wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@silver1: Thanks! His cough actually seemed a little better last night and this morning!
@ALV91711: 10 hours 30 minutes! And probably would have been longer, but I had to feed him so that I could go to work! But this makes day three that he hasn't woken up to get Tylenol, so yay!!!
@shopaholic: Yikes, I'm so sorry that K didn't nap!!! Sometimes Xander's a ball of energy too, but I just plop him in his crib and he'll just roll around and around and practice getting up on all fours until he passes out. It sometimes can take up to an hour for even to fall asleep, but he's content to play by himself in his crib, so we let him do that. I know that probably won't work with most babies... Will K fall asleep on her own if you let her? Xander used to just fall asleep wherever he was playing if he was tired. Could you do floor time with K when she's due for a nap and just let her crawl around until she gets her energy out and then maybe she'll just curl up wherever she is??? Grasping at straws here...
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@silver1: I hate the crying out in their sleep. Glad they go back to sleep but then it takes me forever to fall back asleep.
@shopaholic: I am sorry her naps are such a battle. Do you think that she is just so tired that she won't sleep? I wish that I knew something to tell you to try but I know you have tried everything.
@Adira: He will play in his crib for an hour? Seriously, easy baby ever!!
R woke up at 515 again this morning. She didn't go to sleep till 7, so I know she is still tired. She was just laying there talking to herself, then would look like she is sleeping for 5 mins, sit up, and lay back down. I finally got her up at 6, but she was falling asleep drinking her bottle and then slept on the way to day care. She pooped again overnight/first thing this morning. I don't know what is going on with her.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Smurfette: Easy, except for the milk allergy!! But yes! He loves his crib! When it's time for bed (and sometimes naps) he'll be a HUGE cranky-pants until you put him in his crib and walk away! Then he'll just play until he falls asleep! Even the daycare teachers have commented how amazed they are by how much he loves the crib.
Which reminds me... that daycare teacher that I've had issues with is no longer there. Not sure if she left voluntarily or not, but she's gone!
Aww, poor R! Hopefully she can catch up on some sleep soon! At least it sounds like she woke up in an okay mood, even though she was still tired!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Adira: True about the milk allergy. Does this mean you are going to have to BF past a year?
You don't know what happened to her?
R was in a good mood. She spit up a lot this morning though. Her normal teacher wasn't there this morning, the next up room was covering, and she was holding R and she spit up all over the floor. Almost throw up.........
I was talking to the teacher about when will they move R up to the next room, which goes up to 18 months. She said some move as early as 10 months, but most are around 12 months. They have to be able to sit in the chairs and eat finger foods. She said they take R over there for a little bit each day, but think by Jan, R might move up. What????
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Smurfette: Errr... to the BF question, I don't know. I'm going to try to give him soy milk or some sort of milk alternative once he's one, but I may continue BFing... probably only morning and night though. I don't know! I'll have to see how things go. But I want to be done pumping, so he's going to have to transition to something!
And no - no clue what happened to the teacher! I asked the new teacher and she just said that the old teacher wasn't there anymore and she didn't know why! So bizarre.
That's crazy to think that R might be moving to the next room soon!!! But then again, Xander's room is really both, so I think Xander will transition to the Infant 2 side of the room at some point too. I think it won't be until he's more mobile though - I think they base it on mobility, but I'm not positive about that.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Adira: I asked the teacher if they have to walking and she said no. But I wouldn't want my non walking baby over there with most of the kids walking. She said there is 13 max of kids, so that is a lot of kids running around when yours is just crawling. When I was leaving, I told her to take R over there to walk with the walker. She cruised 1/4 of the way around the coffee table this morning.
So weird that teacher is gone and they didn't tell you. I would have to call the director and ask.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Smurfette: This is the second time a teacher has basically just disappeared on me! And it's weird that the other teachers don't know why they're gone. So bizarre. But I guess that's just how this daycare does it!
Yeah, I would be uncomfortable with my non-walker being surrounded by walkers! They might run her over!! But I deal with that too because the rooms are the same, just separated by a railing and Xander's often on the walking side. I think they always either have him in a jumperoo/exersaucer or stay with him to make sure he doesn't get trampled though.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Adira: Our's is two separate rooms, separated by a little kitchen area.
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
I didn't even see the new thread until just now! Ugh life is so crazy right now!!!!
LO's name: Lukas
Age: 8 months and 1 week
Weight: about 20 pounds
Length: not sure but a little over 29" is probably about right
Number of Teeth: 4 but I think we've got more on the way...
Clothing Size: onesies 12 months, pants 6-12 months
Cruising, Crawling, or Walking: crawling (although he's gone back to the commando crawl-- seems to prefer it!), pulling up on EVERYTHING, and started cruising along furniture
How many ounces of formula and/or Breast Milk per day: He BFs 3-4 times a day at home and gets 2 5-ounce bottles at school.
How many solid meals a day: 3 meals per day and I think he'd like more. He does a happy dance at meal time!
Any words: Just started babbling- Dadadada and Bababab and Blablabla
Milestone you're most looking forward to: Real words and waving
How's sleep going: Ugh. We've had constant recurring ear infections so you can imagine.
pomelo / 5621 posts
@shopaholic: Sorry to hear about the naps, I hope she did better today. It is kind of nice to have control of the tv once in a while and watch girly shows.
Last night was rough in our house. I went to bed almost an hour early. Isaac then woke up at 12:30, he wasn't wet or hungry, just very mad. He screamed and screamed. It took a long while to settle down. He was finally back asleep at 3am! Then he woke up 45 min later for anther 25 min and back to sleep until 6:30. Everyone is tired at our house today.
@Adira: That is awesome that Xander is doing so good and not getting up for a Tylenol fix anymore.
@Smurfette: I can't believe they might move her to the next room in January. They are growing too quickly.
Isaac turned 8 months today!! He is turning into such a little boy.
@travellingbee: I love that he does a happy dance at meal time! What a big guy.
pear / 1718 posts
Thanks for all the supportive messages about the house! I was so bummed about it when I posted on Wednesday but I am just trying to remember that we will find our home eventually.
@Adira: So curious about the daycare teacher! I wonder what happened. Do you think she's coming back or gone gone?
Also, I know the end result of your appt with the allergist on Tuesday (milk allergy- boo! ), but I wanted to ask what the appointment was like. Did they prick Xander's arm? Did they test a bunch of allergens or just strawberries and milk? So curious how they figure this whole allergy thing out!
@Smurfette: Moving up the next room already? Time needs to slow down! I'm not sure how I would feel about that either. One the one hand, R sounds like the type of kid to work even harder to keep up with big ones and it could be stimulating for her in a good way. But on the other hand, you don't want to see her get trampled while she's trying to figure it out!
Now I am wondering when out daycare moves up the infants. I actually have no idea, need to ask.
@ALV91711: Sounds like Peter and Isaac were on the same page last night! Pete woke up at 9:45pm and screamed and screamed until 11pm when my husband finally rocked him to sleep. I am still debating whether it was a teething issue and if I should have given him Tylenol. Your night does sound worse though, you must be exhausted.
Happy 8 Months to Isaac!
@shopaholic: Oh no, only 18 minutes of napping! I'm so sorry to hear her naps still haven't improved. At some point, this girl's going to realize that naps are a glorious thing. I hope it's soon!!
pomelo / 5621 posts
@QueensBee: Hopefully these boys sleep tonight. I was wondering if it is teething but then at about 2:15 I decided to nurse him since I figured I didn't want him to fall asleep just to wake up wanting mild. While I was nursing he passed a bunch of gas and then his whole body relaxed, so maybe it was just that? Sometimes I wish they could tell us what is wrong.
Happy 8 months to Peter!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@travellingbee: I am sorry he has more ear infections. Sounds like otherwise he is doing great!
@ALV91711: Sorry your night was so rough. I agree if they would could talk it would be so much easier some times.
@QueensBee: I remember being so disappointed we didn't get a couple houses but now I am so glad we didn't cause I love our house!! Happy 8 months P!
I am thinking if R keeps only eating purées then it buys me more time keeping her in the infant room!!!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
Ugh, Xander wouldn't nurse tonight at all. I fed him solids instead, but I'm still bummed he wouldn't nurse (and I'm worried he didn't really eat enough). Hopefully tomorrow is better.
@ALV91711: Happy 8 Months Isaac!!!
@QueensBee: I think the teacher is gone gone. Dunno why. Maybe she found another job? She was around the first couple days with the new girl helping to train her, so maybe it was her choice to leave?
At the allergist appointment, I explained to the doctor exactly what happened with both the strawberry yogurt and the formula. He said that a strawberry allergy is EXTREMELY rare, whereas milk is a common allergy, and since milk is what both the yogurt and formula have in common, he was pretty sure that was the culprit. So they tested Xander for a milk allergy, which is a skin prick test on the back. Xander took it pretty well. Since he tested positive to having a milk allergy, the allergist was confident that milk is the issue and that he's probably NOT allergic to strawberries at all. There is no skin test for a strawberry allergy though - that would have to be tested in a blood test.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
I am so annoyed DH waited to call his Dad till tonight to tell them we are coming for Thanksgiving Day now, verses Friday. We wanted to leave first thing since the first nap is her best, 4 hour drive. Well they have plans, going to SMIL family, but neither of us want to do that. DH sister and her family are going there too. So now we can't leave till later cause ILs won't be home till like 3, so we have no way to get in their house. So I have a feeling the drive is going to suck. And I won't get Thanksgiving dinner, what the hell?!? DH doesn't think it is a big deal. This sucks.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Adira: I am sorry!!! He will be ok! R didn't finish her bottle tonight either.
pear / 1718 posts
@Smurfette: Wait, wait, wait, you won't get Thanksgiving DINNER?! That's absurd! You have to drive all that way and you'll still miss the dinner? I'd be PO'd too! Is there any way you can switch things around to make it work out better?
@Adira: Sorry that X wouldn't nurse much tonight. At least he seemed interested in solids, which is progress in that area? I hope he sleeps well for you!
And so interesting to hear about the allergist appointment. Thanks for sharing the details.
@ALV91711: It does sound like gas was the culprit!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@QueensBee: They are doing Thanksgivig dinner with SMIL family, well lunch. So we will have dinner at the ILs house that night but I doubt they will make Thanksgiving dishes. DH and I talked and I think we are going to leave in the am and go visit this BFFs family so we can eat lunch with them. I think it will be better for R to drive first thing in the morning. They apparently aren't going to move their plans. Maybe it will work out better, less time with them on Friday. I don't feel like I can be myself around them. It always feels awkward.
I am still annoyed and upset about it. We could go down Friday and spend Thanksgiving with my family but we want to come back on Sat, so we wouldn't be there 24 hours if we go Friday. While most of the time I like the distance I really hate it sometimes.
pear / 1718 posts
@Smurfette: That's so frustrating! I hope you guys can come up with a plan that will be easy for R in the car and also incorporate a proper Thanksgiving meal! I would totally prioritize baby's schedule for a long car trip like that too. BFF's house sounds like it has potential...
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Smurfette: Ugh!! I'm so sorry your Thanksgiving plans aren't working out as you had hoped! I'd be mad too if Hubs waited so long to let his family know the plans. That sucks! But I'm glad you found alternative people to eat with and will be able to travel in the morning like you wanted to. Hopefully it won't be too bad.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@QueensBee: @Adira: Thanks ladies! It just sucks and visits with the ILs are hard enough but this is just going to make that much harder for me.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Smurfette: I agree - I don't love spending time with my in-laws either and they certainly don't make it any easier! What's up with that???
So this morning went better! Xander nursed and then fell asleep on me, which is so sweet and he hasn't done it in a while. I let him snooze for 25 minutes until Hubs had to bring him to daycare (I have the day off but have stuff to do, so I sent Xander to daycare).
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Adira: I don't know! There is a lot of history I won't get into but DH doesn't even feel comfortable around them. I know they mean well but they try too hard and it is just uncomfortable.
So glad that this morning went better!!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Smurfette: That's too bad. That's how I feel about my ex-best friend. It's just awkward when we get together because we both try to act like things aren't awkward, which I think makes it worse. I hope things go better than you expect with your in-laws. You're seeing them Thursday, right?
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Adira: Yep. They are supposed to get home between 3-4. Then we leave first thing Sat morning.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Adira: yep. Far enough away can't just do a day trip
pomelo / 5621 posts
@Adira: Go Xander!!!!!
Isaac has been up for almost 2 hours now. Mad, crying, screaming and not wanting to sleep. He woke up to nurse then I put him to bed. He wasn't fully asleep and after a few minutes was crying. Went and rocked with him for 20 min and he was asleep and back in bed. A few minutes later he is screaming and DH goes in. He rocks him for 10 min and he just gets more mad so DH leaves him screaming in his crib. So then I had to go get him. Someone will be hearing about this tomorrow!!
Now I'm trying to nurse him again in hopes that it will relax him and put him to sleep.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Adira: I am so jealous!!
@ALV91711: poor guy!! Hope y'all get some sleep.
R woke up at 450, I got her up at 530. I wish I knew what was waking her up. I know she is still tired. I just out her down for a nap and it is 7am. Ridiculous. Of course she is major fighting it. I want my sleep till 6 baby back. Going to be a long day.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@ALV91711: Oh no!!!! So sorry to hear about your rough time getting Isaac to sleep!! What a mess! I hope you're able to have some success! *hug*
@Smurfette: What time did she go to bed last night? I wonder if she's waking up because it's light out earlier because of the time change? I hope she naps well for you at least!!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Adira: 7 just like normal. She was doing great with the time change till last Sunday when she woke up at 530 for DH. Then been this week been the same. I leave her in the crib but even when I wake her at 615 it is dark out. She napped for 2 1/2 hours!!!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Smurfette: Hmmm... I wonder why she's been waking up so early! At least she took a nice long nap for you!!!
pomelo / 5621 posts
@Smurfette: That is not good that she is back to getting up early. At least she took a good nap.
He finally was back asleep just after 5 only to wake up at 6:15! And now 3 hours later we are still awake. He is clearly sleepy but won't take a nap yet.
The other morning I finally got him to take a morning nap again, it was only 30 min, but he hasn't done it again. And with all this being awake in the night he is just so tired.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@ALV91711: Gahh, sorry the sleep has been so rough! Did you ever get him to take a nap??
pomelo / 5621 posts
@Adira: He had an almost hour morning nap. Then we went grocery shopping and he fell asleep for about 5 min in the car on the way home, so now he is wanting to play and not have a nap. So I hope he has a cat nap in the next hour or else makes it until bed time.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@ALV91711: Geeze, he just doesn't want to sleep today!!! I hope you have some better luck tonight!
Xander's taking a crappy nap close to bedtime. I was hoping he'd stay up until 6:00 and then I'd just put him to bed early, but he got fussy around 5:00, so I had to put him down for a nap... and now I'm going to have to wake him up to eat. Ugh.
pear / 1718 posts
@Adira: 12 hours! That's awesome! Can Xander give Pete the message that 12 hours of sleep feels great?
@Smurfette: Pete's been waking up super early most days too. It throws the whole day off! 2 1/2 nap is awesome though! How are feeling today? Are you back to 100% or still feeling a bit sick from the week?
@ALV91711: It's so hard to see them so tired. Jim Gaffigan does a hilarious sketch on how much his kids despise sleep and how he feels like he's negotiating with terrorists when putting them to sleep. Totally nails it.
I wish these kiddos could sleep and enjoy it!
So I did a bold thing today. I have been highlighting my hair for about 7 years and although I love the color, the upkeep was becoming too much. I have so little free time between working and Peter that I hate to spend a Saturday afternoon at the hair salon. Plus, if we ever move out of the city I won't be able to go to my favorite highlighting lady anymore. So, I decided to ask her to dye my hair back to it's natural color today. It came out....ummmm.... DARK. My natural hair color is like a chestnut Jennifer Anniston (although not nearly as lovely) annd my hair came out like Courtney Cox. DARK! I mean, I don't hate the way it looks but it's just such a dramatic change. And I hate feeling like everyone is going to comment it over the next few weeks. Anyway, that's my only big update of the day.
My folks came over for dinner and we ordered some brick oven pizza. I decided to break it into tiny bite-sized pieces to feed to Pete. He loved it! It was mostly just crust and sauce because the melted cheese made me too nervous. It was definitely a new sensation for him because I only ever give him organic vegetables, egg yolks, and oatmeal. My husband is a pizza fanatic so I expect this is just the first of many Saturday night pizza nights!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@QueensBee: One of my best friends recently just did that! She always had her hair highlighted, so if often looks fairly blonde, but she recently went back to her natural color and the change was very dramatic!! I wonder if your hair just looks a lot darker because you're used to it being so much lighter?
YAY for him liking pizza!! I'm jealous of your success with finger foods. I tried giving Xander puffs today, but he hates even being NEAR them!! Hopefully he'll catch on some day.
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