Hellobee Boards


<3 February 2015 Mamas <3

  1. Beanie132

    cherry / 102 posts

    Location: New Hampshire
    EDD: February 28
    How far along: 9 weeks 4 days

    First child? Yup!

    First doctor appointment: I went for bloodwork on 7/11 at what I thought to be around five weeks and my HCG numbers were insane, like 121,000 something. so of course we thought what the heck twins? or chromosonal issue? We went yesterday for an ultrasound and I am measuring 9+ weeks when I was assuming I was only 6 or so weeks, so I had been following the March boards and just caught up on all the February stuff as well! (sorry for the novel!) I have been waiting to hear back from the doctor on when I get to actually see the doctor.

    Any symptoms so far? I'm exhausted and my boobs are sore/heavy. I have puked/dry heaved every single day and I can't get pasta to stay in me for more than two minutes if my life depended on it!

    Who have you told? DH, our parents, my brother and his girlfriend, our parents best friends and then the doctors and the receptionist at the lazer hair removal place since i'll have to stop till after the baby is born.

    So excited to finally post here!!

  2. Beanie132

    cherry / 102 posts

    also. I have a professional work review today and I have been waffling on whether or not to let my boss know. Any input. I've been here a year and I'm concerned if I bring it up after this review he would be upset that I didnt say something when I had a chance.....oh the overthinking may kill me !

  3. Circusbee

    apricot / 390 posts

    @Beanie132: Welcome! As for your work review question, I would recommend keeping it a secret if you don't feel quite ready to share. I ended up on an international business trip during weeks 8/9 because I wasn't ready to tell the boss, and just recently told her at 10 weeks. She's happy for me, although sort of said that she wishes I would have told her before the trip, but I wasn't ready and I still feel good about my decision to wait. If you feel confident and ready to let them know, then that's fine, too! Just do what you feel is right Good luck!

  4. Beanie132

    cherry / 102 posts

    @Circusbee: thank you! i feel conflicted, like i trust him enough to keep it quiet in this small office but I'm worried if something goes wrong having to retract anything to him.....rationale fears in my book but my DH seems to think I've gone off the deep end about this issue. I keep saying to myself though, if I didn't have a review today would I tell him today?

  5. swedishfish

    GOLD / coconut / 8266 posts

    @Beanie132: welcome

    My NT scan did not go well yesterday. The measurement was high so we are meeting with a genetic counselor this morning to decide on further testing. I am feeling quite numb at this point. I've been through a lot to get here - a miscarriage and a FET cycle - and I feel like I'm being thrown another obstacle. I'm not sure I can handle this one. Sorry to be a downer.

    February 2015 Mamas

    February 3rd: LilJane (#2)
    February 5th: Mrs. Detour (#1)
    February 6th: Swedishfish (#2), Mrs. Coral (#1), Mtex14 (#1)
    February 7th: MrsTal (#1), Autumn865 (#2), Mrs. Rabbit (#2)
    February 8th: Caitlanc (#2)
    February 9th: MrsB2012 (#2), Baby2Feb15 (#2)
    February 11th: Marzipan (#2), ndepet (#1)
    February 12th: HeartAbandoned (#1), newatthis (#1 and #2), reyorra (#2)
    February 14th: Aria (#1), AnneBird (#1)
    February 16th: Kbee (#1), Blueheron (#1), Jruess (#2), Iced Tea (#1)
    February 17th: Circusbee (#1)
    February 18th: GreeneB2 (#1)
    February 20th: Lone Palm (#2)
    February 23rd: Dagret (#2), scg00387 (#2)
    February 24th: Mrs. Tictactoe (#2), cmomma17 (#2)
    February 25th: Sugarmammary (#1)
    February 26th: Abdubbs (#1 and #2)
    February 27th: MsMiranda (#2), Loopedd (#1), Mrs. Lion (#2)
    February 28th: Beanie132 (#1)
    March 1st: Intotheocean (#2)

  6. Circusbee

    apricot / 390 posts

    @swedishfish: So sorry you're faced with this now. Hang in there and I'll be praying for you to get better news very soon!

  7. HeartAbandoned

    clementine / 933 posts

    @swedishfish: Praying that the results will end up being a false alarm. Hang in there, mama.

  8. cmomma17

    honeydew / 7811 posts

    @swedishfish: Thinking of you this morning!

  9. mtex14

    cherry / 111 posts

    @marzipan: I hope yours goes well on Thursday!

    @swedishfish: I am thinking of you this morning, I am so sorry- stay strong, we are all here to support you!

  10. marzipan

    grape / 87 posts

    @swedishfish: I'm so sorry the NT didn't go well! fingers crossed for good news to come!

  11. cmomma17

    honeydew / 7811 posts

    @Beanie132: Welcome! and Congrats! I don't think I'd bring it up during the review personally. It's still a little early, and I think a separate meeting later would be more appropriate.

  12. loopedd

    kiwi / 536 posts

    @swedishfish: So sorry you are going through this. Thinking of you!!

  13. cmomma17

    honeydew / 7811 posts

    I hate updating when others are going through a tough time

    AFM though - I had my appointment on Monday morning. Was very surprised to have a normal ultrasound instead of a trans-vaginal one (I was about 9 weeks 6 days)! They easily found the baby and all is good. Heart rate was 166. Also had blood taken. Really like my new OB so far and DH does too. Plus all the nurses and other staff in the office seem great. DH is totally convinced we are having a girl. I'm thinking boy. I think deep down I want a daughter so badly (this will be our last) that I can't even imagine a girl, as a means of self preservation!

  14. loopedd

    kiwi / 536 posts

    @cmomma17: Very happy to hear that things went well! Glad you like the new office and staff, too. Can I keep my fingers crossed for a girl for us both??

    You've also got me wondering if I'll have a normal U/S at my next appt on Fri (I'll be exactly 10w) - though my doc did mention that my uterus was transverse at my first appt and I think that makes finding the baby tougher. Hard to believe we are all getting closer to the 2nd tri (and some of us are there!)... can't wait til it's gender reveal time!

  15. cmomma17

    honeydew / 7811 posts

    @loopedd: sure, cross those fingers! Although I will have to have a huge yard sale of baby boy clothes if I actually get a baby girl! I was so shocked when we walked into the ultrasound room and the tech told me to lay down on the table. I almost said "shouldn't I take my pants off first?" She said it really depends on how much you are showing - which confirms that I'm HUGE!

  16. loopedd

    kiwi / 536 posts

    @cmomma17: I can't stop laughing because I once actually said that ("Do you want me to take my pants off?") to a doc at a pre-op appointment (not baby-related) and it was totally not necessary to remove one's pants... DH was with me and he was like, "do you offer that to everyone?"

  17. cmomma17

    honeydew / 7811 posts

    @loopedd: LOL!

  18. Mrs. Lion

    blogger / grapefruit / 4836 posts

    @loopedd: hahahaha

  19. Mrs. Lion

    blogger / grapefruit / 4836 posts

    @swedishfish: Hoping for good news for you guys

  20. Kbee

    kiwi / 560 posts

    @swedishfish: Thinking of you and hoping these next few weeks go as smoothly as they can

  21. Kbee

    kiwi / 560 posts

    @circusbee: Isn't the doppler great?? We've already used our doppler 3 times, and each time the baby has been inches away from where it was the last time! It was way over on the other side of my belly button yesterday, which confirms that my uterus is HUGE already. Thus my bump, I suppose.

    Anyone else find this bump stage super awkward? I'll be at a family wedding this weekend where we'll be telling everyone else that doesn't already know that we're expecting. I can't decide if I should just go with the bump - let it all hang out, and accentuate the bump, or still try to "hide it" just because I'll only be 12 weeks?

    Also, while my boss and one coworker already know I'm pregnant, I'm telling the rest of the office next week. I can't wait because I'm tired of concealing this bump!

  22. Circusbee

    apricot / 390 posts

    @Kbee: It really is! My parents are visiting this weekend, so we plan to use it to let them hear! And DH sent a video of us finding it for the first time to his mom, and she said she cried! It really is amazing that there's a whole person inside of there! I think each time we get closer to knowing our bean, it makes it even more real. I can't wait for all to come: ultrasounds, feeling kicks, an actual bump, finding out the gender, shopping for gear, decorating the nursery... it's all so exciting!

    My immediate boss knows, but I'm waiting to tell the rest of the team until about 2 weeks from now. I'm not really showing yet (just look a bit pudgy), and I'll be 13 weeks by then, so I think it'll be a good time.

  23. Mrs. Lion

    blogger / grapefruit / 4836 posts

    I am so thankful for those of you who are going through this for the first time. I have been so blah lately...not feeling great, dealing with a sick toddler and insane back pain...I am forgetting about how exciting it is! Thank you for the reminder

  24. mrs. tictactoe

    blogger / pomegranate / 3201 posts

    @swedishfish: oh no, I'm so sorry. FX everything is ok. Hugs!!

  25. Beanie132

    cherry / 102 posts

    i told my bosss yesterday at my review and it went well. he was concerned about if i was going to miss any time and offered to get an office laptop for my use at home if i need to miss a day. I'm excited he took it right in stride. he actually said he susected because i've had two doctors appoitnments this month but i told him only one was related to the pregnancy. Now hopefully he can keep it quite from his girlfriend who is the office manager! eek!

  26. Circusbee

    apricot / 390 posts

    Today I woke up and got dressed and had my first day of "I can't wear anything and I look like a cow." I swore I wouldn't get like this, that I knew I would get bigger and I would be happy about it because it's for a good reason, but I kind of just want to cry today. I hope this is hormone related. Ok pity party over...

  27. Mrs. Rabbit

    blogger / clementine / 750 posts

    @Circusbee: Oh, I'm right there with you. I literally don't know what to wear, even despite having several maternity pants. I just feel like I'm in this weird stage where I have a bump, but I don't have a bump, and I just feel fat. (and it doesn't help that I'm bigger to begin with). I'm basically just wearing dresses as often as possible. I want it to be fall, because with my last pregnancy I didn't have to deal with the summer as much, so all of my maternity clothes are for the fall/winter. waaaah.

  28. loopedd

    kiwi / 536 posts

    @Mrs. Lion: I'm sorry you're feeling bleh, but happy that the first-time moms are helpful in the excitement dept! I've been trying to remember when I feel really bad that if I do this again it'll be far less relaxing... so really wallowing in my laziness a bit lately

    @Circusbee: @Mrs. Rabbit: Ugh, I know the pity party well. I feel like it changes day to day - some days I feel okay, I can wear my "normal" clothes and other days I'm like OMG THIS IS GOING TO GET SO MUCH WORSE and freak out. This very large Chipotle burrito bowl helps...

    @Beanie132: So glad it went well with your boss!

  29. swedishfish

    GOLD / coconut / 8266 posts

    Thank you all for the support. I really, truly appreciate it.

    We just let the pregnancy news loose like nothing is wrong. Hopefully nothing is wrong. It just feels deceitful to act like nothing's up but I'm going to start showing soon enough.

  30. cmomma17

    honeydew / 7811 posts


  31. loopedd

    kiwi / 536 posts

    Whatever happens now, you will have tons of support, both here and IRL

  32. Callalillylove

    apple seed / 4 posts

    SO excited to be able to join in officially!!

    Location: Chicago
    EDD: Feb 16
    First child: Yes!
    First Doctor Appointment: visited an obgyn and have now officially decided to use a midwife and a doula for the rest of my pregnancy.
    Any symptoms so far? Daily nausea and vomiting. Taking zofran and it has been a LIFESAVER! Daily fatigue. Food aversions- can't stand the smell or sight of chicken. Craving seafood , fresh fruits, and (cooked) sushi !

    Who have you told ?? My mama- because I was spending all day, every day in bed or having my head in the toilet ! My cousins x 3 because they were in from out of town and wouldn't be in town when we officially announce . Will be announcing to our parents and the rest of our family/friends on my husbands 30th birthday! Can't wait!

  33. cmomma17

    honeydew / 7811 posts

    @Callalillylove: Congratulations! I used a doula (with an OB) and was extremely happy with that decision!

    AFM - I've been in a funk all day Tired, down, feeling icky. And now I just got a voicemail on my cell from the nurse at my OB asking me to call to discuss "lab results" so I'm freaking out! Hopefully it's just something little like iron?

  34. Aria

    persimmon / 1121 posts

    @Callalillylove: Welcome!

    @cmomma17: I hope it's nothing!

    Does anyone else feel like their bump comes and goes? All last week I felt like I was finally starting to get a little something, but suddenly this week it's almost completely gone. I guess it was just bloat? Now I look just a little bit thick around the middle, but it's definitely not a bump. Then I start to worry that the baby isn't growing, but I know that's silly.

  35. swedishfish

    GOLD / coconut / 8266 posts

    @Callalillylove: welcome

    February 2015 Mamas

    February 3rd: LilJane (#2)
    February 5th: Mrs. Detour (#1)
    February 6th: Swedishfish (#2), Mrs. Coral (#1), Mtex14 (#1)
    February 7th: MrsTal (#1), Autumn865 (#2), Mrs. Rabbit (#2)
    February 8th: Caitlanc (#2)
    February 9th: MrsB2012 (#2), Baby2Feb15 (#2)
    February 11th: Marzipan (#2), ndepet (#1)
    February 12th: HeartAbandoned (#1), newatthis (#1 and #2), reyorra (#2)
    February 14th: Aria (#1), AnneBird (#1)
    February 16th: Kbee (#1), Blueheron (#1), Jruess (#2), Iced Tea (#1), Callalillylove (#1)
    February 17th: Circusbee (#1)
    February 18th: GreeneB2 (#1)
    February 20th: Lone Palm (#2)
    February 23rd: Dagret (#2), scg00387 (#2)
    February 24th: Mrs. Tictactoe (#2), cmomma17 (#2)
    February 25th: Sugarmammary (#1)
    February 26th: Abdubbs (#1 and #2)
    February 27th: MsMiranda (#2), Loopedd (#1), Mrs. Lion (#2)
    February 28th: Beanie132 (#1)
    March 1st: Intotheocean (#2)

    @cmomma17: praying everything is ok for you and your LO. Did you hear back from the OB?

  36. Mrs. Rabbit

    blogger / clementine / 750 posts

    Please tell me someone else is experiencing some wicked heartburn already. I swear it didn't start until much later, but it popped up yesterday and continued all day today. TUMS did nothing, so I had to break out the Pepcid AC tonight. I can't believe how much faster everything is happening with the second baby!

    @Callalillylove: Welcome and congrats!!

  37. cmomma17

    honeydew / 7811 posts

    @swedishfish: @aria: thanks for thinking of me! When they said "lab results" my mind went straight to blood work, but it was actually my urine! I have a UTI. Explains why I've been feeling icky and feverish. Have antibiotics now and hope they kick in soon. Very minor in the grand scheme of things, I know I'm very lucky overall.

  38. swedishfish

    GOLD / coconut / 8266 posts

    @cmomma17: well, a UTI is no fun at all. I hope the antibiotics kick in soon for you.

  39. Mrs. Coral

    clementine / 812 posts

    @Circusbee: @Mrs. Rabbit: Oh yeah, today I tried on 5 things before I just picked out an outfit and stomped out of the room I need to pick out next weeks outfits this weekend and store all those clothes I can't fit in.

  40. Mrs. Coral

    clementine / 812 posts

    @Mrs. Rabbit: Yes!!! I've had heartburn since week 9ish. I'm taking Zantac 150. I tried just Zantac 75 at first and it wasn't enough.

    A girl at work told me she "ate Tums like candy" and of course hormonal me is thinking "eff you, Tums don't do crap for me."

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