nectarine / 2750 posts
@grizz: Maybe some rhythmic Zumba would put him to sleep If Cesar shows up at your house, your better send him my way next!
@bisous: Thanks! I keep meaning to say how much I love your avatar of your little girl
Oh my gosh I don't know how I forgot to mention that A slept for almost 7 hours last night! I am not thinking this is going to be a recurring phenomenon, but I needed it last night. My cups runneth over when he was finally ready to eat, though. I had to pump after he finished eating because they were still so full.
pear / 1664 posts
@tlcbaby: We had the same thing happen last night! It was crazy. She ate well all day, but only ate a half ounce at 7 (normal is 3-4 oz). I managed to get her to eat another 1.5 oz at 9:30, and went to bed thinking she is going to be up again by 11:30 or midnight wanting more. She woke up at FIVE AM. whoa! Like you I'm sure this isn't a regular thing, but at least we know she's capable!
Unfortunately I had a bad stomach ache last night and was awake a lot of it myself. I could have used that extra sleep - darn.
pomelo / 5820 posts
@tlcbaby: @LazyLightning: You guys give me hope that LO will sleep more than 3 hours at a time before he's 7! Haha. Hope your LOs continue with that sleep pattern!
GOLD / coconut / 8266 posts
@Pepper: haha, R slept through the night the first two nights home from the hospital...that has definitely not happened again. Maybe one day!
nectarine / 2750 posts
@LazyLightning: Sorry you didn't get to sleep while LO was sleeping so well! We were back down to about 5 hours last night, but I am still pretty happy with that. I'll be happy when bedtime for him is no longer 9:30/10:00, but it works for now.
@Pepper: There is hope! I was talking with my sister last week that it is hard to imagine your life ever being different than it is right now, no matter what stage your children are at, but it seems to change all the time.
@swedishfish: I definitely do not subscribe to the "wake them up to eat" theory...if that baby is going to sleep I am not waking him up!
I am officially attempting to pump starting today. I pumped after A went down for a nap and only got about 2oz, but I am going to try and do it 2 or 3 times a day to start building up a stash.
cherry / 184 posts
@tlcbaby: I was going to do the same thing, but I'm getting nothing when I try to pump! Or very little, anyway. I must be doing something wrong but I'm not sure what, and the suction kinda hurts. Maybe she depleted my supply too much before she went to sleep and I should wait until I am back to full? I am just using a single hand pump at the moment - the double electric looks a little intimidating. I hope I can figure this out though - I would love for my husband to be able to feed her, and I'd also like to be able to build a stash of milk for future needs.
And I totally don't wake her up to feed her. Our pediatrician confirmed that it's not necessary. (Thank goodness!)
GOLD / coconut / 8266 posts
@tlcbaby: neither do I but the pediatrician scolded me because R had lost more weight. Now she's only two ounces away from her birth weight. Good job with the pumping. I only got a little at first but I got over six ounces this morning.
I finally got on a scale this morning - I am a little over 8 pounds away from where I started but I was about 15 pounds overweight when I got pregnant so I have a ways to go. Nothing fits right yet - I'm in my maternity capris today.
nectarine / 2750 posts
@tinypiglet: I waited about half an hour after he fell asleep (so probably almost an hour afte he started his last feeding) to pump. I did use the manual electric and it went much faster than it usually does with the hand pump. Maybe you can try it when DH is home and can hold the baby so you aren't distracted? I've also heard that it can take a few days of pumping to get much of anything, once your body adjusts.
@swedishfish: I haven't even tried on my regular pants! Thank god we all gave birth in the summer and can wear dresses, skirts and other stretchy clothes for a while
nectarine / 2177 posts
We've been on vacation and will be until Sunday, but unjust wanted to pop in to see how everyone is doing! Sleep--we got one 6 he stretch in last week, one 5 and a couple 4s...mostly 3s and 2s. BFing--was supplementing with formula but we've been EBF for ten days now! still using the shield about half the time, but slowly weaning off. Otherwise, J is so much fun and smiles and loves to play. It is so nice being on vacation and having DH around full time!
pear / 1632 posts
Hi Ladies, I've been home for two days. Trying to get this whole thing figured out is incredibly hard!! I'm still recovering. I will share my birth story but not sure im ready to go back and relive what happened. Baby Roy Anthony is doing amazing but my nipples would say otherwise... He was born july 3rd at 4:52 am weighing 8lbs 5 oz. Hope you all are well
pear / 1664 posts
@jh524: congratulations!!! Sounds like it was rough and for that I'm sorry. I know how that feels. Great to be home tho, right??!
persimmon / 1304 posts
@tlcbaby: Thanks! We recently had two nights of nearly 8 hours! I was so excited, but we are back to around 5 hours now. Not complaint at all, but 8 hours was pretty amazing! My first thought was--"oh, there is a possibility I will be productive when I return to work!"
@maybebaby: Glad to hear BF is going well for you! I bet it's nice to have DH around! I am planning a mini vaca for the end of this month and I am so looking forward to spending quality family time. Any tips for packing for/traveling with a newborn? Enjoy the rest of your vacation!
@jh524: Congrats on your baby boy! What a cutie!
nectarine / 2177 posts
@jh524: Oh my goodness, congratulations! Just beautiful.
@bisous: Exciting! Driving or flying? So far we've just driven 2.5 hrs, but our next stop is 4.5 hours away and then 6 hours back home. We packed our car to the brim, and I don't feel like anything we brought was not needed Rock n Play was a must--he is sleeping in it and hanging out there sometimes during the day. My advice is to make a packing list well in advance and do as much as possible beforehand. It took us 6 hours the day of to pack, take care of him, and get out the door! Granted, we are gone for 11 days. Let me know if there is anything specific that would be helpful!
persimmon / 1304 posts
@maybebaby: It is exciting! I will be happy to get out and explore with DH and the babe. We are driving around 4.5 hours and will be away for 4 days. We have a pack n play for nighttime and RNP for day, so I will have to decide which one to take. I will definitely start making a packing list now!
I have this vision of us leaving with a tiny suitcase for DH and me, and a huge one for the LO! Hahaha. I guess it's kind of like packing up the diaper bag--better to plan for the unexpected!
nectarine / 2750 posts
@maybebaby: Congrats on EBF and weaning off the shield. Hope your vacations is fun!
@jh524: He is so adorable! Hope you are recovering well!
@bisous: Haha By the time you go back hopefully those 8 hour nights will be more frequent. At least you get a vacation first!
cherry / 184 posts
Sigh. Last night was a doozy for us. CJ was up until 4 am; basically just wide awake, hungry (?) and fussy all night. I almost lost it with her as I just. wanted. her. to. sleep.
She's also started doing this thing where after several minutes of nursing, she gets kind of crazy/frantic. She moves her hands all around, bobs her head, kicks her feet, and mouths but doesn't suck. She does it on both sides, and eventually starts eating again, so I don't think it's a supply issue; I can't figure out why she's taking a crazy dance break, though.
Also, she *hates* the RNP. I am so bummed because all I've ever heard about that that thing is how much babies love it. I have tried it multiple times and she just will not sleep there. She seems to like to sleep laying relatively flat, so I'm guessing the dip in the RNP is just too much for her? Hopefully she'll like it when she gets a little older, otherwise it's useless. Basically the only place she will sleep reliably (besides on my chest or lap) is the napper on top of our pack & play. I haven't been able to get her to sleep in her crib (also haven't set up the monitor yet). We just bought a folding bassinet for our boat that she seemed to like sleeping in, so I brought it home to try it here, but I tried that last night and she wouldn't sleep there either.
Is this just fussy newborn nonsense and I need to suck it up? She'll be 3 weeks tomorrow. Feeling sleep deprived and defeated.
nectarine / 2750 posts
@tinypiglet: Sorry you had a rough night
A does some angry eating sometimes and I really haven't been able to figure out what it means. I'll take him off and burp him, but it doesn't seem to make a difference. Then I wonder if nothing is coming out or too much is coming out, but I've never made any sense of it. He just looks angry at my boob for some reason and flails all over the place.
You'll figure out where she likes to sleep best - I feel like I am learning teeny bits about what he prefers every day, it is just a very slow process...and then he changes.
Hopefully she'll let you get a nap today!
pomegranate / 3577 posts
@tinypiglet: Maybe cluster feeding and a growth spurt? My little guy does the fussy flail thing sometimes. It seems like once he gets enough in his tummy, he chills out. So maybe his fussing is preventing the let-down and he gets frustrated? I don't really know either.
@jh524: What a precious babe! I hope your recovery is swift, mama.
At everyone...sorry I haven't been as participatory. We're hanging out in Texas for the week, then we're flying north. I can't wait until we are settled. I hope everyone is doing well!
cherry / 184 posts
@tlcbaby: Thanks. If nothing else, it's nice to know that someone else has had the same issues, or just understands. She slept from 4 to 7:30 this morning so I did get a little sleep. Caught about another hour after hubby left for work at 9. She just seems to be so awake/alert the last couple of days. I would rather she just get some sleep instead! Crazy baby.
@jh524: Congrats on your little one! What a sweet photo. Don't worry, your nipples will feel better soon. I think it took me a little more than a week to toughen up. EMAB Natural Nipple Butter and breast pads that don't stick to your sore nipples (I'm looking at you, Johnson's ) are also incredibly helpful.
@bisous, @maybebaby: Yay for vacationing with babies!
@swedishfish: I'm still about 15-20 pounds up (I have dropped 20+; I'm not sure how much I weighed when I went into the hospital but overall I gained somewhere around 40 pounds). Definitely still wearing maternity clothes and haven't even attempted to put on pre-preggo bottoms. I did manage to wear a new non-maternity sundress for a party this past weekend, which made me feel good. Hubby said I looked pretty and summery - it's been a while since I've had a compliment about anything but a baby bump so that was nice!
cherry / 184 posts
@espion: Thanks, and I am guessing you are right - I can't think of any other reason she'd be acting so wacky. We did decide to go up a diaper size a couple of days ago, so she's definitely gaining weight. Here's hoping she calms down soon...
pear / 1664 posts
Yesterday LO (my girl's initials are actually L.O. - funny!) turned 6 weeks old. It was the worst day I've had with her thus far. She was SO UPSET from 9:15 until 10:30 at night. I was in tears by 2 PM, and asking my husband to please come home early by 3 PM (he did). I just couldn't handle her. She fussed and fussed and fussed, would not sleep, would not eat (well, she would, but she cried even during that and did not eat much) and was just inconsolable. It was truly awful. I'm tearing up now even thinking about it. My husband finally got her to sleep at 10:30 PM and she did sleep fine after that. Woke up normally to eat at 2:30 and went back to bed normally shortly after. She was clearly so so tired, from being so awful all day yesterday. Her eyes were puffy and red from crying (mine too!) - she looks much better today and is napping now, which is more than I can say for yesterday, so I sure hope it's a sign of a good day.
@tinypiglet: LO is an angry eater too. Yesterday especially. Hands waving, body squirming, head flailing around. Sometimes yells at her bottle in between sips. I read online it could be gas though I usually can't get a burp out of her in those circumstances. She also has decided not to like her RNP. She loved it for the first few weeks but now doesn't like it. Honestly i think she doesn't like her legs scrunched up, plus she likes to lay on her side. I actually lied her down in it for her nap this morning, on her side, and she's been sleeping OK - on her back she won't lie in it for more than 5 or 10 minutes without fussing to get out.
cherry / 184 posts
@lazylightning: Oh, that sounds like a very not fun day. Hopefully you will catch a break today since yesterday was so rough. It does seem like the issues come and go.
I think CJ has the same beef with the RNP that your LO does - being scrunched up/not stretched out. She also likes to lay on her side on occasion, so that could be it too. Who knows. Babies!
nectarine / 2750 posts
@LazyLightning: Sorry for the rough day I am glad DH was able to come home and relieve you a bit. At least you had someone to commiserate with. Hope today has been good!
A had his one month checkup today and he had to get a shot. I was so sad to see him scream like that, but he did get a cute bandaid. I thought I'd have to sit in the room and feed him to calm him after, but he calmed down pretty fast so we just got him in the car and got out of there so I could feed him at home where it is much more comfortable.
papaya / 10473 posts
@tinypiglet: Is it possible you have a fast letdown? C acts like such a little freak after a few minutes of nursing when I let down, and does a lot of the things you just described! I try to nurse in a reclined position sometimes to help him, and it seems to make a big difference.
pomegranate / 3577 posts
Is it weird that I put E in his crib to wake him up when he's too sleepy to eat?
GOLD / coconut / 8266 posts
@Espion: haha no! R will stay asleep if she goes into her crib asleep but cries if we put her in there awake/drowsy.
persimmon / 1304 posts
@tinypiglet: DD also takes dance breaks! I feel so bad because she seems so angry! I have been switching to the other side and sometimes attempting to burp in between, and that has been working. I have a fast letdown, but it's usually at random times and not always at the beginning.
@grizz: I agree that reclining helps with the fast letdown issue. I also sometimes pump for a few mins if LO sleeps for more than 4 hrs at night so I don't flood her!
persimmon / 1304 posts
@Espion: Haha...nope, if you found something that works, go with it! And maybe it will help develop a positive association.
persimmon / 1304 posts
@LazyLightning: So sorry about your rough day! I had a day when DD was overtired and would just fuss and scream and cry, though it didn't last that long!. Out of desperation I called my mom and she came over to take over for me. Thank goodness...after trying everything, it just makes you feel like, even as their mother, that you are the last person on earth that could console them and put them to sleep . Hate that feeling!
I am so glad to hear she is doing better today though! Hopefully you will have a streak of good days to help dull the memory of the bad!
pear / 1664 posts
@Espion: haha, that's what I always say to my husband. If you want her to wake up, just do things you would do if you wanted her to go to sleep!
nectarine / 2750 posts
I do things to make A mad, too! When he falls asleep eating I like to rub the gunk out of his eyes and jiggle his little body around a little bit. It still barely rouses him!
I went to a new mom's group today with the local babywearing club. They came by to show us all the types of carriers and how to use them and I finally learned how to use my Becco Butterfly! I even took A into the mall in the Becco instead of his stroller. It was so nice. He got fussy so I fed him and he fell right back asleep and just chilled while I picked out a few outfits for him for being so good. Now I just have to get the right size K'Tan and we'll be in business.
pear / 1664 posts
Well, it's been one hell of a week. Fussy fussy fussy! And not just that, but she seems like she's in pain! I've been to the doc with her once and called them twice. She's now on...
--gas drops
--gripe water
--soy-based formula
The probiotic will take a week before we know if it's helping. I don't really think the gripe water helps but the gas drops might. The soy formula (her first bottle was 2 hours ago) seems to be better but we'll see in a few days how she's doing. She didn't spit up half of it, nor has she woken up screaming (seemingly in pain)...yet. I hope this is the answer! I hate to have a baby look and act so stricken.
She also has a heat rash, the doctor told me to just leave that alone and it'll go away.
nectarine / 2750 posts
@LazyLightning: How is she doing today with the new formula? Better, I hope!
pear / 1664 posts
@tlcbaby: so much better! I hope it sticks! She actually seems, dare I say, happy!!
pomegranate / 3577 posts
@LazyLightning: That's awesome! Hoping that was the root of everything!
GOLD / coconut / 8266 posts
So R spit up in the middle of the night on Thursday 4.5 hours after eating while sleeping in her rock n play. She also spits up every time we put her in the crib unless we wait long enough after eating. DH called the pediatrician to ask how much spit up is too much - she's gaining weight and doesn't seem upset by the spit up - and the doctor put me on a two day elimination diet of no dairy, fruit and vegetables. I'm hungry. plus I've read that dairy takes 1.5-2 weeks to leave my system so what's the point of a two day ED?
nectarine / 2750 posts
@LazyLightning: That is so good to hear! Do you think it is the new formula?
@swedishfish: Sorry but if you take out dairy, fruit and veggies at the same time how will you know what is causing the issue? Or will you start reintroducing to see what food is bothering her? I am sure that is frustrating. Hopefully you'll find the cause quickly!
We had the weirdest thing happen today. We pulled into an empty lot with an abandoned building off the interstate to nurse A. Well as I was feeding him someone pulled up on their tractor (we were near a farm), parked next to us and got in a truck to leave. I know he saw us because I was getting out to put A back in his carseat. We pulled out to leave and he was locking the gate and blocking our only way out!! DH got out and motioned for him to get out and he did, but he kind of threw his arms up like he wasn't going to unlock it. DH yelled at him to unlock it and that we were feeding our baby and he finally came and opened it. We were both furious! I was writing down his license plate because I really thought he was going to leave. I told DH I would have torn the fence down with our tire iron if he had pulled away!
GOLD / coconut / 8266 posts
@tlcbaby: I guess I can start reintroducing one group tomorrow? I really think it was a lack of burping that was the issue. R has trouble burping at times even if we try for twenty minutes.
Oh my goodness, I can't believe that man tried to lock you in! What a jerk. I'm glad he opened the gate and you didn't have to hurt your tire iron
GOLD / coconut / 8266 posts
Does/did anyone else feel lonely or isolated after giving birth? R will be three weeks on Tuesday and I've only taken her to my parents' by myself twice. My parents live four miles away. DH and I took her to his parents' last week - they live an hour away. I haven't been out much besides doctors' appointments and those three trips. Being home by myself gets awfully lonely
cherry / 184 posts
@swedishfish: It's definitely easy to feel lonely at home. Are there other places you can go with R? To a park, or a store, or just for a walk around the neighborhood? Or can you arrange meetups with friends at your house or otherwise?
I've found I just have to make myself get out of the house if not every day, then every other day (rainy weather sometimes deters me from going). Even if I don't actually have someone to meet up with, I always wind up having a conversation with someone in a store or on the street, as they all want to know about the tiny little baby I'm wearing in a sling! It feels good just to get out for a bit and have some interaction with other people.
I've also been going to a local new moms group here on Fridays, which is nice - do they have something like that near you? And I've made a lot of phone calls to my mom during the weekdays (I'm in NYC and she's in TX) and watched a lot of Amazon Prime streaming television (The Good Wife is a great show!) Otherwise I think I might rot my brain on the bad tv that is on during the day - ugh!
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