pear / 1703 posts
@gingerbebe: our fussy evenings are long too. Pretty constant nursing from about 5-10, give or take. I'm just rolling with it. It's tiring, but I know it's temporary. Hope you get s few solid hours tonite!
pear / 1703 posts
How's everyone doing today? My incision is finally closed and starting to heal, no more pain. I've been on two, hour long stroller walks in the past few days and it feels so good to be active again!
Baby is currently napping in his crib which is awesome. He's been doing his first stretch of sleep in the basinette in our room each night so we're slowly weaning him out of our bed...
I popped in to the dr yesterday to weigh DS and he's up to 9 pounds 10 ounces from 8,6 at birth - I feel so relived! Breastfeeding is really important to me and I was always worried about him gaining enough and quickly enough - now I can breathe a bit.
Feeling crappy about my pp body though. Lost a bunch of water weight from the get go but now I just feel fat and there's flabby skin on my belly. I don't fit any of my pre preg clothes either, which is hard.
clementine / 849 posts
@Autumnmama79: what a cutie! I also fit into NONE of my non-maternity pants or shorts. I'm cycling through a maxi skirt, leggings and maternity jeans. I need to find time to shop for comfy shorts that fit me or it's going to be a long summer...
For those of you pumping, what resources have you used? I'm clueless. I've started pumping 30 min after his morning feed after reading through this thread, and DH gives it to him at bedtime to get him used to the bottle. How do I build up a stash though!? What websites/books can give me the basics?
kiwi / 585 posts
@Autumnmama79: cute!! Glad to hear you are doing so well! Also glad you are over the birth weight worry!
@YogiRunner: I ordered one pair of shorts from old navy that I am going to rock until my old clothes fit. Also, kelly mom has some great pumping resources.
pear / 1703 posts
@YogiRunner: same. I've got like 3-4 outfits that I'm rotating, depressing. If DH says 'oh you're wearing that dress again?" I swear. I've also been looking at Kelly mom and our discharge nurse actually recommended it when leaving the hospital.
@TrailRunner: I think I'll make a trip to old navy too. Desperately need some more transition clothes. Clothes shopping is hard with a newborn though lol
kiwi / 585 posts
@Autumnmama79: haha my husband knows better than to comment on me wearing the same outfit everyday. He learned that lesson during pregnancy. Now he just gets a look on his face but tells me I look nice.
cantaloupe / 6131 posts
Sweet gentle Jesus, please do not bless with a second colicky child. Please.
kiwi / 554 posts
Sorry I've been absent for a few days! DH just went back to work and I've been struggling with solo parenting as DD is going through ANOTHER growth spurt.... she slept terribly last night after giving us a 5 hour stretch the night before, and her naps have been awful. She's finally sleeping now but if I try to put her down she wakes up within 10 minutes! Hopefully this only lasts another day or so and I'll get my happy smiley baby back....
Going to try to catch up on everyone's posts this morning!
kiwi / 554 posts
@gingerbebe: @Autumnmama79: Fussy evenings here too! Pretty much from 6-10 every night. She doesn't want to nurse constantly luckily, but just can't settle down , is overtired and over stimulated and refuses to nap.... it's exhausting
clementine / 811 posts
Hey all. I am waaaay behind in this thread! I have some major catching up to do.
I skimmed a little and I bought some shorts from old navy in a size up to get me through the summer after DS and I was glad I did. They were cheap and I didn't care if I never wore them again. I think I need to do the same again.
DD is doing well. We are at 3.5 weeks and I'm starting to see glimmers of longer sleep stretches. She will only sleep on me 95% of the time and I am a human paci still, but small steps. I'm just glad she is a champ nurser, which is a huge relief after low supply issues the whole time w DS. In fact she blew her birthweight out of the water at her two week appt, gaining a pound. So I am trying to be positive and thankful.
DDs witching hours seem to be wanting to cluster feed, which I will take over colic hell, so I'm crossing my fingers we avoid that this go round!
cantaloupe / 6131 posts
Yep, I bought a bunch of loose boyfriend tshirts and forgiving shorts from Old Navy a few weeks before the baby was born in preparation. I also have boyfriend jeans I wore after DS was born last time, but I'll be honest I've rarely left home other than church so I'm in a nursing tank and PJ pants most days. The days and nights bleed together.
Sorry I'm venting so much but it's been a long week.
My boys and I have a really weird thing. Neither boy likes to cuddle - like if you hold them they squirm nonstop and get angry. Ds1 was like this and hand to God only started wanting to be picked up, held, or hug since he turned 18 months old. DS1 HATED cosleeping, the RNP, and swaddling. This one seems to only like cosleeping if he happens to want boob and I sorta just keep my arm again his side so he doesn't fall off the bed. He's tolerating swaddling but very sweaty in it even in just a onesie. 5 S's aren't working on this guy and it didn't work on his brother either. I'm trying not to use the RNP for sleep because it's furry and it makes DS2 even sweatier and that's a SIDs risk. (And yes we have the AC on - he just sweats!). And both seem to equally hate baby wearing (at least face in) plus it's over 100 degrees here.
Which makes this whole 4, 5, 6 hour long witching hour thing so crazy making. He doesn't want to cuddle but he refuses to be put down. At some point he doesn't want to nurse or use me as a pacifier. He doesn't want to be rocked or bounced. Wearing him doesn't work bc he keeps trying to lean backwards out of the Boba wrap and he's too small for the Ergo360. And it's just hot. Both my boys run hot.
And me, I'm an introvert. I guess both boys are too? My toddler is definitely an introvert and does not like being touched either. Anyways, I get touched out and grouchy when I can't have a beat to myself. I personally don't like baby wearing or cosleeping or any of that either although I'm willing to do it if it works. (But it hasn't.) So I'm grouchy because I'm doing things I dislike AND they don't work. Also I hate BFing (see above).
I've basically just been living on my recliner either perching DS on my lap or in the crook of my arm loosely while he alternates fussing and staring at the ceiling or nursing. And we are at 2 hour cycles the last 24 hours. One hour to nurse and diaper change and what not, 45 minutes if I'm lucky of some kind of dozing, then 15 minutes of fussing before I decide to try and nurse again. I've eaten 1 meal today and barely managed a shower. And my toddler is due home from daycare in 30 minutes.
pear / 1703 posts
@csross217: fingers crossed that baby gets back to those 5 hour stretches for you asap! When DS has been overtired I've been using the paci, knocks him out. Are you using one?
@HazelEyes: yay for longer sleep! DS has been blessing us with longer night sleep too. Happy to hear you have a good little nurser
@gingerbebe: vent away mama! Sending you heaps of strength and patience. Mothering is so exhausting.
clementine / 849 posts
@csross217: we are basically going through the exact same thing at 5 weeks!
kiwi / 585 posts
@HazelEyes: sounds like you guys are doing great! Awesome to hear!
@gingerbebe: I'm an introvert too, and my baby is the exact opposite. Constantly wants to be held. I feel guilty some days bc I just put him in his rnp next to me bc I am just cuddled out. My DH also gets frustrated bc he says I need to talk and sing to the baby more, but it's just not in my nature to talk or sing! Hopefully things will start getting better for you very soon. Things turned a major corner for us literally overnight two days ago, so hopefully that is coming for you soon.
persimmon / 1129 posts
@gingerbebe: Hang in there mama!
My son has times where he doesn't want to be held either. He'll hang out on a blanket on the floor by himself and be totally content for a solid half hour. I love baby snuggles so it's taken some getting used to!
kiwi / 554 posts
OMG last night was soooo much worse than the night before. It took us 2 hours to put DD to sleep. She slept for about 30 fitful minutes and then was back up again! This repeated 2 more times until I finally pulled her into bed with me this morning just to try to get a little sleep....
@Autumnmama79: she takes a paci and it always helps, but the problem is that she spits it out after a few minutes and screams until we put it in again!
@YogiRunner: it's so frustrating! I just hope it's a growth spurt/wonder week and not the new normal...
kiwi / 554 posts
@gingerbebe: I'm an introvert too and struggle with the same thing. I've never been a touchy, huggy person and as much as I absolutely love DD, snuggling all day is just really hard for me.... which has been difficult since she will only nap during the day if she's on me...
cantaloupe / 6131 posts
Okay last night and today have been much better. He clusterfeed from 830pm-1030pm last night, finally went to sleep at 11pm, and then gave me a stretch until 330am! I actually woke up with a bolt at 3am because my boobs hurt and I was shocked when I saw the time. And then once I put him back down at 430am, he actually stayed asleep until I woke him up at 730am this morning! We've had 2 very good naps so far today, and he's fussing off and on right now through this now 3rd nap, but overall so, so much better! I actually got breakfast AND lunch today, ran some laundry, and did the dishes!
DS seems very gassy, so I've started trying to be more diligent about his gas drops and probiotic drops and I'm drinking water with a drop or two of fennel EO to reduce gas in me. I haven't been eating any particularly gassy foods (I haven't had crucifers or beans or anything that's a common irritant), although I do have a little dairy in my diet (a slice of cheese a day), so I'm hoping its just normal gas. DS seems to be able to fart just fine, but at least once a nap he starts grunting and screeching a bit before farting really loudly so I figure if I can disturb his sleep less, the better.
Lets hope we get more days like this because I am DREADING the 6 week growth spurt and Wonder Week 8 - it was a hot mess with DS1. I just keep trying to remind myself things get so much better after 12 weeks and I can't believe DS2 will be a month old on Sunday already, so I know time is gonna fly by, but man the days are so long!
kiwi / 585 posts
How is everyone doing? DS is 6 weeks now! I am scared to even say this, but the last four nights he has slept 6 or more hours straight...with an 8 hour stretch thrown in there! My MIL is in town so my husband and I went on a date last night and that was awesome! She also watched him this morning so we could go on a run together. It was my first run pp, and I did much better than I thought I would. My weight loss has stalled, so I'm hoping this will help to get back on track.
persimmon / 1129 posts
@TrailRunner: Date night sounds fun! My DS still eats frequently when he's awake (like between every 90 minutes to 2 hours) and we haven't tried a bottle yet so I'm looking forward to the days of being able to leave him for a little while. He's 4 weeks today and pretty much with me all the time except for naps. He does one 5-ish hour stretch at night, then a 3 hour stretch, then usually one more stretch of 2 hours but our toddler is up by then so I don't get to enjoy him sleeping in.
DS has reflux but not to the level that requires medication. He spits up ALL the time. Like multiple times after each feeding. Once in a while it seems to make him uncomfortable but for the most part it doesn't seem to bother him. We're using so many burp cloths! Holding him upright after eating and using the Rock 'n Play for sleep help a little. The pediatrician said he could be like this for 18 months!
kiwi / 554 posts
@TrailRunner: It sounds like things are going great! 8 hours of sleep sounds amazing!
Things are going a lot better for us. DD has come out of her 6 week growth spurt/wonder week and is back to being her happy self! Her sleep had been terrible, but we figured out that she needed complete darkness to sleep well (she wouldn't stop staring at the ceiling fan!) so we took out the nightlight and she's been sleeping 4.5-5.5 hour stretches since. Sleep during the day is still hit-or-miss, but she's napping better in general. We've been able to get out and about and even went to a restaurant for lunch! Now I just need to get back into a regular exercise routine...
clementine / 849 posts
@TrailRunner: wow, great to hear how well your nights are going! 6-8 hours sounds dreamy (literally) And must have felt soooo nice to run again. I'm starting yoga again on Friday then will slowly start running. I stopped during IVF and pregnancy so cannot wait to pick it up again.
@csross217: another awesome sleeper, yay! DS turns 6 weeks on Tuesday so hoping he'll turn the corner on sleep too.
Right now, my kiddo is so unpredictable when it comes to daytime naps. He'll either sleep all day only waking to eat or refuse to take a nap. Nights are ok, but he still is very noisy when I put him in his cosleeper. Grunts, whines, wriggles, but his eyes are closed. He'll settle for a few minutes then starts up again. Can't tell if he's sleeping or if he's uncomfortable and I get kept up all night!
kiwi / 585 posts
@My Only Sunshine: 18 months? Yikes. We have our baby on Zantac, and I'm ready to move him to his crib bc he is a noisy sleeper, but I know he needs to be at an incline. If he has to sleep at an incline for too much longer I'm not sure what we will do.
@csross217: I'm glad to hear she is back to normal! Those days of screaming all day long really take it out of you. Hopefully your night stretches will start getting longer. Of course after I bragged about it yesterday he slept horribly last night. Oh well!
@YogiRunner: our naps are exactly the same! Some days he sleeps maybe a couple hours total broken out into 20 min max increments and other days it's allllll day. We also have a ridiculously noisy sleeper. My ped said to ignore it until it is actual crying and that is how we got our long stretches at night bc he isn't actually awake and me going to him was waking him up. He really is so noisy tho that I don't get very good sleep bc of it.
kiwi / 554 posts
@TrailRunner: Same here! We had a bad night last night. It was our fault though, we tried giving DD a bath right before bed.... she absolutely LOVES being in the tub, but has a complete meltdown when we take her out to dry her off and put clothes on. We tried cranking the heat in the bathroom and it was warm enough that we were sweating, but it didn't help! It resulted in DD taking an hour and a half to fall asleep.... lesson learned lol.
cantaloupe / 6131 posts
@csross217: we used a space heater with our first son! This one, we just keep him wrapped in a towel burrito for a few minutes and let him relax and then when we unwrap him he seems not to freak out.
Witching hour going from 6-10pm I can deal with but the last week we've had two nights it goes until almost 1am (after an hour or two of him falling asleep, me putting him down, and then him screaming 15 minutes later aka as soon as I lay down and am about to fall asleep). It makes me SOOO mad and frustrated. Of course the nights we have a 10-1030pm conk out means 2 wake ups, so I don't know what's worse. Last night he finally went down at 1245am but he was asleep until 430am so we only had one wake up. But I'm so tired.
I'm also having nipple vasospasms so after feedings I have stabbing needle sensations in my nipples. I'm keeping rice socks or heating pads on my boobs to help but yet another strike against BFing. But I've met my first goal - BF until I run out of nursing pads. I just ordered another box last night so let's see how long we go.
Okay time to nap while baby naps!
pear / 1703 posts
@TrailRunner: Our DS's are sleeping very similar! It feels like a total gift and considering DD was not THIS good of a sleeper at just 5 weeks - we'll take it! My weight loss has stalled too, except I've yet to do anything besides walking...
@My Only Sunshine: My DS Is a major spitter-upper too! But he also doesn't seem uncomfortable and the doctor didn't bat an eye about it so I'm not worried at this point. I've been trying to be more consistent with the burps after feeding and keeping him at a 45 degree angle after feedings. I guess its more of a laundry problem than anything.
@csross217: So glad to hear you've got your happy baby back! I'm with you on the need to get back to some exercise, do you have anything in mind? I'm totally unmotivated, is that terrible? lol
@YogiRunner: Have you thought about white noise to block out babys noises at night? We just started using a sleep sheep.
@gingerbebe: Good job making it to your first bfing goal! I've never heard of those vasospasms but they sure don't sound fun. Its always something with bfing... I hope they are short lived for you!
We are doing great. I'm really soaking in this newborn stuff and I'm just so smitten with this little guy. I remember wanting DD to hurry up and meet the next milestone but this time around I'm just relaxed and enjoying things so much more. I also wonder if it has something to do with the fact that he's our rainbow baby... I'm am just smitten and so in awe of him in every moment. New life is absolutely breathtaking! He's still doing his first stretch of sleep in the basinette and then i pull him into our bed. He's growing out of his newborn clothes and likes to be held on our laps to 'stand' on his legs for a few seconds at a time. He gets really excited when we do this, so cute. I'm also getting lot of smiles from him and it totally melts my heart. Like full on squinty-eyed smiles . I feel like a lucky mama!
kiwi / 554 posts
@Autumnmama79: those baby smiles are the best! I'm so glad that things are going well for you! I've been walking a little bit, but the weather here has been crappy so it's hard to get out for walks. Starting Focus t25 too, which is a quick cardio workout, so hopefully I can squeeze it in most days....
@gingerbebe: congrats on making your first breastfeeding goal! Witching hour is bad here too, but luckily it's confined to the late evenings. We've found that swaddling her and bouncing on an exercise ball helps.
persimmon / 1129 posts
@Autumnmama79: I feel the same way about our son! He's a rainbow baby also. With my daughter, I was so anxious and trying to follow all the rules and really didn't enjoy the newborn stage. This time, I've been much more laid back and able to enjoy this sweet short stage.
@gingerbebe: Witching hour(s) is so exhausting! Good for you for making your bf goal. I think nursing is so much more difficult and stressful than a lot of people make it seem with the "it's nature's way" kind of talk.
DS continues to spit up all the time. We started using receiving blankets as burp cloths because normal sized burp cloths weren't cutting it. But other than that he seems good. I got together with a friend with a five month old yesterday and it was unbelievable how old that five month old seemed! Laughing, sitting up, holding a teethinf toy... it's crazy how fast they grow!
pear / 1703 posts
@csross217: I'm going to check out that focus 125. I need something just to get going again.
@My Only Sunshine: aw I'm so happy for you. Crazy how much different the perspective is this time around!
Also, someone remind me of my previous mushy gushy post when I'm up all night cause baby is teething or we're sleep training or something not so blissful, k?
cantaloupe / 6131 posts
Oh sweet Jesus Wonder Week 5 = has not been able to be set down since 230pm yesterday and we coslept last night because I had been awake since 430am the day before (toddler had ear tube surgery). I am so damn tired! Even though I remember how bad weeks 5-8 were with my first it's still a rude awakening. Wonder Week 5, then 6 week growth spurt, then Wonder Week 8. Ughhhhhhh.
cherry / 215 posts
@TrailRunner: OMG, I am so glad to hear someone else say that talking and singing to the baby doesn't come naturally! My Aunt was all over me about this, and I am trying to do it more, but it is awkward for me! I'm hoping the more I do it the more it will normalize.
So, I'm having a bit of a rough time over here... Monday I started back at work (I'm at 7 weeks PP). I'm working 2 10 hour shifts until 12 weeks when I'm going back to 4 10's. I pumped 3 times at work. The first time I got 7 ounces, which is about normal for me, then the next 2 times I got 3 ounces. I just thought, well that's weird. Well all night when I got home I couldn't feed her enough, and my boobs were noticeably smaller. Then Tuesday the same thing... hardly any milk. Well, time for me to panic! I ordered all the herbal supplements and tea, and drank like a fiend, and pumped all the time. I ended up calling in Wednesday because I was so afraid I would completely dry up! I've been continuing with my routine, and avoiding bottles completely. I think my supply is up a little bit, but no where near what it was. DD is now also super fussy at the breast! I think that may be the most frustrating part! She will scream, latch for a couple seconds, pull off, scream, relatch, repeat. She is having enough wet diapers, but she doesn't eat until satisfied and sleepy. She eats fussily, then is fussy after.
I am mad that I can't take a longer leave, mad that the US doesn't have better mat leave laws, mad that I have to go part time, but really just sad because I feel like I'm letting her down. I was just really starting to enjoy breastfeeding before this too.
Also, we had just gotten a couple of nights of good stretches of 4ish hours, and now it is back to every 1 to 2 hours.
Sorry for the rant!!!
pear / 1703 posts
@rockinghorse: you could read little board books to baby instead of just talking! DS has now started looking at the pictures when I read - so fun! I'm mad for you too. I think it totally stinks that you have to go back to work so early! And the fact that it's stressing you out and affecting your supply just totally sucks. Now that you have the tea and the herbs perhaps it will pick back up in a couple days?
pear / 1703 posts
@gingerbebe: oh man that sounds utterly exhausting! How is lo1 doing following the surgery?
persimmon / 1129 posts
@rockinghorse: Sorry you're going through this and had to go back to work already. US parental leave is absurd. Have you checked out Such a helpful breastfeeding resource. If she's having good diaper output then your milk supply is probably doing ok. Hope things are going better now!
kiwi / 554 posts
@gingerbebe: I feel your pain! We are currently in Wonder Week 8 hell. DD has been constantly fussy for the past 3 days, will barely nap and when she does she wakes up screaming her head off. I'm terrified because the app says that this leap will last 2 weeks! I don't think I can take it. And on top of that, DH has had to take extra shifts at work because people are on vacation...
clementine / 849 posts
@csross217: what app do you use to track your LO's development? Never heard of these "wonder weeks" and I'm intrigued!
kiwi / 554 posts
@YogiRunner: there's an app called The Wonder Weeks that tells you about each of the developmental leaps that the baby will have. I think it's $2 or something but definitely worth it! I use Baby Daybook to track diapers, feedings, etc.
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