Hellobee Boards


<3 February 2015 Mamas <3

  1. mrs. tictactoe

    blogger / pomegranate / 3201 posts

    We had a busy and fun weekend! Took Liam to the snow for the first time, went to my cousin's wedding, and had our first shower. Got so many cute clothes! Girls are so fun!!

  2. Iced Tea

    persimmon / 1310 posts

    Finally had my baby shower and gender reveal! My intuition was correct. It's a girl!

    I've been an organizing machine since the shower. We need to go shopping for some remaining essentials, like the car seat.

    Has anyone experienced what feels like one continuous contraction for a long time? I've had them during several exercise sessions, but today I had one while just working at my desk. It didn't relax for 45 minutes. So weird.

  3. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @Kbee: I think that with the name being after your moms father, then it would be so nice for you to use it! If it was just some random name that had no meaning and the only connection people would make would be to the ex step father then maybe let it go. With so much meaning I'd keep fighting for it!

    @ndepet: nah, not going for one of those belly band things. I actually dropped the baby weight and looked better then I did pre pregnancy after my first baby so I'm hoping things will go the same way this time If you could find one used for cheap then maybe? I wouldn't spend too much money on it though.

    @mrs. tictactoe: glad your first shower went well!

    @Iced Tea: yay on the girl! That's so exciting!
    I get constant contractions too. They seem to last for quite a while. They aren't painful, just very uncomfortable. I guess they would be braxton hicks?

    Is anyone doing the raspberry leaf tea and evening primrose oil? I did both with my first pregnancy and had a smooth delivery so was going to do them both again. I've been drinking the tea for about a week but can't decide about starting evening primrose oil. I'm 35 weeks now so I could start it in the next week or two?

  4. Circusbee

    apricot / 390 posts

    @MrsB2012: I've started the raspberry leaf tea, not regularly at all, just a couple times a week (I don't love the taste of it), but I think I'm a bit too early to start the evening primrose oil, since I'll be 34 weeks tomorrow. Maybe I'll ask about it tomorrow while I'm at my appointment. I'm all about the little things like that you can do to potentially improve the birthing process!

  5. Kbee

    kiwi / 560 posts

    @Iced Tea: Oh wow, congrats!! how fun!

  6. loopedd

    kiwi / 536 posts

    @Iced Tea: Congrats on your girl!! I'm with you on the organizing. DH wonders why I can't sit still... but there's so much to put away!

    @MrsB2012: Are the raspberry tea and primrose oil supposed to induce labor, or improve it somehow, or both??

  7. Mrs. Rabbit

    blogger / clementine / 750 posts

    @MrsB2012: Tell me about the raspberry tea leaf! My midwife told me about (and suggested I start) the evening primrose oil starting at week 36 (with one pill) and then upping it to 3 times a day at week 38. She didn't mention raspberry tea, though, so I'm intrigued. Can I just get that in the tea aisle or do I need to special order it?

    Last time I was pregnant I was in Italy, and I heard about all of these things you could try to kick start (or help) induce labor too late. By the time I would've received the items it wouldn't have been beneficial to start them, so I'm kinda excited to see if any of these work!

    @Iced Tea: Congrats on the girl!!! That's amazing that you were able to hold out this long to find out!

    I hit a crazy nesting phase over the weekend, and thankfully my husband put up with me while we cleaned and went through everything. It was like, all of a sudden the kitchen cabinets HAD to be organized. And I HAD to go through every dresser in our room. We also got out the rest of the baby things (play mat, Rockaroo, all the clothes, etc.) and put them where they need to be. This afternoon we're putting in the car seat. CRAZY!!!!! Anyone else in a nesting phase?

  8. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @loopedd: No, neither induce labour. Raspberry leaf tea is supposed to 'tone your uterus' thus making contractions more efficient. Evening primrose oil is a prostaglandin which is supposed to 'soften and ripen' your cervix. There are some studies that say that Evening primrose oil might not be best used during pregnancy, but a lot of health care professionals still recommend it.

    @Mrs. Rabbit: I got my tea at a health store, I know you can get it at a lot of grocery stores though. It's just a regular box of tea. It gives me heartburn, I don't really like it, but it's not bad tasting. When I was pregnant last time I used to make a peach tea lemonade with it ( LIke the starbucks drink but with red raspberry tea instead of green tea.) Couldn't even taste it then.
    @Mrs. Rabbit: I'm having a huge urge to go and get groceries so I can make some breakfast foods for the freezer and a few freezer meals. However, they've declared a snow day here so I'm not sure I should go out grocery shopping. It's driving me crazy, I just feel like I HAVE to do it RIGHT NOW. haha.

  9. loopedd

    kiwi / 536 posts

    @MrsB2012: interesting, thanks! I keep seeing people mention both and wondered about the potential benefits.

    I'm so glad someone mentioned losing their mucous plus recently because I think that's happening to me tonight at 32w3! No blood but a smallish amount of much thicker discharge than I've seen throughout pregnancy. Kinda freaked me out, kinda made me excited that he's actually gonna come out eventually!

  10. HeartAbandoned

    clementine / 933 posts

    @Kbee: Congrats on your baby girl! So exciting!

    I think I copied the right roll call below Soon we'll be posting birth announcements like this - I can't believe it!

    February 2015 Mamas
    February 3rd: LilJane (#2 )
    February 5th: Mrs. Detour (#1 )
    February 6th: Swedishfish (#2 ), Mrs. Coral (#1 ), Mtex14 (#1 )
    February 7th: MrsTal (#1 ), Autumn865 (#2), Mrs. Rabbit (#2 )
    February 8th: Caitlanc (#2)
    February 9th: MrsB2012 (#2 )
    February 11th: Marzipan (#2 ), ndepet (#1 )
    February 12th: HeartAbandoned (#1 ), newatthis (#1 and #2), reyorra (#2 )
    February 13th: TheFixIts (#2 and #3 )
    February 14th: Aria (#1 ), AnneBird (#1 )
    February 15th: Baby2Feb15 (#2 )
    February 16th: Kbee (#1 ), Blueheron (#1), Jruess (#2 ), Iced Tea (#1 ), Callalillylove (#1)
    February 17th: Circusbee (#1 )
    February 18th: GreeneB2 (#1 )
    February 20th: Lone Palm (#2)
    February 23rd: Dagret (#2 ), maddyz (#1 )
    February 24th: Mrs. Tictactoe (#2 ), cmomma17 (#2 )
    February 25th: Sugarmammary (#1)
    February 26th: Abdubbs (#1 and #2 )
    February 27th: MsMiranda (#2 ), Mrs. Lion (#2 ), Loopedd (#1 )
    February 28th: Beanie132 (#1 )
    March 1st: Intotheocean (#2)
    March 8th: scg00387 (#2 )

  11. HeartAbandoned

    clementine / 933 posts

    DH and I have both been in a major nesting phase. We have just about everything ready that we can so far. We had a shower on Sunday, and we got a lot of blankets, so I need to wash those, but other than some laundry, we're as ready as we can be (in terms of stuff, anyway!). The carseat bases are installed in both of our cars, everything that we have for the nursery is in place (still need a small table to keep next to the glider, and I'm waiting on some custom paintings for above the crib), and we've done lots of laundry. Every day it starts to feel more & more real! We also attended our first childbirth class over the weekend at our hospital, and it was great! We have a newborn care/infant CPR class this weekend, a breastfeeding class a week from today, and the second half of the childbirth class on the 17th. I guess we're really doing this, huh?

  12. loopedd

    kiwi / 536 posts

    @HeartAbandoned: Wow, that's an impressive list! I opened the car seat and bases this weekend and all of the instructions seemed overwhelming. Mostly everything else is put together but for some reason I am balking at the car seat installation!

    We did Newborn Care and Infant/Child CPR recently, this weekend is Childbirth Prep and Breastfeeding class. Hospital tour next week. It's all so real! Somehow the laundry already seems neverending

  13. mrs. tictactoe

    blogger / pomegranate / 3201 posts

    Went to disneyland today and walked 7.2 miles I am so sore and exhausted, but we had a blast!

  14. Mrs. Rabbit

    blogger / clementine / 750 posts

    @mrs. tictactoe: What the what?!!!! I hope you get to relax today and/or take a bath/get a massage!!

  15. mrs. tictactoe

    blogger / pomegranate / 3201 posts

    @Mrs. Rabbit: I was shocked when I saw the total at the end of the day!! I am planning on staying in PJs all day today!!

  16. loopedd

    kiwi / 536 posts

    @mrs. tictactoe: Wow that's incredible! Was the sciatic pain terrible??

  17. mrs. tictactoe

    blogger / pomegranate / 3201 posts

    @loopedd: not terrible. It's been a little better lately. I was really feeling sore and exhausted by the end of the day. Dare I say I think being more active helps... I actually feel ok today. Not much pain at all, just tired. We even went to the mall and ended up logging another mile there.

    Going back to work next week is going to stink.

  18. mrs. tictactoe

    blogger / pomegranate / 3201 posts

    I've been wanting a certain dress from asos to wear for my sprinkle for months. I finally ordered it last week and it came and I tried it on today and it looks terrible on me. I'm so sad! I went to the mall and found something else, but I'm not super excited about it. Such a bummer.

  19. Mrs. Lion

    blogger / grapefruit / 4836 posts

    @mrs. tictactoe: Ugh that is the worst! I hate when things I love don't look the way I am expecting them to. I am glad you found something though! Im sure you look beautiful

    @loopedd: The laundry. I swear. I don't know how there is always so much laundry!

    I was back in L&D last night...way too many contractions I took an extra dose of my meds at my ob's direction, and then went in, and of course by the time I got there they had stopped completely. I felt so ridiculous, like the mom who cried labor. But, its better to be safe at this point. I talked to my ob today and she told me she will just be happy for me to get to 34 weeks (10 more days to go). She said at that point I don't even need to be on bed rest anymore but I think DH and I decided to do self imposed bed rest until 36 just in case...I really don't want any NICU time. Looks like baby girl is probably going to be here by 37 weeks at the latest. Hopefully she will hang in there! I am 33 weeks on Friday....so 4 more weeks to go!

  20. Mrs. Rabbit

    blogger / clementine / 750 posts

    @mrs. tictactoe: Still so impressed with how much you walked around! Also, jealous you got to go do Disney! Disneyworld is 5 hours from us and I can't wait to go next year hopefully. Also, bummer about the dress. There was one I had my eye on from Motherhood Maternity, but didn't want to pay the hefty price for it. Well, it was on sale for $15 when I went in last week, so I snagged it. yeah...totally doesn't look good on me, but I'm hoping it'll look better without the bump, maybe? Did you end up sending yours back?

    @Mrs. Lion: Thinking all good thoughts for you and the little one! Four weeks can fly by! How's C doing with the extra rest you're taking? Does he understand at all? Julia's getting extra clingy and wanting me to hold her or climb up on me ALL the time and my back just can't take it. I'm trying not to lose my patience with her, but ouch! She always seems to come at me when I have a BH contraction, too.

  21. Mrs. Lion

    blogger / grapefruit / 4836 posts

    @Mrs. Rabbit: He is getting a little clingy, but not too bad. I try to spend a solid hour with him in the morning playing before he leaves. But I do think it must be weird for him to be somewhere else all day long. It has only been 3 days so far, but hopefully he will adjust okay. And we will most likely have a week or two together before she gets here once my bed rest is lifted, so that's good too. He's a pretty easygoing kid so I am hoping for the best.

  22. loopedd

    kiwi / 536 posts

    @Mrs. Lion: Wow - such an action-packed report! I think you and DH have the right idea to take it easy until at least 36. So happy that C is not having a tough time at the moment. Hoping that little girl stays put for a while!

  23. mrs. tictactoe

    blogger / pomegranate / 3201 posts

    @Mrs. Lion: I'm glad the contractions stopped and I hope everything is smooth sailing for the next few weeks!

  24. mrs. tictactoe

    blogger / pomegranate / 3201 posts

    @Mrs. Rabbit: yeah, I'm sending it back. It's so unflattering and at $50, I can't justify keeping it.

  25. Circusbee

    apricot / 390 posts

    WOW so much is happening around here!! I think I'll have all of our registry completion discount coupons by this weekend, so I'm going to *hopefully* go on a shopping spree for all the things we'll need/want for baby right away on Saturday... that is if DH agrees! I just want everything to be ticked and tied right now!

    As for our car seat... we're skipping the infant seat and got a really nice convertible that's meant to work for babies starting at 4 lbs, but its HUGE... and since that thing needs to recline pretty far for infants, it fits in the car only when the passenger seat is almost all the way forward. So we probably won't install it and leave it for awhile because that's a long time to have that front passenger seat out of commission! Any tips for this? I was thinking we'd practice installing it a few times so DH and I both know how to do it well, and then wait until 37 or 38 weeks to install it for good if baby hasn't arrived yet.

    I'm not really sure why, and maybe it's totally naive... but I just have a feeling that this one isn't going to wait until his due date. I haven't had contractions or anything, and the midwives haven't said anything that would make me think this, it's just a feeling I have. That said, I did have a feeling he was a girl for awhile!! My mother's intuition could be pretty far off

  26. Mrs. Lion

    blogger / grapefruit / 4836 posts

    @Circusbee: I think they are all huge and ridiculous like that! We had no idea until we installed it the first time. Our infant seat was even bigger than our convertable! I am not excited to have it in the car again haha. It has been nice having more leg room!

    As far as when they come, you never know! I was dead set on having everything done by 30 weeks this time...and I was in L&D with contractions at 30+2, and on bed rest after that. Mother's intuition is definitely a thing.

  27. maddyz

    persimmon / 1270 posts

    Ladies it's SO cold! My maternity coat is not very warm so I tried my brooklyn industries down coat on this morning and if I unzip the pockets I can zip it up! But just barley....

    My reflux has been terrible.... like can't eat anything after 3 or 4pm everyday (except maybe ice cream, it feels so good going down).

    Nesting is such a real thing. I am super busy at work and it's all I can do to pay attention when what I really want to do is organize the house....

    @mrs. tictactoe: i feel better on the days that I am more active too. Sitting at my desk is the worst.

    @Mrs. Lion: I am glad you have found a way to take care of yourself and rest. So hard!

    @Circusbee: I am pretty sure I wont be seeing this little guy until March, but who knows. All of my mom's babies were at least a week late. I am trying to trick myself into not expecting him on his due date with the thought that it will make the wait easier. I am not sure my plan is working. It's so crazy to plan for something SO HUGE that might happen anytime with in a month or more. Trying to put the panner part of me on hold is way easier said than done.

  28. Mrs. Lion

    blogger / grapefruit / 4836 posts

    @Circusbee: what kind of seat did you get? Can you return it? We got the chicco nextfit and I think it can hold teeny babies too, and the reason we picked it was so that we would have more room in the front seat. It may be worth looking into since you will have to deal with it for such a long time.

  29. loopedd

    kiwi / 536 posts

    @Circusbee: It makes me happy to hear this because I feel exactly the same way! My due date is Feb 27 and for some reason I have gotten 2 weeks early in my head - Feb 13. DH even wrote on our calendar "Maybe Have Baby" on the 13th!

    @maddyz: Stay warm! My maternity coat looks much warmer than it is, I have learned... it's fine when I'm walking around but then you wait to cross the street and the wind goes right through you!

  30. Circusbee

    apricot / 390 posts

    @Mrs. Lion: it's the maxi cosi pria 70 with tiny fit. It's really pretty cool since it will supposedly last such a long time and looks really comfy and sturdy. I think we will try to install it this weekend for practice and if it's truly ridiculous then we'll return it. It's hard to imagine another seat will be much better though... our car is pretty little.

  31. Mrs. Lion

    blogger / grapefruit / 4836 posts

    @Circusbee: we have a saturn ion and our nextfit actually works great. It's a little wider than some others but it's not as tall so it doesn't require us to move the seat much. do you have a babies r us or a buy buy baby close to you? They will let you put the different seats in your car to see how they fit.

  32. Aria

    persimmon / 1121 posts

    I am so impressed with how much everyone has gotten done lately. I have a huge list of to dos that's been nagging me, but I'll be done with work in two weeks (yay!), so I'm saving it all for then.

    @Mrs. Lion: Fingers crossed baby girl stays put for you!

    @mrs. tictactoe: I hate when that happens! Buying maternity clothes is so hard because it seems like there's not a lot you can try on in the store and you just have to order online and hope it works. I know I've returned my fair share of items.

    @maddyz: It is freezing! I never invested in a maternity coat because none of them seemed that warm. I've been wearing a maternity zip up hoodie under my wool peacoat (although I can only button one button) and that has kept me pretty warm so far. Added bonus - it accentuates my bump a lot, so I almost always get a seat on the subway.

  33. Circusbee

    apricot / 390 posts

    @Mrs. Lion: Yes, we have a BRU. I didn't realize they let you do that!! I will definitely go this weekend and try a few out. Thanks!

    In other news... I can't wait for maternity leave, but I'm still undecided as to when it'll start. I get 12 weeks, so I want to maximize my time with baby, but I also think it would be nice to have at least 4-5 days pre-baby to rest and organize... why can't these things come on a schedule??

  34. Iced Tea

    persimmon / 1310 posts

    @Mrs. Lion: I would take it easy a couple more weeks too. It's scary to think of delivering right now at 34 weeks!

    I had an appointment yesterday. Little girl was stubbornly spending a lot of time head up recently, so they gave me some exercises to do since the last appt to encourage her to flip head down. It did encourage her to move, but she has been flipping a few times a day and seeming to prefer transverse, so I didn't really expect her to get head down for the ultrasound today. She did some crazy maneuvers during the ride there and got head down. I was even more surprised that she stayed that way all day! The midwife said when her head is heavy enough, gravity will keep her head down. Early this morning I woke to her trying hard to flip, so I hauled my butt out of bed and am rocking on the exercise ball. She seems to be giving up. Hopefully I can keep her head down and avoid the ECV referral next appointment.

    In other news, I've been referred to PT after injuring my back a week ago. It just hasn't been getting better. I considered going to a chiro first (never been) but it would be completely out-of-pocket. Anyone know what it costs to visit a chiro?

  35. Mrs. Rabbit

    blogger / clementine / 750 posts

    Had my 36-week appt. today, so now I start going every week, which is just CRAZY! I love the midwife I keep seeing, but there's only a 25% chance I'll actually have her when I deliver since there are 4 of them in the rotation. Crossing my fingers, though! And, despite what strangers keep telling me (that I look like i'm ready to have the baby next week), I'm measuring right on track, which was nice to hear from her!

    My husband is working (flying) a couple nights next week, so I think I'm going to hold off on the evening primrose oil and the raspberry leaf tea until those stupid shifts are over.

  36. loopedd

    kiwi / 536 posts

    @Iced Tea: I have no idea about cost for chiro but I went for the first time when my SI joint/sciatic pain was out of control and it was a total bust for me Everyone swore up and down it would be my savior but I found the PT to be much more effective (with the added bonus of being fully covered by insurance). That and therapeutic massage, which is out-of-pocket but worth every penny!

    @Mrs. Rabbit: Every week - wow! You are going to have this baby before you know it

    Yesterday we had our childbirth prep and breastfeeding class last night with the same nurse that we took newborn care and infant CPR with. I love her and she made me feel so much more calm and confident about giving birth. And DH loved it, she had tons of info about our hospital in particular so it just felt so useful. She is available for help after we give birth too (lactation, sleep, etc) so I'm excited to have some professional help on call that I already have a relationship with.

    How is everyone doing? @Mrs. Lion: is baby girl still cooperating and staying inside??

  37. Mrs. Lion

    blogger / grapefruit / 4836 posts

    @loopedd: we are good! She's still in there, thankfully. I have an ultrasound tomorrow and I'm looking forward to getting to ask the 1000 questions that are floating around my head. Thank you for asking I'm glad your class was helpful! I think classes can be so much better than books sometimes! It's nice to be able to see things first hand and ask the experts questions!

  38. HeartAbandoned

    clementine / 933 posts

    @loopedd: We had the first half of our childbirth class earlier this month, and an infant safety/CPR class this weekend, and I agree, they have been great! The childbirth class is also focused on the experience at our hospital, which I think is so helpful. The second half of that class is this Saturday, and includes a full tour of labor & delivery, so I'm looking forward to that. We also are going to a breastfeeding class tomorrow night! After that, we should be educated out

    My 36 week appointment, including ultrasound, is Thursday, and I can't wait to see our little guy again!

    Anyone feeling like labor will be coming soon for you? We're a month out from my due date as of today, and people keep telling me I'll go early, but I just don't have that feeling (at least not yet!).

  39. mrs. tictactoe

    blogger / pomegranate / 3201 posts

    Major nursery progress over the weekend! We had our second sprinkle, bought a dresser, my husband put it together and I got all the clothes (gifts and some AMAZING hand me downs) organized and put away (the hand me downs were freshly washed, but I haven't washed the new stuff yet). My husband still wants to touch up some paint in there and we need to get all of the "accessories" - sheets, lighting, frames, a mirror, curtains (purchased, but need to dye and hang them), black out shades (purchased, but not hung). It feels good to see it a little more put together!

    I'm back at work today after 3 weeks off and feeling pretty good. No major complaints. Only 5 weeks until maternity leave!!

    @Mrs. Lion: glad you are doing well.

    @HeartAbandoned: I do not feel like it will happen soon. I hope I go a little early, but I doubt it.

  40. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @Iced Tea: My chiro appt's are $40 each. That's in Canada though, so now idea what it's like compared to the US ( if that's where you are. )

    @loopedd: glad you enjoyed your classes and your instructor was good. I really enjoyed our classes when we did them last time. If you can even take 1 piece of information out of them I think they're totally worth it!

    @Mrs. Lion: Glad she's still staying put!

    @mrs. tictactoe: Glad that you got some nursery progress done!

    We basically got our nursery done, I love it. I just need to get curtains but I need to find some material first and it's not super high on my priority list right now. I'd also like to get a new light fixture, probably a ceiling fan as we don't have A/c and it gets super hot in the summer. Also not high on the priority list and something that will probably wait a few months for.

    It's weird, everything is done here. Nursery is done, clothes are folded and put away for her.. my bag is packed, I have all my PP stuff... now I'm just sitting around waiting! I've made a few extra freezer meals, could probably do some more but I'm not too worried about it. If I have this baby around the same time I had my last baby.. that's only 10 days away!

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