hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@rattles: Congratulations! Can't wait to hear more!
cherry / 146 posts
@Winnie13 Congratulations! They are so beautiful! And yay for the Friday birthday!
cherry / 146 posts
@rattles Hooray! Congratulations! Can't wait for the rest of the story!
kiwi / 702 posts
@rattles: congrats!! And yay for boy! Dh and I just decided on a boy name this weekend and it's weird but now I'm finally ready if this baby is a boy...I've been having a hard time wrapping my head around a boy this whole pregnancy since we have a girl now.
@winnie13: congrats to you too! They are so sweet and big! I'm amazed at twin mamas always but big babies born vaginally is such a feat. So happy for you.
persimmon / 1310 posts
@Winnie13: Congrats on the cuties! And I'm so glad you didn't have to endure a surgery; that's awesome!
@rattles: So glad it turned into the real thing for you! We'd love to hear more when you have the chance!
persimmon / 1310 posts
As for me, my practice waves (that's the hypnobabies term we use) have been so strong. They are seriously more intense than most of my early labor with my daughter. I'd like to just do this already!
kiwi / 556 posts
@Winnie13: @Rattles: Omg congratulations! I hope you both have swift recoveries and happy babies! My OB doesn't want to induce until 41 weeks so I'm just waiting.
Still nothing on my end. My DH took DD to our niece's birthday party and is planning on staying at his parent's house overnight. It was sort of impromptu and it's my first night away from DD!
Today I've been paranoid about low movement but everytime I lay down she seems to wake up. So I'm just trying to take it easy, drink tons of water and get some rest. I'm a SAHM so it's super weird to be all alone. Unfortunately I don't have a car so I'm pretty limited in where I can go.
@Iced Tea: I'll be sending you positive labor vibes!
honeydew / 7283 posts
@Winnie13: What amazing news and it sounds like a wonderful delivery! They are absolutely beautiful
@rattles: Yay! Congratulations! I can't wait to hear more
honeydew / 7283 posts
@winniebee: Yes to early rising It seems like 4:30 is a common time around here - brutal. Definitely the same as close to the end with my other pregnancies.
How heartbreaking that Ty even knows to ask that question - but it sounds like you reassured him wonderfully. M and J are excited - M in a much more concrete way, but J definitely understands that something's going on and has been carrying the baby dolls around too
honeydew / 7283 posts
@bookwormmama: I'm in the Boston area, but I really have been getting up around 4:30 lately For some reason my body just does that at the end of pregnancy. So much for getting sleep while I can!
persimmon / 1198 posts
@MrsF: oh man, that is brutal! I get my best stretch of sleep between 4:30-7/7:30 (aka whenever DS wakes up). I'm generally up every 1-1.5 hours because of hip pain and then have to pee, but for some reason I get a 3ish hour chunk of sleep starting around 4/4:30.
nectarine / 2994 posts
@Winnie13: congrats! What healthy weights! They are gorgeous.
@rattles: congrats to you too!
Finally some action on this board!
38+5 today, had some cramping on and off all day and lost my mucus plug this morning. Still trying to get over a cold and my youngest is too which is making me want baby to hold on a while longer. Just wish I knew if this is going to turn into the real deal!
kiwi / 556 posts
@bookwormmama: @MrsF: my doctor recommended I take a Benadryl or Unisom to help me sleep at night. I've also been waking up every hour or so. I have some leftover from my morning sickness, so I'm planning on taking some tonight.
honeydew / 7283 posts
@MrsStar: Oh boy! Lots of things starting to happen around here... let us know if it seems to be turning in to anything!
@newlypregnantlady: Yeah - I've been taking a benadryl at bedtime, which is probably why I get my biggest stretch of sleep in the beginning of the night. After it wears off I'm wide awake. I hope it helps you get some rest!
persimmon / 1198 posts
@newlypregnantlady: I have done benedryl as well, but I didn't see a huge improvement so I didn't buy more after I ran out. I think my problem is I'm waking up from pain (like if I have been on one side for too long). Then when I adjust/move, I need to pee, so I'm getting out of bed. I've been doing Tylenol before bed most nights because I think it helps block some of the pain and gives me slightly longer stretches. I might have to give it another try though because I've been exhausted the past couple of days!
nectarine / 2994 posts
@MrsF: hasn't turned into anything yet, still getting some cramping and baby's head feels alot lower - feels like I'm sitting on his head when I sit down, and can feel the pressure of his head at the top of my thigh. Dh has a pretty important work course today so didn't want anything to happen anyways! Plus I still have a sore throat and barely any voice so I need to get as well as as I can! Just hoping baby doesn't make me wait too long, all this teasing sucks!
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
I take 1/2 unisom before bed. I still wake up twice to pee but at least can fall back asleep after. I go to bed at 10 and my kids are up by 630. I still toss and turn a lot some nights but I can't manage without it!
grapefruit / 4903 posts
@Mrs. Pajamas: I know what you mean! I only had the two girls, but it was all I knew, so it was really hard to imagine a son!
@Iced Tea: I hope it's soon for you! I didn't know you used Hypnobabies! I don't think I could do it, but it's always fascinated me.
@MrsF: @newlypregnantlady: @bookwormmama: I hope you guys are able to get some sleep. I found unisom to help a little, but really, third trimester sleep is just the worst.
@MrsStar: so much empathy! I hope it turns into something for you soon!
honeydew / 7283 posts
Morning ladies! This is the third morning in a row that I've been up for the day since just after 3am and sheesh - I am so over it. Luckily at this time tomorrow I'll be packing up to head to the hospital for my induction! As much as I know I'll be twice as exhausted after the baby is born, I'm just so eager to get on with it at this point. This third pregnancy has been my least complicated from a medical perspective, but definitely the hardest on my body This is my last day with my two big kids as my only ones so hopefully I can push through the tired and enjoy the day with them. So many mixed emotions here!
How is everyone else doing on this Thursday morning?
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@MrsF: ahhh last day as a family of 4! Definitely send baby boy to the nursery for all his "testing" overnight
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
June 1 everyone! Bring on the babies! Except me lol. I'm only 35.5 weeks. I'll take another few weeks! I'm still paranoid about early labor and will feel so much better in half a week when I can just call my doc when I'm in labor versus counting contractions.
persimmon / 1198 posts
Ugh, vent time! I just got a call from my son's doctor's office this morning that we were exposed to the measles last week when I took my son in for his second dose of MMR. I've been fuming about it for the past hour. I'm immune to rubella, and we haven't had any symptoms, so baby should be ok, but I'm still pissed. We've done everything right to protect our son (and our community!) by fully vaccinating our son and now it feels like we are getting screwed over by this outbreak. DS definitely can visit the hospital because there continue to be new cases, and now we've been exposed to it. Ugh!!!
kiwi / 702 posts
@MrsF: eeeek so exciting that you will meet your baby tomorrow! Soak up the time with your big ones and try to get a nap!
We did our hospital tour finally last night (a little late at 37+4--oops!) and it was exciting--like woah next time we come here it'll be to meet #2! We're having some family drama so I'm really hoping baby can hang out a few more weeks until things settle down. It's a little scary to know my support network is tied up on other things right now when I'll need them for baby's arrival. Just taking it day by day....
persimmon / 1198 posts
@MrsF: I missed this earlier! So exciting! Pregnancy sleep/exhaustion was a lot harder on my body than newborn sleep/exhaustion last time for some reason, so I totally understand what you mean! I keep wondering if I will make it to my CS date and know my last day with just DS, or if it will be random. I'm trying to soak up these last few days with just the two of us!
@Mrs. Pajamas: I won't get to tour our hospital...oops! The only tour they had before my CS date was Tuesday, but we already had plans for my DH's bday, so I couldn't do it. I wish I had been able to, but I watched a video with a smallish tour, so I at least have an idea now!
@winniebee: I had that thought yesterday! It's birth month, hooray!
honeydew / 7283 posts
@bookwormmama: @winniebee: @Mrs. Pajamas: Thanks! I'm going to be an emotional mess putting the big kids to bed tonight
honeydew / 7283 posts
@Mrs. Pajamas: It's always so exciting to see the L&D rooms! All of my NSTs have been in those rooms and sitting there with the little tiny isolette next to me has been so surreal.
kiwi / 556 posts
@Mrs. Pajamas: none of the hospitals around where I live do real tours, they all just have virtual tours and then birthing classes. So while I technically know where to go I'm also pretty worried about getting lost.
@MrsF: how awesome to be so close! I hope you get to enjoy the day and have a smooth induction!
Obviously I technically could go into labor at any point (I'm three days from my due date), but I still feel like I'm going to be pregnant forever! My husband is a teacher and so he doesn't get vacation. He can take sick leave, and I think that at this point he still has about 6 days. He still has two weeks of work (one week of instruction and one week of meetings). He's hoping I go into labor next week so he misses the last week!
But in other news, he accepted a new job that starts August 1st! I'm pretty worried about moving to a whole new city with an infant and all the problems that come with that. But it does cut the drive to see family in about half. I actually have lots of pipe dreams that my extended family will start hanging out at my house. Typically we meet at my father's because my mom is disabled. But there are a few things I can get to help her be more comfortable, and since the drive will be ~45 minutes instead of 2.5 hours, I'm hoping it will be doable. My father's house is a babyproofing nightmare because he is a hoarder/slob and he and my mother have tons of meds that they lose track of! And I actually had to stop seeing them for several months this pregnancy because of some mold issues.
Plus my brother and his wife are expecting their first this summer so I'm sure they'd welcome the change in venue too!
Anyways, ramblings aside, I'm hoping everyone is doing well and getting some sleep. I'm mother of the year over here! This morning my toddler watched the minions movie while I slept on the couch. Even with the unisom I keep waking up, so I'm tired all day.
persimmon / 1198 posts
@newlypregnantlady: exciting news! Hopefully your move goes smoothly! I think moving with a newborn would be a lot easier than with a toddler! Hopefully you can at least find some help for your older LO!
How is everyone feeling? I had more contractions today while I was running errands. I had lots of orders to pick up in store and had a bunch of contractions while walking around and driving. I haven't noticed any painful contractions since getting home, but the BH have continued! I've had a lot of mucus today and I'm wondering if it's a slow plug loss. I actually had a momentary freak out that my water had broken in the car/between stores because my jeans felt wet, but I must have just spilled some water or something! Oh the joys of the last couple weeks of pregnancy
kiwi / 556 posts
@bookwormmama: I'm really hoping the move goes smoothly! I'm trying not to focus on it, TBH!
I had my membranes stripped at my 40 week appointment today and I'm having some pressure and cramping. Unfortunately I know it doesn't do much but hopefully we can get things moving! My cervix was still pretty thick, so not exactly the news I was hoping for, but baby's in a good position! I've got my fingers crossed for myself.
I hope everyone else is doing well and is able to get some sleep and rest. And that the new mamas are doing well!
nectarine / 2994 posts
@bookwormmama: still pregnant over here! 39+3. Saw my midwife yesterday and baby still has his back slightly towards mine so didn't even bother asking for a sweep since I dont want to go into labor with him not quite in the right position! But it feels like he dropped even more last night, there is so much pressure that it feels like I could push him out at any moment. Hoping for some action to begin soon!
honeydew / 7283 posts
Hi Ladies! Baby Charlie was born last night at 8:25 and weighing 9lbs5oz! Started pitocin at 9:30 in the morning, took all day to make much progress and flew right out when he was ready 10 minutes of pushing and no tearing. He's working on nursing and especially snuggling...
Looking forward to introducing him to M & J later today :heart
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@MrsF: congratulations!! He shares a special birthday with my angel. Can't wait to see pics!!
persimmon / 1198 posts
@winniebee: I hope you are doing ok. I was thinking about you yesterday...I know it must have been an emotional day.
honeydew / 7968 posts
@Winnie13: @Rattles: @MrsF: omg ladies!!!! I've been mia and so excited to hear your beautiful babies are here.
@winnie13 - humongous babies! So awesome! Your son was bigger than my singleton!!!! I was humongous with my 6 5 twins... you must have been a sight too sooo glad for healthy twins!
I'm officially 38 weeks. Csec coming up in 9 days. Praying she doesn't come out early. Just found out my fil has a Korean name for our daughter. We just need to settle on a name.
honeydew / 7968 posts
@bookwormmama: sounds like your baby won't share the same bday as niece? Thank goodness I know how tough that would be...
persimmon / 1198 posts
@tequiero21: nope, we passed that date thankfully! I'm 6 days out from my CS. It's our last weekend with just one kid! Both scary and exciting all at once!
honeydew / 7283 posts
@winniebee: I'm honored that he and Dylan share a birthday I hope that you've been taking good care of yourself and that your family has had lots of love and support around you my friend
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