Hellobee Boards


<3 February 2015 Mamas <3

  1. swedishfish

    GOLD / coconut / 8266 posts

    @Mrs. Lion: I love my Old Navy maternity tanks. I wore them post partum too because all of my shirts were so short.

  2. HeartAbandoned

    clementine / 933 posts

    Ladies who are suffering from sciatica - will you explain your pain? I am having pain on my right side, basically at the top of my butt, just a little off-center, and I'm not sure if it's sciatica per se, or just random pain. It's not excruciating, but definitely uncomfortable, and happens more often if I am work (where I do more walking than at home, thanks to the bathroom being in another building from my desk).

  3. Mrs. Lion

    blogger / grapefruit / 4836 posts

    My understanding is that sciatica is nerve pain that runs down your leg. The pain i am having sounds like yours....it gets worse as i am on my feet more and more throughout the day and nothing but rest helps it. I went to a PT last week and it helped so so much. I had the same pain with my first pregnancy and suffered through it. When it started at 8 weeks this time i was like no way...im getting help this time! The PT said that the cause is a misalignment of my pelvis, and he helped adjust it with an exercise (not like a chiropractor) and gave me some pelvic floor/core exercises to work on at home.

  4. Beanie132

    cherry / 102 posts

    Has anyone been diagnosed with placenta previa...aka placenta is too low to the cervix or even totally covering it? I was told "no love making" lol but I wanted to see if anyone has had this in the past and if it resolved itself like some of the articles lead me to believe.

  5. swedishfish

    GOLD / coconut / 8266 posts

    @Beanie132: no, but I know others on the boards have. Start a thread and ask!

  6. Beanie132

    cherry / 102 posts

    @HeartAbandoned: my siatica i believe is related to a herniated disk i had in 2005. i think i reinjured my disk with my beloved morning sickness. for me it is on the right side mid bum and flashes down to the tips of my toes. right now after some tylenol it is bareable but my toes are numb and earlier this week the muscles in my calf and thigh would spasm when the "flash" occured. hopefully you dont have it as bad as i did on wednesday and waited 6 hours in the er waiting room till someone gave me something to reduce the swelling at the disk. other than that the yoga move that helped the best was childs pose and the fetal position or any flexion position that got the pressure off that point.

  7. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @Circusbee: haha 9 is nothing, I was in bed at 730 on Saturday! I've been more tired lately, but I think that has something to do with getting used to being back at work haha.

    @HeartAbandoned: That's exactly what I have and had with B as well. I went to a chiropractor and it helped a ton. I didn't have to go too often ,just like once a month. One of my hips was misaligned which was causing that. He also said keegles keegles keegles haha.

    My feet are already swelling so bad at work! I try to stop and put my feet up once in a while, but I'm also trying to still hide the pregnancy at work so I don't want people to think I'm just being lazy coming back to work. I have a regular checkup next week with the Dr so I'm going to get her to write a prescription for special insoles and support stockings. My benefits cover $350 / year for insoles and 2 pairs of support stockings so I might as well take advantage. I'm hoping it will help !

  8. immabeetoo

    honeydew / 7687 posts

    @Beanie132: yep in preg#1. It resolved itself by my... 28 week appt I believe?

  9. maddyz

    persimmon / 1270 posts

    Hello future Feb moms,

    I am late to this board, I hope that's OK. I have not taken part in a online community like this before so I was shy. But I have really loved being able to read about everyone's journeys and if like to be a part.

    So here are the facts.

    Location: NYC
    EDD: Feb 23
    How far along: 12w today

    First appointment: mid July with a wonderful midwife. Ultra sound before that at almost 8w.

    Any symptoms: so very tired and the all the time morning sickness is really getting old. I am going to be so happy when I can enjoy eating again and feel satisfied.

    Who have you told: most of our close family, my work and a handfull of friends.

    Thank you all for such a positive and supportive online space! I am excited to be a part.

  10. swedishfish

    GOLD / coconut / 8266 posts

    @maddyz: welcome! Is this your first LO?

    February 2015 Mamas

    February 3rd: LilJane (#2)
    February 5th: Mrs. Detour (#1)
    February 6th: Swedishfish (#2), Mrs. Coral (#1), Mtex14 (#1)
    February 7th: MrsTal (#1), Autumn865 (#2), Mrs. Rabbit (#2)
    February 8th: Caitlanc (#2)
    February 9th: MrsB2012 (#2)
    February 11th: Marzipan (#2), ndepet (#1)
    February 12th: HeartAbandoned (#1), newatthis (#1 and #2), reyorra (#2)
    February 13th: TheFixIts (#2 and #3)
    February 14th: Aria (#1), AnneBird (#1)
    February 15th: Baby2Feb15 (#2)
    February 16th: Kbee (#1), Blueheron (#1), Jruess (#2), Iced Tea (#1), Callalillylove (#1)
    February 17th: Circusbee (#1)
    February 18th: GreeneB2 (#1)
    February 20th: Lone Palm (#2)
    February 23rd: Dagret (#2), maddyz (#1)
    February 24th: Mrs. Tictactoe (#2), cmomma17 (#2)
    February 25th: Sugarmammary (#1)
    February 26th: Abdubbs (#1 and #2)
    February 27th: MsMiranda (#2), Loopedd (#1), Mrs. Lion (#2)
    February 28th: Beanie132 (#1)
    March 1st: Intotheocean (#2)
    March 8th: scg00387 (#2)

  11. maddyz

    persimmon / 1270 posts

    @swedishfish Yes it is!

  12. swedishfish

    GOLD / coconut / 8266 posts

    @maddyz: exciting!

  13. HeartAbandoned

    clementine / 933 posts

    @maddyz: Yay! Welcome!

  14. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @maddyz: welcome! We love having new people join us! Hopefully you start feeling better soon!

  15. loopedd

    kiwi / 536 posts

    @maddyz: Welcome! Another NYC mom... I think we are going to have to have a Feb 15 meetup around here at some point!

    @HeartAbandoned: My sciatic pain starts at the top of my left buttcheek and runs down from there, worse in some positions, like sitting cross-legged or being stuck at my desk all day. I find that squats seem to help stretch it out a little!

    Have my NT scan at 1pm today... very excited to see baby again! And have a few hours away from work

  16. Aria

    persimmon / 1121 posts

    @maddyz: Welcome! Excited to see another NYC mom on here, there are quite a few of us!

    @loopedd: Good luck at your appointment today!

  17. loopedd

    kiwi / 536 posts

    @Aria: Thank you! It went perfectly. NT measurements looked great, and baby was flipping around and waving its arms, before it turned over and went to sleep. I never thought an ultrasound could be so cute. Today is DH's birthday, and he was like, "This is the best present ever!"

    AND got a majorly updated due date -- I'm now Feb 19, which was my original date according to LMP! I feel soooo much closer to the 2nd tri now, I'm so excited!

  18. Mrs. Rabbit

    blogger / clementine / 750 posts

    @maddyz: Welcome and congrats!!!

    @loopedd: yay for ultrasounds! Question: how did they determine a due date switch? Did you have a dating ultrasound earlier? I've always been curious if they would change it later (and I guess they can and do)!

  19. swedishfish

    GOLD / coconut / 8266 posts

    February 2015 Mamas

    February 3rd: LilJane (#2)
    February 5th: Mrs. Detour (#1)
    February 6th: Swedishfish (#2), Mrs. Coral (#1), Mtex14 (#1)
    February 7th: MrsTal (#1), Autumn865 (#2), Mrs. Rabbit (#2)
    February 8th: Caitlanc (#2)
    February 9th: MrsB2012 (#2)
    February 11th: Marzipan (#2), ndepet (#1)
    February 12th: HeartAbandoned (#1), newatthis (#1 and #2), reyorra (#2)
    February 13th: TheFixIts (#2 and #3)
    February 14th: Aria (#1), AnneBird (#1)
    February 15th: Baby2Feb15 (#2)
    February 16th: Kbee (#1), Blueheron (#1), Jruess (#2), Iced Tea (#1), Callalillylove (#1)
    February 17th: Circusbee (#1)
    February 18th: GreeneB2 (#1)
    February 19th: Loopedd (#1)
    February 20th: Lone Palm (#2)
    February 23rd: Dagret (#2), maddyz (#1)
    February 24th: Mrs. Tictactoe (#2), cmomma17 (#2)
    February 25th: Sugarmammary (#1)
    February 26th: Abdubbs (#1 and #2)
    February 27th: MsMiranda (#2), Mrs. Lion (#2)
    February 28th: Beanie132 (#1)
    March 1st: Intotheocean (#2)
    March 8th: scg00387 (#2)

  20. loopedd

    kiwi / 536 posts

    @Mrs. Rabbit: I asked the tech because I was curious too! I had a dating u/s at my first appt on July 1, when the baby was less than a centimeter. So the tech said that the margin of error at that point, so early, is MUCH bigger than it is now. Measurements taken now are apparently much more reliable because so much more of baby is visible.

    Also, at my appt at couple of weeks ago, the doc used a portable u/s machine that he said was fairly low quality. The one for the NT was the super fancy top notch one. Tech said it's the most reliable and that she was very confident about the new date!

  21. Mrs. Rabbit

    blogger / clementine / 750 posts

    @loopedd: that's really exciting!! How far along were you for your first u/s? I'm curious because I know when I ovulated and when we had sex, and it just doesn't jive with the date they gave me. This was at my old practice, though, and when I questioned them, they basically said I was wrong. I'm curious if the baby will be too big to redate the next time I have a scan (19 w).

  22. loopedd

    kiwi / 536 posts

    @Mrs. Rabbit: I was, according to the new dates, 6w5d, but they measured me then at 5w5d. I noticed a month later, on Aug 1, that they were measuring me about 3 days ahead of where I thought I was, but doc at that point said +/- a week on the u/s wasn't uncommon and wasn't compelled to change the date. This time the u/s tech was adamant!

    The second-time mamas could probably chime in on this, but I don't think you're too late for a date change at all. I have a friend whose date was adjusted in the 7th month just recently!

    ETA: I just realized I know you're a second-time mama; I just thought maybe someone had experience with a later due date change

  23. swedishfish

    GOLD / coconut / 8266 posts

    @Mrs. Rabbit: when do you think you should be due?

  24. Mrs. Rabbit

    blogger / clementine / 750 posts

    @swedishfish: January 25, so about 2 weeks off. Who knows. It's on my list of questions to ask my new midwife at the next appt.

  25. swedishfish

    GOLD / coconut / 8266 posts

    @Mrs. Rabbit: I think you know best!

  26. Circusbee

    apricot / 390 posts

    @Mrs. Rabbit: Ditto to @swedishfish I think you know best! I never had any dating ultrasounds, but my midwives were perfectly fine to base my EDD on my "conception date range" that I gave them. I charted for months before we started TTC, but the month we conceived I was sick right around ovulation (weirdly high temps for 2 days) and my thermometer broke the same day... so I was pretty sure of a 4-5 day window, but couldn't narrow it down to a specific day. Anyways... my midwife was fine to just pick the middle of my date range and calculate my EDD from that. I'd just explain your situation to your new practice and I'd hope they'd be more inclined to trust you!

  27. Kbee

    kiwi / 560 posts

    @loopedd: Hooray for a great NT scan! and a new due date!

  28. Mrs. Lion

    blogger / grapefruit / 4836 posts

    So i took unisom+b6 last night and today the nauseua has been so much better. But i cant stop eating. As soon as i have started digesting a meal i am starving again. Is this normal?? I feel like a crazy person!

  29. loopedd

    kiwi / 536 posts

    @Mrs. Lion: Oh that sounds sadly familiar!! As soon as the nausea let up for me the hunger set in. I can always eat! So glad the Unisom+B6 worked for you though!!

  30. mtex14

    cherry / 111 posts

    Morning ladies! I was at the Drs this week and made an appt Sept 11th to find out the gender ( cant wait!!)- I will be around 18-19 weeks then.

    Anyone else have their appt scheduled for the anatomy ultrasound?

    I cant wait seems soooo far away! Hope all you ladies are doing well

  31. swedishfish

    GOLD / coconut / 8266 posts

    @mtex14: I'll be getting an early anatomy scan around 17-18 weeks. I'm waiting for the MFM office to call me to schedule it. We already know the sex though but I want to double check the MaterniT21 result with the CVS result. Still waiting on the CVS results...

  32. HeartAbandoned

    clementine / 933 posts

    @swedishfish: I was just thinking of you & your CVS results this morning. Hoping you'll hear soon!

    The last two days I've had more nausea than I have for most of the pregnancy so far. I'm 14 weeks today - what's up with that?!?! On a brighter note, my pregnancy apps tell me I'm officially 2nd trimester today! Yay!

    How's everyone doing today?

  33. mtex14

    cherry / 111 posts

    @swedishfish: Hoping you hear soon the results for the CVS! Worst part is waiting! That is exciting you already know the gender!

  34. Mrs. Rabbit

    blogger / clementine / 750 posts

    @mtex14: Exciting! I'm scheduling my anatomy scan for September 18 (19w 5d)! I'm so excited for it

    So this is kinda random, but I usually eat the same thing every morning: a two-egg veggie omelet, but lately it's been making me feel sick. I'm not really sure why. It's not a full feeling, it's just a nauseous feeling and it's annoying. I can't eat sweets for breakfast, and since eating runny egg is out, an omelet is the only other way I like to eat eggs. I'm annoyed and hope my stomach gets with the program quickly.

  35. Aria

    persimmon / 1121 posts

    @mtex14: @Mrs. Rabbit: That's so exciting that you have your anatomy scans scheduled already! I can't wait to find out what you're having!

    @swedishfish: I hope you get your results soon!

    @HeartAbandoned: Same here with the nausea! I'm 13w, and I've felt really good the last 3 weeks or so, but this week I've been nauseous all day, every day. Not cool!

  36. loopedd

    kiwi / 536 posts

    @mtex14: Soooo exciting! I'm thinking I will find out end of September when I'm around 19 weeks. Can't wait!

    @HeartAbandoned: @Aria: Boo to the nausea! That's supposed to go away in the magical second tri...

    @swedishfish: Hope you get your results soon! And can't wait for you to share the sex with us!

    @Mrs. Rabbit: I hate when eating makes you nauseous I've been needing a more substantial breakfast lately, and I also can't do sweets in the morning. My two faves have been PB&J on wheat bread (natural PB so it's not too sweet!) and these frozen Jimmy Dean turkey sausage, egg white and cheese on a croissant things. Processed out the wazoo, and not cheap, but making my stomach happy for now!

    It's such a beautiful day here ... I wish I could play hooky today!

  37. loopedd

    kiwi / 536 posts

    Oh, and NYC bees! I think I'm going to go to this on Nov 12:


    It's been posted about on HB before and people generally seem to think that the ticket pays for itself in freebies (though DH is skeptical). Especially if you do a couples ticket with a friend! I'm going with a friend and his infant. If anyone else is going, maybe we could meet up there at some point!

  38. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    I can't believe that we're booking our anatomy scans! We will be half way when we go! How crazy is that?! We don't have ours booked yet. The dr sent in the forms at my last appt 3 weeks ago. I should get a call soon I'd hope. I'm hoping to get in before the end of Sept as I'm going to Seattle the first weekend in Oct and I'd love to be able to buy the proper sexed stuff!

  39. Aria

    persimmon / 1121 posts

    @loopedd: Ooh, DH and I have been seriously considering going to that. I'll let you know if we buy a ticket!

  40. loopedd

    kiwi / 536 posts

    @Aria: Yes, please do!

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