cherry / 164 posts
Thanks for reassurance Bubbles i had my usual morning dry heave but still worry i guess lol.. Next Wednesday can't come soon enough!!
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
@Mrs D: I'm slightly jealous your NT scan is this week! I know you're further along than I am, but like I've stated previously, this trimester is d-r-a-g-g-i-n-g along!
As for the pump, I do plan on getting a second one so I can leave one at work and one at home so I don't have to lug it to and fro and worry about forgetting a part or something. since that has happened before! I like the thought of just transporting the bottles/milk. Can't forget then right??? Hopefully??
@sassymama34: I'm at 10 weeks and still feel pretty tired, but I don't know if it's more because I'm pregnant or due to DS's poor sleeping habits! The queasiness also still comes and goes, where some days are more intense than others. But I'm just ready for the 2nd trimester in general, where things are considered more stable/safe. And I'm all for that!
apricot / 451 posts
Our LOs will be sharing a room, so we don't have to prep a nursery at all. Unless this baby is a boy, then I'll buy new bedsheets for the crib. We already have a twin bed in the room that my DD will graduate to shortly before the baby is here.
I am 9.5 weeks now and I am just now finally starting to shake the nausea, but I am still so tired all the time!!! I'm realizing how easy my first pregnancy was in comparison!
Are any of you ladies NOT considered high risk, and still doing the harmony/MaterniT21 etc testing? I only want to do it so we can find out the gender sooner, because I am dying to go shopping for the baby! I won't do it if my insurance won't cover it, but I don't know how persistent I should be with pushing the issue.
cherry / 164 posts
What are the current cravings? Im currently obsessed with trader joes hot pico de gallo salsa! Bought 3 containers last night
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
@Lilbear: I'm not considered high risk and am doing the NT scan just to have another chance to see the baby and find out the gender!
@sassymama34: I'm craving sushi (which I had for dinner last night) and flavorful clear soupy stuff with noodles.
@Mrs D: I was craving ramen from like week 6-8. lol
pear / 1610 posts
Checking in! I will be 13 weeks on Thursday! Crazy! I'm anxious for another appointment (9/4) but am trying to relax about it. lol. Feeling a lot better as far as nausea goes but I wear out easily. I'm trying to brainstorm healthy snacks because all I want to eat is carbs! Currently, I'm craving buffalo chicken things, egg rolls and bacon cheese fries!!!
apricot / 451 posts
@Alivoo01: we are definitely doing the nt scan at 12 weeks but we don't have the option of finding out the gender until our anatomy scan at 20 weeks. (Unless I do the harmony blood test. that is fraakin amazing that your doctor can tell you the gender at 12 weeks from a sonogram!!!!!
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
@Lilbear: I did with DS, so I'm hoping I can with #2 also. They didn't say yes or no when my OB referred me, but my fingers are crossed! Now for the nice, long wait... lol
cherry / 164 posts
I cant stand meat very well n in fact most food sounds gross lol so im hungry all the time n want nothing except that salsa! Lol.. Still sick 2x a day n more nauseous today.. Currently at work with tissue up nose since smells are turning my stomach exciting we are nearing our 2nd trimester ladies!!
pomelo / 5573 posts
11 weeks today, woo! The last week has really dragged, it seems like 12 will never come. I have my "dating" scan tomorrow (the one I convinced my midwives to let me have because I don't want to do the NT scan but DO want to see the baby again) so I'm looking forward to that, although I can't shake the thought in the back of my head that whispers "missed miscarriage, missed miscarriage". Once I've got one more confirmation that there's a little heart beating in there (which - I'm pretty sure that I've felt the baby move a few times, and yesterday my doppler picked up a heartbeat of 168 for a minute before I lost it, although I couldn't actually hear it) I guess maybe I'll...tell people? Honestly, the whole being pregnant thing feels so improbable that to think of telling people feels really weird.
sassymama34: I did a stupid thing yesterday and went grocery shopping while pregnant and hungry. Came home with pate and triscuits (had no idea I was craving it until I saw it and my brain screamed "EAT THAT NOW!"). Googled after and obviously, you're not supposed to eat pate, so now my brain is yelling "EAT MORE! No, listeriosis! No, it's fine, eat it!" My brain is a fun place. I also mostly only want to eat soup and watermelon, so making dinner has been fun around my house, since my husband and toddler don't think that that's a good meal.
cherry / 164 posts
Lol gotta love those cravings i inhaled 6oz of my salsa in 20 min last night n only stopped so wouldn't be sick
grapefruit / 4545 posts
@Lilbear: I am not high risk and I am having my first tri-mester screening on Thursday. The u/s and consult are covered but I will have a small oop expense bc they send the blood work to an out of network lab for processing. Shouldnt be more than $100. I had panorama offered to me for $100 but would have to wait until my 14w appt to do that - and I am just too impatient. We are praying for a "money shot" thursday or at least a good nub to predict from - otherwise I'll pay the $75 for an elective u/s at 15 weeks to find out!
@Alivoo01: the Ramen was amazing. I am going for Indian food tonight with a fellow preggo friend (she doesnt know I am preggo yet) so I am hoping my tummy cooperates.
@sassymama34: I am struggling with meat as well. Its mostly cereal that gets my attention. However I do LOVE tuna melts right now (go figure) so I just had one and now am WAY full!
@erinbaderin: I have been having those same fears, for no reason whatsoever. I am very anxious for the u/s on Thursday to hopefully calm those fears. After that I will start telling people - although not sure we'll go FB public for another couple weeks!
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
@sassymama34: Yea... Meat doesn't sound appetizing to me either! I'm looking forward to being the 2nd trimester in a few weeks!!!
@erinbaderin: With a history, I too am always paranoid about losing this baby! I constantly have to reassure myself all is well and that things are progressing so I don't go bat shit crazy. Another reason why waiting for appts is so hard!
coffee bean / 33 posts
Well I'm 9 weeks along and got to see our baby and its heartbeat for the second time yesterday. Everything looks perfect and after two losses I'm just so relieved! I'm sick all the time but managing with the help of nausea meds.
In other news, I lost 4 pounds and then gained 2 back. Today one of my students asked if I was having a baby.... Ugh I'm 5 foot even and 110 ibs is it really possible I'm showing this early?
apricot / 371 posts
@Travelinmoon: for sure you could be showing! Check out our March bump thread. I'm 10 weeks, almost 6 ft, and pretty certain I am! (Second LO)
blogger / persimmon / 1225 posts
So much to catch up on, love reading everyone's updates!
We have three bedrooms upstairs so we'll make the former guest bedroom into another nursery for LO2 and have the guests sleep downstairs.
I doubt I'll work on the nursery until about 20 weeks but I am brainstorming nursery themes for sure. We did geography for my son, and that would have worked with a girl too, so I'm looking for another educational, non-gender specific idea. Astronomy? Books? Ideas welcome! I love his room, so it will be hard to create something I like just as much!
For new items, we need a double stroller (I think), new crib, new dresser/changing table, but we'll take the glider from DS's room and move it into the new nursery. Oh and we need a closet. Ugh. When we moved in to our house we threw out the old closet doors and put in IKEA closets in the other two rooms but left this one open. Now it's time to finish it! I'm anxious about finding room in the budget for all these expensive items, boo, but it's all worth it!.
I'm 12 weeks 2 days and feeling a little bit more energetic these days thankfully. Oh and also feeling phantom movements or something. I had an anterior placenta last time so it took forever to feel anything. Curious to see where this one is!
I'll post a bump pic tomorrow!
cherry / 164 posts
So excited! Today after work I'm picking up 3 baby items off of my facebook group moms sale... $50 total - mom on a budget lol
grapefruit / 4545 posts
@sassymama34: that swing looks like my snugabunny swing and it is amazing!!!
pomelo / 5573 posts
A swing is another thing on my list. Last time we had the Mamaroo and we still have it, but my son never really liked it for more than about 10 minutes. I'm thinking this time I'd like to try a swing. On the other hand, we were fine without one last time and maybe it's an unnecessary expense....
cherry / 164 posts
I'm getting the swing for $15 the vibrating seat for $10 and the carseat which was only used a few times n no accidents (expires july 2020) for $25! Hoping to get a crib too this wknd for $70!
grapefruit / 4545 posts
Since it sounds like a lot of us are second time mama's (and bc it will be great input for the first time mama's out there) what will you be getting that you didnt have last time? What did you have last time that you wont use this time?
1) Bottle Warmer...thought this was silly last time but I think with this LO I will have a bottle station set up in the guest bathroom so I dont have to go all the way down to the kitchen. Though I hope to EBF for at least a few months.
2) Ring Sling - I had a k'tan with K and used it minimally. I'd like to find a sling wrap I can use more frequently do get things done around the house, and chase a toddler.
3) Glass bottles. I think I am going to take the plunge.
4) Bloomin' bath. I have seen many friends use this and it seems so nice and easy!
5) More pumping early on. I did not pump with K until I needed to (extended periods of time without nursing) but I think I am going to add in a few extra pumping sessions early on once our routine is established. I am also going to tailor my diet a bit more towards some of the things that help milk come in. I did not have a good stash built up when I went back to work and it was stressful!
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
@Travelinmoon: I'm 5'3" and started showing around 8/9 weeks? This is my 2nd LO, but I also started 6lbs heavier than I wanted to so that didn't help!
@princessandthebee: My vote is for astronomy! I think that would be so cool! You could put up glow in the stars on the ceiling and make constellations or just a starry sky! Fun!!
@sassymama34: 3 items for $50?! What a deal! Go you!!
@erinbaderin: We have the mamaroo also and DS sat in it maybe a handful of times. Ugh! He sat/slept in the swing as a newborn/infant at daycare and seemed to like it. We debated about getting a swing for the house too, but I didn't want another bulky item around. I'm really hoping #2 will like the mamaroo or we can get by without getting a swing. Guess we'll see!
pomelo / 5573 posts
@Alivoo01: The first time I put B in the mamaroo he went from screaming to asleep in like 12 seconds and I thought "Oh my God, this is the most amazing invention in the history of the world." Never happened again. From then on we'd just put him in it for about 10 minutes and be just about able to scarf down dinner at the same time before he got upset and we had to get him out (it was still preferable to our previous system, where one of us got hot dinner but had to eat fast, and the other could eat at a human pace but everything was lukewarm).
@MrsD: I want a Baby Bjorn bouncer (we had a few last time but none that I really liked, and I've read good reviews on this one), the Miracle Blanket (last time we spent weeks tearing our hair out trying to swaddle a grumpy flaily newborn), a Wubbanub pacifier (B would never take one but we didn't try this style, now he sucks his fingers and I worry it'll be a battle when we want him to stop). I'm also going to try to use a ring sling - I bought one last time and used it when B was bigger to wear him on my hip, but I'm going to try it from the beginning this time. And I just googled the Bloomin Bath and it's so adorable, now I want one!
Things I had last time that I won't use again: a Moby wrap (by the time I got it all wrapped up B was grumpy) and an Ergo 360 (I also had the travel Ergo which worked fine but I wanted it for the back wearing, but I've since bought a BabyHawk which is a lot lighter and cooler). I won't use the pump this time, since I discovered last time after months of 4am pumping sessions that my milk has a high amount of lipase and tastes disgusting after being thawed. I'm lucky that I have Canadian maternity leave so it's not a concern unless I want to spend some time away from the baby, which....I guess I can't, unless I have a better supply this time and can get enough for a feeding without having to freeze it to build up.
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
I'm not getting any new gear this time since I'll be reusing everything from DS apart from new bottles, nipples, car seat mat, etc.
However, here are a few things I used the 1st time that was super helpful and plan on reusing this time also!
- cloth diaper inserts as burp clothes: super absorbent and large!
- Ergo: DS enjoyed being carried and I loved being able to do stuff around the house with him strapped to me. It also made traveling a breeze. We were able to taste and see San Fran like "normal" people because DS just chilled in the Ergo the entire time. I even nursed him in it! I took him out for diaper changes and when we sat down to eat.
- SwaddleMe swaddles: easy to use and it contained the jerky newborn movements.
- A&A swaddle blankets/Bebe Au Lait nursing cover: easy to use while nursing or pumping. I liked my Bebe Au Lait one because it had a stiff neckline so I can look down at DS and it provided some circulation of air since DS runs warm and it was the summertime.
- Bottle warmer: I EP the first 6 weeks so he didn't always eat when I pumped therefore it was placed in the fridge.
- Hands free pumping bra: This thing is amazing. I could pump and still have full use of both my hands so I could tend to DS, if needed, or play on my phone to pass time.
- Bouncer and play mat: I put DS in the bouncer when I was eating or cooking meals. He didn't mind sitting in there. He also enjoyed laying on the play mat and looking at stuff dangling down at him. His favorite was the little mirror in the corner.
- Boppy pillow: I didn't use this for nursing (DH actually used it more as a neck pillow to sleep on when he had baby duty - ha!), but it was great for propping up the baby to lean/sit up on in the first few months since they can't sit up on their own.
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
@erinbaderin: We have a Baby Bjorn bouncer and absolutely loved it!!! Even DS loves it. He's finally outgrowing it, but he knows it's "his" chair. When he wants milk, he knows to sit in there and ask for milk. Or when he has his milk, he knows to go sit in that chair and chill until he's finished with his milk. Not sure how he'll react when I put it away or when I use it for #2. He used the crap out of that chair so it was totally worth the $$$.
The Ergo 360 looks so nice and much more compact than my Ergo (the original one). But I don't wanna spend money on getting a new one so I'm just going to re-use the Ergo.
grapefruit / 4545 posts
@erinbaderin: what is Lipase and how did you discover this? K refused breastmilk after her first few bottles of formula so I am wondering if maybe there was a taste component bc a lot of it was frozen at that time!
pomelo / 5573 posts
@Mrs D: Lipase is some kind of enzyme in milk, and apparently having too much of it can cause your milk to go off when you freeze it. I don't know for sure this is the problem, this is just what I'm assuming because every time I defrosted milk it smelled and tasted terrible. I googled it and that seemed to be the answer. Apparently it can be handled by heating the milk to scalding before freezing but since it wasn't a necessity for me I never worried about it.
@Alivoo01: I don't know about more compact, I found it a lot bulkier than the one we had, but we had the Stowaway (that folds up into a pouch) so maybe that's why.
pear / 1632 posts
Just popping in here to say hi and congrats to everyone! I may linger on here a bit so I can see what to expect in the weeks ahead I'm due in April.
Where are all the little baby bumps?! I'm dying to see some bumps!! I myself appeared 5 months pregnant last night after eating a large dinner. It was disturbing what I saw in the mirror.
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
@jh524: Welcome! Feel free to join us regardless of when you're due! March, April - close enough! Congrats on your LO also! I too look about 5 months pregnant by the end of the day, especially after a meal! Eek!
This is our bump thread:
pomelo / 5573 posts
Just got home from my ultrasound, and everything looks good - heartbeat of 166, measuring right on track. They stressed me out when the tech seemed to see something and went out to get another tech and they kept going "There, you see that?" "Yeah, but....I don't know..." Eventually they concluded that everything is fine, the more experienced tech said she'd seen the same thing before and it was just the angle, but I had some anxious moments while I was waiting.
ETA that I thought everything was fine, but I just got a message that they want me to come back for "additional images", so now I'm stressed.
apricot / 388 posts
@erinbaderin: ugh that is not cool. you would think they would know how sensitive these things are and would be more tactful. I'm sorry they called you back in but hopefully it is nothing and they are just being cautious. Good luck!
I also had my NT scan this morning but I guess I didn't have all the pre-bloodwork done so they weren't able to give me the results of the genetic testing. The ultrasound did look good from what I could see but I'm not a doctor and won't get the results till next week. Baby was moving and measuring right on target.
I definitely have been feeling better too. Not feeling nauseous barely at all and getting more energy. I will say that now I am getting head aches and I am really gassy lol
cherry / 164 posts
Erin - fingers crossed everything is just fine i know how stressful that is though... When do you go back?
MrsOg- glad things look good
I can't wait until my appt next Wednesday!! Has been a long 3 weeks already ugh lol
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
@erinbaderin: Ugh!! that's so annoying and I can't believe they "argued" about it in front of you. How unprofessional. Hopefully like the more trained tech said, it's just the angle. At least you'll see the baby again! Yay for a good, strong heartbeat!
@mrsog: Yay for feeling better, but boo on the gas and headaches. I've been feeling more alert the past two days like I'm not even pregnant, and it's kind of worrying me! I don't know if it's because I'm easing out of the 1st trimester (I'm 10+3) or if something's wrong. I'm choosing to believe the prior, but it's still unnerving! Ugh! I have an appt on Friday, and have been looking forward to it all week long. Everyday, I wake up and I'm like it's (day of the week)!!! X days until Friday!! I've been pretty gassy this pregnancy too and way more constipated. Arg.
pomelo / 5573 posts
So I went back in this morning and it turns out everything is fine. Or at least she said everything is fine, so I guess I'm going to believe her in the interest of not being stressed constantly. I'm sure if something is not fine I'll hear from my midwife. I'm also pretty sure she could tell the gender - she basically said that she could - but she wouldn't tell me. Although from the way she seemed so sure and something I saw on the screen I'm thinking boy. And I got to see him kicking and stuff, so that was fun. And then I came to work and told my boss, so I guess I'm officially "out"!
I'm jealous of you ladies getting more energy - hopefully that will be me soon! I'm getting pretty tired of going to bed at 9pm.
pear / 1650 posts
@sassymama34: current cravings: hmmm none yet really! I pretty much just have anything that doesn't turn my stomach (boring stuff and lots of carbs. Oh and juice). I have more aversions right now than cravings, ha!
@Mrs D: hmm i think we are all set in items that we will use from the first LO. We have the snuggabunny swing, an arm's reach co-sleeper (that I used as a basinette instead of co-sleeper and is holding our toddler's clothes right now ha ha) that I kept in our living room downstairs, another basinette that I kept by the bed upstairs for nighttime sleep, and two bouncers lol. We didn't use a video monitor but don't really want one for this time around either.
One thing I hope will happen for next time is that I won't stress so much about pumping. When LO started to self wean, I was so so upset and sad, and blamed myself for not having pumped when she was first born (I thought it set me up for low supply), and looking back, that was all just unnecessary stress. So hopefully I can relax a bit about that.
So I had my 9 week u/s and baby measures right on track at 9 wk 6 days! Yay! (We've named it Gumby for now ha ha). We saw Gumby's heartbeat and it was perfect, and Gumby was bouncing a bit- yay! Here's an image
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
@erinbaderin: Yay for the all clear this morning!!
@MrsLilybugg: Hi Gumby!!!
grapefruit / 4545 posts
@erinbaderin: So sorry about the stress and glad to hear all is well!
@mrsog: I am SO gassy too! Its unreal. I honestly burp and pass gas so much its getting awkward!
@MrsLilybugg: Thats awesome you have it all set. I was pretty excited that my list of "wants" was nice and low this time. I think I want a JuJuBe diaper bag! UGH! Anyone know if they ever pop up on Gilt or anything?
Had our first trimester screening this AM - all is well. Didnt ask what the heartbeat was but the little sucker was moving around like crazy. The tech was a little frustrated. I told her in the beginning that "she was welcome to make any predictions if she had them"...she actually tried to look at the end but the peanut would not stop moving...I think I saw a rather female looking nub - but not sure and she didnt get a pic of it! The u/s looked good - now we just wait on the blood work!
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