Welcome to our March 2018 moms.
First child?
Any symptoms?
Who have you told?
Current thoughts/feelings/fears?
Welcome to our March 2018 moms.
First child?
Any symptoms?
Who have you told?
Current thoughts/feelings/fears?
cherry / 241 posts
Yay! So glad this board is up! I guess I'll be the first.
Location: Canada
EDD: March 10th 2018 (we will see what the first scan says though)
First Child?: This LO#2
Any Symptoms: Nausea when I forget to eat and so sleepy as of 2pm
Who have you told: DH, BFF and Mum & MIL
Current Thoughts/Feelings/Fears:
Excited but nervous about having two kiddos, hoping I'll be able to handle it. Hoping for a healthy pregnancy and I can keep active right up until the due date like I did with DD1
Can't wait to chat with all the other March mums
honeydew / 7463 posts
Yay! Glad to join!
Location: NYC
EDD: 3/15/18 based on 5 day transfer
First child? No, my 2nd. First is also an IVF baby, he'll be 3 in Sept and exactly 3.5 when his brother is born. Oh, I already know it's a boy
Any symptoms? I'm 5 weeks today and I'm just a little more tired (maybe a lot more) and slightly sore boobs. Light cramps. Every time I've been pregnant I didn't really feel strong symptoms till 7 weeks or so.
Who have you told? One friend out of necessity (she was going to come stay with me for a few days and it would have been impossible to hide). Another friend who just knew about my transfer because I needed to confide in someone. We won't tell family till after 1st trimester. Mostly because I don't feel like hearing all the nonsense from my MIL
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? I'm pretty scared of the newborn stage again and how to handle 2 in general. I had PPD/A that went untreated last time, so at least I am better prepared now. Though we did semi-purposely plan on having a 3+ year age gap to make it a little easier (he'll be in school and more self sufficient).
First ultrasound is this Friday at 5w2d, mostly just for placement. I'll prob have another close to 7 weeks and then I'll be released to an OB. Which I haven't decided on yet! I wanted to switch after my last one was born but decided to wait till I was pregnant again. Better choose fast!
nectarine / 2358 posts
I'm also very excited this is up! Here's to a happy and healthy 9 months
Location: Florida
EDD: March 23, 2018
First child? No, this will be LO#2. My daughter will be 3 on Halloween!
Any symptoms? Not really, just some mild cramping/fullness in my lower belly and some breast tenderness
Who have you told? My husband, best friend, and a couple of key coworkers/friends
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? I had a miscarriage in May so I'm obviously very scared of that. Also juggling two kids and how my daughter will feel about a new baby. Finances as well. So, a lot!
nectarine / 2358 posts
March Due Dates
So we can keep track!
10th: StrawberryShortie ( )
15th: SweetiePie ( )
23rd: Mrs.Panda ( )
cherry / 241 posts
@SweetiePie: yay! So glad the transfer went well for you, and a boy! How wonderful.
I have a little girl and although I really want to just have a healthy baby, I'm so interested in what it would be like to have a boy.
I can't wait to have a scan. I'm seeing my doc on Friday!
We will have a 3+ year age gap too, I think it's nice that my DD got to really be the baby and have lots of one on one attention
cherry / 241 posts
@Mrs.Panda: hi! A happy and healthy 9 months to you! What part of Florida?
We were in Orlando in September and I almost melted into a puddle (maybe it's a Canadian thing" so so beautiful though.
I'm having cramping this time too, it's weird, like my body is saying "I know how this works lol"
Will you be team green???
nectarine / 2358 posts
@StrawberryShortie: Oops! Fixed it I find that I'm having fog brain this time around already hahaha
I'm in Tampa! It is very hot here lol I went to Canada a few years ago (Guelph, Toronto, Markham) and it was soooo beautiful! I have toyed with the idea of picking up and moving up there, but the winters are so brutal, especially for a Florida girl
@SweetiePie: Yay to a successful transfer and Yay to knowing what you're having!!! That is so exciting. I want to know ASAP lol
cherry / 241 posts
@Mrs.Panda: that's so funny, I live super close to Guelph. You are right it's gorgeous (even in the winter) but some days even I'm online wondering how much a shack on the beach in Turks and Caicos costs
Also, ditto on the fog brain, I put my keys in the fridge last night. No explanation
nectarine / 2358 posts
@StrawberryShortie: I'm hopeful that this means they will stick if they're causing this much mayhem already
honeydew / 7622 posts
I'm just here as a cheerleader DD will be 3 March 2nd. Out due date board is still super close- I could not have imagined what amazing friends I would meet. Lots of love to you ladies.
cherry / 241 posts
@Mrs.Panda: *raises hand slowly in guilt*
I've given myself until the end of this weekend and then I need to stop lol
Anyone else feeling the nausea kick in? My portion sizes are so tiny right now
I eat three bites and I have to stop.
But my brain wants pretzels!!!!
nectarine / 2358 posts
@StrawberryShortie: No nausea here, but you are a solid almost two weeks ahead of me. I am going to start getting betas done Monday, mostly because I'm freaked out about my recent MC. I can see myself being hella paranoid for every pregnancy ever now. Luckily, I can just order it myself at work
@youboots: Thank you for the well wishes! I also have a LO who will be 3 soon, though on Halloween!
honeydew / 7463 posts
@youboots: thanks!
And question - did you need summer maternity clothes at all with a March due date? I'm just curious. I'm a shopper and going through withdrawal not being able to online shop like usual. Want to get some great sale summer pieces but unsure Id even need them.
honeydew / 7463 posts
@StrawberryShortie: No nausea but man am I having crazy emotions. For half of today I just wanted to lay in bed and cry.
And boobs are getting crazy sore. I really don't remember feeling this pregnant this early last time!
First ultrasound tomorrow AM at 7:30-ish (RE monitoring hours). I'm only 5 weeks so won't see much though.
honeydew / 7622 posts
@StrawberryShortie: ️@Mrs.Panda: yay! I'm loving this 2 1/2 age (mostly).@SweetiePie: not really. But here it's only summer through mid September. And I'm a photographer so I can wear whatever I want. I loved Gap maternity leggings and flowy tops or maxi dresses. I'm a shopper too but I resisted maternity wear until I really needed it. I do recommend a really nice pair of maternity denim. I got Paige skinnies on eBay and one new pair at Nordstrom and lived in them for 7 months- I specifically remember going to NYFW in September and wearing my maternity denim and normal tops around 13-14 weeks.
honeydew / 7463 posts
@youboots: Yes! I'm a denim junkie so I'm already plotting what to add to my collection. I already have a pair of maternity Citizens and JBrand from last time. I've heard great things about Paige maternity. I don't love their non-maternity stuff specifically because of how stretchy they tend to be, but I see why that is great for maternity, obviously.
nectarine / 2358 posts
@SweetiePie: I am going to have to get summer maternity since it's summer like, ALL THE TIME here How did the ultrasound go?
I didn't think about eBay for maternity clothes!! Woo!
honeydew / 7463 posts
@Mrs.Panda: it went great! He confirmed 3/15 due date based on 5dt. He said to expect to only see a gestational sac but we also saw a yolk sac which is great. But still just a blob
Still feels surreal!
Just realized that though my due date is 3/15 I'll most likely have him sooner. I'll be having an RCS. But even further complicating things is that last time I had cholestasis of pregnancy so I had to be induced at 37 weeks. It's likely Ill have it again in which case they'd do the RCS at 37 weeks. So might have a Feb bday!
cherry / 241 posts
@SweetiePie: so exciting about the ultrasound. I can't wait to see my little noodle.
Yes! Super sore BBs, like don't even walk by me it hurts
Doctor appoint today at 2pm
cherry / 241 posts
@SweetiePie: I need recommendations for mat clothes
First pregnancy I actually lost weight so I just wore my regular clothes.
This time around I'll need real stuff as I'll be rather large during the winter
Yay for cute bump pics at Christmas time
clementine / 880 posts
Location: St. Louis
EDD: March 3rd ( the EXACT due date of my DD who will be 3 in March, she was born 6 days late but same due date)
First child? DD born March 2015
Any symptoms? Sore boobies and slight nausea - feels like hunger pangs - this is new because my past two pregnancies i had no symptoms
Who have you told? Most of my friends and our families. After my miscarriage in October i felt alone going through that because no one knew. Personally i don't like that our society makes miscarriage so taboo and secretive and makes women and dad's deal with it alone. So this time I'm not hiding it.
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? My ultrasound is next Friday and I'm nervous because that's when we found out about the miscarriage last time. I'm trying to stay calm and comforted by my symptoms. Also we did IUI with monitoring and i know there were 2 mature follicles on ovulation day, so I'm nervous/excited for a chance at twins. My beta tests were great (though not so high to indicate twins) so I'm really hoping this one sticks. After our loss we didn't get pregnant until after the due date of the loss, which was an incredibly hard time for me, so if we have another miscarriage I'll be devastated.
cherry / 241 posts
@LaughLines: welcome! Here's to a happy and healthy 9 months!
I think sore boobs is a common symptom in this group, mine hurt soooo bad.
Our due dates are only about a week apart
Although I have a dating scan next week to confirm
Is St Louis super cold in the winter. I've never been
clementine / 787 posts
@LaughLines: I'm not on this board but hope to be if I get a BFP this coming week. But I really wanted to say that I totally agree on telling people. I told a few close friends and one brother (my mom died years ago or I would have told her) and then discovered a missed miscarriage at my first u/s in May. While i was so so so crushed, I was glad some of my best friends knew as talking to them about it really helped me. While I decided I would probably never feel comfortable posting on social media about a pregnancy - if I get pregnant again, I'm telling close friends and family when I feel ready regardless of being outside of the risk of miscarriage.
nectarine / 2436 posts
Location: upstate NY
EDD: March 3
First child? 2nd, son is 18 mos
Any symptoms? Weird ones that started week 6, so different from last time. Thirsty, nausea in am instead of afternoon, very few aversions, weepy, insane dreams, no fatigue at all
Who have you told? A few people and girlfriends because I want to put the positive vibe out there. I'm pretty open about stuff
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? I have kind of been a wreck, just so nervous about miscarrying because I was diagnosed with DOR and supposedly have like no eggs and I got pregnant after 2 tries this time! My son took 13 months.
So I feel like it is too good to be true. I need to work on being positive!
nectarine / 2436 posts
@Mrs.Panda: I'm too afraid to POAS! I am 7w1 so it'd be silly I guess but I had VERY few symptoms and not like #1 so I called my OB in a panic. She calmed me down a little bit.
@MrsJBeeG: I'm with you about telling people. I think it puts positive energy (and prayers if you're into that) out there.
@StrawberryShortie: It's funny, a reason I was freaking out is I have literally NO breast pain. Mayyyybe my nipples are a little sensitive. And my boobs have grown. Odd though right? Maybe because I've been on and off progesterone while TTC and my body is used to the influx of progesterone? Idk.
nectarine / 2358 posts
March Due Dates
So we can keep track!
3rd: LaughLines ( )
3rd: PachaMama ( )
10th: StrawberryShortie ( )
15th: SweetiePie ( )
23rd: Mrs.Panda ( )
clementine / 880 posts
@StrawberryShortie: No, St. louis doesn't get that cold... It snowed once last winter and melted the same day. And in the summer it gets scorching hot and HUMID. Right now i don't even want to go outside ever. 100 plus degrees and so humid it feels sticky
@MrsJBeeG: i never really thought of itty way until we had our miscarriage, but it's really hard to deal with alone and you don't know which friends have also gone through it because they haven't told either. To me this seems so weird. You wouldn't hide it if your grandma died, why do we hide pregnancy loss? I don't post much on social media so i haven't put anything on there, but i have seen posts about miscarriage and I'm always proud of people who do that. I hope it starts to become more open in the future..i also hope you get to join this board! Ttc after a miscarriage is so tough
@pachamama: due date twins!
cherry / 241 posts
@pachamama: I am weepy too! For good and bad stuff. I was watching an episode of Masterchef and this 19 year old kid deferred college so he could work at Chipotle to help his family and my DH comes in to find me literally sobbing lol
Not one of my finest moments
cherry / 241 posts
@LaughLines: we are humid over here too, I need to wring myself out. I love cutting my grass but it's not happening today lol
nectarine / 2436 posts
@Mrs.Panda: sorry about your MC , how far along were you? So hard. Side note, where are you in Tampa? My sister is in West Chase.
pomegranate / 3212 posts
Location: Maine
EDD: March 20
First child? 3rd. DS1 is 4 and DS2 is 2.75. I've had two CP's in November and January and then an ectopic in March that resulted in emergency surgery and removal of my left tube.
Any symptoms? Light cramping, a lot of fatigue, and maybe some nausea in waves today.
Who have you told? A SIL I'm close to and who has gone through 2 losses while I was going through my recent three, another SIL, and DH told MIL last night.
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? I'm a bit of a disaster. Pure anxiety. Terrified of another ectopic and then one tier of fear down is of another loss in general. The EP fear is so high stakes as I only have one tube left...
honeydew / 7463 posts
@pachamama: @LaughLines: @knittylady: Hi ladies! Yay, so glad our group is growing!
cantaloupe / 6086 posts
@knittylady: thread stalking to say that I'm excited to see you here and I am crossing all my fingers for you!!
nectarine / 2358 posts
@pachamama: I'm very close to Westchase! I'm in Carrollwood
@knittylady: SOOOOO HAPPY YOU'RE HERE!!!
Is anybody here *actually* team green? I'm just putting the marks there as a place holder for now.
nectarine / 2358 posts
March Due Dates
3rd: LaughLines ( )
3rd: PachaMama ( )
10th: StrawberryShortie ( )
15th: SweetiePie ( )
20th: KnittyLady ( )
23rd: Mrs.Panda ( )
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