Hellobee Boards


July 2019 Moms

  1. Sams Mom

    grapefruit / 4492 posts

    @Jess93: Absolutely good numbers, they want you to double every 48 hours. You doubled and then some, a lot some!

  2. starlitsky

    clementine / 795 posts

    @Jess93: that does sound good since it more than doubled between tues and thurs! thinking good thoughts and hoping you have a sticky baby!!

  3. Petitduck

    kiwi / 624 posts

    @Jess93: dipping in to inquire how far along you should be? I had an ultrasound, abdominal and transvaginal at 4+5 and they saw nothing at all and the tech actually told me I may have already miscarried. That kid is now 15 months old. My betas were great and she did my repeat ultrasound at 6+5 where we saw the heartbeat. Hoping this is a similar case for you.

  4. Jess93

    coffee bean / 49 posts

    So my last period lasted a long time so she based it off my start date which would be sep 28 so 5 weeks 6 days. But I think it should start oct 6 which would be 4 weeks 5 days. So I'm hoping t was just very early. She wants to get me another ultrasound Thursday and I have more bloodwork Monday. She gave me a call and saw nothing on the ultrasound. She said my blood levels looked like a healthy pregnancy and that my spotting I could just be someone I who spots through my first trimester. She also said that it could be that the outside cervix is open but closed on the inside so I really hope this is the case! Don't want to lose this baby! We've been trying so hard and I am so happy!

  5. Jess93

    coffee bean / 49 posts

    Also glad to hear that wasn't the case for you! Gives me hope!

  6. Petitduck

    kiwi / 624 posts

    @Jess93: fingers crossed for you. It sounds exactly like mine.-who was a July baby so that’s why I popped over.

  7. Jess93

    coffee bean / 49 posts

    Thanks! 😊 Hope your 15 month old is doing good!

  8. QBbride

    pomegranate / 3192 posts

    @Jess93: those numbers seem really good! I think it’s just too early to really see anything, especially if you’re only 4w5d!!

  9. LadyDi

    persimmon / 1380 posts

    @Jess93: my first ultrasound with my first son was around 5 weeks I think and they didn’t see anything. Try to stay positive!

  10. LadyDi

    persimmon / 1380 posts

    Had my first ultrasound yesterday for dating and it went well. They measure me at 6w3d, which is about what I thought and gave me an EDD of July 2! Saw the little bean and his flicker of a heartbeat.

  11. megpie

    coffee bean / 44 posts

    @LadyDi: that’s good to hear! How exciting!
    @Jess93: Thinking of you this weekend! Those numbers sound good though 😁

  12. starlitsky

    clementine / 795 posts

    @LadyDi: Yay glad to hear your ultrasound went well and that you got to see the heartbeat! ❤

  13. Jess93

    coffee bean / 49 posts

    Wow congrats on the heartbeat! This morning my brown spotting has turned to red spotting but just spotting so I'm still staying positive. Just have to wait until Monday so I can get my bloodwork and get my results Tuesday!

  14. megpie

    coffee bean / 44 posts

    You guys I can’t stop peeing on sticks 😂 Someone stop me!

  15. starlitsky

    clementine / 795 posts

    @megpie: great lines!!

  16. QBbride

    pomegranate / 3192 posts

    @LadyDi: congrats! Nothing like seeing that heartbeat! 😍

    @megpie: great lines! Now stop peeing on things!! 🤣

  17. QBbride

    pomegranate / 3192 posts

    How was everyone’s weekend?

    My mum came for the weekend but I didn’t end up telling her. I really wish I did because it’s so much more exciting telling her in person AND I felt sooooo crappy all weekend, so I’m sure she knows something is up. I haven’t had any bloodwork or u/s’s though so it seems so early when I have no idea what’s going on in there!! But I’m sure me refusing wine 🍷 was a dead giveaway 🤣

  18. QBbride

    pomegranate / 3192 posts

    Bumping the due date list from the previous page.

    July 2019 Mamas
    6/29: qbbride (#3)
    6/30?: starlitsky (#2)
    7/1: ladydi (#3)
    7/14: jess93 (#1)
    7/18: megpie (#1)
    always in our hearts

    @Jess93: want me to add you in? When’s your EDD?

  19. Jess93

    coffee bean / 49 posts

    I just rested all weekend hoping for the best! I know it's so hard not telling my mom! Waiting until Christmas! You can put me July 14. would be cool if it was the 15 cause that's my wedding date! and first baby

  20. starlitsky

    clementine / 795 posts

    @QBbride: oh wow I wonder if your mom suspected! when are you planning to tell her, after your first ultrasound?

    we had some friends over for dinner and DH was like "thank you everyone for coming! we have an announcement..."! lol i know he is just really excited but I was like "we're barely 7 weeks!". 😝

    @Jess93: I'm glad you were able to rest!

  21. QBbride

    pomegranate / 3192 posts

    @Jess93: done!

    @starlitsky: I’m sure she suspects between me feeling like death and not drinking. But she didn’t say anything. We might spend a weekend in December with her for a family Christmas party, if we do, I will tell her then! I would rather tell her in person because I think it’s a lot more special and I know she will be super excited for grandchild #3!

  22. Jess93

    coffee bean / 49 posts

    @starlitsky that's so cute that he's so excited and wanted to tell everyone!
    @qbbride I agree it's much more special in person!
    Got my bloodwork from yesterday. Up to 6000 now. I think this one is going to hang on!

  23. daisyfay

    olive / 72 posts

    Hi ladies! Another new addition to the July baby list here.

    Location: California
    EDD: July 11 (based on online calculator)
    How far along: 5w5d
    First child? No, I have a 3.5-year-old daughter.
    First doctor appointment: I have a phone appointment next Tuesday to go over risk factors since at 35 I am of advanced maternal age, but my first real appointment is 12/3. Honestly I am happy about this - with my daughter I had my first appointment right about now, and there was nothing visible on the ultrasound but the sac, so I had to go back for a follow-up and it was a super stressful week in between.
    Any symptoms so far? Just more fatigue than usual, and recently some dizziness. Last time I had two weeks of morning sickness from 6 to 8 weeks, and I am not-eagerly waiting to see if that happens again, especially since I have to travel cross-country with a toddler but no husband during those weeks this time.
    Who have you told? Just my husband and my SIL, who is mid-second trip with their first.

  24. QBbride

    pomegranate / 3192 posts

    @daisyfay: congrats!! I will add you to the list!

  25. QBbride

    pomegranate / 3192 posts

    July 2019 Mamas
    6/29: qbbride (#3)
    6/30?: starlitsky (#2)
    7/1: ladydi (#3)
    7/11: daisyfay (#2)
    7/14: jess93 (#1)
    7/18: megpie (#1)

    always in our hearts

  26. LadyDi

    persimmon / 1380 posts

    @daisyfay: congratulations and welcome!

  27. megpie

    coffee bean / 44 posts

    @daisyfay: congrats !!

  28. starlitsky

    clementine / 795 posts

    @Jess93: ooh yay i'm glad your numbers are good!!

    @daisyfay: congrats and welcome!! how come you had your first appointment so soon with your daughter? i could have had an appointment at around 6 weeks but I was worried they wouldn't see anything so I opted to wait for almost 8 weeks to go in!

  29. daisyfay

    olive / 72 posts

    @starlitsky: Thanks! I lived in a totally different city at the time, and I guess the hospital system's standard of practice was just different. TBH I think their OB practice was just less busy than average overall, so it was not a big deal to get patients in as soon as they had a positive pregnancy test. Also as a first-time mom it didn't occur to me it might be better to wait a little longer. Our new hospital system straight-up told me they set first appointments for 8 weeks, which IMO makes a lot more sense, seeing how many of us on this thread alone have had similar issues with an early u/s that didn't show anything!

  30. daisyfay

    olive / 72 posts

    @megpie: Thanks, right back at you!

  31. daisyfay

    olive / 72 posts

    @LadyDi: @QBbride: Thanks, and congrats to you ladies too!

  32. starlitsky

    clementine / 795 posts

    @daisyfay: ah okay! I know a lot of women want to go in ASAP but I would rather wait to make sure there's a higher likelihood of seeing something on the ultrasound. i did ask for 3 beta tests before the first appointment though, for peace of mind. and the first trimester is pretty nerve wracking either way, I think! 😅

  33. Jess93

    coffee bean / 49 posts

    @daisyfay congrats!!! Do you travel for work? If I go by my first day of spotting that's my due date too! I think I'll have an early baby though. Seems to run in the fam. Last night I was so nauseous ladies! And so it begins. I also couldn't stop thinking about a cheeseburger 😆 This being my first I love all of it!

  34. QBbride

    pomegranate / 3192 posts

    Hi ladies! I went to get my bloodwork done this morning but there was no beta on the requisition, I don’t know if there’s much point at 7+ weeks anyway. Just the usual blood type, CBC, thyroid etc. Still two weeks until my ultrasound 😩 I’ve been SO tired and super nauseous in the evenings, they’re basically a write off. Mornings I don’t feel too bad. I have two night shifts coming up this weekend and I’m really wondering whether i’ll even be able to work 😭

  35. starlitsky

    clementine / 795 posts

    @QBbride: i don't think they test hcg at this point! my initial bloodwork didn't include hcg; I had to request it. but I got my bloodwork done super early so hcg made sense.

    my fatigue and nausea come and go throughout the day! a few times in the past week I've woken up feeling good but sure enough a couple hours later I start feeling queasy.

    2 days until my ultrasound! excited but also nervous!!

  36. LadyDi

    persimmon / 1380 posts

    @QBbride: Late afternoons and evenings have been the worst for me. Nausea comes and goes but mostly I am so tired. I'm a SAHM and I thought that maybe this time I wouldn't be as tired because I am not at work all day, but if anything it's worse this time.

  37. Jess93

    coffee bean / 49 posts

    Was queasy this morning that’s for sure! Had my second ultrasound yesterday. The girl said she just saw the sac prob still too early. The doc just really wants to see something to make sure everything’s ok. Booked again nov 28! Hopefully they will see something that time! Gets discouraging! Especially cause I bleeding during the transvaginal can’t be good but don’t bleed after at all.

  38. LadyDi

    persimmon / 1380 posts

    @Jess93: the wait in between ultrasounds like that is the worst. Hopefully thanksgiving is a good distraction for you.

  39. QBbride

    pomegranate / 3192 posts

    Well ladies, I started on diclectin yesterday. The nausea was just too awful. Two more weeks until my ultrasound! Wahhh. Seems to far away.

  40. starlitsky

    clementine / 795 posts

    I had my first ultrasound today! I was really nervous but everything looked good and we got to see/hear the heartbeat (although I forgot to ask how fast it was!). I’m measuring 7w3d and my adjusted due date is July 2.

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