pomegranate / 3983 posts
@Autumnmama79: Thanks! I think it was just a combination of bad luck and mismanagement. The recovery ward was full to capacity, so I was sharing a room. Every.single.hour someone came in- either to check vitals, give me meds, take baby to get checked, and same thing was happening across the curtain. Several times nurse just flicked on the florescent lights so every time I would start to doze off I was awoken by one of these people, or my baby, or the other lady's baby. In two nights at the hospital I slept 4 hours total. And that's not including other random stuff like the lady that came to clean at 10 pm after I had been requesting sanitation all day because the other lady's visitors had all used our bathroom. Or the food lady that yelled at me that I hadn't filled out the menu (that no one brought until about an hour before I left). Or a beeping monitor that was left in the hallway for no reason. Or the resident that never told me why they were poking my baby for blood incessantly. Ok enough. I could go on and on but it's done. /rant over
Also, can't believe that lady said that to you. Ugh! People!
@csross217: Just wanted to offer some encouragement. It does get better! Promise! (I really didn't like BF for a long, long time, but it's worth it!) I'm still dealing with a cracked nipple myself this go around, and the mantra I tell myself is that this is something only I can do for her, so I'm going to do it. I don't know if that's your jive but just come up with something that's encouraging for you and if you say it enough you will believe it.
I've been reading updates on my phone, but have not been able to pop on the computer...my mom is here and that has been sort of stressful. 3 year old is totally in love with baby, but 5 year old is having a rougher transition. Trying to save lots of patience for them. I'm feeling emotionally/mentally a little better every day. And having some other PP issues that hopefully we can start taking care of tomorrow once I see the doc.
pear / 1703 posts
@Baby Boy Mom: yikes that hospital stay does sound like a nightmare - you must have been extra glad to get home. I hope the transition improves for your 5 year old, like everything I guess it just takes time. Hope your moms visit is over soon!
kiwi / 554 posts
@gingerbebe: I've been pumping beforehand a little bit but I'm so worried its going to make my oversupply worse!
@Autumnmama79: thank you for giving me some reassurance that things will get better! The LC had given me some good advice, but is hard to remember when you're in the middle of trying to feed your screaming baby who you know is still hungry bit refuses to latch lol. Things are a little better today at least!
@Baby Boy Mom: the mantra is a good idea! I'll try it! I'm sorry you had such a terrible hospital stay
grape / 79 posts
@csross217: I am right there with you on BF...I really wanted to BF for at LEAST 6-8 weeks but I am just so frustrated. It's not that he's a bad eater but he takes like an hour to nurse and even then I feel like he's not satisfied. I hate not knowing how much he's getting so I started pumping and then I got put on antibiotics for bronchitis. My milk supply has went from 3.5oz to 2oz? I am so upset at the world bc I feel like giving up and that makes me sad for baby I've cried a lot the past two days.
kiwi / 585 posts
@csross217: no advice on breastfeeding bc I could never get my baby to latch, but when you do pumped bottles have you tried the dr Browns slow flow bottles? I'm sorry you are going through this and I hope it gets easier.
kiwi / 585 posts
@fitfigure87: I'm sorry you are having a rough experience too. I hope it gets better for you as well. It's so much pressure on us to make breastfeeding work.
persimmon / 1129 posts
@csross217: @fitfigure87: With my DD nursing really did get so much better at 6 weeks. But it's so much harder than people make it sound!!
My parents are visiting to help while I recover from a c-section and adjust to having two kiddos, and they are NOT helpful. My mom decided she wanted to keep my 2 year old home from daycare because they live far away and don't see her that much. So our days have basically consisted of my mom holding the baby while I entertain the 2 year old. Finally today I said "I know you came to help. What would help is if you take the toddler to the park and out to lunch and then put her down for a nap by yourself." So far so good.
My mom also didn't nurse me so she doesn't understand cluster feeding and when the baby wants to eat 10 minutes after he ate, she says "Oh that can't be it, he's just fussy. I'll walk him around." I have to basically wrangle him out of her arms and feed him and she tells me "He's going to be huge if you keep feeding him."
My parents are usually cool and wonderful but I'm counting the days until they leave on Saturday.
pomegranate / 3983 posts
@fitfigure87: I'm sorry BF is hard right now! I just wanted to reassure you that your supply will jump back once you're off meds. With my first LO I had a really rough first two months- he was small, didn't latch well, syringe feeding, barely gained weight for the longest time, then when he was finally latching I got mastitis because he wasn't draining well, so my supply tanked from the meds and it seemed like we were never getting a break. But we did! Between 6-8 weeks after some crazy cluster feeding, we turned a corner. Anyway, I know it seems like it should be easy, or it is for other people but it's really about one day at a time. It's ok to shed a tear, I have more than my fair share the last couple of weeks. Hope you feel better soon and wishing you well!!!
pomegranate / 3983 posts
@My Only Sunshine: I'm sorry you're also having a rough visit! I feel bad but I also went off on my mom; I was like I need help with making food, and laundry, and dishes, and playing with the older kids...and the message still didn't really go through. So, hugs!
Here we are on our own for the next week until the next round of visitors. I went to see both the pediatrician and OB this week. DH thinks I'm a little crazy and I know I am a little, and I know it has to do with our birth and the loss of control I was feeling so acutely. Anyway, the baby is fine, and this is probably TMI but whatever I was worried about is just my loose pelvic floor and my prescription is kegels all day long as much as I can. So, we're good I think, just taking it one day at a time. I want to get into a new groove but I clearly forgot how long everything takes with a baby so trying to be gentle with myself.
cantaloupe / 6131 posts
Hi! So I never had this problem with DS1 because he hated being held, but now that the jaundice-induced sleepiness has worn off, I've found out that DS2 cannot sleep unless he's held. I've tried doing awake but drowsy, a just-asleep transfer, a dead asleep transfer, bassinet, RNP, white noise, swaddle, next to our bed, in our closet in the dark, in the light, no dice. He stays quiet 20 minutes at most and then he freaks out. I can't sleep in the recliner yet because my lower back is sore from overcompensating for my abs and the C-section, so I've resorted to co-sleeping the last 2-3 nights because I'm exhausted, but DH and I aren't cosleeping people so I don't know what to do! Any advice or experience? Is this just a phase we should roll with temporarily? Nurse at the peds office suggested a warm rice sock in the RNP so we are trying one of those tucked into the sleeve of a dirty cardigan wrapped around him for my scent this current nap.
pear / 1703 posts
@gingerbebe: I have a baby who loves to be held too! But truth be told I really love holding him. When I do need time to shower or clean or play with DD I swaddle him loosely in a thicker, fuzzy blanket and lay him on our bed or in his basinette. I think it makes him feel like someone's arms are around him
kiwi / 585 posts
I'm four weeks pp today and still bleeding bright red. Is anyone else experiencing this and/or is this normal? Don't want to call my doc and ask if this is completely normal.
kiwi / 554 posts
@gingerbebe: We've found that DD usually needs to be out cold before being put down. When we think she's really asleep, we'll wait another 20 min and then set her down. It works most of the time...
@TrailRunner: My bleeding picked up a lot around 2 weeks but is gone now at 5 weeks pp.... I've heard you can keep bleeding a bit for up to 12 weeks but it still might be worth a call to your Dr if there's a lot or there are any clots.
cantaloupe / 6131 posts
@TrailRunner: I'm a C-section mom both times but I bled brown/red for 6 weeks. Not sure about fresh red.
@csross217: @Autumnmama79: knock wood but the last day we have had success with 3 tips given by an ex NICU nurse and a nurse at the peds office.
1. DS awake for a full feeding - I already knew this but it was impossible before with the jaundice and nursing sessions went an hour and he still wasn't eating enough. I keep an ice pack next to me and put it on his cheek to keep him actively sucking and we've cut our sessions down to 15-20 mins per side.
2. After a few minutes of tummy time, diaper change, etc, watch for a yawn. Swaddle him, then swaddle him lightly in a dirty cardigan I wore the day before for my scent. Place in RNP.
3. (I think this was the game changer) Make a rice sock out of a tube sock, heat it for 60 seconds in the microwave, and then tuck it in the sleeve of the cardigan and rest it across his belly/lap area like my arm is resting on him.
We've done this and put him down in the dark with white noise while drowsy but awake and he's conked out!!
clementine / 849 posts
@TrailRunner: always worth calling your doc, truly, they want you to! I had bright red the first 3 weeks, now in week 4 it goes from brown to red. My doc said to try resting for longer periods and that did help. Also, if you are soaking a pad in an hour or clots are the size of plums, call the doc. After not getting our periods for so long, the bleeding seems so excessive- and not to mention annoying since all we can use are those bulky pads!
kiwi / 554 posts
Where is everyone's LO sleeping at night? Right now DD is sleeping in the swing next to our bed, but our ped really wants us to transition her to sleeping flat on her back as soon as possible. She's sleeping great in the swing and only waking 2-3 times at night. We aren't even turning the swing on anymore and only rocking it a bit when we first put her down. I'm really scared to transition her right now since we've been struggling with her being super alert/overtired during the day!!
persimmon / 1129 posts
@csross217: My DS sleeps swaddled in a Rock n Play next to our bed. My DD did that until 3 months and then we moved her to the crib. We're planning to do the same this time.
cantaloupe / 6131 posts
@csross217: he's in a rock n play in my large half empty closet with white noise and a video monitor. We have a hand me down bassinet but he hasn't been crazy about it yet.
pear / 1703 posts
@csross217: baby is sleeping right between us in our bed. He's just so snuggly and its makes those middle of the night feeds a breeze! Within the next week I'll start putting him in the basinette beside our bed a little more often.
kiwi / 585 posts
@csross217: we have ours in a rock and play beside the bed. He was sleeping in the pack n play bassinet, but he hates sleeping flat and we think he has acid reflux or something. Once he can start rolling over to sleep on his side again (he loves laying on his side) then we will move back to a crib and/or bassinet.
cherry / 215 posts
@gingerbebe: I also needed advice on the cosleeping thing, and it does still freak me out sometimes. But from what I have read, you are supposed to avoid pillows, and only have a sheet up to your and baby's waist. I have still been using pillows, just keeping her below their level since she can't move herself around yet anyways.
@csross217: So about a week ago (4 weeks old) we transitioned from a rock and play type rocker thing to a travel pack and play next to the bed, so it is just flat. She has done fine, or basically the same as the rocker, sleeping for chunks of time in that, and other times needing to be in bed with us to fall asleep. If I am awake enough I will put her back in her bed, but usually she just stays with us. She does spit up a bit from time to time in her bed, but otherwise has been fine on the flat surface.
cantaloupe / 6397 posts
@csross217: she sleeps in a Moses basket next to our bed for now (she'll be 4 weeks on Monday). She's quiet and non-disruptive to us so we may keep her there longer than we did with her sister (who was a noisy sleeper and moved to her crib at 4 weeks!)
pomegranate / 3858 posts
@csross217: she sleeps swaddled in her crib in our room (or in our arms).
pear / 1703 posts
@rockinghorse: sounds like you've got a nice combo of solo sleeping and co-sleeping. Have you tried the side lying feeding?
@gingerbebe: how's the three step go to sleep formula going? I've been trying to transition away from nursing to sleep. So far do good but as with all things newborn, fingers crossed!
@TrailRunner: ours loves laying on his side too, so cute! I think he'd actually prefer his tummy but I'm not quite comfortable with that just yet.
@sslm: good girl sleeping in her basket beside you! DS doesn't love his basket yet, but I try a little bit every day.
@tinyperson: in our arms really is how DS (and us ) like it best! So snuggly.
cantaloupe / 6397 posts
@Autumnmama79: we are extremely lucky so far, she's a really easy going baby and she loves to sleep!!
cantaloupe / 6131 posts
@rockinghorse: DH's issue with cosleeping is he doesn't meet the criteria - he's a deep sleeper who sleeps with ear plugs and an eye mask, he's not cognizant of where the baby is, and he is CERTAIN he is going to Sad Panda roll over the baby and kill him. Additionally, neither of us want a kid in bed with us - keeping the marital bed sacred and all that. Like if we do cosleep when our toddler is sick or something, one of us does it in the guest room and transfers him as soon as he's asleep unless he's very feverish and needs one of us to monitor his body temp (which has happened like twice in 20 months).
@Autumnmama79: Knock wood, it's working really well! As long as we can keep him awake for a full feeding and keep a smelly shirt with him he does okay! We have been getting one 3.5 hour stretch the last two nights!
kiwi / 554 posts
@rockinghorse: How did the transition go to the flat pack n play? That's what I'm worried about!
@tinyperson: Has she slept in the crib since the beginning?
@gingerbebe: That's a great stretch of sleep! I'm glad that the routine is working.
pomegranate / 3858 posts
@csross217: yep, not reliably or consistently, but we attempt to have her sleep there for noghttime.
pomegranate / 3858 posts
And we're having our first nap in the crib right now! So far, she's a better sleeper than DD1 (But now I've jinxed it of course)
clementine / 849 posts
Having a bad morning over here. DS has been very fitful at night for past 2 weeks, sounding congested and gurgly/wheezy and very uncomfortable. He doesn't cry but is clearly uncomfortable trying to sleep. We tried the nasal sucker, elevating his head, sleeping in the rnp, and sleeping with us. Last night he was up at 2am and never got back to sleep. He's snoozing on my boob right now but I'm so exhausted that in delirious and nauseous Doc thought it could be a milk protein allergy but it will take 2 weeks to get it out of my system... Not sure what to do for my little guy
clementine / 849 posts
Ok so went to the pediatrician and he checked out fine. Sometimes I want them in the room with me at night to hear how terribly uncomfortable he sounds so they know I'm not crazy. But she did say this is the time that babies will get congested and stuffy and noisy and that it's especially bad at night. So many things to make first time moms worry!
kiwi / 585 posts
@YogiRunner: aww I'm sorry to hear you had such a rough night. Those really are the worst. You feel so helpless and it is so frustrating bc you just want to make them feel better.
pear / 1703 posts
@YogiRunner: aw that sounds really rough! But glad everything checked out fine. Could baby have a little cold? I hope you get some sleep! Is there anyone who can hold baby for a bit so you can rest?
pear / 1703 posts
I just made an appt with my ob because my c section incision isn't healing so well couldn't get me in until tomorrow though. Sucks. My first one was done so well and this one seems to be a bit of a butchering. Goddam teaching hospitals.
kiwi / 585 posts
@Autumnmama79: uggghhhhh. I'm sorry you are going through this. My midwife had never done stitches to my extent before me so the OB from my practice on call had to teach her and I had trouble with mine too. Childbirth is hard enough on its own...no one has time for complications related to stitches!
pomegranate / 3983 posts
@csross217: We are cosleeping. She's right next to me swaddled, and DH has actually been sleeping in one of our twin beds most nights. (The older kids end up sleeping right next to each other, so we have a free bed). I did have to pull out the miracle blanket, since she was fighting me hard on the A&A swaddle.
@YogiRunner: Sorry it's been rough! If you do go ahead and eliminate milk- I saw a big improvement after just a couple of days on the MSPI diet with my older one; it was amazing.
@Autumnmama79: Ugh! That's so rough. I hope they can take care of it! Hang in there!
pomegranate / 3858 posts
@Autumnmama79: sorry to hear about your incision...I still can't look at mine so I have DH look it over every day. How did your appt go?
Had NB photo shoot yesterday which was a lot of fun! I think we got some great shots of everyone! Had our 12 day appt today and she's surpassed her birth weight which has relieved my anxiety. I've got a little 6-pounder! An LC is coming tomorrow to make sure everything's going well and to come up with a plan for my sleepy nurser, but I'm buoyed by today's appt. with LO1, weight gain was harder to maintain. Visited my grandparents this afternoon who were thrilled to meet her.
cantaloupe / 6131 posts
We had our 2 week visit today - DS surpassed birth weight and gained 10 ounces since Thursday! He was definitely having a growth spurt this weekend, wanting to eat pretty frequently and needing some formula top offs so I'm glad we are done with the weight checks! We had so many weight issues with my first so I'm happy.
My family came and went this weekend and we are FINALLY done with visitors. And we had our newborn photos done on Sunday too, which was good but gosh I forgot how long those sessions go. Both the baby and I were exhausted by the time it was over.
We are still having decent success sleeping in the rock n play and getting a 3-3.5 hour stretch overnight. Knock wood!
kiwi / 554 posts
@TrailRunner: Adorable! What a handsome dude
@tinyperson: congrats on the weight gain mama!
@gingerbebe: The growth spurts are so hard! That's a great stretch of nighttime sleep though!
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