kiwi / 554 posts
Things are going alright for us. DD will be 6 weeks on Friday and is still struggling to nap during the day but is sleeping 3.5-4 hours at night! We've started swaddling for naps and that seems to be helping some. It's soooo hard when she's overtired though, especially in the evenings. We still dont always recognize her tired signals and she's a super alert baby. When she's overtired she'll fuss and cry, break out of her swaddle and scream while I'm feeding her I know evenings are usually the "witching hour" but it's so hard! I hate having her cry while I'm nursing her....
pomegranate / 3858 posts
@csross217: tired signals can be so hard to figure out...the window is so small!
Tonight, DH laid down for a nap once DD1 was asleep and I was feeding A. A fell asleep after eating, and seemed pretty much out so I got her jammies on and swaddled her and put her in the crib - we all got to sleep for 3.5 hrs! Yay for family nap time
persimmon / 1129 posts
Things are going pretty well for us. With my DD I didn't do a pacifier because I was so nervous about nipple confusion. This time we introduced one at 3 days because DS wanted to nurse ALL the time. It helps get us through the cluster feeding times when I need to eat or use the bathroom or just have a ten minute break. It's been a lifesaver.
Here's a totally bizarre story- DS has developed small breast buds that produced little drops of milk this morning! Apparently it happens in some babies from leftover pregnancyhormones. SO weird!!
@TrailRunner: That pacifier is hilarious! What a cutie pie.
@tinyperson: Yay for a long nap!!
cantaloupe / 6131 posts
We are heading into the thick of 3 week growth spurt. Nursing sessions are back to an hour, waking early for feeds despite formula top offs, etc. So tiring! Last night he ate at 430pm, 630pm, 9pm, 1130pm plus a formula top off after the last feeding and he was up at 3am and 620am for hourlong feeds. Actually the one at 620am went off and on until 830am and he's actually still fussing a bit in his RNP so I will have to see if he needs to eat some more!
pear / 1703 posts
@csross217: aw, crying during nursing is hard! When DS fusses during the cluster evening times my last resort has been a tight swaddle in a minky blanket, a soother and vigorous rocking/patting/shushing in the glider. He's been out cold in minutes every time, surely overtired. But 3.5 -4 hours at night is good! Hope it keeps up for you.
@tinyperson: that family nap sounds so sweet yay for the little victories in these early days.
@My Only Sunshine: haha, I didn't do a pacifier with DD either but I am with DS too - for all the same reasons as you! We also use it in the car for driving DD to and from school. I'm still slightly paranoid about using it but I think he knows which nipple gives milk and which doesn't. That is a crazy story about the breast buds! How long is it supposed to last?
@gingerbebe: yikes that does sound tiring! Just when we think we've got them figured out these babies go and change on us. Good thing they're cute!
Thanks to everyone who asked about my incision and dr appt. I saw the ob yesterday and she said it is not infected (thank goodness) but that it has opened up about .5 cm she said to put polysporin and gauze to prevent infection and hopefully it will heal/close in a couple weeks. I just want to be back to my old self already!!
pear / 1703 posts
@TrailRunner: look at your cutie pie! Even the hand placement. So adorable!!!
cherry / 130 posts
Finally have some free time to come onto the board. Baby is 3 weeks old and I still get very little sleep at night-early morning. She hates the bassinet! Sleeps in it half hour to an hour at most and only at 6am! I end up falling asleep in the rocking chair when I'm nursing her. The only time I really get to sleep is when I put my toddler down for a nap.
My husband goes back to work next week and I'm freaking out. How do I care for my toddler and a newborn on my own?!?
Not having an epidural with my #2 made my healing alot faster but I'm dealing with pupps now
pomegranate / 3858 posts
@ohemgee: DD1 is in daycare till the end of June, but I'll have the 2 in July/August until DD1 starts Junior Kinder in September. I'm a little worried about how that will go. Good luck to you next week!
Had an LC come over this morning and now my confidence is gone. I had thought we were doing ok -- maybe not great, but not too bad. Turns out everything is wrong. I have slow flow, bad positioning and was latching her too shallow, and she has a lip and tongue tie and tight jaw, all leading to ineffective milk transfer. I'm feeling overwhelmed and she's been rooting pretty much since LC left and I'm having a harmed time figuring out the latch without the LC giving me hands on help. Lots of tears and frustration. Finally got her to sleep so hopefully that helps.
apricot / 259 posts
I have a very sleepy and not fussy 11 day old.
He's finally starting to wake himself up to eat and only wakes up once overnight (sleeps 3-4 hr chunks between 11pm and 7am) so I'm relatively well rested. He eats very 2 hrs on the dot during the day (sometimes every hr in the evenings) He was at his hospital discharge weight at 4 days old and no longer fits in newborn diapers so I'm hoping that he's past his birth weight when I go back to the LC next week.
I'm barely spotting but the itching from my stitches is driving me crazy! Can't wait until I'm healed and can walk normally again.
cantaloupe / 6131 posts
Random venting thing - I've had more people ask me why I kept my 20 month old in daycare after I had the baby than I can believe. I want to be like "Um, because I have a newborn??" Or "um, because I have a 20 month old boy who wants to get into everything and doesn't understand what a C-section incision is??"
Like I get that there's a cost associated with it and lots of people pull their kid for money reasons and that's legit but today a single mom of 7 asked me why I had my son in daycare because having a new baby was such a special time for her kids and they loved all sleeping in and helping and watching the baby sleep. I wanted to be like "Sleep in?? My toddler was awake in his crib at 4am when I was doing a MOTN feeding and saluting the sun at 630am this morning hollering for his daddy." And considering I saw the toddler try to step on the baby's head yesterday, I don't know how much help and watching a sleeping baby my 20 month old is interested in. Like, if you CAN get extra help with your active toddler while cluster feeding a newborn all day like I have today, why wouldn't you??
End rant.
kiwi / 554 posts
@tinyperson: I'm so sorry things are still hard can you see the LC again? I've been going to my LCS weekly breastfeeding support group which has helped a lot.
@ModernDayJibarita: Only waking 1 time at night? That's amazing!
@gingerbebe: That sounds so frustrating! I would absolutely get the extra help if I had a toddler at home.
kiwi / 554 posts
Is anyone pumping to build up a stash? I just startRd by adding one pumping session a day. About 30 min after DDs morning feeding I pump both sides. Is that the best way to do it? Will I need to continue pumping at the same time every day? I don't want to end up with a bigger oversupply than I already have but I need a stash for when I go back to work!
apricot / 259 posts
@csross217: and of course I jinxed myself and
he woke up twice last night.
He eats every hr on the hr between 9-11pm. Wakes up between 2-3am then again between 5:30-7am. Most days we'll swaddle him back up and he'll sleep inútil 9-10am when he's finally alert and up for the day.
I claim no hand in this. He came programmed this way
persimmon / 1129 posts
@gingerbebe: Keeping my toddler in daycare part time has been so helpful for my mental health! But I've had those weird comments too. People just say the rudest and oddest things to pregnant ladies and new mamas.
pear / 1703 posts
@ohemgee: our baby doesn't sleep long in the bassinette either! I try to put him in a couple times a day to see if he'll eventually like it - before I say forget it and sell it!! Lol
cantaloupe / 6131 posts
The 3 week growth spurt hell continues. DS was up to eat every 90 minutes and then wouldn't let me put him down from 430pm to 1030pm. He got increasingly cranky and fussy as the night wore on. He was pissed while eating, not eating, being laid down, being held. Even formula top offs didn't help - he was bursting full and still cranky. He and I were both so overtired! He finally conked out at 11pm and blissfully gave me a 4 hour stretch! But then his MOTN feed went 90 minutes long and he was up 2 hours later to eat again. He is eating pretty frequently today but seems sleepier so I hope things are winding down - I think these spurts are only supposed to be 3 days long?? My nips hurt too. Ugh.
kiwi / 585 posts
@csross217: when I took a breastfeeding class this is exactly what the LC suggested doing to introduce bottles and build a stash.
ETA: she also did say to pump at the same time everyday...preferably in the morning
cherry / 215 posts
@csross217: I have been pumping for 2 weeks now, and have been bad about a consistent time. It mainly depends on if I can put her down or if hubby is around. My left boob has twice as much every time, and gets crazy engorged between feedings. I wish it would behave like right boob! I have quite the stash going though! Pretty stoked!
I was planning on starting work again next week (after 6 weeks) half time for the rest of my 12 week mat leave. However, I realized today that I'm not on the schedule until the week after! I decided I am OK with that, especially since sleep is still ridiculous!
DH and I are going to a wedding next weekend 1.5 hours away without DD. Not only is that stressful, but I have to be in public in a dress with the extra 25 lbs I need to loose. And I will have to pump there. Ugh.
cantaloupe / 6131 posts
Tirrrrrred. Having another "won't be put down" days and I am touched out!!!
kiwi / 554 posts
@gingerbebe: DD's growth spurts have been lasting 3-4 days, but it feels so much longer! It'll be over soon!
pear / 1703 posts
@gingerbebe: I hear ya. Took baby to DD's sports day today and I'm totally exhausted omg.
cantaloupe / 6397 posts
@gingerbebe: we're going through that too! I busted out the woven wrap!!
kiwi / 585 posts
@gingerbebe: we are going through this too! It sucks. I called my husband and told him that after five hours of straight crying he had to leave work or I was going to lose my mind. They say it gets better, so that's what I keep telling myself.
pomegranate / 3858 posts
@csross217: it's a little better, but I'm still not confident in her latch and she's still falling asleep. I've been told to switch her 3-4 times and then supplement with formula then offer both sides again, all while using breast compressions or heat and making sure she's drinking well. It's hard. I'm taking fenugreek and blessed thistle to see if it can speed up my flow. I'm feeling a little defeated with the whole process, and guilty that giving her formula (I know rationally that feeding her is what's important - it's just what I'm feeling). DH goes back to work next week and I'll be stuck home because I can't lift the stroller down the stairs yet, so I'm a little worried about being home alone.
pear / 1703 posts
@tinyperson: I'm sorry you're going through this. I had a crappy experience with a breastfeeding dr when DS was a week old and it made me upset and anxious about breastfeeding. I'm trying to trust myself and have faith in my body that my supply will be enough for baby. Hugs to you, it's tough and important work. You doing an amazing job for your baby
pear / 1703 posts
@TrailRunner: 5 hours?! Yikes. How is baby now? How are you?? That sounds really hard and I hope it's the last time!
pear / 1703 posts
@gingerbebe: @csross217: @sslm: fingers crossed your fussy babes gives you a break asap!! Do you know if a growth spurt always comes with fussiness?
clementine / 849 posts
Been slowly catching up with everyone's updates during my MOTN feedings! Thanks so much for the support after my last rant I've been adjusting to the milk/soy free diet and hoping to see more improvement.
@csross217: I'm going to start pumping tomorrow and have no idea what I'm doing!
Also, being awake in the MOTN is freaky sometimes. We have the windows open and I just heard a pack of coyotes go nuts and my neighbor's motion light keeps turning on. Eeek! I want to wake my husband up lol
persimmon / 1129 posts
Growth spurt here today too. Hardly any sleep last night because he just wanted to cluster feed. No sleep + baby eating every hour + 2 year old going through some jealousy + solo parenting all day while my husband takes a certification test for his job today = send all the wine.
I thought the transition from one to two wouldn't be so bad since we've already done this before but balancing both of their needs and dealing with toddler sleep regressions has been so hard!!
pomegranate / 3858 posts
@My Only Sunshine: I too thought the transition from 1-2 would be easy (at least sleep-wise) because DD1 is a good nighttime sleeper, but she's been waking up at night, she doesn't understand why sometimes I can't help with bedtime (DD2 requires a lot of attention while breastfeeding because of some issues) and mornings are tough because she wants to come in our room around 6 which is usually when DD2 has finally gone back to sleep!
cantaloupe / 6131 posts
@My Only Sunshine: I hear ya. DH had to leave this morning and won't be home until 630pm. I have my mommys helper this morning until nap time, but I will likely be solo from 230-ish (or whenever DS wakes up from his nap) until whenever DH gets home. I'm scared! The baby has been fussy and hasn't been napping hardly at all and he starts to get angrier and fussier the more tired he gets until he passes out around 10 or 11pm. Please God let this growth spurt be over soon!
cantaloupe / 6131 posts
@Autumnmama79: for my boys, yeah they get fussy. But DS1 was colicky and had reflux and basically screamed the first 4 months of his life straight so it didn't seem too bad. This one is more mellow so it's night and day when he's in a spurt. We had one for 3 days the first week and now this one. The 6 week one sucks because as soon as that ones over you get Wonder Week 8 which was a hot ass mess for DS1.
pomegranate / 3983 posts
I'm feeling so defeated today. Baby A has decided she will only sleep being held. I don't mind during the day, but I've only gotten about 3-5 hours of sleep the past three nights so it's taking its toll. My 3 year old has been sweet and amazing but he's waking up between 5-6 every morning since the baby and won't go back to sleep, so the whole house ends up awake. My 5 year old who is normally kind and helpful has been acting out non stop, no matter how much attention and positivity we give him. DH is just hanging in there but his patience with the boys is running low after a month of shenanigans. And just for the cherry on top, I'm the peacemaker in the family and have been mediating some drama which is taking away the mental energy I need to not only get through the day but also make some decisions for our own family regarding this next year. Just feeling so drained, thanks for letting me vent.
pomegranate / 3858 posts
@Baby Boy Mom: That sounds rough. Any chance you can get some help in? It's so hard to be patient when in the middle of sleep deprivation!
cantaloupe / 6131 posts
Solo parenting = when the toddler decides to take a 1 hour nap instead of a 2.5-3 hour nap + just as the newborn needs to be fed + mommy suddenly has explosive diahrrea.
#dead #theend
pear / 1703 posts
@Baby Boy Mom: sounds really tough mama! You've got so many lots of the stove. I hope tonite brings you a little more sleep to help deal with it all!
@gingerbebe: omg yikes! Talk about a shitstorm of things all at once!
cantaloupe / 6131 posts
Okay so I think the growth spurt is winding down so it's not like I can't put him down at all but it's being replaced the last two days with feeding for an hour and then 30-45 naps between 3 or 4pm and 10 or 11pm! It makes feeding and hanging with my toddler so hard on top of just being tired and hungry myself!
Also I basically EPed and supplemented for 10 months for DS1 but this time it seems like my boobs aren't responding to the pump as well. Like they aren't as engorged as they were last time so I'm not getting the same suction. I have all new parts and even got the pumping pals horns to try out and my pump is pretty new so I don't know what the deal is. I'm also really getting annoyed by long the nursing sessions are going. The growth spurt brought back hour long sessions and he's going 2-3 hours at night instead of the 3.5 we were getting and the timing of them are so I'm getting up twice at night and then there's an hour before my toddler gets up so it's making me so exhausted! But if I don't stay awake and focus on him taking a full feeding he will just wake up every 45 minutes to snack which is worse. Ugh I legit hate breastfeeding. If I didn't have all this BFing stuff like disposable nursing pads and what not I would have quit this week. That's literally my goal right now - BF until I use up the nursing pads and lanolin and BFing supplements.
kiwi / 585 posts
Well, we got the little guy put on Zantac last week, but it doesn't seem to help his hours long screaming sessions. He does spit up a little bit less tho. Also, I just counted my stash in my freezer from pumping and I already have 350 oz! Holy crap!
pomegranate / 3983 posts
@tinyperson: @Autumnmama79: thanks, the last couple of nights were a little better; up every two hours but I'll take it...ha my standards have dropped.
@TrailRunner: wow that is quite the stash! Good job! I don't remember, have you eliminated dairy? Dairy intolerance caused my older LO to scream...I actually put myself back on the MSPI diet just in case it helps with our sleeping situation.
cantaloupe / 6131 posts
I think what we have here from 5pm-10pm is just a really long witching hour. DS1 had 5-6 hour long witching hours from 9pm-2am so this is better but MAN is it hard.
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