GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts
This 12 week growth spurt is KILLING me y'all. J is a chore up get down to nap and goes down easily at night but is waking up every 3 hrs to eat when he was sleeping for a 6-7 hr stretch at a time at night. I hope this ends soon! I got spoiled and now am so irritable when he wakes up and then feel guilty. Uggghhhh
honeydew / 7091 posts
@dagret: Hahaha - baby on the checklist! I had tooons of dreams while pregnant that I would forget my baby. Thankfully, that has yet to happen.
@coacheswife123: For real - DD has always been the perfect baby, never cried, slept amazing and ate on a perfectly predictable schedule, and now all bets are off. She's eating every 1.5 to 2 hours, sleeping is a mess, and fussy aaalllll the time. I really hope this is a phase!
I finally accepted that DD is no longer a newborn, and is a baby... sad day.
A friend who is going through some rough medical stuff, and has a slight chance of only being around for up to 18 more months posted a question this morning on FB: "If you could only leave your child(ren) one message/lesson from you for their lives what would it be?" Reading the responses had me bawling!! I can't even imagine...
pear / 1965 posts
I have a light lines negra yet as well. Stretch marks have faded some...hope they continue to. I havent been on a scale in almost a month. So not sure where my weight is at. Was about 2 lbs bellow my pre preg before.
@dagret: Gotta love the morning hauling of all the bags right? Love how "baby" is on the list. Made me giggle.
@swurlygurl: OMG how heartbreaking....hmmm...I have to think about that now.
grapefruit / 4235 posts
@coacheswife123: @swurlygurl: hmm, L was extra fussy at the end of last week/beginning of this week & waking more at night...maybe that was his growth spurt? He's always eaten about 1.5-2 hours though!
Knock on wood, though, he slept last night from 7:30 pm - 5 am! I feel like I'm on crack today. Ha.
He's doing this thing now where he brings his legs way up and slams them down...sounds like he's in Wrestlemania or something - i can hear it the whole way in our room. But he doesn't cry and dozes in and out then so I let him in his crib till about 6:30 am.
I have remembered the baby - and amended that item to "w/pacifier" every day this week but this am left my cell phone in the diaper bag at daycare. Oops.
GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts
@littlebug: my back definitely hurts and I only pump for 10 min. I need to get a hands free bra
@dagret: j is still eating every 1.5-2 hrs too so it's always hard for me to tell if its a growth spurt
pear / 1895 posts
I don't know WHAT is up with Eli the last few days, but he's not nursing well. He nurses okay sometimes, but sometimes he repeatedly latches on and off, then he'll start fussing. Not crying, just fussing. Then sometimes he'll unlatch and just stare at me, or smile. He's not really fussier during the day, and he's napping well. It concerns me because I'm afraid he's not getting enough calories; he only eats every 3 hours or so (sometimes 4 if he's asleep), and he's back STTN after swaddle weaning. I feel so helpless, and I'm not sure if I should even be worried. I mean, he's a big fella and he's not acting sick or anything, so I feel like if he's hungry, he'll eat. Right? No? Ugh.
pear / 1965 posts
@coacheswife123: Totally get the hands free bra. Wow I wished I had got mine earlier!
@allison: Belle has been like this we well and eating about as often. 3-4 hrs. She seems to get distracted and stop and just stare or "zone out". Was thinking maybe a nursing necklace or doing something while nursing to keep her engaged.
pineapple / 12053 posts
@allison: @Rescuemom10: yeah, rowan has been SUPER distracted lately with nursing. today was only one side for 3 feedings. she's still going 2.5-3 hours hours in between, so i guess she's getting enough, but if i try to force her on the other side (we've always done both sides, even if the 2nd side is for a couple minutes) she starts screaming at me. last week, she almost made me cry because she was so upset nursing. i was reading alpha parent on the timeline of the BF baby and it said that around now, babies get more curious and distracted, so you may have to get them fed in a dark quiet room. i don't always have that option, but i'm going to try that when i'm at home and see if it helps. R loves to stare at lights (bulbs, open windows, etc) so i might have to try to eliminate those with nursing!
pear / 1895 posts
@birdofafeather: see, I've been wondering if he should nurse on the same side until it's empty or do the second side at the next feeding. I don't want to mess my supply up, but I also want to make sure he gets enough hind milk. He's definitely not completely draining either side. Tonight I leaked on the side he wasn't feeding on, and that NEVER happens this late in the day. I started pumping one side in the am, so I'm not sure if that's increasing my supply or if he's not eating enough and it's causing me to be more full.
I read about nursing in a dark room, etc, but that hasn't really worked for us. I hope it does for you! He either pulls away to smile at me or he just starts fussing--not really distracted just mad that I want him to nurse. I did read on KellyMom to try to not show my frustration when he doesn't nurse well. To stay relaxed, not hold his head, not try to force him. And just offer the breast often. If he refuses, just try again later. It's really hard to not get frustrated, but I'm going to try. I've started offering basically every time he wakes up and every time he's going down for a nap (so when he's sleepy).
This is hard.
clementine / 878 posts
Ladies I just went through this super distracted nursing phase. I am from the end of Dec birth group. For us it lasted a couple of weeks. Keep nursing in a quiet dark room where nobody walks in and has low noise. Although it doesnt seem to work now it will eventually and it does get better. Yes thats what all my friends said and I was skeptical but have hope. Theres not much more you can do than that... It was also helpful to try and nirse as soon as DD woke up in order to get her to sleep nurse or drowsy nirse. Had the best luck with that.
pomelo / 5628 posts
@littlebug: do you have a hands-free bra? I lean back...actually I sit up pretty straight. It cases te milk to pool around my nipples, but that actually helps irritation.
@coacheswife - get a hands-free bra! I'll send you one of mine if you need. Critical!!!!!
GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts
@Mrs Green Grass: do you have the simple wishes one ? I'm about to buy but not sure what size to order? I was 38DD before my milk came in
honeydew / 7504 posts
@gracecat: Thank you for the tips! D does the same thing as @Rescuemom10: just sort of stares off into space. He's just started playing with my hair (ouch) or my shirt, so I also thought about a nursing necklace. I found some on Etsy that double as teething necklaces, so I was maybe oging to order one of those.
@Mrs Green Grass: I don't have one. I've thought about it, but not sure how that'll work pumping at work - do I strip down and put it on each time? As it is, each pumping session has me off the floor for 20-30 minutes!
pear / 1895 posts
@gracecat: thank you!
Today has been better, nursing-wise. He ate really well first thing this morning, then again when he woke up from his first nap. Not AS good after the second, but not bad either. I've been nursing him in the bedroom, away from any noises.
pomelo / 5628 posts
I wear tanks and sweaters. Take sweater off, put nursing cover on, pull straps of tank down, unhook bra cups, put on nursing bra, put sweater back on, pump.
You can actually do things while you pump hands free so you'll really be saving time! I want you to come back and tell me how much it has changed your life after you try it!
I have the medium medela ones. I'm a 36dd pp, 34c before. It needs to fit snugly.
GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts
@Mrs Green Grass: you convinced me ! Just ordered me a hands free bra !
cherry / 175 posts
Just wanted to say hi to everyone! Molly is now 4 months did this happen so fast???
clementine / 750 posts
@shoemama: Hands free bras are the bomb. I just rented a hospital grade pump to get ready for my return to work and to try and be able to pump enough milk.
pear / 1965 posts
How is everyone doing?
Belle turned 3 mos this weekend. Where the heck has the time gone?
Nursing is still going ehh. She has good days and then super distracted days. Yesterday I was at a friends house and I thought we were going to have to leave she was so distracted but then crazy fussy because she was hungry! Ugh!
I feel like a garbage disposal. I am hungry all the time. WAY MORE than when I was pregnant. Know this is due to breastfeeding but its way more intense than I thought it would be. I am now 11 lbs bellow my pre preg weight. So I am not at all complaining but its just crazy how much/often I eat.
Anyone else feel like a vacuum because of how often they eat with nursing?
pomelo / 5628 posts
@Rescuemom10: I just recently lost my ravenous appetite. It's such a stark difference! Maybe because I only pump 3x a day (I'm 7 months pp almost). I finally starting to lose the last weight...
honeydew / 7504 posts
@Rescuemom10: YES! I eat like a maniac. I'm 6 pounds below my pre-pregnancy weight, and I honestly don't understand how given how much I eat! My mom yelled at me this weekend for being too skinny and to "stop it," and I was like, "Mom, I'm not doing anything! I eat like a horse and the weight is just dropping off!" I'm not really complaining, but it's hard to believe!
honeydew / 7504 posts
Also, just a little happy news - my little sister had her baby on Thursday! Our sons are exactly 14 weeks apart! He's a 5th - Daddy is the 4th, and they didn't decide what to name him until Friday, but decided to stick with tradition and make him the 5th! Here's me with D (who now looks like a MONSTER) with my sister and little A!
grapefruit / 4235 posts
@littlebug: congrats auntie! That's so cool that your sons will have cousins so close in age.
@Rescuemom10: I'm starving all the time too, but haven't stepped on a scale in a while.
Ugh I hate to say it, but I think L's going through his 3 month growth spurt? It makes his huge eating 2 weeks ago look puny. He was up every 2 hrs to eat last night - I gave up and brought him to bed around midnight.
pear / 1965 posts
@littlebug: EXACTLY!!! Crazy right?
Aww what a great pic!!! How special to have a cousin so close in age. So the 5th? Wow thats the most I have heard next to my family. My nephew is the 7th. Pretty cool!!!
@Mrs Green Grass: Hmm good to know! Hope it tapers off. Some morning I wake up so hungry I feel sick. Ugh!
@dagret: Oh no! Knock on wood we havent had that yet. Key word yet.
GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts
@littlebug: what a great picture !! D has gotten so big !
@allison: so. Crazy. How has a year passed already?
pineapple / 12793 posts
@littlebug: what a great pic! I wish my sisters were having babies too. So great that your kids will grow up together!
honeydew / 7504 posts
@allison: I saw that the other day! Tomorrow marks a year since our BFP. WOW.
pear / 1965 posts
@allison: SO CRAZY!!! I was just thinking that a year ago this time I got my BFP. Time has flown! WOW!!!
How is everyone doing?
pineapple / 12053 posts
@littlebug: @Rescuemom10: i got my BFP a year ago! crazy!! and now i just found out that out of our group of 8 BFFs from HS, 5 of us had/are having our first babies this year! the other 3 are not married/dating anyone, so that's pretty crazy.
pear / 1965 posts
Wow, so I have been away and really busy recently. Got on to say Hello and see what I have missed. Looking pretty quiet around here. How is everyone?
pomelo / 5628 posts
@Rescuemom10: There are individual threads for sleep, etc. that are more active. This one kind of died. We need to talk more though! I get really excited when I see a thread pop up, but I don't usually search for them.
pear / 1599 posts
@littlebug: What a great pic! SIL is due July 1st and our LO will be 6 months. I feel like a am more excited for her to have her baby than I was for us to have It could have only been better if it was my sisiter.
We are doing good here. Found out today the pathology on my placenta was perfectly normal, so it looks like I went early most likely due to stress. I am happy about that, it is something I can manage better next time. We just did our first plane ride with Abi last week. It wasn’t too bad other than exhausting. And we did our first night away from her! I waiver whether or not I would be able to do it but I did! We really needed a night for just the 2 of us. My mom and sister watched her, but we didnt even leave till she was in bed for the night, lol, and we were back by 8 am. But it was a nice get away. I totally felt once we were in the hotel like I needed to be doing something, I felt lost, it was so ridiculous. I wish they lived closer so we could do a date night I am working on finding a babysitter I like / trust.
And I have serious baby fever I know we are in no way ready and I want more time with Abi just us.....but I think about being preggo again every flippin day and I miss it so much! I think it might have to do with I didnt have to go thru the last month of uncomfortableness and the second to last month I was on bed rest so that was easier than luggin around a big ol belly. So maybe I feel like I missed out a bit, IDK. But seriously I cant stop thinking about it. I dont care to go thru the newborn stage again just yet but I am super excited to have another already!! I am crazy!!
pineapple / 12793 posts
@pinkb: I missed your whole post. Sounds like you had a nice night away. We haven't done that yet, I'm too chicken. I'm glad the path report came out ok. I'm sure that will make future pregnancies less stressful.
Anyone else having trouble with diaper changes now? L will not sit still and the entire time I'm changing she's trying to get to her dirty diaper or the wipes box or my glasses. I've heard that toddler changes are tricky. I just didn't expect them to be difficult so soon.
GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts
@oliviaoblivia: yep the second we put him on the changing table he is trying to reach around and flip to his belly!
pear / 1895 posts
@oliviaoblivia: Eli just wants to grab at himself. It stresses me out when he's dirty! He's definitely gotten poop hands a couple times. I've started distracting him with the changing pad strap.
grapefruit / 4235 posts
@oliviaoblivia: L gets furious when I don't let him chew on his feet during diaper changes.
pear / 1599 posts
@oliviaoblivia: I am trying to figure out when we can do it again! It was so nice to feel that connection with DH again.
LO has started to squirm a bit for diaper changes so it can be a challenge. But her most recent thing is puting her feet down and pushing her butt in the air. She almost always ends up with one foot in the dirty diaper.
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