honeydew / 7504 posts
@Mrs Green Grass: STOP. IT. Look at how handsome he is! That bowtie is awesomesauce!
pear / 1965 posts
@Mrs Green Grass: SO CUTE! I love the bowtie.
Ugh I am pumping at work now. I absolutley hate pumping. I wish I could go and feed her and not have to.
I know I shouldnt but I feel guilty when I am working and have to step out to go pump. I feel like a slacker! I know I cant help it but I honestly feel guilty when I am needed and have to be like "Sorry I have to step out for a few"
honeydew / 7504 posts
How are your LOs doing in the car seat? D seems to be turning a corner (finally!). He is now starting to sit back there and talk to himself, which is just about the cutest thing in the world. I think he watches himself in the mirror. He also plays with the paci clip or the blanket/spit cloth we put on him. It is so much more pleasant!
Now I just need to get him to like being worn. He still isn't a fan, but I think it's because he doesn't like having to face in. I think once we can wear him facing out, he'll be much happier. He loves to look around and observe stuff!
Everybody back to work, how's it going? It's going pretty well, here. I pump 3 times a day at work, so I often feel like I'm never getting any work done, but - hey - it's gotta be done. D takes 3 5oz bottles a day at daycare, and I'm typically pumping about 14oz a work, plus whatever I pump at home, so I"m able to pump plenty to feed him, plus continue to build my stash, which I plan to use for purees once we start feeding him (which could be in a MONTH, WHAT?!?!). D is adjusting to daycare well, so they tell me. They said he's really smiley, and he's getting better with tummy time (thank goodness). And he's starting to try to hold his own bottle! As for me, I'm adjusting ok, I think. I do fine during the day, it's at night that I get sad, because that's when I actually realize how much time I'm missing with him. But I soak in all the itme that I can, and when I pick him up from daycare and we get home, he's extra snuggly, which I just LOVE - I totally want to freeze time every day!
pomelo / 5628 posts
D doesn't like the car seat per se, but he does like to move, so he basically falls asleep immediately when I start driving. Sometimes he even gets upset when we stop at a light :).
I can carry him sometimes, but he doesn't live it and usually stays awake and pushes off of me which makes it hard. I think facing out will be good for him too.
honeydew / 7091 posts
Man, step away for a few days and have pages and pages to catch up on!!
You guys are SO lucky to not have hair loss yet! Mine is falling out in crazy chunks... I didn't hardly lose any at all for the last few months though, so I guess it's just catching up. I have plenty to spare - I'm not worried, just annoyed at having hair all over me all the time.
At 2 months Lyla was 10 lbs 6 oz, and 23". I'm sad there's no 3 month appointment - I might go in to get her weighed and measured just so I can see how fast she's growing :'(
She's still in 0-3M clothes, but she's starting to outgrow those. I think if she was wearing disposables she could still wear them for a while longer. Those cloth diapers are super bulky!
She's still not interested at looking at or playing with toys at 12 weeks... how about your babies? I feel like she should be.
And, some pictures - first one @ 12 weeks, second one because I think sleeping babies are the cutesttttt!!
honeydew / 7091 posts
@allison: So cute - looove all those smiles!! I can't believe the Dr. said he looked like a 6 month baby - that's such a sad thing for a mom to hear. And I'm with you - totally shocked DD wasn't born with a head full of hair!
@Rescuemom10: That newborn photo shoot picture is so precious!! Really making me regret not doing one.
@Mrs Green Grass: That bow tie is amazing! He's so handsome - looks like a little man with it!
GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts
@Mrs Green Grass: awww he is sooo cute!
@littlebug: We moved the straps up but J still doesn't like stopping at lights! We need a mirror and some toys for him! I go back full time in 2 weeks. I think I'm going to work some random days between now and then to ease back into it. I'm so glad the transition has gone well for you guys! D is really growing up - he looks so big in your IG pics!
@swurlygurl: Her eyes are sooo gorgeous! J is 11 weeks and doesn't reach for toys yet or really "play" either. If i put something in his hand he will hold it and move it towards his mouth. I really think he just truly discovered his hands not too long ago so I think he'll be playing soon!
pear / 1965 posts
@littlebug: Belle doesnt mind the carseat. She loves to be in motiion. Sometimes she will fuss a little if we stop. Darn stop lights. Haha! I have a mirror and she will just stare at that and is so entertained by it.
Work is going OK. I only get a chance to pump twice at work. I am getting about 11 oz right now. Just started taking Fenugreek. Im afraid it wont be enough once she starts eating more at daycare.
Soem days we get home and she is in a great mood. Others she is soooo tired and I have to keep her awake so she sleep at night.
@swurlygurl: ADORABLE pics.
I keep trying to give toys to Belle. Especially Sophie but she doesnt have the desire nor has she learned to grasp them.
grapefruit / 4235 posts
Wow, this thread has slowed down since we started going back to work!
I go back tomorrow and woke up at 6 am today to do a dry run. L was up in his crib but he keeps falling back asleep. It's funny that I never noticed that!
I'm glad I did a dry run too bc oatmeal takes way too long to cook in the morning - I'm going to make a pan of baked oatmeal today to eat throughout the week. I've also asked DH to set his alarm for 6 this week in case I fall asleep in the rocker (again!)
Sooo nervous for tomorrow. This week is going to drag. My mom is coming thurs night to visit/watch l on Friday bc L has his annual canoe trip this weekend.
At L's checkup last week, he weighed 12.5 lbs (guess my scale is terrible!) and was 24.5 in long. The pediatrician said I could start solids at 4 months...I'm not sure if we'll do that. I've gotta check out some baby feeding books...
I'm glad work is going well (ok) for @Rescuemom10 and @littlebug.
@coacheswife123: good luck going to work today! Hope you can ease into it!
@Mrs Green Grass: what did you decide about going back early? Love the bowtie by the way. D Looks like an old soul.
@swurlygurl: she is so pretty!
grapefruit / 4923 posts
@swurlygurl: those pictures are simply adorable! she's so cute! my LO isn't interested in reaching for or playing with things either. it's hard for me not to compare and feel like he should be doing these things, but i know it's going to happen eventually and i shouldn't worry about it.
@littlebug: LO has been doing much better with the carseat since we adjusted the straps to the bigger settings and took out the infant headrest. i mean, he doesn't konk out like i wish he would, but he doesn't cry/fuss like he used to (unless he's tired). poor guy, i think he was uncomfortable before!
@dagret: good luck tomorrow! i know how you feel in terms of being nervous! the logistics, how LO will do, getting back to work stuff, being away from LO, pumping, etc. so much new stuff to deal with! LO starts daycare tomorrow and i start work on thursday (i didn't think i could emotionally handle starting work and daycare all on the same day).
grapefruit / 4235 posts
@edelweiss: I probably couldn't handle it if he was doing daycare a full week. I am hoping I can deal since it's just 3x/wk. you have a long commute too right? I'm expecting a 45 minute drive to L's daycare and then 10-15 minutes from there to work.
honeydew / 7504 posts
@dagret: @edelweiss: Good luck with your returns to work this week! I'll be thinking of you!
D has his first cold. It's nothing big, just some congestion. No fever, and he seems ok. He slept a TON this weekend - almost 13 hours Saturday night! So he's obviously fighting off something. I've been dropping breastmilk in his nose then using the noise frida to suck it out. He hates it, but it works great and he calms down immediately because he can breathe better, I think.
grapefruit / 4235 posts
@littlebug: ooh, L's first cold was when I got obsessed with the Nosefrida. A humidifier helped a ton too, and I had him nap in the RNP bc it's elevated.
pineapple / 12793 posts
You gals that are back or going back to work are rockstars. I'm still trying to figure out how to get a shower in on some days
@swurlygurl: She's gorgeous!
@littlebug: Poor D! It's so hard when they can't breathe right. The nose frida really is amazing.
Liv is pretty good in the car seat. We aren't in the car all that much, but no cry fests. This week she's really found her hands and has been thumb sucking. I'm not sure how I feel about that yet.
Do you ladies want to split into separate categories like some of the other birth months have done?
GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts
@dagret: Thanks so much ! Even though its not even a full day I'm stressed ! I'm glad to ease back into it though ! It's weird to be up this early with a face of make up and hair fixed
grapefruit / 4235 posts
@oliviaoblivia: that would probably be a good idea...
Other threads have
Work/life balance
Any others?
grapefruit / 4923 posts
@coacheswife123: good luck today! let us know how it goes!
@dagret: yep, we have a long commute also. it'll take us 45-60 minutes to his daycare, and then about another 20-30 to work. argh. that's taking public transportation--i may try driving one day to see if it's faster, although traffic isn't great around here. we've talked about moving closer to work, but i don't know if i can handle even thinking about a move at this point!
pomelo / 5628 posts
I'm of going back early. I knew I would regret it and it was too soon to wrap my mind around since I was planning on4 weeks. I still have to write lesson plans for that time though :/. I still feel a little jipped (?) that I get less time off with Dylan even though I've been gone forever, but it does feel like a pretty long time already and summer is soon too. So I go back officially may. 6. My mom and dad. (Divorced) are switching off weeks off daycare.
I have a half hour commute but my mom is going to meet me at school to get Dylan since she lives nearer to there. (Yay!) and my dad will be staying with me since he lives an hour and a half away. Not sure if that's going to kill me or not. I haven't lived with my dad since I was 14.
D has a cold too - or at least congestion. I think he thinks I'm trying to kill him when I suction him. I hate it so much!! I have the nosefrida but I go back and forth between it and. A bulb syringe.
pear / 1895 posts
@littlebug: I love the nosefrieda! Eli hasn't had a lot of snot yet, but he constantly gets these huge boogers that end up blocking up his nose. The nosefrieda is the only thing that gets them out. I've heard of putting saline in their noses to loosen things up, but I always forget to get it at the store. I didn't know you could use breastmilk! I'll definitely be doing that.
@oliviaoblivia: @dagret: I really like the idea of categories; it seems like it would be easier to navigate the posts that way. What's Gtky? I can't think of any others.
pear / 1895 posts
@edelweiss: It's so hard to not compare our LOs, I know! I'm like you, I just keep reminding myself that each child is different and Eli is developing at his own pace. If I'm feeling particularly insecure, I just don't get on here for a day or two
pineapple / 12793 posts
@Mrs Green Grass: I'm sure your students are glad to have you back. What a tough decision for you to make, at least you have the summer waiting for you on the other side! I'm back waaaay earlier than I wanted too. I'm working at home part time until my boss can hire someone to cover the extra work (my only coworker quit a month into my leave.)
@allison: getting to know you.
honeydew / 7504 posts
@allison: Yup, I read it on Kelly Mom! I just snip a little from a bottle in a syringe, and put a few drops in each nostril, let it sit for a few seconds, then suck away! I did also buy saline to send along to daycare, though.
@coacheswife123: Sorry, I missed that you were going back today, too! Good luck - will be thinking of you!
@oliviaoblivia: Luckily for me, Daxon's on a pretty good schedule, so I've got a fairly predictable routine in the morning.
pineapple / 12053 posts
@dagret: @coacheswife123: blah, i'm back today too! pumping as i type! ha. i have mixed feelings about it. i know i need to go back bc DH is still in school, but my day job is not lucrative and i've maxed out what i get from it. i want to move to full time photography, but right now, i just have to juggle it all. we'll see how long i last here. DH will be watching her on the days he doesn't have shifts, so i'm only part time because we can't afford to pay for child care just for me to work at my day job. i know he'll be fine, but figuring out the logistics of it all is hard.
R got more shots today (we're delaying some and splitting the rest so she doesn't get a ton all at once) and they weighed her. She was 12 lb 12 oz, so she's gained almost 2 pounds this month!
GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts
@littlebug: breastmilk in the nose. Genius. I've been using saline but sometimes I miss and it rolls in his mouth. Yuck.
@Mrs Green Grass: i hope your transition back to work is a smooth one ! Snuggle Dylan close these next few weeks !
Work was pretty good today. It was only 4 hrs. I will do a full day next week (maybe a couple) . I think it is really going to help me to be able to ease into it ! It felt kind of good to get back and do something that felt normal - like the old "me". I missed J so much though ! Gave him lots of cuddles when I got home !
pear / 1965 posts
So at 10 weeks PP I really need to start hitting the gym again. Scared to work my core though. Blah!
I dropped all my baby weight fast. Super fast I dont know how. I am now a little bellow my pre baby weight but my tummy is FAR from where it was. I fear I will never fully get that back. Seriously cant imagine ever wearing a two piece again.
How is this going for evweryone else?
GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts
@Rescuemom10: I'm 6 lbs away from my pre preg weight ! My jeans fit but are a little snug. But my tummy is sooooo squishy
pomelo / 5628 posts
I'm much farther out than you all and still about 8 lbs over. I look skinny, but my stomach is definitely not the same. The way bigger boobs give me more appearance of an hourglass which is cool but its still weird to have them! I've been trying to do crunches while d does tummy time, but it's going to take a lot of crunches to get it back in!
I'm going to Hawaii in July so that's my goal date!
pear / 1895 posts
I lost most of my weight quickly, too. I lost 20 lbs at the hospital, then another 5 the week after I got home. The last 5 has been hanging around, but I don't mind too much. My clothes fit, just a little tighter than before. If I tighten my stomach muscles up, I look pretty much the same, so I definitely need to get on those planks! But I haaaate planks. So.
We're going to the beach in September, and I really don't want to have to buy a new one-piece swimsuit, so I'm hoping I'll get myself together over the summer and be in that two-piece! We'll see.
pineapple / 12793 posts
I lost all the baby weight plus 8-9 bonus pounds quickly but I'm sooooo squishy! My old clothes fit but with my new improved boobs my shirts look a little whoreish.
I'm impressed with those of you considering two pieces! I had a break down on Tuesday when I realized those days may be behind me. I tossed all but my favorite bikini with the intention that if I ever earn my way back into one that I'll go all out with a new two piece wardrobe. But right now my stretch marks are too ghastly for public consumption.
pomelo / 5628 posts
I want to wear a one piece, but everyone going with me will be wearing two and they are all new moms. Since I gave birth so early...I don't have stretch marks, so that's at least good.
I have to buy new suits anyway for my new boobs. I bought a triangle too like I would usually wear but in XL...yeah, not going to work unless I want to look like a stripper mom!
pineapple / 12053 posts
i was back below my pre pregnancy weight within a couple weeks, but i know that it's because i was more fit during my pregnancy than before! i was doing dailey method classes about 3 times a week and pretty much nothing before. i'm definitely flabby around the tummy though, so i need to get back on that. i have a bunch of yoga classes and barre classes that i need to redeem and then i'm going back to dailey method. i didn't get stretch marks on my belly, but they showed up on my boobs when my milk came in. thought i dodged that bullet, but i didn't. oh well! i've worn a 2 piece but i live in so cal so we've had some warm days. i have some one pieces, but i think my flabby belly looks worse? i figure it's part of being a mom!
honeydew / 7091 posts
Wow - you ladies and your two-pieces! There's no way I'm ever wearing a two piece again... I've mourned that fact, and have moved on. Now to find a one piece that fits my stupid boobs and isn't too big for the rest of my body...
GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts
I kind of like one pieces so I'm not toooo sad. I don't have stretch marks but I do still have my linea nigra. Bleh !
My boobs are like way out of control for a bikini like I would normally wear !
pear / 1895 posts
I like one pieces too! But they always seem to be so much more expensive. I just have a bunch of cheap tops and bottoms that I mix and match (I'm klassy like that). Target has some cute Sara Blakely one-pieces but they're like $50.
@coacheswife123: I have my linea negra, too! Def thought that would be gone by now. I have two tiny stretch marks on my stomach that bother me, but oh well.
@birdofafeather: I got a bunch of stretch marks on my boobs. They look terrible. Sucks.
Somehow my boobs didn't really grow out, they just got bigger around... I measured today, and by by measurements I'm a 34B! Which is the same size I wore pre-preg. So bandeau tops should still fit. I haven't tried them, though.
honeydew / 7504 posts
@coacheswife123: @allison: I still have my linea negra, too. And my belly button looks SO weird - the skin around it is so dark.
I am 4 pounds below my pre-pregnancy weight, but my body composition is totally different. What little butt I had before has migrated around and it's now parked on my gut. My belly was never exactly flat, but now it's definitely mush. Need to get started on that. I got a one-piece from J Crew. It was more than I'd usually spend on a bathing suit, but I had a gift card and I feel like I need a good quality suit to last me a while.
This of you pumping several times a day, do you feel like it is affecting your posture? I find that I'm hunching over and so my back constantly aches.
grapefruit / 4235 posts
I havent stepped on a scale in a while but id guess im about 5 lbs over my pre pregnancy weight...once we get into a routine i need to hit up the gym. I survived work today, and L had a great first day at daycare. Whew. Here was my list this morning:
GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts
@dagret: don't you feel like you are lugging your whole house to work each day? I hate it !
grapefruit / 4235 posts
@coacheswife123: yessssss I bought a thirty-one bag today so I can lug one huge bag instead of a zillion small ones.
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