honeydew / 7504 posts
@edelweiss: D just within the past week or so really started extending his PLEASANT awake time. He could stay up longer than an hour before, but he was a super-huge fusspot if he did. Now he's up 2-3 hours between most naps, and he's actually pleasant - smiling and playing.
Also, I know what you mean about not being able to take him out for too long. D HATES his car seat, and is only happy in it if he's moving. If we even stop at a stoplight for longer than 10 seconds, he starts yelling. It's tough. He'll even fall asleep, but then wake up when the car stops. If he's in the stroller, I have to be moving it constantly. Oy.
GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts
@littlebug: j freaks at stop lights too. That couples with the fact that he still can't keep a paci in on his own makes me pretty much never want to take him out on my own. There is no worse feeling than a screaming baby in a carseat while you are driving.
grapefruit / 4923 posts
@littlebug: oh thank goodness someone else feels my pain about LO not liking the carseat. before LO arrived, i thought the carseat was supposed to be this magical sleep throne. i am extremely disappointed that it is not. E is the same way about stop lights, and we have a ton in our area! if i see a red light, i start slowing down as far out as possible (pissing people off in the process, i'm sure) to try and extend the time that the car is moving.
i would love a little more awake time. between feeding, making sure he's upright for at least 20 minutes, and quieting down after his yawns, i barely have time to do anything with him. it's a coup if i get tummy time in! today when i took the dogs for a walk with him in the stroller (again, totally bug eyed and the opposite of soothed) and i was practically racing the poor dogs through their business so that i could get back up to the apartment in time for putting him in the crib!
grapefruit / 4235 posts
@edelweiss: @littlebug: L is the exact same way about the carseat and stoplights! The only way I've even able to shop for any length of time is by putting him in the beco.
L has his first cold - he's on day 4 and the beginning wasnt bad but he's been miserable since last night. I slept holding him upright in the rocker for a few hours last night so he could breathe better. I'm feeding h every hour bc he can only eat 5-6 min at a time. And did I mention I have the same cold too? I feel like crap.
GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts
@dagret: aw man I'm so sorry I hope you both start feeling better soon!
honeydew / 7504 posts
@dagret: Aw, that sounds awful! Hope you both feel better soon!
@coacheswife123: Seriously, it's the WORST.
@edelweiss: I know! I'm so disappointed that the carseat isn't a magic fix-all for his fussiness!!
grapefruit / 4923 posts
@dagret: oh i'm so sorry that L is not feeling well! that must be so sad to see him sick--i'm bracing myself for what ailments are going to accompany LO entering daycare. hope you guys both feel better soon!
i went to the mall the other day (timing his awake period with the drive because, again, he won't sleep in it) and then put him in the ergo. and then walked around for 2 hours straight to get him to nap. i didn't get to try anything on because i had to keep him strapped in!
grapefruit / 4923 posts
@littlebug: @dagret: oh, forgot to mention that i ran into another mom who had her 3-month old in a carseat. i told her that LO doesn't like the carseat, and she said her LO was the same way and started to like it better around 3 months. why is 3 or 4 months this magical time for everything to get better? and what if it's a big fat lie???
honeydew / 7504 posts
@edelweiss: Ha ha. I guess that's when they're coming out of the "fourth trimester," so suddenly the world kind of makes sense? Here's hoping!!
honeydew / 7504 posts
Ok, totally off-topic, but anyone else still have hemorrhoids? I feel like mine are never going to go away. I need to call to find out if I can start taking magnesium again. I used to take it for migraines, and it made me totally regular. I stopped towards the end of my pregnancy since they give women in pre-term labor magnesium to try to stop the contractions. I want to see if I can resume it again, because a) I'm starting to get mild headaches and I want to prevent them from growing into full-blown migraines again, and b) I'm hoping it'll help with the poop issues. Am I supposed to call the OB or the ped?
Also...we still haven't had sex. Maybe it's because of the hemorrhoids, but I'm still afraid to! I want to - BAD - but I'm really scared!
GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts
@littlebug: yepppp still got them. Ugh. Also we tried to DTD two weeks ago and it literally didn't work. Like, he couldn't fit. It hurt so bad where I was stitched. Sooooo I spent a week massaging the stitch line (um seriously so has time for this ?!?!) every time I took a bath. We tried again a few days ago and it was better but we still couldn't get it all the way in - but at least it was a successful try for poor DH. So i will massage some more and we will try agsin in another week. I think it will get better each time , but still - I feel defective. Haha. Mortifying !
honeydew / 7504 posts
@coacheswife123: Actually, I guess the stitches is what I'm afraid of. Urrrgh....I'm gonna have to bite the bullet. Poor Hubs, he's been so patient.
So I totally did Mrs. Confetti's advice from her nap training post today. D woke up from a nap, and I didn't go get him right away. He grunted and coughed and kicked around for probably 20-25 minutes, but he never really cried or even fussed much, and then he just FELL BACK ASLEEP! It's been another 20 minutes of sleeping now!
GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts
@littlebug: good luck ! My tear was kinda weird - so I'm sure your experience will be MUCH better !
honeydew / 7091 posts
Hello all! Just joined HB a week or so ago, and have a sweet little girl born Jan 14th.
I'm excited to see how everyone's doing with the same age babies!!
grapefruit / 4235 posts
Thanks everyone. DH is ahead for the month so he just watched L so I could take a nap. I feel a bit better now, but the little guy is so miserable. I hate it!
@littlebug: @coacheswife123:yeah we've only tried once and it didn't work. Then DH got sick, and now I'm sick so...
@swurlygurl: welcome!
GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts
@swurlygurl: welcome !!
@dagret: ha I'm kinda glad I'm not the only one !
pear / 1965 posts
Hey all. Sorry I have been MIA for some time now.
Do you know how long it takes to read through 15pages on here? HA!!!
Its been a whirlwind since LO arrived. We had three precious weeks before DH left for the long dreaded training and Afghanistan deployment. Did not help that the first week we were stuck in the hospital. (will explain)
Right before DH left my mom came out for two weeks. Right after she left my SIL was up for two weeks with my 2 yo nephew.
So company finally left Sat and now its just me and LO.
Yesterday was my first day back to work. I wish I would have been able to take more than 7 weeks but loosing all my benefits at work was the result of not being able to take more.
Her daycare is great so I feel so comfortable with the center she is at so that has been nice and helped ease the transition back to work.
So here is a some what shortened version of what happened. Membranes striped on the 31st of Jan (my due date). 3am on the 1st of Feb I went into labor. I labored at home for about 14 hrs when I felt it "was time". I went in thinking I have to be close....only 2-3 cm dilated. I was contracting hard and well for a long time but just wouldnt dilate. After 25 hrs of this, they wanted to push pitocin. In which they rec I get an epidural. With pitocin being a factor now I agreed. Labored another 10 hrs. My water was broken around the 25hr mark. We later realized an infection in the remaining fluid around LO and I began to get sick. I was put on forced oxygen and watched. Finally after 35 hrs of being in labor I was getting really sick with a high fever, I would not dilate past 5cm and her vitals were getting scary so they rushed me off to the OR for a c-section.
I had a hard time with the epi, and they had a hard time and had to push a lot into me to make it work. After she was taken out I started to be able to move, and feel things. In which I was quickly told not asked that I was going "ni-night". They had to completly knock me out. Two hrs later I woke up. Very out of it and still struggling to breath I finally got wheeled into a recovery room where I could see LO and DH.
At that point we knew she as well was needing treatment for the infection as she had a fever as well. The nearest Childrens Hospital was contacted and agreed with my docs course of action to treat her with IV Antiobiotics for a week. I was also on IV antibios for about 4 days. She was born with an ear tag, and so we had to check her kidneys via u/s and they check out good thank goodness. Also had to do a drawing of fluid in her spine for a test. I honestly could NOT (plus they didnt want us to be) be there to see that and they said she did well and didnt even cry or anything. My strong and brave little girl.
But since we got out she has been great.
Like I said yesterday was my first day to work, she did great at daycare. I had to put down one of my cats yesterday so that made the day even harder. It was unexpected.
But my little highlight is I am actually bellow my pre-pregnancy weight and back in my normal clothes.
She was born on Feb 2nd
(My Birthday and only ONE MINUTE after the time I was born)
8 lbs 13.5 oz
21.5 inches long
Sounds like everyone is doing good and adjusting well. I have just LOVED seeing all the cute photos of everyones LO.
honeydew / 7504 posts
@Rescuemom10: Oh my goodness, what an ordeal! So glad to hear she checked out well, though. And that you got some good time home with your husband!
grapefruit / 4235 posts
@Rescuemom10: good to hear from you! I'm glad your daughter is doing well now and that you got to spend some quality time for your husband. Yay for an awesome daycare!
I'm so sorry for the loss of your cat.
Hope to see you around these parts more now!
cherry / 175 posts
Help!!! Molly is now going on two weeks of crying and screaming when anyone else hold her, sometimes including her dad. What do I do??? Its too early for stranger anxiety and my son NEVER did this. HELP!!!
grapefruit / 4923 posts
@shoemama: is it a wonder week or a growth spurt, perhaps? i'm sorry that must be very difficult to be the only person she feels comfortable with. i'm sure it will pass, but i know it's hard in the meantime!
pear / 1965 posts
@shoemama: I remembering seeing something like this in another thread awhile back,saying they had this happen and it passed. I dont have any pesonal advice on it. Other than I hope/think it will pass. I can only imagine the frustration of the situation. Hang in there and good luck!
Thanks everyone for the kind words. Glad to be back. Seriously thought about everyone on here lots but never had the chance to get on a computer with all the company and what not.
pear / 1895 posts
@Rescuemom10: Our LOs are birthday buddies! I've been wondering about you and was actually going to write on your wall today to check in -- so glad to hear everything is going well now. That is some seriously rough stuff to have to go through.
pineapple / 12053 posts
@littlebug: @coacheswife123: @edelweiss: add another little who hates the car seat. she's getting a little better, but still hates it mostly, especially for short trips. if it's a long ride, she'll fall asleep, but short rides mean she just screams the whole time, especially stop lights!
@swurlygurl: yay! welcome!!
@Rescuemom10: wow, what an intense labor and delivery! i'm glad you and your little lady are okay! it must be hard to be back and doing it on your own. you're a strong woman! glad to have you back with us.
@shoemama: gosh, that is rough. i'm sorry i have no advice for you! maybe bring it to the other bees on its own post?
GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts
@shoemama: has it gotten any better ?! I hope so ! I know how much I appreciate being able to give J to someone else when I need a break
honeydew / 7504 posts
@edelweiss: @birdofafeather: @coacheswife123: I think part of the problem is the headrest in the carseat. I take it out when he's not in the car, and he tolerates it a little better. Pretty soon we'll have to move the shoulder straps up, and then we can stop using it all the time. Hopefully that changes his tude. We drove into the city today, and I had to pull over a couple times to stick the paci in his mouth. Oh, he also calms down (usually, if only briefly) if I turn on the white noise app on my phone and plug it into my car stereo. The only problem with that is that it makes me sleepy if I leave it on too long!
pomelo / 5628 posts
@littlebug: my friend uses her old cell phone for white noise...do you have one?
honeydew / 7504 posts
No, I just use my current phone. It would be great if I had my old phone, though, because if I'm using the app, I can't do anything else with my phone. Oh well. It's worth the sacrifice for s peaceful drive.
grapefruit / 4923 posts
@littlebug: interesting, i didn't even think about the headrest making a difference! we have a graco snugride 30 and it says to use the headrest only with the bottom 2 slots. however it doesn't say whether you can remove the headrest even on the bottom 2 slots. i guess that depends on how good the baby's head control is and safety concerns. thank you for pointing this out! i'm not saying he'll love the carseat without the headrest, but anything that might help is worth exploring!
honeydew / 7504 posts
@edelweiss: Yup, that's exactly what we have. I take it out for walks around the mall and stuff - anything where I know we'll be on a smooth surface. He's on the 3rd slot now, so hopefully we can move him to soon and get rid of it altogether.
pear / 1895 posts
@littlebug: yeah, still got the 'rhoids. I ran out of colace a couple days ago and have just been taking a chewable probiotic 3 times a day and using Tucks pads when I ...go. So far, so good. I've read on here that they can take a long time to go away. Some people end up having them surgically removed.
grapefruit / 4923 posts
@littlebug: i moved the shoulder straps today and put LO in there. no complaining this time, but it was only 10 minutes. i didn't want to push my luck--he still looked like he was completely weirded out. i'll have to try for longer next time to get him used to it.
pear / 1599 posts
Wow. I cant believe so many LO's dont like their car seats/ carrier. Abi doesnt mind it, thank goodness cause we have to use it everyday when we go to work. We did have to move the straps up a couple of spots already. You could tell she just was not comfortable so that helped,We have the Britax Chaperon, not sure if it matters.
We got the rest of Abi's 2 month shots over a week ago. This time she ran a fever for a couple days And it really screwed with her sleep. They didnt weigh her, I was really dissappointed about that, we didnt even see the Dr it was just a quick in and out for the shots.
@Mrs Green Grass: I saw on your blog that you have been able to track Dylans intake a lot better now. Yay! makes me wish I had a smart phone to be able to do the same. I dont like that FTT lable either. I am really hoping we can avoid it. Abi's intake is still a hit and miss but her average is about 18 oz a day. She got her first cold a week ago so her intake went way down for a couple days. That was worrisome but atleast I could attribute it to something. She seems to do a lot better with me feeding her, DH has a lot of issues I really dont understand why she wont really eat for him, she was never breast fed so we have both been feeding her from day 1. And my parents have fed her and she does fine.
We are finally getting smiles and cooing! She is 12weeks old, it was killing me that she wasnt doing things "normal" term babies do by that age. And she was only 4 weeks early, cant even image it being more than that.
@dagret: Hope LO is feeling better. Abi had her first cold too, doesnt it just break your heart not being able to "fix" it. I hate to hear her cough
Anyone else already talking with their DH about another baby yet? lol We have been cause we want them to be close in age, idealy no maore than 2 years apart. And with DH being 34 and myself being 32 we think sooner the better if we want 3 total. I need to focus on getting in better shape/ losing weight, so hopfully it will help me make it to full term with no bedrest.
grapefruit / 4235 posts
@edelweiss: @littlebug: we have the snugride too. Hmm. I just moved L's shoulder straps up from the bottom slots last week.
@pinkb: my DH wants to start trying in June...which is kind of funny bc we haven't done it successfully at all yet. We'll see.
Sigh. I had a dinner meeting tonight and gave my husband specific instructions on feeding times and bedtime...and I swear he did none of it. I said to keep him up till bedtime, he let him sleep.i had 6 oz in the fridge and 4 more in the freezer (expecting 2 feelings while I was out,) and he only fed L 2.5 ounces. l's already been up once since i got home at 830 (to eat, so at least he shouldnt be hungry...). Any suggestions on getting husbands to go along with the schedule...?
pear / 1599 posts
@dagret: I would love to know also about the husband issue. I dont want to throw DH under the bus, but he just does whatever he wants. I came home from work at 11pm the other day and Abi was in bed sleeping still in her regular clothes no blanket, he just turned the heat uo to 75, and he couldnt even tell me how much or when she ate. Needless to asy she slept horrible and was up every hour that night. He doesnt get that she needs to be kept on a schedule for all of our sakes.He says he has a lot of issues with her crying at night while I am at work yet every night I have off there are no issues, she is fine....???
GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts
We have the snugride too ?!?! I need to check out the straps.
@pinkb: DH would like our kids to be no more than 2 years apart. I think I would be more open to them being 3 yrs apart though. I really would like 4 yrs so I'm hoping 3 can be our compromise. The thought really overwhelms me right now. Oh, and like @dagret: we haven't had a real successful "go" at things yet
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