cantaloupe / 6610 posts
@Keppa: Are you working with your vet or a rescue organization or anything like that to rehome him? I called my vet but I never really heard back. I don't know if there are other avenues I could explore to get him placed in a good home.
blogger / apricot / 427 posts
@PrincessBaby: ugh I'm so sorry to hear it. It's so hard when they're such a big part of your family for it not to work out. I'm really lucky that my mom agreed to take her. It's not the perfect situation, but my mom loves her dearly and is taking great care of her. I think it's good for my mom's health too! Unfortunately, I think DH believes it's just temporary...which it's not in my mind.
I would call your vet again, or look into rescue facilities in your area. One of them should be able to help you find a new home without traumatizing him too much.
wonderful grape / 20453 posts
@enjollah: about 4-5 days a week. Crossfit every Monday and Wednesday, I go Saturday and Sunday, and I try to fit something else in during the week
Thanks everyone!!! I feel hugely relieved now. Like this is really happening!
wonderful grape / 20453 posts
@Ms.Badger: just one! She even checked and said "okay lemme see if there's another one hiding in here" and we held our breath lol
clementine / 972 posts
@Ms.Badger: that calendar looks great! I had no idea the 22nd was a Friday (our EDD), so that is fun to know as well!!!
clementine / 972 posts
@PrincessBaby: @Keppa: Ah hearing your stories is also relief to me. We have a goldendoodle who is just the sweetest dog. But, after we had LO, he started getting seizures. We found out he's likely epileptic (so now he's on two pills a day) . And we don't give him enough attention :(. It's good to know there are rescues that will re-home them! We don't know what to do with him right now, but DH keeps threatening it.
clementine / 972 posts
OK, phew so sorry for so many posts, but I stink at keeping up, so I had to go back a couple pages :). So glad everyone is doing well.
How far along? 5W 2D
Next doctors appt / scheduled ultrasounds? October 14th (gah, it feels so far away). We'll have an U/S that day too. hooray!
What type of medical professional are you seeing? Midwife, same practice as with LO. I really like them, though they are more "chill" than my natural tendencies. But, then again, that's probably a good thing!
Current symptoms? Not many. Occasional queasiness, hunger. Terrible acne. I was SO exhausted with LO, I'm nervous for that to hit. Any advice for how to handle it for those that already have a LO at home?
What type of home do you live in? Colonial, been in it for about 5 years.
Any pets? A mini goldendoodle. He's wonderful, but we're considering re-homing him due to a few reasons I mention in the post above.
Have you bought anything for LO yet? Nope! I don't even know what I would buy. But, I'm sure once I get started...
cherry / 157 posts
@MsHangry: Trying to catch up with the thread, but had to comment on your gif because it describes where I am in this pregnancy exactly. It made me laugh so hard.
clementine / 918 posts
OK, so the cat may be out of the bag at work. An older woman who I know quite well was in the parking lot talking to another woman when I got to work and she just asked if I was pregnant. I was so taken aback I just told them that I was, it was early so not to tell anyone. I started crying saying that it was too early and I didn't want to have to tell anyone, anymore bad news, so hopefully they keep quiet. Apparently, I chose the wrong top to wear today and now I"m scared to leave my desk because other people will just assume. Oh well, nothing I can do.
pear / 1849 posts
@kick641: Me too! I shouldn't have to have my pants unbuttoned right now for a baby that's the size of a lentil
pear / 1849 posts
@Ms.Badger: Oh no! I would hope being women they would especially know to keep it quiet.
coffee bean / 28 posts
How far along?
Next doctors appt / scheduled ultrasounds?
Next Tuesday. I have weekly scan and blood draw until 8 week and will be transferred to my local OB/GYN. I heard tiny heart beat last Tuesday and it was 108bpm!
What type of medical professional are you seeing?
I'm currently with my fertility clinic but will be transferred to local OB/GYN group who delivered my first baby.
Current symptoms?
No symptom yet. I didn't have MS, food aversion or attraction when I was with my first baby. One friend asked me today if I lost weight so I guess it's now shown yet.
What type of home do you live in?
We own two-family house (upstairs-downstairs). I bought this house I was single for the investment purpose and had tenant for 3 years. After we got married, DH moved in and we are using both floors. We have two complete kitchen and separate entrance.
Any pets?
I love cats but unfortunately I'm allergic to cat and dog. No pet for our LOs.
Have you bought anything for LO yet?
I don't plan to by anything for the second baby. We bought a lot of gender neutral clothing for our first daughter so we probably re-use everything.
nectarine / 2522 posts
Wow, lots of action on the board! Good idea with the intro post.
How far along? 4w 6d
Next doctors appt / scheduled ultrasounds? Will book one this week for first bloods etc.
What type of medical professional are you seeing? Just a regular GP. I live in a small rural town and there are no permanant OB's here. Once I hit 20weeks I will just have appts with the midwives
Current symptoms? bloating has just hit - how delightful! I've had a bit of lower back pain and really bad leg cramps which I'm going to ask the dr about. I had them at the end of my pregnancy last time, but never this early. No ms yet, thankgoodness.... I had it bad last time so I'm waiting... My sense of smell is also like a bloodhound! hehe
What type of home do you live in? Just a crappy small 3x1. It's just a free rental that comes with DH's job in this town so can't complain I guess especially when rent in this area is $1500 plus PER WEEK! We are about to start house hunting for our own place in a new city though! YAY! As we'll be moving for Dh's work again in about 11 months... eeeek!
Any pets? Just one dog, he's a malamute x german shepherd. We did have a second dog but sadly she passed away a few weeks ago
Have you bought anything for LO yet? Not yet, if it's a boy we won't need to buy too must. But I do want to upgrade our baby jogger city mini to a baby jogger city slect so we can get a second seat
nectarine / 2522 posts
@Ms.Badger: I never get why people ask? Seriously I think it's just rude!
@Mrs. Lovejoy: I'm worried about the tiredness too!! Thankfully DS still takes 2 day naps so I think I'll be napping then too!! Cutting back on my coffee intake doesn't help either.
@blackbird: Great news about your scan!
@Keppa: That must have been so hard with your dog, but you totally did the right thing.
@PrincessBaby: I'm sorry you have to rehome your dog too. It's so nice to see people make such a great effort to find them loving homes.
cantaloupe / 6610 posts
Is anyone else starving but dealing with really bitchy food aversions?
My hunger is even more awful because nothing sounds good. And if something does sound good, by the time I get whatever it is I wanted, it is gross at that point. Today we ordered food for delivery for lunch from a restaurant, and by the time it was delivered, all the little things I had added to my salad looked disgusting and I had to pick it all off.
For dinner, I was so hungry, which fuels the nausea, but all meat sounds so gross. So I had miso soup and cucumber rolls with crab and avocado from a sushi place. Of all things, that sounded good, so I went with it. But now I am STARVING 4 hours later and nothing sounds good. Plus it's 10:30 and I don't want to really eat anything this late.
I don't remember being this hungry or having this many food aversions with my daughter.
The only thing that always sounds good is some type of soup. We just ordered a new crock pot and it will get here monday and I'm excited to make a bunch of chili and soup:) But until then, I'm suffering with gross nausea/starvation/exhaustion (prevents me from cooking!).
I hate complaining because I'm so grateful for this pregnancy:( And I'm also grateful that I haven't really had any vomiting, just the vague nausea all day and food aversions.
cantaloupe / 6610 posts
@Ms.Badger: I'm pretty out with the news too...On one hand I'm excited to be open and happy about it with the people I've shared it with, but the more people that it comes out to, the more worried I get that I will deeply regret that decision at some point. It's actually making me more paranoid. My NT scan is not until Oct 14th and I actually googled private ultrasound places today to see if any of them do ultrasounds where gender is not the purpose, just a check-in on the baby. I think I found a place and it's only $60, which would be totally worth it once or twice between now and Oct. 14th.
I sound crazy:( With my daughter, I had a SCH, so I got ultrasounds every week for most of the first trimester. It was great! I read a chart that shows how the chance of m/c goes down with each passing week in the first tri, and that made me feel a little better, but I'm still worrying about it a little more lately since I've blabbed more than I had expected to at this point.
wonderful grape / 20453 posts
@PrincessBaby: DH and I have talked about opting into an elective scan this first trimester. I can't shake my first pregnancy, even though this one looks so much better. Since I was going to tell my new boss at 11 weeks, in person, I told DH I would feel better if I knew that all was well right before. My NT scan is the week after. So. Whatever. For $50, I'll feel comfortable about telling him, at least.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
I'm ready to join
EDD: May 19
First child? Nope, LO1 is a year!
Who have you told? No one.
How far along? 5w 6d
First doctors appt & scheduled ultrasounds? Oct. 3rd
What type of medical professional are you seeing? a family nurse practitioner, I saw a midwife last time and they have them in my office so I may switch after my initial appt. but I'd have had to wait until the end of Oct and I'm not that patient.
Current symptoms? absolutely none...bad acne I suppose
Any pets? Three dogs, they love LO1 so I'm sure it'll be the same with the new babe.
Have you bought anything for LO yet? Nope LO2 doesn't need anything, LO1 was the first grandchild so we have plenty of handmedowns.
clementine / 918 posts
@jetsa: Congrats!
Ultrasound done, baby looks good, measuring exactly as I thought with a heart rate of 174. Bummer is that I have to do a lot more glucose screening because Lucas was such a big boy (8 lb 15 oz) but otherwise, appointment went very well.
My doctor is going to get cord blood banking fee waived due to Lucas's early death so we'll have cord blood if we ever need it and she's willing to do genetic testing on the cord blood to see if the new baby and Lucas have any similar genetic anomalies. So, in all, a good first appointem
wonderful grape / 20453 posts
@Ms.Badger: that's great to hear and I'm so glad everything looks great!!! The heart rate is so high!! Mine was only 123 or so, which they said was normal. Still.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
Is anyone team green? We were with our first and I'd assume we will be this time but I haven't had time to discuss it with my dh yet.
@Ms.Badger: Sounds like a great first appt!
@blackbird: DS1's first heartbeat was 117, it eventually went up to high 140's-low 150's so maybe it's a boy!
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@blackbird: I keep calling this new bean a he as well so we'll see lol.
wonderful grape / 20453 posts
@jetsa: do you have a hard time picturing your second LO as a different gender than your first? Since I have a girl, I just naturally refer to this one as a she and I have the damnedest time picturing it as a boy! I guess it's just what you're used to?
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@blackbird: Yes exactly. I only see a boy, I will be shocked if its a girl. I've always dreamed of having a boy then a girl but now I just can't picture it.
wonderful grape / 20453 posts
@jetsa: glad it just isn't me! I had the hardest time picturing E as a I have nothing else to picture i guess!
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@blackbird: lol we were team green and I had no idea the whole pregnancy then at 37 weeks I woke up and said it's a boy, I'm sure of it. They placed him on me in the delivery room and I was like yep its a boy lol it was the oddest thing ever.
pear / 1849 posts
@Ms.Badger: Congrats! That sounds like an awesome appt. My son was big too - 8 lbs 14 oz - but I haven't heard anything about additional glucose screening. Did you have GD?
clementine / 918 posts
@blackbird: I think there's a large range of normal... if you believe the heartrate/gender theory, I'll be having a girl! We are all hoping for a girl this time
@SeptMomma12: Nope, didn't have GD so I'm not sure where this additional testing came from. It may be because he was 5 days early, he was technically LGA (which is 9 lbs at 40 weeks) but this is the first time anyone made a big deal out of it. I'm annoyed because I have to automatically do the 3 hour glucose test, which is half a work day just sitting at the Dr's office and more blood tests.... but oh well, it's not that big of a deal.
pear / 1849 posts
@Ms.Badger: Hmm, I'll let you know if my OB says anything when I see him on Friday!
GOLD / nectarine / 2884 posts
We just had a great first ultrasound so I can finally join here with some measure of optimism! Woohoo! I'm due 5/7, and am thrilled !
GOLD / nectarine / 2884 posts
@jetsa: I'd love to be team green, but I don't think I could take the suspense. I would love to keep it to myself even if we do find out, just to keep the gifts from grandparent limited if we find out the baby is a girl.
GOLD / nectarine / 2884 posts
Intro post...
How far along? 7 weeks, three days
Next doctors appt / scheduled ultrasounds? Next appointment is the NT scan, on Halloween
What type of medical professional are you seeing? OB. There is one CNM in the practice, and I saw her today actually, but the chances of getting her on the day of are about 10%, so probably an OB.
Current symptoms? In the beginning I mostly had a lot of round ligament pain. I definitely have a bump already (second pregnancy), and a lot of face swelling. The nausea, food aversions, and lethargy just kicked in this week. I also have been very clumsy!
What type of home do you live in? Three bedroom older ranch house. The third bedroom is my office right now, and I dunno what we are planning to do about a nursery, because I really like my office. We rent this place so there's some chance we may not live here by the time LO needs his or her own room.
Any pets? Dog
Have you bought anything for LO yet? Nope! I hope I don't have to! LO1 has so much stuff! If we find out we are having a girl I will do some clothes shopping. I also want to get a double stroller. But the rest I may wait until after the baby is born and see what I can get away with not buying....
kiwi / 506 posts
@blackbird: I feel the same way!! I have a little girl now and it's so hard to picture having a boy! I'm sure it's normal though
kiwi / 506 posts
How far along? 6 weeks 4 days
What type of medical professional are you planning to see? I'm scheduled to see an obgyn for my first appointment, although I know my provider usually uses nurse midwives. I'm fine either way as long as we get along. I had an emergency csection last time so I definitely want someone who is supportive of a vbac if it ends up being in the cards for me!
Current symptoms? Nausea started right when I hit six weeks but thankfully no throwing up yet! I had mild cramping the first few weeks but it seems to have subsided.
What type of home do you live in? One that's perfect for us now but we will see when we have two mobile kids!
Any pets? 2 small dogs ... The younger one was a little jealous with #1 at first but now they're all best friends ... Hopefully it stays that way!!
Have you bought anything for LO yet? Not a thing! Our fingers are crossed for another girl so that we can reuse all our clothes ... Haha
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@Mrs. Sketchbook: I think it'd be harder to know and not tell! We found it surprisingly easy because you only have so many opportunities to find out and once your past that point youre done. Although my last pregnancy went high risk and I ended up having an ultrasound every week the last 5-6 weeks
wonderful grape / 20453 posts
@Mrs. Sketchbook: Yay welcome!!! Sneaky you, keeping it quiet that long
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