I thought I'd start a postpartum thread since the May 2016 babies have started arriving!
How are things going with your new LO? How is everyone feeling?
I thought I'd start a postpartum thread since the May 2016 babies have started arriving!
How are things going with your new LO? How is everyone feeling?
grape / 84 posts
LO is 3.5 weeks now and things are going well. My c-section recovery is a lot smoother this time than last time, for which I'm thankful.
Breastfeeding is so-so. I have supply issues again so we're supplementing, and it feels like I'll never get out of the nurse-bottle-pump cycle. But he's healthy and sleeping pretty well so I can't complain too much.
cantaloupe / 6397 posts
I can join!!! Yay. We had a surprise and got a girl instead of a boy!!! She's only 4.5 hours old but nursing like a champ. We'll see how the sleeping goes. I'm scared!!
kiwi / 554 posts
Glad to see some mamas over here!
Baby E is 11 days old today and things are going pretty well. We were struggling with her latch but after a few visits from the lactation consultant things are going a lot better.
Recovery has been pretty good, I overdid it a few days after I got home and had some scary hemorrhaging but I'm feeling better now. I also got a UTI from the catheter but it's clearing up.
We're struggling a little bit right now because she's been really fussy the last few days and squawks almost all the time. I hope it's just a growth spurt...
kiwi / 554 posts
@sslm: Yay! I hope things are going well!!
@sharpie: I'm glad your recovery is going smoothly. Nursing in the beginning is so frustrating! I feel like the minute she's finished, she's ready to eat again and is just fussy all the time unless she's on the boob.
cantaloupe / 6397 posts
Baby girl is not giving us more than 45 mins to an hour of sleep tonight and is nursing and pooping a ton!! And, of course our 3yo just woke up crying. It's 4am. Crash course in parenting two... Send coffee and donuts...
clementine / 849 posts
Hi! Joining (at 3am no less!)
Baby boy is (pretty much exactly) 1 day old and doing well. Latch is great and he's an aggressive little nurser... But my nipples are in agony. The first few sucks are sooo painful.
I also have no idea how to sleep. LO likes to take 90 min to nurse because he always falls asleep and likes to nap between boobs, so I think he's getting his zzz's then? Since I had him 24 hours ago, I've slept maybe 90 min.
Right now he's nestled for some skin to skin after his feast and it's heaven. Guess I'd rather this than sleep
kiwi / 554 posts
@sslm: I hope your getting a little more sleep now!
@YogiRunner: How is baby boy doing? Hopefully nursing is less painful for you!
clementine / 849 posts
Last night he slept from 11:45-3:45! And then 5-7 after nursing! Clearly I'm excited over 6 hours of sleep
kiwi / 554 posts
Things are going pretty well with baby E. I have an overactive letdown so we've been struggling a little with nursing... she sputters and pops off and cries until the flow slows down. I feel so bad! The LC suggested pumping for a bit before she latches and that's been helping a little.
I've been having some issues emotionally feeling like she doesn't want to cuddle with me. DH can snuggle her for hours, but the minute I take her she starts fussing and rooting around even if she just ate. I want to snuggle her without feeling like just her dinner!
cantaloupe / 6397 posts
@csross217: we are! She's doing 2 hour stretches and the occasional 3 hours the last few nights feeling pretty good about that!!
cantaloupe / 6397 posts
@csross217: nursing is so hard in the beginning. With my first I had a really fast letdown and she did eventually adapt to it! She also wasn't a cuddler and still isn't (she's 3). I found that really hard too. Hopefully you'll get some cuddles soon!!
kiwi / 585 posts
@YogiRunner: holy moly that's awesome!
@csross217: I'm sorry you are feeling that way. I feel like all I am is a constant source of food also. I keep telling myself it gets better and they won't constantly want to eat forever. I hope anyways bc it seems like my little guy constantly eats and my days are spent just hooked up to my pump.
kiwi / 585 posts
I'm feeling so bummed. I went and had my one week PP checkup yesterday to have my stitches looked at, and it turns out I separated some of them. I have to go back next week to see if something else needs to be done. Recovery has been so rough, and I just want to be back on my feet. I miss walks and being active. Idk how women with 4th degree tears do it bc this third degree is no joke. Ok, I'm done complaining. I am very fortunate to have an easy baby! He's so stinking cute too!!
nectarine / 2047 posts
ETA: whoops! Randomly posted to the wrong thread. Sorry!! Carry on
cantaloupe / 6397 posts
@TrailRunner: I'm sorry. That sounds awful. I had "deep" second degree tears with my first and recovery was tough. Have you tried doing a sitz bath with Epsom salts? I found that really helped a lot.
kiwi / 554 posts
@TrailRunner: That sounds terrible! It sucks to be just sitting on the couch all day, even though I know it's what's best for recovery. Try to take it easy!
cherry / 215 posts
Hi guys! LO is 15 days today, I'm a little late to the board!
I had a really hard time with anxiety the first week, and it did not help that I'm a FTM and DH went back to work in 3 days after she was born. I really felt almost paralyzed by my fears, and didn't even want to care for my baby because I thought I would hurt her. These were my big stressors:
1. Our cat started peeing on the floor
2. I thought I was getting a cold sore (which is so, so horrible for little ones to get) and I was afraid I was going to kill her by giving it to her (I was afraid to touch her for a solid 48 hours, and my hands are so beat up from OCD washing them 10,000 times)
3. Breast feeding sucked for that week. My nips were so angry and it felt like such a production. I felt like I couldn't leave the house because what if I had to feed her?
4. Sleep, anyone?
5. Her bili was high and she had to be on a bili-blanket for 5 days straight, 24/7. If it would have gone up, she would have had to be admitted to the hospital.
6. She had a blister on her arm that they cultured to make sure it wasn't herpes (!) or staph (MRSA!).
I'm pretty sure DH, MIL, and my mom thought I was going off the deep end. I was crying more than I wasn't. I was panicked. I was OCD. At one point I called my mom crying, and said I was afraid I was going to kill her. DH heard me and thought I was talking to myself. Needless to say, he was totally creeped out and thought he was going to have to take me to the mental hospital.
I think I started feeling better not only when my hormones came down a bit, but some of the "bad" things started turning around. I got better at breast feeding, her blister was just a plain old harmless blister, her bili went down and she came off the blanket, I never actually got that cold sore I thought was coming, I realized I could handle life and get out of the house by myself with the babe, and DD gained a bunch of weight and the pediatrician said that I can let her sleep 4 straight hours during the day and 6 at night (not that she does, but I love not having to wake her up!). I finally felt like I was handling it!
I now have a nice little morning routine that I enjoy with her (and coffee ), I'm catching up on some shows, and I'm getting out of the house more and more. We even went for a walk around the botanical gardens and ate in a Chinese restaurant!
Anyways, I hope you guys don't have that crappy anxiety, or at least not too bad, but if you do, know that I feel you! And if you need someone to talk to, this site is awesome, or let someone in your life know. It can and will get better!
kiwi / 554 posts
@rockinghorse: I'm so sorry that you had a hard time at first It sounds like things are getting easier though!
For the first week or so I had terrible anxiety too. It was mostly in the evenings, and I'd get this awful feeling in the pit of my stomach to where I couldn't eat dinner and I'd cry hysterically about everything. It's a lot better now though since we're getting into a routine! I definitely think getting out of the house and getting some fresh air helps.
clementine / 849 posts
@csross217: omg, hearing that made me feel SO much better. I have anxiety in the evenings too and it's really hard to shake. I'm about a week post partum. Mornings and days are great but evenings are hardddd. I should try to get outside with him more!
@rockinghorse: I'm so sorry it got that bad for you and really glad it's getting better!
Super thankful for this thread right now, it's comforting to know I'm not alone and that we can continue to support each other
pear / 1703 posts
Hi ladies! Happy to join in on this thread now
We are doing really well over here. Feeling thankful that DH is home with me for two weeks. Right now I'm dealing with crazy nipple pain. They are shredded! Anyone else? Am using the earth mama angel baby balm but it doesn't seem to be doing much... Am having baby checked for a tongue tie at his appt on Friday.
clementine / 849 posts
@Autumnmama79: welcome to the other side I also am dealing with some very owie nips. They have gotten much better in the last few days though. Lanolin and those plastic shields you stick in your bra so they're not rubbing against the fabric have worked. Finally at a place where only the first few sucks are painful.
How long do your LOs typically nurse for? Mine ranges from 15 to 45 min a boob and I'm wondering what's "normal"...
kiwi / 554 posts
@YogiRunner: The anxiety definitely does get better!! Hang in there
My LO nurses anywhere from 5-20 min usually but I have an overactive letdown so she finishes quicker than normal I think...
@Autumnmama79: Ive been using Motherlove cream and it seems to be helping a lot!
cherry / 215 posts
@Autumnmama79: lanolin worked well for me, as well as my milk coming in and LO and I getting the hang of everything.
Breast feeding is no longer so stressful, thank goodness. I would say we go from 6-15 min, but my letdown is quick I think.
I think I'm going to take DD to the zoo tomorrow with my aunt! So far we have been to target, the botanical gardens, the mall, 2 restaurants, and of course the doctor. Getting out with her makes me feel more confident in general, so it has been really good for us.
I'm so sad this is my 3rd week of leave and I only get 6 :sad:. I'm just trying to take everything in now because I know all these stages are temporary. I'm also starting to love just vegging some more with books and TV, and I'm trying to force myself to get out and walk (though I failed at that today) to get some of this belly gone! I made the mistake of looking at myself in a full length mirror yesterday. Don't do it ladies!
kiwi / 554 posts
LO has been so fussy for the last day and a half! We had a rough night and today she is just fussing constantly unless she's bring held/rocked. I thought she was maybe going through her 3 week growth spurt but she isn't nursing any more than normal... i just hope we can get some sleep tonight!
cherry / 215 posts
@csross217: I hear you. LO is 3 weeks at midnight, and the last couple days have been rough. And I have a plugged duct. Ugh. Sometimes I hate breastfeeding...
pear / 1703 posts
@YogiRunner: hope your nipples are feeling better! Our nursing sessions are about 10-15 min each side but usually with a burp or diaper change in between. So around 30 min total.
@rockinghorse: sounds like you're doing really well!! It's so fun to get out and about with baby ouch on the duct!!
@csross217: sorry about the fussies! Were you able to get some sleep last night? DS is up every two hours to feed so I usually get about 5-6 hours a night, all broken up though.
My nipples are finally feeling better, which has made an entire world of difference. I'm still having pain from the c section and taking Tylenol and Advil regularly. I'm anxious to start going for long walks and introducing exercise back into my life! But at only 9 days post, I've got a ways to go...
Happy Sunday mamas!
kiwi / 554 posts
@rockinghorse: Plugged ducts are the worst! I had one last week and used a rice sock on it and massaged before/during feeding and it went away.
@Autumnmama79: I'm looking forward to getting back to exercising too! I'm 3 weeks pp and have been doing a few simple ab exercises and next week I'm going to start some light cardio I think. I hate just sitting on the couch all day!
The last few nights have been better! She's sleeping 2-4 hours at a time. She's still really fussy during the day - not really crying, just more alert, rooting constantly, fussing, etc. I think it's still the 3 week growth spurt, but I put a call in to our ped this morning just in case.... waiting to hear back now.
cantaloupe / 6131 posts
I'm here! Caleb arrived at 1:18 PM he weighed 7 lbs. 11 oz. and was 20 inches long. Our C-section got bumped twice so there was a six hour delay but otherwise it was smooth sailing. Baby seems very calm and nurses well which is a relief because my first son was a colicky baby with reflux and required a Nicu stay for jaundice.
persimmon / 1129 posts
@gingerbebe: Such a cutie!
We're on our second night with Luke and all he wants to do is eat. I know it helps the milk come in but it's exhausting. I'm also getting terrible uterine contractions while he nurses.
kiwi / 554 posts
@My Only Sunshine: Cluster feeding is no fun! The contractions stopped for me around the 3rd day so hopefully you won't have to deal with them much longer
clementine / 849 posts
Had a bit of a crappy/sleepless night. LO wouldn't go back to sleep after feedings. He's a little stuffy and would fuss a lot. Plus he peed through his jammies and swaddle twice. DH seems to think everything is "normal for newborns" but I'm exhausted and want my little guy to be comfortable. I think I'll run the shower for the steam and try the nose frida tonight... Sigh
pear / 1703 posts
@YogiRunner: aw, sounds exhausting mama. At this point I can't imagine DS not going right back to sleep after a nurse. Middle of the night is so hard. Were you able to get any sleep?
grape / 79 posts
Hi girls!! It's taken me a bit to join this thread so just trying to catch up on everyone's postings I'm so happy to see you all here now! I will post a bit later after I read about everyone's pains and ailments
post partum is so fun...NOT!
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