29. bluebubblez

    pea / 17 posts

    @Tanjowen: I am so sorry to hear this *will keep you in my thoughts*

    8 week appt. this morning -- I have so much anxiety before and after each appointment. Is this normal?? Thankfully, RE said heartbeat sounds great at 160 bpm and I will heading to my OB for the next appt @10 weeks. Wanting to shout it to family, but being very cautious since it took so long for our miracle bean!

  30. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @nana87: same! I was at a diff practice last time and was seen at 6 weeks too!

    @bluebubblez: totally normal to be anxious, but great heartbeat!!

  31. Chillybear

    pomegranate / 3032 posts

    getting ready to leave work for my appt. hubs isnt able to join me but my mom is going to meet me there. it shouldnt be a long appt but they will be doing an ultrasound. I've never had a vaginal U/S before so that should be fun.

  32. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @bluebubblez: I had anxiety until I was well in the 2nd trimester with my 1st. Great heart-rate.
    @Chillybear: Good luck! I am lucky that my doctor's does tummy ultrasounds, never had a vag one.

  33. mybell208

    coffee bean / 45 posts

    I am so bummed. Despite normal blood work, it seems I'm not progressing to where I should be. Ended up going to the doctor 1 week early because I had abnormal cramping and lower back pain. It looks like the sac is there, but it is the size of what the embryo should be inside the sac, based on how far along I should be. The only way any of this would make sense and be okay is if I conceived much later than I originally thought, but based on many factors including when I first had a positive pregnancy test it's highly unlikely.
    I'm super sad, but not as devastated as I was with my first miscarriage, so I guess that's something.
    I hope everyone has a healthy pregnancy, and it was lovely having a forum of support when I couldn't tell everyone I was pregnant.

  34. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @mybell208: I'm so sorry. Are you going back for another ultrasound?

  35. JessyMess

    grape / 99 posts

    I am going the way of mybell208 and Tanjowen. Started with some light spotting and cramping Thursday night which turned into bleeding for the last 6 days and passing big clots. I'll keep trying.

  36. IRunForFun

    pomelo / 5509 posts

    @mybell208: @JessyMess: I'm so sorry ladies.

  37. babypugs

    persimmon / 1101 posts

    @mybell208: I'm so sorry. I really hope that there's a way that this turns out okay.

    @JessyMess: Hang in there. I wish I could say something to make you feel better.

    to both of you.

  38. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @JessyMess: I'm so sorry. Hugs.

  39. bluebubblez

    pea / 17 posts

    @mybell208: @JessyMess: *hugs*

  40. Makingbabyw

    grape / 82 posts

    Okay... Not sure what is going on here but holy cow I can't really hide it a whole lot longer. I have no idea why I am showing so much already (I'm 7 weeks), this is in the afternoon after my workout. I'm in very good shape, eat healthy, and haven't gained any weight according to the scale 😳

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