cherry / 103 posts
@Cherrybee: um, I think I took 8 HPTs total (all digital) - I finally have stopped but seriously it was over a week where I was "just still checking" - you aren't crazy at all! Until you go for an ultrasound or have serious symptoms I think it's really hard to feel like it's still real. I have my first ultrasound next Thursday but I am going to try and not take any more tests before then =)
@kpow: good luck at your appointment! Definitely let us know how it goes. I am at 5w4d and still not nauseous, which I guess is lucky....
@Bookworm: um, when I went to see my dr. I was only 4w1d and I weighed more than I ever have my entire life! and I am still eating more - it's awful! I am hoping it's just bloat/water weight (as previously mentioned, I am crazy bloated) because I know I am not supposed to gain like that!
apple seed / 3 posts
EDD: July 31st
How far along?: 3 weeks 4 days
How long TTC?: 1 year +
First child?: Nope
First doctor's appointment: We used IVF so we have non stop appts, but first u/s appt will be first week in Dec. First beta is 11/27
Symptoms so far: Not many- just really sore boobs and bloating.
Who have you told?: A few friends and some family. It's hard to hide it when you are going through IVF so people are aware of the journey and curious about it.
pea / 18 posts
I'm so excited to be joining you!! Got my BFP last week,!
EDD: July 24th
How far along?: 4 weeks 4 days
How long TTC?: NTNT (2 cycles off of BCP)
First child?: Yes
First doctor's appointment: Last Friday, didn't find out too much, just that I am in fact pregnant Next one scheduled for 12/21.
Symptoms so far: Just tired all the time.
Who have you told?: Our parents, my sister and a few of my friends.
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
I forgot there was a July board. I'm borderline July/August according to FF, but I'll happliy join!
EDD: July 29th according to FF, might be earlier if based on last period, since I know I ovulated late.
How far along?: 4 weeks exactly, I think (2 weeks from O)
How long TTC?: 2
First child?: Yes
First doctor's appointment: Dec. 17. I had seen the midwife a few weeks ago for my annual and she warned me that they take people between 8-10 weeks so I was expecting that. We are going away for almost 3 weeks so I wanted to get in before that.
Symptoms so far: Wicked migraine on Saturday-- I get headaches anyway, but this was like a super intense menstrual migraine (which I got a bunch of when I went off the pill). Other than that, I feel a light cramping, and my boobs are sore, but less than they usually are before my period. I'm just waiting for the nausea.
Who have you told?: Only DH and the receptionist at the midwives center. I'm telling my sister at Thanksgiving, but I'm not sure I'm ready to tell the whole family then. We will tell DH's family over Christmas when we see them.
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
Oh and I am so glad that I'm not the only one who can't stop taking tests! It doesn't feel real but seeing the lines get darker and show up sooner reminds me that it is! Yesterday I felt silly refusing wine, like I'm not REALLY pregnant. Didn't help when DH's grandmother asked me when we were going to have kids...
pear / 1632 posts
Congrats July mommas! Im due June 25th but If Im late I may be a july mommie too! July 4th would be so cool but that would prob be a long shot. Heres to day dreaming!!! Congrats everyone!!
papaya / 10570 posts
@MsConfetti: @MomBrarian: Hi!! Welcome and congratulations!!
@Foodnerd81: Hello!!!! Glad you decided to join the board!! I took another digital test this morning - lol - but i'm glad I did because the conception indicator had moved up from 1-2 weeks to 2-3 weeks! I was so happy!!! Baby's getting settled in there!
@jh524: That must make you about 8 weeks now then? How's pregancy treating you?
papaya / 10570 posts
Update! I just booked myself an early scan at a private clinic! It's on 14th December, when I'm 7wks 2 days. I really, really hope we see a heartbeat! Fingers crossed everyone!!
GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts
@MsConfetti: @MomBrarian: @Foodnerd81: Welcome!!
@Charcole2011: Ugh, it sucks, right? I'm reminding myself that my body needs the extra energy, but good grief, I'm ALWAYS hungry!!
clementine / 957 posts
Update on my appt:
The Dr. had a hard time finding anything during the Trans Vag U/S and when she did find something "that could be a pregnancy sac" she said it measured at 4 weeks when I should've been 7w 3d so that was really hard to hear. The OB said it could be 1 of 3 things- An ectopic (which is unlikely since I'm not feeling any pain) a missed miscarriage that hasn't passed or a very very early pregnancy and my calculations are wrong.
Not sure what to think since I charted, used OPK's and took a test exactly 10 DPO (and one every day for 5 days after) and all positive. I don't know how I could be a whole 3 weeks off? Maybe 1.. but 3!?
DH and I are pretty upset. OB didn't really indicate one way or another but told me to be aware of miscarriage symptoms (as if anyone in their first tri isn't already) and to come back in 2 weeks to do another U/S.
I got lab work done and the results for my HCG levels came back at 25,667 miu/ml. Not sure what that means since it's my first HCG test.
Anyone been through this? It's so confusing and heartbreaking. I'm not sure what to think!
cherry / 103 posts
@MsConfetti: @MomBrarian: @Foodnerd81: congrats and welcome!
@Cherrybee: ah, so exciting! my first scan is when I am exactly 7w so I am also hoping to see the heart beat. over on WB, it seems like most of the ladies are having success seeing it that early so I hope I am the same!
@kpow: I am SO sorry - hopefully things will work out for you and it's just a miscalculation somehow. Hugs!
apricot / 491 posts
@kpow I'm so, so sorry to hear this. I don't know anything about the HCG levels, but I had a good friend who experienced missed miscarriages and it was difficult. But, she just had a beautiful baby girl a couple of weeks ago! I know it's going to be torture waiting for another scan. My thoughts and prayers will be with you!
apricot / 431 posts
@kpow: Oh no, that is absolutely not how you imagine your first appointment to go, I'm so so sorry! I don't really have any advice since this is my first pregnancy also, but I'm thinking that if your HCG levels are still so high surely you must still be pregnant? Rationally I would think that if you miscarried a few weeks ago (even if you didn't notice anything), your HCG levels would have dropped by now? Because there would be nothing there anymore to produce the hormone? I don't know if it helps at all, but it says on my test results that a level between 11,500 and 289,000 miu/ml corresponds to 7-12 weeks so that at least seems to be in line with your calculations.. (mine was 100 miu/ml, corresponding to about 4 weeks which is where I was at the time).. Again, I'm so sorry you got this upsetting news, I'm sending you and little one lots of hugs and positive thoughts!
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
@kpow: I'm sorry you are going through this! I don't really know anything about it, but I hope it all works out!
papaya / 10570 posts
@kpow: I'm so, so sorry you're dealing with this. What a horrible experience.
The levels of HCG per week of pregnancy fall between the following levels:
Week 3 7 0 to 5
Week 4 14 (next period due) 5 to 430
Week 5 21 180 to 7400
Week 6 28 1,100 to 56,500
Weeks 7 to 8 35 to 42 7,600 to 230,000
Weeks 9 to 12 49 to 70 25,300 to 290,000
So, with HCG levels like yours, it's unlikely you're only 4 weeks pregnant.
You know, sometimes they just can't see things properly or they measure things wrong. Wait out the 2 weeks, have another u/s and we'll all keep everything crossed for you. I've not been through it myself but I lost a baby super early and that was heartbreaking enough - i can't imagine how awful this is for you. Hugs.
pea / 18 posts
@kpow: So sorry you are going through that, I'm crossing my fingers and toes that it all looks better in 2 weeks! My thoughts on the HCG levels are if they are matching with where you should be week-wise, then I doubt you missed a mc, because your HCG levels would have dropped if you miscarried, wouldn't they? I'm hoping that your OB just mis-measured, and things will look better at your next appt! BIG HUGS!!
clementine / 957 posts
Thanks everyone for all your kind words and well wishes. We are hanging in there!
I emailed the OB about the HCG results and asked if it would be beneficial to come back tomorrow and check levels to see if they've increased. I've read that levels can continue to increase while the placenta is still attached though, so I'm not too confident that more blood work will mean any sort of confirmation.
It's going to be a LONG 2 weeks but I really appreciate the support, bees!
cherry / 235 posts
Add me to the list...just got my BFPs last night. Used a digi and the old school version! Soooo excited but also so nervous. I have no clue what I'm doing! LOL!
EDD: July 31
How far along?: 4 weeks
How long TTC?: 4th month
First child?: Yes!
First doctor's appointment: Dec 3 - already had one scheduled so I suppose I should call and let them know of my recent development!
Symptoms so far: My only real symptom was the absense of symptoms. Normally I start spotting 2-4 days before my period and that wasn't happening. That coupled with the fact that I have felt hungover (sour stomach and tired) for the past 3 days made me decide to test 2 days before AF was due to arrive. Was thrilled to see the 2 pink lines and PREGNANT on the tests!
Who have you told?: My three besties and we're telling my SIL (my 4th bestie) tomorrow when we see her. Waiting to tell the rest of our families when we see them in person over Christmas.
So excited to be a part of this group!!! Kind of curious to see if the online calculator is right and I'm due 7/31! Hoping not to have to switch to the August board after getting to know all of you!
nectarine / 2530 posts
Time I finally added myself to this list!
EDD: July 30th if based on my O date, August 2nd if based on the date of my last AF. Not sure which board to go with ;D
How far along?: 4 weeks 1 day
How long TTC?: 5 cycles
First child?: Yes!
First doctor's appointment: Dec 26th! I was engaged on a 26th, married on a 26th, started this cycle on the 26th...hopefully the luck will continue to hold true.
Symptoms so far: none really? I'm relieved that other people on this board have also reported that, because I really don't feel any different. I've also taken a million tests, 'just to be sure'.
Who have you told?: DH! The day after I got my positive my SIL told us that she's expecting her second mid-July, and it was so hard not to spill the beans. But telling my MIL and FIL also means telling the stepkids, and I don't know if I'm ready for that yet (especially if something happens). I hope to tell my mom tomorrow; I printed out a picture of the first tests and plan to put them in a 'Grammy' frame to give her when I get her alone.
nectarine / 2530 posts
edit: okay, so I'm going to add 'sore boobs' to symptoms so far, as my left boob is definitely feeling weird. The things we share ^_~.
apricot / 491 posts
Hey ladies! If/when you start feeling nausea, may I recommend Sea Bands
I wore them when I was pregnant with DS and I've just kept forgetting to get a new pair for this pregnancy. (I gave my old ones to a friend.) Today I was seriously about to loose my lunch in Target when I dashed over and got some and put them on. They *really* help me take the edge off. I still feel like mild nausea but not like I'm actually going to vomit!
@strawberrybee It's fun to be pregnant with someone else! I was pregnant with my SIL and our babies were 4 weeks apart. It was so nice to have someone with me every step of the way. This time I'm pregnant with one of my good friends who I also work with! She was also my doula, but she won't be able to do it again this time!!
nectarine / 2530 posts
@glimmersnaps: Thanks for both the recommendation and the advice! Unfortunately SIL lives in FL (and we're in PA), which I'm pretty sure is why she announced the news so early -- they traveled up for Thanksgiving, and I'm sure she wanted to tell everyone in person. So while it will be neat to be preggers at the same time, unfortunately we won't be able to do much together.
papaya / 10570 posts
Hi, right, I'm panicking and could really do with some reassurance. I'm 4wks 1 day today, exactly where I was when I had last months loss, and I've woken up at 5am with awful cramps. I also feel that ache you get when your cervix is opening for AF or O. It totally feels like AF is coming - which is what happened last time and she did, later that day. My symptoms went days ago - help! Is anyone else getting this? I'm freaking out here! Thanks in advance.
nectarine / 2530 posts
@Cherrybee: I'm sending you non-AF vibes like crazy! While my boobs were sore yesterday for the first time, they aren't now, and I do get mild twinges from my midsection every once in a while. Just try to stay calm and hopefully they'll pass!
apricot / 491 posts
@Cherrybee I remember feeling like AF was about to start at any moment when I was pregnant with DS and this time. I had that exact same achy feeling. In the month I had the chemical pregnancy, I actually didn't feel as crampy, so I don't know. I know the waiting game really stinks. I'm hoping it's just a false alarm!! Keep us updated!
papaya / 10570 posts
@StrawberryBee: @glimmersnaps: Thanks both. I'm sure I'm just being a drama queen. I'm traumatised by last time, I think!!!! I'm off to see what would have been my potential doula (although she's not free in July!!) on Wednesday and she's going to do some relaxation techniques with me. Thanks again for the reassurance!
nectarine / 2530 posts
@Cherrybee: I don't think being concerned equates to being a drama queen! Hope everything went okay today :).
So we told my mom today, and it was so cute (first grandchild :)). I put a picture of my positive test in an 'I grandma' frame, and hid it in a Vera Bradley bag I had picked up as a possible baby bag. So I told my mom I had something to show her upstairs, and we started going through the bag, and I had her pick out the frame. Took her a few seconds to realize what she was looking at, and then she let loose a shriek lol. I don't think we'll tell anyone else until after my first drs appointment on the 26th. My brother asked me when we were going to have kids at the dinner table in front of my inlaws!
coconut / 8472 posts
Hi everyone, I'm jumping in here. Hopefully I get to stay! We had the craziest beginning to this pregnancy because I was spotting and thought AF was starting and I went to get bloodwork at my RE and they called to say I was pregnant with an HCG of 6! They said it could be fine, or it could be chemical or ectopic. But my tests continue to nnbe positive, including a digital today so I'm optimistic. I also have another blood draw tomorrow.
EDD: July 31
How far along?: 4 weeks 1 day
How long TTC?: 6 months, but this was the first cycle I ovulated.
First child?: Yes
First doctor's appointment: other than the blood draw tomorrow, I have nothing scheduled. I'm not sure when I'd move from RE to OB, which I don't even have.
Symptoms so far: Not much yet. Nipples are a little sensitive, and I'm a little tired. But I haven't been sleeping much due to being anxious about whether the pregnancy will stick. My mom told me she never really got nauseous except on the subway, so hopefully I'll be similar!
Who have you told?: DH and my parents. We're staying with them for the holiday and I didn't want to have to hide it if I get bad news tomorrow. I'm seeing my best friend tomorrow, I'll probably tell him then. He's going to be so excited to be an uncle!
papaya / 10570 posts
@MrsCB: Yay! You joined!! I think the possibilities your RE listed are the same ones we all have and we're all hoping for sticky babies!! It sounds like your spotting was implantation and you're just super early testing - squeal! I'm so happy for you after 6 months with no O, you really deserve this!!!
Update on me, 4+2 and still no bleeding, cramps have even died down a bit! I think I was just worrying for nothing! Phew! Just get me to the 3rd Tri already, I'll be happier when I can see and feel baby!
apricot / 305 posts
@whatsarahsaid: @StrawberryBee: @MrsCB: Congratulations!
@glimmersnaps: I'll have to keep the sea bands in mind. So far I haven't had much morning sickness yet, but there's still time.
I had my first appointment on Wednesday. They did an ultrasound and we got to see the baby's heartbeat. I was pretty excited about that since I wasn't sure whether or not my OB would do an ultrasound this early. Made it seem a little more real. They also moved my due date back a little. I thought I was 8 and a half weeks, but they changed it to 7 and a half. Now my due date is July 7th instead of July 1st.
apricot / 431 posts
@cranberry: You got to see the heartbeat!!! That's so cool, yay!
We're 7 sleeps away from our 1st appointment, I'm getting nervous! Also I'm feeling nauseous and crampy today, and I can finally say my boobs are sore..
How's everybody else doing?!
papaya / 10570 posts
@cranberry: Yay!!! You got to see a heartbeat!! Amazing! congratulations! Our first heartbeat!!
@mrsvdv: How's the nausea?? I started feeling it yesterday but I haven't had it today!! My bbs stopped hurting about a week ago - not sure if I'm happy about that or not!
I'm good - feeling a lot more positive this week. I'm 5 weeks tomorrow. The days are dragging though - I need to see that heartbeat (please God) on the 14th.
How's everyone else?
nectarine / 2530 posts
Just waaaiting until my appointment on the 26th and trying not to stress too much. I nearly broke down and told one of my bosses yesterday (we're all really close in my department). I suck at keeping secrets! Still only have sore boobs.
GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts
@StrawberryBee: My bosses know but my co-workers/friends don't and it is sooo hard! One more week until I can spill the beans
My boobs are just killing me right now! I went and bought a bigger/more supportive bra because good lord, my usual ones weren't cutting it.
papaya / 10570 posts
@StrawberryBee: @Bookworm: I totally let it slip to my boss yesterday, too! I'm working on a huge project that will involve training about 2000 staff next year. We were looking at budgets and deciding if I was going to run the courses (all 140 of them) over the course of the year or whether we'd pay £100,000 for a freelance trainer to come in. If I hadn't spoken up, the money would have been allocated to something else and the whole project would have been in jeopardy. He was delighted for me - and wont tell the team until I'm ready, I'm sure of it.
cherry / 103 posts
Hi ladies! Just came back to check in - is anyone else not getting the email updates even though they are subscribed? I have missed a lot!
I am struggling to not tell more people myself...I want to share the news! Counting down the weeks until Christmas when we will tell the rest of our families and then after New Years will share with friends. Jealous of those of you whose coworkers/bosses know! My boss is let's say not the most supportive of babies and literally yesterday one of my coworkers who has been out on maternity leave gave her notice that she isn't coming back, so I am a little worried that it's going to hit the fan when I do announce I am preg - probably waiting as long as I can until then!
Also, had my first serious food aversion/nausea experience today - I have been eating greek yogurt for breakfast because I am trying to be good at eating more protein, and I swear I took one bite and gagged - it took all I had not to spit it back out! I had to toss the whole remaining carton because I couldn't even LOOK at it.
My first ultrasound is Thursday - I am so hoping I will get to see the heartbeat!!!
Hope everyone is feeling good!
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
I'm also having a hard time not telling people, even though I don't want to yet and want it just for ourselves for a while! We told my one sister over Thanksgiving, but haven't told anyone else yet. We have our first appt on the 17th, then we will tell DH's family when we get together for Christmas later that week (so 8+ weeks). We won't get to tell my family in person until January, which is so far away! My birthday is at the end of January, right around the end of the 1st trimester, so I guess anyone who calls to tell me happy birthday will get the news then too
So far I'm feeling fine-- a little tired, a frequent cramping-- mostly light, but it lasts for hours. Sometimes it's enough that i would take Advil for it if it was menstrual cramps. Other than that, I'm waiting for the morning sickness.
@cranberry: Exciting that you got to see the heartbeat! I don't know if they will do an U/S at my first appt but I really really hope they do! It will make it a lot more real for both me and DH.
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