apricot / 302 posts
This was helpful, thanks ladies! Looks like everyone was a fan of pampers swaddles in the beginning. I'm glad I asked about how many to have on hand because I was thinking way more than suggested!
apricot / 302 posts
We had our NT scan this past Wednesday, all looks good! We asked the ultrasound tech what she thought the sex was even though it's early. Since we knew the sex our embryo we really just wanted some kind of confirmation and she guessed correct. We are having a little GIRL!
coffee bean / 37 posts
@Mrs Lavender: I love having a girl. There’s something so inherently kind and compassionate about girls. Plus the clothes are awesome.
apricot / 302 posts
@Mrskerch2: Thank you! We are really excited!
@msredbeansandrice: Thank you! Sooo many cute things. I had to restrain myself in Target yesterday! My husband is totally going to be a ball of mush when she is born.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
March 2020 Mommas
•Sam's Mom: 03-03
•jomarma: 03-04
•Pepperland: 03-07
•PhillyBaby2013: 03-09.
•JEMcG: 03-12
•MrsKerch2: 03-12
•Becky Sue: 03-13
•Shantuck: 03-14
•GreenCraftyCello: 03-17
•Mrs Lavender: 03-20
•DeannaB1: 03-22
•Spinny: 03-23
•MsRedBeansAndRice: 03-24
apricot / 302 posts
@greencraftycello: Thank you and congrats on your little girl also!!
pea / 17 posts
Hi all! I haven't posted here since I found out so it's time for an update! My due date has been changed to March 5th so I'm 16 weeks right now. Congrats to everyone who's announced and found out the sex of their babes!
I had an SCH early but it looked to have resolved itself at the most recent ultrasound. My main worry right now is the possibility of developing gestational diabetes again. I had it with my first and was unable to control my fasting numbers without medication. Hoping that a better diet earlier in pregnancy will help me this time, but I'm not counting on it. I just opened a new business as well so hoping that being more active could be beneficial? Time will tell.
We were team green last time and will be again for this babe. My husband really wanted to find out but I vetoed him. I actually didn't get to be surprised with my first, as the ultrasound tech let it slip to me during one of my last appointments. I didn't tell anyone else though. This will be our last and I WILL get the surprise this time!
coffee bean / 37 posts
Checking in. How is everyone? I’m 16 weeks today and headed to an appointment this morning. I’m mildly concerned because I have only gained 1-2 lbs and I do not look pregnant even though this is my second baby. So I’m looking forward to getting the reassurance of hearing the heartbeat. Otherwise I feel great and have way more energy again.
cherry / 186 posts
@msredbeansandrice: I felt the same way before my 16 week appt and all was fine. It was great to hear the heartbeat though and have that reassurance. Let us know how it goes today.
It is only 1.5 weeks later for me and all of a sudden I feel like I have popped quite a bit. I still have only gained 3 lbs (though I was overweight to begin with so I am trying not to gain too much). I am also feeling great. I have a lot more energy for this pregnancy than my first which I am so thankful for!
pear / 1767 posts
@msredbeansandrice: The bulk of the weight gain happens later so I wouldn't be too worried.
As for me, I'm 17 weeks and decided to switch docs so I'm headed tomorrow to see the new doctor. I am still hiding this pregnancy from work. I'm supposed to get a promotion and will know on Thursday if it is a go. I didn't want the sharing of my pregnancy news to affect anything. I've been wearing loose tops but this is baby #3 for me so I'm sure everyone either knows or really thinks I just let myself go. I will be so relieved when I can share the news.
cherry / 186 posts
@Shantuck: How did the meeting with the new doctor go? Hope it went well.
pear / 1767 posts
@beckysue: Thanks for checking in. I really like the new doctor and hoping I've finally found the right doctor for me. How are things going for you?
cherry / 186 posts
Has anyone started thinking about names? Want to share? We are totally stuck which is funny because last time when we were having a girl we had a boy name all set and it took us forever to pick our daughter's name.
We really liked Oliver but have learned that our great nephew (Husband's step-sister's son's son) is Oliver
Feel free to throw boy names my way My daughter's name is Ivy.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
March 2020 Mommas
•Sam's Mom: 03-03
•jomarma: 03-04
•Pepperland: 03-07
•PhillyBaby2013: 03-09.
•JEMcG: 03-12
•MrsKerch2: 03-12
•Becky Sue: 03-13
•Shantuck: 03-14
•GreenCraftyCello: 03-17
•Mrs Lavender: 03-20
•DeannaB1: 03-22
•Spinny: 03-23
•MsRedBeansAndRice: 03-24
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@beckysue: we're trying to pick a middle name currently, first name Hazel. We had a girl name picked for our last team green pregnancy that ended up being a boy. It was Olivia, but then everyone had Olivia's in the last few years and I didn't want her to have to go by Olivia S. all through school because there was 5 in her grade.
We were considering Benjamin Wyatt or Jonathon maybe (we like pretty traditional though)
cherry / 186 posts
@Sams Mom: Our pick for a boy name last time around was Benjamin Robert
I feel like there are a lot of Benjamins out there now and I wonder if it is too traditional to go with Ivy? We are struggling so much though we may just go back to that. It was our first choice
apricot / 302 posts
@beckysue: We will most likely name our baby girl Vivian. Our runner ups are Sidney and Emilee. Boys names were tough for us! The only one we agreed on was Pierce. I also liked Austen, Sullivan, Benson, and Maxwell - but DH wasn't a fan of any of them. 🙄Benjamin is very traditional IMO but I still love it!
@Sams Mom: Hazel is adorable!
coffee bean / 37 posts
@Shantuck: I’m glad the new doc appt went well!
@Sams Mom: I love Hazel. I wanted it for my DD but my DH wasn’t a fan.
@Mrs Lavender: Vivian was high on my list last time! We were stuck on finding a family name to use which we ultimately did.
We have 3 boy names we like but nothing set. The middle name is set because it’s my Dh’s middle name (happens also to be the name he goes by).
My 16 week appt went well. My doctor is not concerned about my lack of weight gain or the fact I’m not really showing. And I heard the heartbeat obviously so that’s a relief. I’m 17 weeks today which is just crazy to me how quickly it’s going. Still in my regular clothes but it’s getting tight so I’m finding some new maternity stuff. I didn’t keep any last time. I hate maternity clothes style with a passion.
pear / 1767 posts
We're leaning towards naming our little guy Cameron (would go by Cam) but not 100% sold on that. This was our runner up name with our son but we ended up picking Kellen instead.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@beckysue: @Mrs Lavender: @msredbeansandrice: my 3 year old heard me recommend Hazel, decided he looked Hazel this decided her name is Hazel. My husband was unsure, but between our son brow beating him into submission and it growing on him... Her name is Hazel
coffee bean / 28 posts
Hi mamas! Long time, no post : ) Tomorrow we're 20 weeks with our baby girl! We're thrilled.
The first trimester was just so rough. The nausea was unreal compared to my first pregnancy with my son. It wasn't until about 16/17 weeks that I started to feel normal, then at 18 weeks I got struck down with terrible food poisoning! I ended up in the ER and due to high white blood cell count they thought I might have appendicitis, which was fortunately ruled out.
Last week we had our anatomy scan which went well, except I got a call about an hour after that I needed to go back to get clearer pictures of 2 heart chambers that they missed. My doctor and the ultrasound tech both assured me that it's normal but of course, I'm a little worried. I have my second scan tomorrow so an extra peek at our sweetie : )
Right now I'm obsessing over cute little girl things and I think we're settled on either Claire or Rose for the name. Hope you all are well!
pear / 1767 posts
@jomarma: My old doctor's office was notorious for forgetting to grab certain u/s images. The u/s tech would never realize but the images get sent to a radiologist for review and then that doc would notice whatever was missing and I'd get a call back and have to haul myself back in. I'm sure someone just forgot and then the radiologist didn't review until after you left.
apricot / 302 posts
@jomarma: How did your second scan go?
My anatomy scan isn't until 11/6. The wait to see her again is so freaking hard. I miss those weekly US when I was at my fertility clinic. Thank god for my doppler or I'd go insane! Other than that, nothing to report other than my stomach has popped and we started on the nursery. I'm pretty sure I felt some movement yesterday, 3 bubbles popped in my lower stomach while I was relaxing on the couch. I never felt anything like that before! I'd like to think it was her!
How's everyone else doing? Any anatomy scans coming up?
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@Mrs Lavender: my anatomy scan is on Halloween, so close but so far. I'm big enough now that people are confident asking my due date; which doesn't bother me, just funny. Like yeah, I'm officially that big now
kiwi / 520 posts
@Mrs Lavender: my anatomy scan is on Monday and I can't wait to see baby! I'll be 21 weeks. I've been feeling little things off and on but felt my first official kicks yesterday morning when I was laying in bed. It was magical and there was no mistaking that it was baby saying hello.
Even though I wasn't planning on making an announcement, we went Facebook official last weekend. I was glad we did in the end. I've caught some people at work looking at me sideways but no one has said anything to me yet that doesn't already know. I feel like I look huge but I wear scrubs and usually have a fleece jacket on and people must not notice.
I put a list together on Amazon and Target of stuff I need and picked up a changing table that matches our crib and a new stroller from facebook. We're going to be moving my 4 year old in with his brother soon so we can get everything out of the attic and plan on redoing the nursery to a vintage Pooh theme. With the holidays coming I feel like time is going to fly by and I don't want to be scrambling trying to get ready. I've been sick with bronchitis/sinus infection for over a month so I'm hoping the rest of the 2nd tri is kind to me so we can get some stuff done.
cherry / 186 posts
@Mrs Lavender: I had my anatomy scan on Monday and everything looked good. Measuring right at the 50th percentile across the board.
I found out I have an anterior placenta which means I probably will feel a bit less movement which is a bummer. Though Monday night I did feel a definite kick and that was super cool
apricot / 302 posts
@Sams Mom: Only 2 more sleeps! Hope all goes well!
@Phillybaby2013: How did it go? Vintage pooh theme sounds really cute. We also went FB official a couple weeks ago and I'm glad. It's exciting and people will find out eventually! Hope you are feeling better!
@beckysue: Glad the scan went well! I need to get familiar with percentile talk - FTM, have no clue what it means. lol
AFM, baby girl is moving all the time now! I feel waves, bubbles and light kicks throughout the day. It makes me so happy! DH was even able to feel a slight kick the other night. Count down is on for my anatomy scan, 1 week to go.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@Phillybaby2013: we did vintage Pooh with our son! I am a bit envious of the options now versus 4 years ago. I found so much online, but it was all in the UK it seemed. Now I think pottery Barn has a set, and Aden & Anais had vintage Pooh swaddles last year.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@Mrs Lavender: I'm ready for it, she's been moving around quite a bit lately. I'll be 22+2 and betting she's already over a pound.
kiwi / 520 posts
@Mrs Lavender: scan went really well. The MFM Dr said he was just slightly under average for size so we're going to do another scan in 8weeks. He didn't specify in what capacity he was small bc the tech said his weight was good but he said he really wasn't worried about it.
@beckysue: I have an anterior placenta also and just started feeling definite movements this week. I had one before so I had a figured I had one again when I wasn't feeling anything.
@Sams Mom: it's definitely not a popular theme anymore but I was able to find enough stuff that it should look decent.
Here's our little guy. I wasn't expecting any 3D images but actually seeing his face makes it feel so much more real.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
O my Lord! I didn't know what I was missing out on last time by not buying maternity underwear! If you haven't bought them, you should buy them.
apricot / 302 posts
@Sams Mom: Link please! I need to order some. I’m already in nursing bras.
@Phillybaby2013: Awe! What a cutie!
cherry / 186 posts
@Phillybaby2013: So cute! I've never gotten a 3D ultrasound, so neat!
@Sams Mom: Definitely share the link...I struggled with normal underwear my last pregnancy. I think I will splurge this time to be comfortable
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@Mrs Lavender: https://www.motherhood.com/maternity-underwear-lingerie/
I bought the fold over underwear, I need to look online for a multi pack option that is a bit cheaper.
coffee bean / 37 posts
Congrats on all the good scans! We had ours on Friday 19 weeks 3 days, and he weighed an estimated 14 oz. And his head is like 90th percentile, so another big baby like my daughter. I’ve already tested negative for GD so they aren’t necessarily worried about that. I just make big babies. Very grateful that everything checks out so far. They didn’t get some spine pics they need so I get another scan in 4 weeks!
I also found out that I have an anterior placenta, which I suspected because I feel movement but not the big movements like with my daughter.
apricot / 302 posts
@msredbeansandrice: Glad your scan went well! Curious, how much did your daughter weigh when she was born? Did you delivery near your DD?
@Sams Mom: How did it go!?
AFM, I had my scan yesterday, at 20w5d. All looks to be as it should! Baby weighed an est. 14oz. and is in the 70th percentile. It was so nice to see her! Since she is an IVF baby, I go back to MFM for a fetal echocardiogram on Dec. 6th. I'm already nervous for it but trying not to think about it since it's a few weeks away.
coffee bean / 37 posts
@Mrs Lavender: my daughter was 13oz at the anatomy scan and 8 lbs 1 oz at 39 weeks. I was induced for low platelets. She then quickly shot up the charts and stayed at 95th percentile height and weight until 2.5 years old.
Congrats on the great scan! It’s such a relief. And definitely I get the stress over the echo but I’m sure It’ll be a breeze and as my mom always says “don’t borrow trouble”
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