Hellobee Boards


March 2016 moms

  1. ksnow

    apricot / 371 posts

    @creativemomma15: How far along were you when they could hear HB with the doppler?

  2. creativemomma15

    pear / 1610 posts

    @ksnow: I was 10 weeks exactly yesterday when we heard it. I was nervous it'd be too soon but my midwife found it!

  3. Dr. Pepper

    apricot / 461 posts

    I'm out for March. We had another follow up ultrasound on Wednesday. I would have been 7w6d at the time. The gestational sac had grown from 6w2d to 6w6d in 1 week time. My hCG had increased from 40,000ish to 60,000ish in 1 weeks time. There was still nothing inside the gestational sac. We were officially diagnosed with a blighted ovum. We had a D&C yesterday.

  4. sassymama34

    cherry / 164 posts

    @DrPepper- i am so sorry i had a blighted ovum my last pregnancy and i understand that pain of seein an empty sac. Wishing you all the best mama 💚

  5. runnerd

    pear / 1593 posts

    @Dr. Pepper: I'm sorry, my thoughts are with you!

  6. Lilbear

    apricot / 451 posts

    @Dr. Pepper: I'm so sorry for your loss. I was really hoping you would have a positive follow up appointment! I hope you can find peace and healing after this sad experience.

  7. Bubbles

    persimmon / 1328 posts

    @Dr. Pepper: so sorry for your loss

  8. MrsLilybugg

    pear / 1650 posts

    @Dr. Pepper: hugs - so so saddened to see this

  9. Mrs. Cookie

    blogger / persimmon / 1225 posts

    @Dr. Pepper: I am so sorry.

  10. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @Dr. Pepper: so sorry for your loss...

  11. JoJoGirl

    cantaloupe / 6206 posts

    @Dr. Pepper: Oh dear I am so sorry. I have been trying to avoid HB and this thread specifically after our loss last week, but checked and am SO SORRY to hear this. So much heartbreak. Our D&C was on Wednesday and I am still having trouble functioning out of the house. Big hugs to you - is there already a TTC after loss thread? If not, want to start one with me?

  12. Alivoo01

    wonderful olive / 19353 posts

    @Mrs D: Yay for a great appt! And that totally sucks they make you drink water and hold it before an ultrasound. Bad enough your bladder feels like it needs to pee every 30 minutes, and now you wanna push on my belly too with a full bladder? Thanks! I would never make it. I already have a smaller bladder to begin with, add in pregnancy bladder and yea.... not happening. lol

    @creativemomma15: yay for good appointments!!!

    @sassymama34: Woohoo for two growing twins!!!

    @mrsog: Yay for a great appt!!

    @Dr. Pepper: I'm so, so sorry for your loss. As I mentioned previously, I too had a D&C earlier this year (March), so I'm sorry you had to go through that. *hugs*

  13. erinbaderin

    pomelo / 5573 posts

    I'm finally feeling confident(ish) that this might actually happen, so I thought I'd jump in and introduce myself!
    Location: Whitby, Ontario (just outside Toronto)
    EDD: March 15, 2016
    How far along: 9 weeks tomorrow
    First child? Second. I have a son who is almost 19 months old. It took us five years, 8 IUIs, 2 surgeries, 1 miscarriage, 2 rounds of IVF, and probably $30,000 to have him, so this pregnancy is kind of a huge surprise.
    First doctor appointment: My first midwife appointment is August 12, but I've had 2 ultrasounds already because I was having some bleeding/spotting and I freaked out.
    Any symptoms so far? FATIGUE! I'm so tired all the time, being pregnant with a toddler is so much harder than it was when it was just me and my husband. I also feel like I'm going to throw up about 75% of the time - I haven't actually thrown up, but brushing my teeth especially makes me gag.
    Who have you told? Probably too many people. About 6 of my close friends, plus we told my husband's parents because they were visiting from England and we wanted to tell them in person.

    Excited to have some people to chat with about this! I'm still friends with the small group of ladies from my due date group last time but as that was an IVF group I now feel a little awkward being pregnant again so easily.

  14. sassymama34

    cherry / 164 posts

    Welcome Erin and congrats 😃🎉

  15. PitBulLover

    apricot / 256 posts

    Finally joining in!

    Location: Cumming, GA

    EDD: March 20, 2016

    How far along: 8w2d

    First child? Yes!

    First doctor appointment: was at 6w3d

    Any symptoms so far? Every single one. Nausea/vomiting, sore/full boobs, extreme hunger, headaches, shortness of breath, increase boogers, constipation, and being a crazy hormonal beast!

    Who have you told? All family, close friends, and a few coworkers

  16. sassymama34

    cherry / 164 posts

    Welcome pitbullover and congrats 😃🎉 exciting to have more March mamas!!

  17. Alivoo01

    wonderful olive / 19353 posts

    @erinbaderin: Congratulaions and welcome!! I've heard humming a song while brushing your teeth helps with the gagging/nausea!

    @PitBulLover: Welcome!!!

  18. Alivoo01

    wonderful olive / 19353 posts

    I had my 1st prenatal appt yesterday. When the u/s tech first put the wand in, all I saw was an empty sac. My hubby and I both stopped breathing and nearly just died there. I don't know if I could have handled it given we just went through it a few months ago.

    The tech must have sensed our fear because she immediately said she saw the baby and a heartbeat. Not to worry. That she'll get back to it soon. Cue huge, huge sigh of relief from both of us that was probably audible from the moon. After a few minutes of taking measurements of my ovaries and what not, we finally saw our baby. Cue another emotional, loud sigh of relief. It's measuring right on schedule (thank the lord) with a heartbeat of 155bpm.

    We are so, so thankful things are where they should be right now and that baby #2 is healthy. Since I had some complications towards the end of my pregnancy with DS and had a loss earlier this year, my OB is seeing me a little more often, which means we'll be seeing our lil baby a lil more often also.

    The OB also told me to start taking B-complex to help with the nausea. I took one last night, and so far, it seems to help. yay!

  19. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @erinbaderin: Welcome and Congrats!!! I was like that my whole first trimester with my first - I found hard candies to be a lifesaver!

    @PitBulLover: I cried last night over a renovation show on TV - like because they had an unexpected surprise during the reno (more $$) - completely ridiculous...DH just eyerolled - I'm an emotional mess!

    @Alivoo01: I have the smallest bladder - its a joke. Add in pregnancy and I get most of my steps just from walking to the bathroom...pathetic. I seriously think I will need surgery when the baby factory is closed to fix it!

  20. erinbaderin

    pomelo / 5573 posts

    @MrsD Thanks for the tip! I went out and got some and already it seems to be helping. It beats the constant snacking that is the other thing I find helps - or at least, it hopefully extends the amount of time I'll be able to fit in my regular pants.

    @Alivo001 Thank you for the teeth brushing tip, too! I'm definitely going to try that tonight. Although on the other hand, the gagging is a bit of reassurance that things are going ok...

    This is a bit grim, but does anybody else find that every time they go to the bathroom, they almost expect to see blood? It probably doesn't help that I have had red bleeding twice this pregnancy, with 9 days of spotting following the second time, but every time I think "This is it, this is when I find out this isn't going to work out." I know last time the feeling went away the further along I got, I just find it weird that having had one successful pregnancy doesn't make me any more confident that this one will be.

  21. Alivoo01

    wonderful olive / 19353 posts

    @erinbaderin: I do, only because that's what happened with my 1st loss. Went to the bathroom and yea... So every time I use the bathroom, I'm always nervous to see red. Eek. Doesn't help that you had some spotting.

    The worry never stops, before, during, or after! ahhh!!

  22. Bubbles

    persimmon / 1328 posts

    Welcome and congrats new March mamas!

    @Alivoo01: that sounds so scary. Glad all turned out well and baby is looking great!

  23. runnerd

    pear / 1593 posts

    I had my follow-up today. The baby stopped growing about a week ago.

    Good luck with your pregnancies, and hoping you all have happy and healthy 9 months!

  24. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @runnerd: hugs so sorry for your loss...

  25. Travelinmoon

    coffee bean / 33 posts

    @erinbaderin: Every single time. Even in the middle of the night when my eyes are hardly open I have to check, I hope I'll get past it in the second tri!

    I had my first ultrasound yesterday and everything looked great. Due date is officially March 30th which is right on track with 7 weeks. Doctor is keeping me on progesterone and wants to see me every two weeks for the rest of my pregnancy, which seems like a lot to me... Otherwise so far so good!

  26. sassymama34

    cherry / 164 posts

    So sorry for your loss runnerd

  27. erinbaderin

    pomelo / 5573 posts

    @runnerd I'm so sorry, how heartbreaking. Take care of yourself.

  28. Lilbear

    apricot / 451 posts

    @runnerd: I'm so sorry this happened! It is so unfair...

  29. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    So - is it setting in for you ladies yet? I feel like sometimes I forget I am pregnant and then other times I have anxiety about it!

    I started a "wish list" on BuyBuyBaby to track the things I think of that I need for baby #2. My biggest question mark and second most expensive item is a stroller. I may look for a second hand one as I dont expect we'll use it a ton. So far the only NEW things I plan to add to my stash are a bottle warmer and a pnp. We didn't have either with DD - I think the bottle warmer will be key.

    We also need a few duplicate/repeat things. Bath bloom, sound machine, new mirrors for the car seats, new convertible car seat (Kate still uses the carrier sometimes in DH's car). I have 8 bins of clothes so far stashed...if this peanut is not a girl I will need a lot of new clothes (most of my NB stuff was gender nuetral) and someone in metro detroit will be the lucky winner of a kick ass wardrobe!

    I also had a full meltdown about DD's big girl room and the lack of progress - DH had to talk me off the ledge! I have issues!

  30. Alivoo01

    wonderful olive / 19353 posts

    @runnerd: I'm so, so sorry!!! *hugs*

    @Travelinmoon: Yay for a good appointment! I'll be on progesterone until 12 weeks also.

  31. Alivoo01

    wonderful olive / 19353 posts

    @Mrs D: Yes and no. I feel better since my appt earlier this week, but I'm still nervous as crap. I'm hoping after 12 weeks, I will feel a lil better. We'll see!

    I too have started a draft list of things we need for #2, but so far it's only a handful of small things minus diapers. We'll get to reuse the infant bucket car seat from DS and the stroller we initially bought for DS can be converted to a double. We just need to buy peg stands for his chair. I really want to go out and start buying/hoarding stuff, but know to take it slow and not get ahead of myself. I guess I could start clearing out some drawers in DS's dresser to make room for LO#2's stuff.

    Clothes are also a concern for me. DS was a July baby and this is a March baby so totally different seasons! I'm hoping I can reuse a lot of his clothes, but we'll see.

  32. sassymama34

    cherry / 164 posts

    Im stressin about items ill need to buy.. Expecting twins and being that my son is 7 i only have crib and changing table left...sold everything else. But tryin to not stress lol

  33. Navy_Mommy

    nectarine / 2458 posts

    Well, my NT scan is scheduled for two weeks from today! And my husband should actually be here!! (He might be going to San Diego for a few weeks right after that)

    Not excited about doing two weeks alone with the two boys but HOPEFULLY I'll have some energy back and we'll make some extra money from it. And at least he'll be here for the ultrasound

  34. Navy_Mommy

    nectarine / 2458 posts

    @Alivoo01: Yay for a good appointment! That must have been terrifying.

    My first two moved a TON during ultrasounds and this guy just kinda chills and occasionally kicks. Both ultrasounds I've asked if the baby is ok because it kinda freaks me out, honestly.

  35. Navy_Mommy

    nectarine / 2458 posts

    @erinbaderin: I have never experienced a loss and i still think that every time I go to the bathroom. I need to start feeling kicks already so I can stop freaking out, lol. Still have a while before that though...

  36. Mrs. Cookie

    blogger / persimmon / 1225 posts

    @runnerd: I am so, so sorry. Sending hugs and

  37. Mrs. Cookie

    blogger / persimmon / 1225 posts

    Welcome to the new ladies!

    I had my first appointment today as well as a dating ultrasound which put me at 10 weeks 3 days, which is close to what I thought! New Due Date is March 6th.

    Hubby and I are happy with our new OB (and new practice) and seeing baby made it finally feel real. Officially wearing maternity clothes and feeling good about that.

  38. Alivoo01

    wonderful olive / 19353 posts

    @sassymama34: Since your kiddos are further apart in age, would someone like your mom, co-worker, or BFF be willing to throw you a baby shower? That would help out a lot!

    Not sure how you feel about used/online garage sale sites like those on FB or ListServs, but sometimes, people list really nice stuff for cheap. And since they're local, you can go check out the quality and condition of the items before purchasing!

    @Navy_Mommy: Yay for your NT scan being soon AND your hubby being present!! I too can't wait to feel baby movements even though like you said, we've got a ways to go. Pregnancy man! First we can't wait to get pregnant, then we can't wait till the 1st appt, the gender reveal, the kicks, the birth, etc. all within like a weeks time. haha!

    @princessandthebee: Good to hear y'all are happy with your new OB and practice! I'm probably a week or two out from busting out my maternity pants. I'm currently doing the hair tie loop trick, but as the day progresses, they're digging in and getting uncomfy. But it's also 100+ degrees here and I don't want to reveal I'm pregnant to my coworkers yet so gotta find some loose/flowy tops.

  39. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @sassymama34: Have you gotten on a local Mom2Mom facebook group? I see SO much posted on ours. Not that you could buy everything there - but could definitely get some bigger items there at a discount!

    @Alivoo01: Is DS in a "big boy" room now? Thats my biggest piece of stress. I have to get K into her big girl room before I can work on the nursery. I wont change a TON in the nursery if its another girl but I do want to customize it some. However, if its a boy I have some definite changes I want to make.

    Ugh - clothes. I definitely feel more prepared with what I need this time around but it is a bit daunting because I am basically (like @Alivoo01: ) completely flipped season wise going from a Sept baby to a March baby!

    AND I still have not planned K's birthday party yet - ugh!!!

  40. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    FYI - Ann Taylor Loft has F&F right now (code: SHAREIT).

    I currently have a pair of jeans, a pair of work pants, two work tops and two stretch cami's in my cart for $175...pretty good for LOFT.

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