Hellobee Boards


<3 February 2015 Mamas <3

  1. Aria

    persimmon / 1121 posts

    I think the internet ate my post, so I'll try again.

    ETA: Nope, nevermind, just wasn't showing up.

  2. GreeneB2

    cherry / 120 posts

    @Aria: I had such a hard time with the jeans! I'm fairly tall, 5'8, and the pants were sooo long on me. Every single one of them. I ended getting a pair that I figured I would just hem, but they're not ideal. Does everyone run into that problem?

  3. Baby2Feb15

    coffee bean / 29 posts

    Hello Ladies! I've been really sick so I'll have to catch up with the board.. My due date was changed to the 15th at my last appointment and I also found out my iron levels were dangerously low. I've been taking an iron supplement and if my levels haven't changed I'll have to get a blood transfusion which scares the crap out of me.. my next appointment is August 7th so I'm praying for better results.. Congrats and welcome to all the newer moms!

  4. Mrs. Rabbit

    blogger / clementine / 750 posts

    @GreeneB2: I totally plan on living in leggings and long, flowy tops for the next six months. Then again, I'm living in the south and the thought of wearing jeans right now makes me sweat just thinking about it.

    @Baby2Feb15: I hope you can get your levels up! Are there any vitamins you can take or do they just want you to consume more iron-rich foods?

  5. swedishfish

    GOLD / coconut / 8266 posts

    February 2015 Mamas

    February 3rd: LilJane (#2)
    February 5th: Mrs. Detour (#1)
    February 6th: Swedishfish (#2), Mrs. Coral (#1), Mtex14 (#1)
    February 7th: MrsTal (#1), Autumn865 (#2), Mrs. Rabbit (#2)
    February 8th: Caitlanc (#2)
    February 9th: MrsB2012 (#2)
    February 11th: Marzipan (#2), ndepet (#1)
    February 12th: HeartAbandoned (#1), newatthis (#1 and #2), reyorra (#2)
    February 14th: Aria (#1), AnneBird (#1)
    February 15th: Baby2Feb15 (#2)
    February 16th: Kbee (#1), Blueheron (#1), Jruess (#2), Iced Tea (#1), Callalillylove (#1)
    February 17th: Circusbee (#1)
    February 18th: GreeneB2 (#1)
    February 20th: Lone Palm (#2)
    February 23rd: Dagret (#2), scg00387 (#2)
    February 24th: Mrs. Tictactoe (#2), cmomma17 (#2)
    February 25th: Sugarmammary (#1)
    February 26th: Abdubbs (#1 and #2)
    February 27th: MsMiranda (#2), Loopedd (#1), Mrs. Lion (#2)
    February 28th: Beanie132 (#1)
    March 1st: Intotheocean (#2)

    My OB was able to get me in for a CVS tomorrow morning. The MFM doctor, sonogram tech, and nurses are coming in early for me. I'm so thankful!

  6. Mrs. Lion

    blogger / grapefruit / 4836 posts

    @swedishfish: yay! Praying for good news

  7. immabeetoo

    honeydew / 7687 posts

    @swedishfish: you're in my thoughts lady!

    Sooo I had a dating u/a and my new DD is 3/8 which makes sense based on when I started feeling sick compared to LO#1 but it is seriously depressing "losing" two weeks hah! I'll have to bow out I spose!

  8. Baby2Feb15

    coffee bean / 29 posts

    @Mrs. Rabbit: thank you! And I'm now taking iron pills twice daily..

  9. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @swedishfish: glad to hear you're getting the testing done tomorrow instead of the end of the week. Hope it goes ok for you

    @Baby2Feb15: hopefully your iron goes up. That can't be easy taking the supplements while pregnant. I hear they're very hard on your stomach as is!

    @scg00387: That's crazy your date was changed by 2 weeks! You should still stick around this board too! Maybe you'll have the babe in Feb anyways

  10. swedishfish

    GOLD / coconut / 8266 posts

    February 2015 Mamas

    February 3rd: LilJane (#2)
    February 5th: Mrs. Detour (#1)
    February 6th: Swedishfish (#2), Mrs. Coral (#1), Mtex14 (#1)
    February 7th: MrsTal (#1), Autumn865 (#2), Mrs. Rabbit (#2)
    February 8th: Caitlanc (#2)
    February 9th: MrsB2012 (#2)
    February 11th: Marzipan (#2), ndepet (#1)
    February 12th: HeartAbandoned (#1), newatthis (#1 and #2), reyorra (#2)
    February 14th: Aria (#1), AnneBird (#1)
    February 15th: Baby2Feb15 (#2)
    February 16th: Kbee (#1), Blueheron (#1), Jruess (#2), Iced Tea (#1), Callalillylove (#1)
    February 17th: Circusbee (#1)
    February 18th: GreeneB2 (#1)
    February 20th: Lone Palm (#2)
    February 23rd: Dagret (#2)
    February 24th: Mrs. Tictactoe (#2), cmomma17 (#2)
    February 25th: Sugarmammary (#1)
    February 26th: Abdubbs (#1 and #2)
    February 27th: MsMiranda (#2), Loopedd (#1), Mrs. Lion (#2)
    February 28th: Beanie132 (#1)
    March 1st: Intotheocean (#2)
    March 8th: scg00387 (#2)

  11. Mrs. Rabbit

    blogger / clementine / 750 posts

    @scg00387: ugh, i feel for you. For my dating u/s my date was pushed back two weeks, too, and I hated "losing" those two weeks. Makes you feel like you've been pregnant for-ev-er! Hoping these weeks fly by for you!

  12. Beanie132

    cherry / 102 posts

    i feel like someone forgot to mention that the overwhelming sciatic pain would start without any warning on my drive to work this morning. I am waddling and i'm not showing...this may be a problem lol

  13. HeartAbandoned

    clementine / 933 posts

    @swedishfish: Thinking of you this morning and praying for good results!

    @Aria: It's comforting to know someone else on here is having the test on the same day! tomorrow, and surviving until then

  14. mtex14

    cherry / 111 posts

    @Beanie132: I have sciatic pain too...going to the chiro helps!!

  15. Mrs. Rabbit

    blogger / clementine / 750 posts

    @Beanie132: @mtex14: ditto on the sciatica. I asked my midwife about it yesterday and she mentioned to use heat (which i can't do while chasing a toddler) and to try a maternity belt (which i need to dig out and start using asap)!

  16. loopedd

    kiwi / 536 posts

    @swedishfish: SO glad you got in this morning. Thinking good thoughts for you!

    Add me to the sciatic pain club, too! But I'll take it over nausea any day...

  17. Mrs. Lion

    blogger / grapefruit / 4836 posts

    Ugh i am having awful back pain too but its a little different....off to just one side, under my hip. It is sp awful. Seeing a pt tomorrow! The foam roller helps when it gets so tight that i cant walk.

  18. Beanie132

    cherry / 102 posts

    @loopedd: pronlem is i have the vomiting every morning so if this is still around then squatting and the siatica are not going to be friends...oh the imagery is just so pleasant sorry ladies!

  19. loopedd

    kiwi / 536 posts

    @Beanie132: Oh my goodness, that sounds atrocious! I've been surprised at how persistent the sciatica is... I hope one symptom or the other gives you a break!

    And, I don't think anything is TMI for a pregnant ladies' message board

  20. dagret

    grapefruit / 4235 posts

    @Mrs. Rabbit: try those sticky heat pads you can get at the drug store! Open them up and stick them right on! Thermacare is the brand name but cvs makes a generic one.

    My sciatica flared up today after being on my feet canning all day today. I forgot how bad it sucked.

  21. mrs. tictactoe

    blogger / pomegranate / 3201 posts

    I told my boss (principal) today! I walked up to him in the hall and said I'd like to talk to him when he had a minute and he said, "you're pregnant." So that was easy! I still need to tell the department chair, which I'll probably do on Friday after our meeting. I would rather have waited until I was 12 weeks, but I'll be 12 weeks on the second day of school and it's always so crazy the first few weeks that I just want to get it over with now while I'm there for meetings. 11 weeks tomorrow, I can't believe it!

  22. Mrs. Rabbit

    blogger / clementine / 750 posts

    @dagret: Um...genius! Totally going out to buy some tomorrow. THANK YOU!

    @mrs. tictactoe: good call on telling him before the craziness starts!

  23. TheFixIts

    cherry / 168 posts

    I've been lurking on this board for what feels like forever! We finally made our TWIN baby news public today!

    Location: Chicago IL / soon to be Boston/RI

    EDD: 2/13/15

    How far along: 13w as of Friday

    First child? Nope! Babies 2&3.

    First doctor appointment: Only a million. These are IVF babies.

    Any symptoms so far? Definitely a tougher pregnancy than with my son. Lots of headaches and nausea.

  24. mrs. tictactoe

    blogger / pomegranate / 3201 posts

    @TheFixIts: yay!!!!! So excited to welcome you here!!!

  25. swedishfish

    GOLD / coconut / 8266 posts

    @mrs. tictactoe: that was easy! My principal's known since I got a because of my FET cycle with all the appointments.

    @TheFixIts: congratulations!

    I'm just pretending that everything is absolutely fine until I hear otherwise.

    February 2015 Mamas

    February 3rd: LilJane (#2)
    February 5th: Mrs. Detour (#1)
    February 6th: Swedishfish (#2), Mrs. Coral (#1), Mtex14 (#1)
    February 7th: MrsTal (#1), Autumn865 (#2), Mrs. Rabbit (#2)
    February 8th: Caitlanc (#2)
    February 9th: MrsB2012 (#2)
    February 11th: Marzipan (#2), ndepet (#1)
    February 12th: HeartAbandoned (#1), newatthis (#1 and #2), reyorra (#2)
    February 13th: TheFixIts (#2 and #3)
    February 14th: Aria (#1), AnneBird (#1)
    February 15th: Baby2Feb15 (#2)
    February 16th: Kbee (#1), Blueheron (#1), Jruess (#2), Iced Tea (#1), Callalillylove (#1)
    February 17th: Circusbee (#1)
    February 18th: GreeneB2 (#1)
    February 20th: Lone Palm (#2)
    February 23rd: Dagret (#2)
    February 24th: Mrs. Tictactoe (#2), cmomma17 (#2)
    February 25th: Sugarmammary (#1)
    February 26th: Abdubbs (#1 and #2)
    February 27th: MsMiranda (#2), Loopedd (#1), Mrs. Lion (#2)
    February 28th: Beanie132 (#1)
    March 1st: Intotheocean (#2)
    March 8th: scg00387 (#2)

  26. Mrs. Lion

    blogger / grapefruit / 4836 posts

    @TheFixIts: congratulations! And I love love love those onesies!

  27. HeartAbandoned

    clementine / 933 posts

    @TheFixIts: Congratulations & welcome! Such an adorable announcement!

  28. HeartAbandoned

    clementine / 933 posts

    This popped up on my Facebook feed this morning. What an adorable announcement from a fellow Feb. '15 mama!


  29. swedishfish

    GOLD / coconut / 8266 posts

    @HeartAbandoned: DH showed me this last night. It was really cute!

  30. Mrs. Rabbit

    blogger / clementine / 750 posts

    @TheFixIts: Congrats! LOVE that announcement—completely adorable!

    @HeartAbandoned: aww that was cute!

  31. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @HeartAbandoned: So cute! Some people are way too creative hahah. I think I'm just going to stick a sign on B that says Big Sister Feb 2015 or something haha.

    @TheFixIts: Welcome! Such a cute announcement!

    I have a legit bump now. Not bloat, bump haha. I took a pic and sent it to my husband, it just came out of no where really.
    We're coming up 14 weeks. We haven't announced it publicly yet. Most of our close friends know and all of our families know. I'm still not ready for everyone to be talking about it at work haha. Luckily the scrubs will keep it hidden for a while longer, though I'm sure it will get out soon enough. I've told a couple close co workers and I'm sure someone will let it slip. Oh well

  32. cmomma17

    honeydew / 7811 posts

    @TheFixIts: welcome and congrats! Your baby #1 is so cute, I bet #2 and #3 will be as well!
    @swedishfish: still thinking of you! Hope you're doing okay.
    @scg00387: noooo, don't leave us!!!

    Sorry I suck at keeping up with this thread ladies! Seems like a bunch of you have sciatic pain, ouch! I'm still feeling a little icky. Hopefully I get the second trimester burst of energy soon (I'm 11 weeks now), like I did in my first pregnancy, but I'm guessing having a toddler who doesn't sleep well will cancel that out!
    Also, you guys who are contemplating buying maternity clothes for the first time are so cute .... I was already (still) wearing them when I got my BFP! I look super pregnant already at 11 weeks I'm shocked people aren't asking to rub my belly!

  33. loopedd

    kiwi / 536 posts

    @TheFixIts: Congrats and welcome!

    @cmomma17: I keep hearing about that burst of energy and I really hope it gets here soooooon!! 11w on Friday. DYING at work today.

    I'm so tired and out of it that I locked myself out of my apartment last night. I've never done that in my adult life and I'm convinced it's the baby's fault DH was at a Yankee game, I went downstairs to grab a Chinese food delivery and it didn't even cross my mind to bring my key with me. It cost me an hour and $150 for the emergency maintenance guy to bring me a new key. Most expensive food delivery ever! At least I could eat egg rolls in my hallway like a hobo while I waited...

  34. Circusbee

    apricot / 390 posts

    This thread is cracking me up. I'm so glad we still have 6 more months together

    I'm 12 weeks now, yay! For some reason I feel like that is a milestone even though I'm counting 13 weeks as the 2nd tri start. I found the baby's heartbeat again yesterday with my doppler and it was a tiny bit higher up than before, so maybe soon it will be above my pelvis, and I can grow an actual bump!

    I was set on telling coworkers next week, but now I'm thinking it would be better if I could wait until the week after, since I only have to make it until Wednesday next week, I'm out of the office Thursday and Friday... I'd be 14 weeks then. I'm just not sure I'm ready for all the chatter about it at work all day... and people sneaking peeks at my fat belly all the time. Although I have to admit I do that to others who are rumored as being pregnant! I'm going to start telling close friends and people at church this Sunday though, as long as my Friday appointment goes well.

  35. Aria

    persimmon / 1121 posts

    @TheFixIts: Congrats! That announcement photo is so cute!

    @Circusbee: I felt the same way when I reached 12 weeks. Felt like a big milestone even though it isn't quite the end of the first trimester.

    My NT scan went well today. I won't get the results of the blood work until tomorrow when I meet with my doctor, but the tech said the ultrasound looked good. It was nice to have such a long ultrasound, we got to see the baby doing flips and waving it's arms. So cute! She said the heart rate is 163, so I'm hoping that means girl for me! We will probably announce to the rest of our friends and family this weekend.

    Hope to hear good news from the other ultrasounds today!

  36. Iced Tea

    persimmon / 1310 posts

    I was about to ask you guys what was up with the 16th of February; there are five of us due that day! Crazy. You'd think they were a bunch of conceptions over a holiday or major storm! Then I checked my chart and, yep, it was Memorial Day weekend. Guess that explains it. Any comment @Kbee, @Blueheron, @Jruess, @Callalillylove? Holiday weekend babies?

  37. Kbee

    kiwi / 560 posts

    @TheFixIts: Welcome and congrats!!

    @heartabandoned: Such a creative announcement! I showed DH and he said he had to come up with something to go viral too. Haha. But we really don't know how we will announce on Facebook - anyone have any cute ideas?

    @loopedd: Oh no! That darn baby

    @circusbee: I told all my coworkers yesterday, and one of them actually said she had noticed my bump and been wondering if i I was pregnant or just really stressed out!! Good thing I'm actually pregnant...

    Our NT scan yesterday went well. Everything looked normal, and I'll get final results with the blood test included on Friday. The baby was very active and it was so wonderful to see!!

    @icedtea: Haha yes! We were in California for a family wedding and the timing just ended up working out well with when I ovulated (although it was O-3, which surprisingly was good enough!!).

  38. HeartAbandoned

    clementine / 933 posts

    Good morning! My NT yesterday also went well! It will be a week or so until we have the full results, but the ultrasound looked great, and we got the cutest picture of the little bean kicked back and waving! It was totally crazy to see him/her moving around in there - the tech commented that we have a wiggler! We got to hear the heartbeat during the ultrasound and again with the doctor during my exam. What an incredible sound. I told DH when we got home, "I actually have TWO hearts beating inside of me!" Cue the tears We're just so thankful and relieved that everything looks good! The other cool part about our appointment yesterday is that it was considered a "new OB appointment," even though I'd already established with the practice as my GYN and had an ultrasound at 7.5 weeks. But apparently all of the staff new there was a new OB appointment that afternoon, and several of them asked our nurse if we were the patients, and we got lots of "congratulations". This is just all so surreal for me!

    We'll be waiting another two weeks before we go fully public, and I'm really looking forward to that day - if for no other reason than I'll feel like I can start dressing my bump up rather than trying to figure out how to hide it!

  39. AnneBird

    olive / 67 posts

    My NT scan went well too! unfortunately I was out thrifting Tuesday and a set of bookshelves fell on me, and I hurt my arm... this was fully typed with my left hand.

    Ill be laying low for the next couple of weeks, but I did want to say to @swedishfish: that im so happy for your good test results!

  40. loopedd

    kiwi / 536 posts

    @Aria: @Kbee: @HeartAbandoned: @AnneBird: Congrats on the successful NT scans! I love hearing about all the active wiggly babies! Ours is Tuesday (DHs birthday, too) and I'm looking forward to seeing him/her again.

    @AnneBird: SO sorry about your arm! Hope you can get plenty of rest and heal quickly!

    @Iced Tea: I noticed that too, but I didn't even think to look at the calendar. Love it!

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