nectarine / 2750 posts
@swedishfish: Sometimes A doesn't burp and I just give up after a while. I feel bad, but I can't do it forever. Someone told me yesterday that bouncing with the baby on a yoga ball is good for gas.
I felt a little isolated at first, but I started taking him for walks everyday and little outings to feel better. You could even pack her up and just go through the Starbucks drive thru and get a treat. having friends come by was nice, too. Now that A is five weeks, we go out more-mall, new mamas group, etc. so it won't feel that way for long!!
nectarine / 2750 posts
@swedishfish - look what I saw today!
persimmon / 1304 posts
@swedishfish: I know what you mean about feeling isolated. After 3 weeks, I made a point to get out every other day even if it meant a walk around the block or a drive around town. The key for me was feeling comfortable getting out with baby. So I would take her to a shopping center or mall just to walk was kind of like practice!
How was everyone's weekend? I had an awesome Saturday and got to spend lots of time outside. I woke up feeling crappy with a very sore boob yesterday though. By bedtime I had a high fever and extreme body aches---turns out its mastitis The antibiotics are seriously working wonders though. My fever broke and I am feeling a lot better already.
nectarine / 2750 posts
@bisous: Oh sorry to hear that Glad the antibiotics are helping!
We didn't have the best weekend. My dad had a heart attack on Friday evening. He lives about an hour away so we weren't able to visit until Saturday. The trip went fine, though (other than the weird guy trying to lock us behind a gate on the side of the highway) and my Dad is recovering well. He is going home today.
There is a big music festival in town so we went down and took A for a walk near the music festival yesterday so we could pretend we were still cool. We could actually see inside the fence and hear the music.
pear / 1664 posts
@tlcbaby: I'm so sorry to hear about your dad Glad he is recovering well though.
I have definitely felt isolated too - she's been so fussy, I don't really feel like i can take her anywhere. Even short walks outside are super stressful for me. I'm trying to get over it and just do it, hoping she gets used to it.
This is day 3 on the soy formula and I think it's still going well. She's absolutely less fussy than she was, tho her poos are harder and she gets crabby trying to go. Keeping an eye on her to make sure she doesn't get constipated.
She did SO WELL today you guys, I couldn't believe it was even my baby. I had my post partum appt (6 weeks but technically 7 since the dr. was out of town). She had to come with me and woke up almost immediately after we got there because some toddlers were running around playing and making noise in the waiting room. She hates her car seat and I was bracing myself for the screaming, but it never happened. She was awake a while then drifted back to sleep, even though the appt took almost an hour and I got a pelvic exam as well as an IUD inserted. I was amazed. Afterward, I took her to Target, where she stayed asleep (again, SO NOT normal for her), and then drove her around a bit when she was still sleeping. I couldn't believe my luck. I hope this means the formula is agreeing and she'll be a bit less crabby for the most part! if not, at least I got a good day out of it!
Other stuff of note: She spent Saturday night at her grandparents' house - the break was nice. She did really well there. We'll do it again for sure. We went out to dinner then watched a movie (uninterrupted! No screaming or fussing or anything!). Corny - we watched Titanic. But it was in the new releases for having better graphics I guess. A fun Saturday night watch.
I also sold our simple graco swing on Craigslist and bought a My Little Snuggabunny one - the Cradle N Swing that goes both ways. She likes this much more and we're getting way more quiet time and naps out of her. She was not a fan of the simple to-and-fro motion of the other one. it was between this and a Mamaroo and I decided on this because i could buy and return it locally to walmart (figured I could do that and get a mamaroo if she didn't like this). But I think this is a keeper! Plus, saved $60 over buying the Mamaroo.
Also, she slept in her own room, away from us, last night. It was quite nice. I slept much better. She had previously been sleeping in a pack n play less than 1 foot from my side of the bed, and every noise she made woke me up.
That's my update for now. She's fussing, gotta go!
persimmon / 1304 posts
@tlcbaby: I am so sorry about your dad! I hope he continues to recover well!
@LazyLightning: Wow! Sounds like the soy formula is really making a difference. That's great for you and your LO! I have been really nervous about getting my IUD inserted next week. Did it hurt at all? (my gyno laughed at me and never answered me when I asked because I had DD with no drugs...but hey, I am allowed to be scared!)
pear / 1664 posts
@bisous: it hurt very little! Like nothing. A little cramping and there was some initial soreness when he used the speculum but seriously it was no sweat. I had been quite worried!!
nectarine / 2750 posts
@LazyLightning: @bisous: Thanks. Hopefully he will listen to the doctors and stay healthy.
@LazyLightning: That is great news about your LO! Sounds like a nice outing. I have to take A to my 6 week appt. tomorrow, too and I hope he is as well behaved as she was!
I am going to look into an IUD, as well - the ParaGard. I am going to ask about it tomorrow, but I have heard you can have heavy periods, which sounds totally un-fun but I'll see what they say. I also need to find out how much insurance will cover before I decide.
pear / 1664 posts
@tlcbaby: this is my second paragard! I highly recommend it tho the periods *do* take a little getting used to.
GOLD / coconut / 8266 posts
@tlcbaby: oh I'm sorry to hear about your dad but it's great that he's doing well! I hope he continues to improve.
pear / 1664 posts
@tlcbaby: not really, at least not for me. Maybe cramping a bit worse but not too bad. I had it for 4.5 years before ttc and it was a great choice for me since hormonal bc makes me sick.
nectarine / 2177 posts
Hi ladies, I have been MIA since we've been on vacation! I hope all of you and your LOs have been doing well. We returned last night. The return trip should have taken 6 1/2 hrs. It took 12 wtih TERRIBLE traffic and stops to feed J. He was seriously an amazing trouper. He slept lots, and only got really fussy a few times right when it was time to feed. When we were literally parked on the highway for 2 hours (IT SUCKED), I used my Medela Harmony for the first time and pumped bottles that I fed him from the front seat. Certainly not the safest, but ya gotta do what you gotta do. Looking fwd. to catching up on what I missed.
pear / 1563 posts
@LazyLightning: @tlcbaby: I am also most likely getting paraguard. I haven't had great luck with hormonal bc. My midwife said that after childbirth IUD insertion is usually pretty painless.
tlcbaby, sorry to hear about your dad.
Lazylightening, glad LO is improving! I've noticed a drop in fussiness and better sleep right at 6 weeks.
persimmon / 1304 posts
@LazyLightning: Ahhh...that's a relief. I am also getting the Paragard. I haaate hormonal birth control so that seems like a good option for me (even better now that you say it wasn't too painful.)
@maybebaby: Glad you guys made it home safe and sound, but what a crappy trip home! I am thinking of getting a Medela Harmony--sounds like it works great for that type of situation.
nectarine / 2750 posts
Yea! I just found out yesterday that the Paragard will be covered 100% by my insurance. I just got new insurance and I was worried it might have sucky coverage. I am going to probably get it next week or the week after.
@lazylightning: How was LO yesterday? I saw your post that the soy formula might not be doing the trick.
Does anyone else feel like they are figuring out their baby's schedule yet? I think I am *sorta* getting it. I try to start the bedtime process by 8:30p or 9:00p and he goes down by 10:00p. Wakes up between 2:00am and 4:00am and then again around 5:30a or 6:00a. I can usually get him back down for an hour or so and he is up for the day by 7:00am or 7:30am.
He usually cat naps around 9:00a and then is ready for a big nap (2 to 3 hours) at 11:00a or 12:00pm and he takes one more big nap around 3:30pm or 4:00pm and he seems to have a longer awake period in the evening before bedtime. I always feed him as soon as he wakes up.
We gave A his first bottle last night, well DH did. He took it like a champ. But I was kinda sad and DH asked why and I said "Because he doesn't need me anymore". Hormonal much? But then I tried to give him the bottle and he wouldn't take it. I felt like I was going to choke him, it looks like so much to stick in his mouth. So we wasted an ounce of milk, which sucked. I just nursed him instead.
nectarine / 2750 posts
Oh - @grizz: Does C fit into his BumGenius yet? I think A's legs are finally getting chubby enough to wear them. I tried yesterday for the first time and so far no leaks! Now I need to add to my stash so I'm not doing laundry all the time.
pear / 1664 posts
@tlcbaby: I hope yesterday was a fluke, but she was Terrible most of the day -- seemed like pain. And didn't sleep well last night. So I guess we will see.
Her schedule is so hard to pin down!! I thought I had it? Then it changes.
nectarine / 2750 posts
@LazyLightning: Well I use the term schedule very loosely but I at least feel like I can predict him a bit more than I could those first couple of weeks.
pear / 1664 posts
@tlcbaby: I feel like she was more predicable! Eat sleep change repeat. Now it's like "oh, now you're awake and fussing for 5 hours straight? Awesome."
nectarine / 2750 posts
@LazyLightning: Aww, it'll get better. I do sometimes stare at him and wonder what to do with him when he is awake. He seems to like walking around the house and looking at everything. I think he gets bored looking at me.
pear / 1664 posts
@tlcbaby: we definitely do that! look out the window, look out the other window, look in a mirror, etc. haha. Oh, the way we spend our time these days...
nectarine / 2750 posts
@LazyLightning: I tried to pull weeds with him in the baby carrier earlier. Major fail. But he does let me vacuum with h in there. After I googled it to make sure it wasn't too loud
pear / 1664 posts
@tlcbaby: haha, I'm known to run the vacuum right next to her to make her sleep!!!
pear / 1563 posts
@tlcbaby: I never thought I'd say it but there is a rhythm to our days now, though nothing remotely like a schedule. She's still a bear to get down to sleep, but we are having more luck with swing naps these last few days, and for that I am grateful. We still rarely get even a 4 hour stretch at night so I'm jealous of those of you with long sleepers!
@LazyLightning: Sorry LO has taken a turn for the worse on the soy formula. I get so stressed when something is wrong with my LO and I can't figure it out Hoping that you all have a breakthrough very soon.
So is anyone else noticing a change in LO as you cross six weeks? Our girl has started social smiling occasionally and making lots of different sounds. It's making the days a lot more fun. But tlcbaby, I totally relate to your comment above, I feel like LO is bored with me by the end of the day!
@maybebaby: Welcome back! Glad LO was such a trooper on the drive. Very resourceful to pump and bottle feed.
@bisous: That's a lot of us getting paragard it sounds like. It's interesting to me because I feel like I hear a lot more about Mirena usually.
pear / 1664 posts
@Revel: Today was a better day again! I am tired of this 'watch and see' game, but hopefully things just even out. I know that changing her formula and such all the time is probalby causing a lot of issues!
nectarine / 2750 posts
@Revel: Rhythm might be a better word to describe it.
So I thought we were going to have a horrible night because the AC went out AGAIN, but DH knows how to fix it now so he got it nice and cool in the evening, but A was so fussy when it was hot and he couldn't take a good nap because he was so hot. I guess he was super tired by nighttime because he slept from 9:30pm to 4:30am! I woke up twice and put my hand on his chest to make sure he was breathing. It was amazing.
Hopefully the air is back in working order because I feel so bad for him when it gets hot in here.
And I officially packed away the newborn size clothes - we are moving on up to 0-3 months!
@LazyLightning: Yea for good days! I'll keep my fingers crossed for another.
papaya / 10473 posts
@tlcbaby: He does! We still have him in newborn AIOs with an extra insert though because I haven't found time to go through and stuff pockets. I'm sort of wishing I'd bought Freetimes or Elementals. How are you liking them on A?
nectarine / 2750 posts
@grizz: he finally does! We have leaks every once in a while, but they mostly work well. I like the Freetimes, but I am going to get 4.0's to round out our stash. I like both of them now that I get the benefit of the pocket diapers.
pear / 1664 posts
Totally freaking out. Just booked LO and I a ticket to fly to see my grandparents next weeks. 1 hour in the car, 3 hour flight, 5 more hours in the car. Exciting and scary!! I'm flying alone but my dad is meeting is for the car portion. Now I have to figure out what to pack and how to deal with the fact that LO still has low tolerance for stroller or sling. She did make it 15 min in the bjorn yesterday before fussing...
nectarine / 2750 posts
@LazyLightning: Woah! That is going to be quite a trip. We won't be taking A for a big trip until November, but the tip I have heard from others was to feed them during take off and landing to help with the pressure change and maybe distract them a bit. I hope she does well!
You could try to wear her in the Bjorn through the airport if you think she prefers that to the stroller?
papaya / 10473 posts
@tlcbaby: How many snaps do you do to fasten A's diaper? We come in 5 snaps on both sides, and it fits well in the waist but it looks so weird!
I'm thinking of getting some SoftBums bamboo inserts for his diapers at night because he's a heavy wetter during his long night stretch.
nectarine / 2750 posts
@grizz: we do the same-5 snaps. The only problem is most of his 0-3 onesies are too short with the diaper so we are mostly in 3 month or 3-6. They are a little bulky when the babies are this little!
pear / 1563 posts
@LazyLightning: That sound like some trip!
We just got back from three days away with my family at the beach. It is SO hard traveling with a baby this age. We packed so much gear, and then hit traffic on the way there so it took us 3 hrs instead of 1.5, and she screamed for a good part of the trip She still hates her carseat, I'm hoping she'll grow to like it. She seemed to enjoy seeing all the people but didn't sleep very well while we were away.
The plus side is that she slept her first 5.5 hour stretch last night, our first night home!!! I couldn't believe it. Her sleep had deteriorated since the newborn days and the last few weeks we were lucky to get one 3 hour stretch out of her. I feel very refreshed today.
How's everyone else doing? I can't believe LO will be 8 weeks on Saturday. Now I understand what everyone was telling me in the first few weeks about how fast time passes!
pear / 1664 posts
@Revel: I'm way more worried about the driving than the flight because she hates her car seat too!! I've been trying to drive her around every day this week to get her used to it. It's hard!!
I walked almost 3 miles today with LO in the bjorn. I consider this a major victory given that she really hasn't taken to any of these carrying devices and I badly need her to for the trip!!
pear / 1664 posts
Oh and... she got her 2 month shots yesterday. Poor fussy baby. Better today though.
nectarine / 2750 posts
@Revel: Glad her sleep is getting better! We have been noticing A is falling into a pattern of going down about 9:00 or 9:30pm and going all the way until 4:00am, or 4:30am before his first wake up! I thought it was a fluke, but it has been almost a week straight.
I went back to CrossFit this week, too! I went Saturday and I was sore for two days. I went this morning while DH stayed home with A and it was weird to be away from him, but it felt good, too. I can't believe how out of shape I feel after just six weeks without working out.
A is so smiley now - I finally caught one on camera yesterday, too.
pear / 1563 posts
@tlcbaby: that pic is so cute! LO smiles a lot these days but they are tough to catch on camera. Also, that sleep pattern sounds heavenly! I'm starting to think it's gas not hunger that wakes my LO at night, going to work on that even if it means changes to my diet.
I'm also back to CrossFit! I was SO sore from my first class, and that involved squatting less than I was in pregnancy. I've felt much better since then. Working around the bigger boobs and belly fat has been tough though. I kind of didn't realize how different my shape is now. It's great to be back though!
nectarine / 2750 posts
@Revel: Oh my gosh, my boobs were killing me running and during burpees. I didn't realize they would be so sore, almost like when I was first pregnant. Gotta wear a better sports bra next time. It sucks to feel so weak, but at least now I can start improving again and working on things instead of modifying everything.
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