clementine / 950 posts
@LBarn: hey!
Sadly went for ultrasound today. Fetus measure 8+3 but no heartbeat.
Looks like I’m out again. Hope everyone has a happy and healthy 9 months here! Xx
grape / 86 posts
@fuzzypeaches: I'm so so sorry. Three losses in a year. That's so much to bear. I really hope you have good support around you to lean on. Hugs bee.
pomegranate / 3904 posts
Had another us today, and saw a little heartbeat! Measuring a couple of days behind, which I’m going to try my best not to obsess over. Heartbeat was 107, so I think it just started (I’m 6+2 today), I’m so glad we saw it!
They said I don’t have to go back next week, but I want to (one benefit of going to an RE!), so I’ll get a couple more ultrasounds before I go to my ob.
olive / 64 posts
@LAZB: congrats! That’s great you can back in a week.
Just had my first ultrasound at 8w1d and baby had a heartbeat of 168. Feeling so much relief for now after spotting earlier this week.
pomegranate / 3904 posts
@LBarn: thanks! You too! I’m sure that was a relief, spotting can be so unnerving
pomegranate / 3904 posts
@lavender: cute! You may want to blur your name out at the top though. Do you ovulate late? Is that why they have the gestational age off?
grapefruit / 4554 posts
@LAZB: good call, that’s the ultrasound tech but I’ll delete it for her privacy! Yeah I ovulated late but they tech couldn’t change it be they go by LMP
persimmon / 1121 posts
@LAZB: @LBarn: @lavender: So glad to see all the positive ultrasounds! I guess it really was ultrasound day today because I just had another one today too. Everything is measuring exactly on track, heartbeat is good and we could see baby wiggling around. Thankfully we had no problem seeing the baby this time. We weren’t planning on it, but my daughter came to the ultrasound and she was excited to listen to the heartbeat. She’s coming around to the idea of being a big sister.
honeydew / 7622 posts
I’m here as a cheerleader. DD will be 4 in March. @LAZB and I met 4 years ago on that board ️
grape / 86 posts
@LAZB: @LBarn: @lavender: @Aria: yay for happy ultrasounds!
I am just about eight weeks . Already have a very round tummy, feeling nauseous and constantly hungry and pretty worn out. My next ultrasound is next week . Feeling very nervous about it. And about the 12 week screening as that is when we got bad news about our last pregnancy.
Trying to relax and enjoy the fact that today I am pregnant.
As well as the ultrasound next week, I see my midwife next week, and then OB the week after that.
It's the end of winter here and spring is just around the corner. Days are getting a bit longer and spring flowers coming out. Such a sight for sore eyes!
Hope you all have a good week.
cherry / 125 posts
Just popping in to say hi! It's been crazy dealing with a super active toddler, working, being in the secret early stages of pregnancy and trying to enjoy summer . I'm exhausted and the heat makes me feel sick, slight nausea both nothing crazy. I had an ultrasound last week and baby measured 7+1, 4 days behind where I suspected, but the doctor wasn't concerned. Heartbeat was 132. Official due date 3/13!
How is everyone else coping?
olive / 51 posts
I’m 7 weeks today and just uncomfortable! The all day nausea and food aversions, the fatigue, the bloating. I got a little relief by adding B6 thank goodness. I have my first OB on Friday and hope all goes well, not sure if they’ll do an ultrasound yet or not. I’ve spotted a bit here and there but nothing sustained.
I found out a coworker of mine is a week behind me which is exciting for us but terrifying for what work will look like with both of us on maternity leave at the same time!
coffee bean / 32 posts
@MilPA: I can relate to that feeling so well! Haven't heard about the B6 though...I'll have to try that.
@SPINNY: I'm dealing with the crazy toddler, too. Exhausting! How old is yours? Glad you had a good ultrasound!
@EMMANZ Sending good thoughts your way for your next few appointments! Deep breaths!
I had my ultrasound yesterday and had a very big surprise. I thought I was 7w2d and turns out I am 10w5d....crazy!!! The doctor thinks I had another period after I was already pregnant and my body just hadn't shut that off yet, apparently that can happen. Heartbeat was 173 and i go back in 2 weeks for the NT scan and blood test. My new due date is Feb 28th but I'm hanging on this board because I know this baby will probably be late like my first and be born in March and you ladies are awesome
pomegranate / 3904 posts
Had another us today, and we couldn’t find the heartbeat, so not looking good for me. I go back Monday to confirm miscarriage.
persimmon / 1495 posts
@LAZB: just checking in on this thread because some of us had early MCs the same month earlier this year and I was rooting for you all. I'm so sorry to hear this. The waiting to confirm really sucks
grapefruit / 4554 posts
@elm5066: what a nice surprise! 3 weeks closer to the second tri!
@LAZB: I’m so sorry to read this. Thinking of you mama
grape / 86 posts
@Spinny: my last pregnancy was in the early stages during summer. I really feel warm weather makes the nausea worse!
@MilPA: the nausea and tiredness is so tough . Hang in there.
@elm5066: thank you. So kind of you . That's crazy you're so much further along than you thought! ! What a shock!
cherry / 125 posts
@elm5066: My son just turned 3, and he's high energy go, go, go! How old is yours?
@LAZB: I'm so sorry. Hugs.
@EmmaNZ: I'm glad I'm not crazy, but yeah the heat and humidity is not my friend.
olive / 51 posts
I went for my initial OB on Friday which went well. Got a peek at the little gummy bear! I was measuring at 8 wks, so a couple days ahead with a heart rate of 153! Now if the evening nausea would just take a hike...
grapefruit / 4770 posts
@MilPA: so cute!!
@elm5066: I cannot believe you are that much further along!! So neat!
@Spinny: my daughter is 3 and bundles of energy. We have to keep explaining I can’t pick her up. She loves talking to “her baby.”
Tomorrow I’m 11 weeks and getting the DNA test done and a check up. Hyperemesis still sucks. Threw up in parking garage today as soon as I got in car. Opened door and puked.
grapefruit / 4770 posts
They had a hard time finding the heartbeat with Doppler so I got a quick ultrasound. Baby was doing somersaults! They’re also putting me on a Reglan pump for hyperemesis and at home IV fluids. A home health nurse will come to my house next week to get it all set up. Blood test results in 7-10 days including sex. Baby is laying on its back with feet kicked up in this photo lol.
grape / 86 posts
@dc yoga bee: sorry you're so sick glad you will get some home help!
@MilPA: yay good news yes I agree would be so great if the nausea would take a hike
I had my second scan today was a bundle of nerves! Thankfully all looks really good. Measuring 9 weeks 1 day heart rate 155 bpm and everything looks on track.
Now I hold my breath until the chromosomal abnormality testing at 12 weeks.... xxx
olive / 64 posts
Yay for all of the great ultrasounds! I just had my first actual doc appointment (first us was at a boutique place). Baby is measuring perfectly at 9w6d
grapefruit / 4770 posts
Sticking myself with a needle every other day = wah
Feeling better with this pump and being able to eat = I’ll take it!
How’s everyone feeling?
persimmon / 1121 posts
@dc yoga bee: I’m glad the pump is helping you feel better. I feel like I’ve spent this whole summer in a fog of nausea and exhaustion, I don’t know how you manage it. I’m 12 weeks so I’m hoping my symptoms start easing up soon.
My NT scan is coming up on Friday. They talked to me about doing one of the more advanced blood tests too which apparently I’ll qualify for since I’ll turn 35 one day before my due date. I want to find out the sex of the baby but my husband really doesn’t so I’m not sure where we’ll land on that one.
I am also fully in maternity pants now and have been for a couple weeks because they are a thousand times more comfortable. It’s crazy, I don’t think I wore maternity pants until like 16 weeks or something last time.
grape / 86 posts
Hi ladies.... I'm doing OK. 10 weeks now. Nauseous and tired and worried about the chromosomal screening coming up.
I see the ob for the first time tomorrow.
I've also got an opportunity for a promotion at work. But it's stressing me out already. I just don't know what to do. Currently my job is OK, good pay, part time. This new job would be a step up, full time, more money and more responsibility. I feel like I would have to tell them about the pregnancy as where I live I get six months paid leave. But if I tell them I'm worried they will count me out. But I feel not telling them is deceptive. Also I don't really know if I want a more stressful job and if I want to be full time...
In fact I was toying with the idea of working even less when this 2nd baby arrives. ... which is possible in my current job but wouldn't be in this new job. Help! The other factor is my current manager can be a real drag and.our relationship is tense. Whereas my boss in this new role I really get on well with.
grapefruit / 4770 posts
@Aria: I’ve been in maternity clothes since week five lol!
@EmmaNZ: I hope you feel better soon! I took a more stressful job and am regretting it now that I’m pregnant with number 2.
I’m currently in the ER getting IVs for hyperemesis. Just feel yucky. I had a debilitating headache and was seeing spots. Good news is we heard heartbeat with Doppler! Baby was awake and moving around. 155-158bpm.
grapefruit / 4554 posts
@dc yoga bee: how’s the pump working for the hyperemesis? Did you have it in your first pregnancy? Feel better soon.
@EmmaNZ: What do you do for work? That’s a tough decision.
Not in maternity clothes just yet- helps that I wear scrubs to work. But when I’m not in scrubs whole bump! 11 weeks today and they weren’t lying about showing early for every subsequent pregnancy (3rd for me).
I have my first OB appt this week and my NT scan next week.
In other news, my 6 & 4 yr olds suspects I’m pregnanct. They both point at my stomach and especially my 4 yr old and say “I think you have a baby in there, your tummy is big” lol. Holding off just a tad bit longer before telling them.
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