nectarine / 2028 posts
@nanilani: Welcome! I'll add you to our list. I bought the weeks estimator on eBay and thought it expired but not yet! So excited that your appoitment is so soon! This is awesome timing for us, too, so of course I'm convinced something will go wrong. Fingers and toes crossed!
nectarine / 2028 posts
@LindsayInNY: I'm having so many more symptoms than the first time, and they're different! The night bloat is out of control. I'm also up between 4-6 AM to pee and insomnia kicks in and I can't sleep anymore. I've also napped three times already, and since I napped 5 times total in 40 weeks with my son this is shocking.
bananas / 9229 posts
@ChiCalGoBee: Interesting... I feel like I've noticed some bloat lately but who knows. I am waking up to pee and not sleeping the best but I'm also out of town and not in my bed so that could be why?
nectarine / 2028 posts
May Mamas
5/1: NaniLani
5/5: Agold, Pollywog
5/7: LindsayInNY
5/12: Chicalgobee
5/13: MamaLlama
nectarine / 2028 posts
@LindsayInNY: I had a ton of symptoms during the TWW that I told myself were all in my head. I'm kind of telling myself these symptoms are also in my head. I guess I'm in a fair amount of shock/denial still! Hoping to have a healthy heartbeat appointment in a few weeks that might make it seem more real. When's your first appointment?
bananas / 9229 posts
@ChiCalGoBee: And I had no symptoms! Like nothing prompted me to even test! I go in this Friday which is reassuring since I had early scans last time since I was at the RE.
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@nanilani: I would have been so bummed to have that happen with my last weeks-estimator tester! Maybe it was the test itself and not you!
@ChiCalGoBee: I hadn't thought to look on ebay for the weeks estimator. On amazon, they are upwards of like $90!
@LindsayInNY: I'm not feeling any symptoms yet! How were you able to get an early appointment at your ob? My ob's office said they won't take me until 8 weeks.
apricot / 374 posts
@agold: Lol, maybe! I'm glad I didn't really need to know how many weeks along I was. I would be going nuts until my dating ultrasound! Still, a positive digital can be more satisfying than a dozen pink dye BFPs. Oh well.
With respect to early OB appointments, I think 8 weeks is pretty standard but some offices may have a different policy. In my last pregnancy, they got me in for a visit with the NP two days after I called when I was only 4.5 weeks! This time they couldn't get me in until 7 weeks (though they have no idea how far along I am b/c I wasn't asked my LMP over the phone), allegedly put me on a waitlist in case something comes up sooner, and in the meantime scheduled my NP appt and my first OB appt back to back. I have no history of loss or other concerns that might necessitate early visits, so I assume it's just that office's SOP. For what it's worth, the 4.5 week appt was pointless beyond getting scripts for blood work and a dating ultrasound.
pea / 21 posts
@Chicalgobee: thanks!
@agold: even though I'm a second time mom, this is going to be my first baby born in the US -- so I'm feeling a bit like a first timer. When I had my phone appt this morning with a RN to go over dates etc. I had to ask her how prenatal care worked here in the US. She was very sweet and gave me an overview of how it worked at their hospital.
Does everyone do the 8 week ultrasound? Anybody skip it?
pea / 21 posts
Has anyone used any of those at home tests to check the sex of the baby? Do they work? It seems like it could just be luck -- just wondering....
bananas / 9229 posts
@agold: I have no idea. When I went for blood work, the doctor said I'd come back around 8 weeks, I think? But then the doctor who called with the results the next day said they'd bring me back in a week to confirm everything was growing in my uterus. That would've been today but I'm out of town. I'm glad for the extra days though since there's a better chance of seeing something more now!
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@MamaLlama: I can't imagine skipping the ultrasound. I'm going to be so happy to get a glimpse at the baby. And no, I haven't heard of the at-home gender tests. I am considering doing the early blood genetic testing if it isn't too expensive, and that will reveal gender.
When is it that gender is normally revealed with the ultrasound? 3 months? 4?
@LindsayInNY: When is your appointment? I'm dying to see a hearbeat and anything else I can see!
bananas / 9229 posts
@agold: Gender is usually around 20 weeks! We did the genetic testing with gender last time and knew around 13 or 14 weeks, I think? I want to ask about it again but DH isn't on board with paying so who knows if we will. Our appt is friday - I'll be 5w5 or 6d I think?
nectarine / 2028 posts
@MamaLlama: I did one last pregnancy. It was wrong but that's what I'd expect from letting an at-home pee try and predict the sex of the baby! We found out around 12 weeks after bloodwork but I kind of felt like it was too early. I actually was all for being Team Green this time but my husband nixed that idea.
My first appointment is 9/29! I'll be 7 weeks 6 days. A touch earlier than they usually like to take people but my husband is headed out of town that weekend and I will have such a good piece of mind if we've had a successful HB appointment before then. Fingers crossed!
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@LindsayInNY: That's exciting you have an appointment coming up so quickly! I can't wait to hear all about it.
@ChiCalGoBee: My appointment is on the 25th, so very close to yours. Will you get an ultrasound? My husband's work schedule changes so much lately that I'm not sure if he can make it. There is a possibility I will go to this appointment alone! I can't imagine. But I pray I will at least get a printout of the whatever the ultrasound shows. I would love to be team green, too! I think I will cave to my husband and find out. And I'm also not sure if we want to spend the money for the early genetic testing. We certainly wouldn't pay for it just because of gender finding out purposes.
nectarine / 2028 posts
@agold: Yes! My doc has a little handheld u/s machine and does it as soon as he walks in the room. Hopefully it will show me a little bean with an awesome HB and then I can spend the rest of the appointment relaxing and asking a million questions! It's only been 3.5 years since I was newly pregnant with my first and I've already forgotten so much!
grapefruit / 4045 posts
Do any May moms feel a little cramping? I am and of course it sucks. Is this a normal early pregnancy thing? I had this last time, but also bleeding and I was put on bed rest. No bleeding now, thank God.
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@LindsayInNY: Thanks for commenting and reassuring me this is normal. I am otherwise worrying about the worst. But if its just normal, then I will consider it a minor annoyance for something that is otherwise great happening!
bananas / 9229 posts
@agold: Sorry for such a short comment! But, yes, I read that cramping is basically your uterus making some room for baby. I think anything is normal and especially no spotting, you're golden!
nectarine / 2028 posts
@agold: I'm also having "twinges." They aren't quite cramps, but they are sharp little pains at the top of my uterus. So far no spotting (fingers, toes, eyes crossed it stays that way!) but of course I'm nervous about it. September 29th cannot come soon enough! Hope your spotting stays away, too!
I almost threw up at Target this morning. I'm 5 weeks on Saturday and didn't have any symptoms to speak of at this point in my last pregnancy, so the nausea, exhaustion, etc. are shocking to me. Hope they continue if that's what this babe needs!
apricot / 374 posts
Sorry ladies, need to vent: Oh my god, I felt so awful this morning. Woke up with a migraine, I think, and couldn't focus on anything with both eyes open (so strange), then spent the rest of the morning feeling nauseous and threw up twice. Ugh. I only threw up twice TOTAL in my last pregnancy (both aggravated by a combo of morning and motion sickness) and my symptoms hadn't even started this early last time! Luckily enough, I had a planned day out of the office so I didn't have to hide it at work, but what if this becomes an every day occurrence?? I know in the whole scheme of things I don't have it as rough as many other pregnant women do so I feel bad complaining, but man did I feel miserable And with a toddler climbing all over me -- You're in luck, kid, it's movie day.
Of course I can't help wondering if the wildly different symptoms mean I might be having a girl even though I know it's pointless to speculate without the medical info to back it up. (No gender preference here, it's just too tempting to try to identify patterns.)
Hope everyone out there is feeling better than I am!
apricot / 374 posts
@agold: @LindsayInNY: @ChiCalGoBee: I concur, some cramping is totally normal. I think you only need to contact your doc if it's severe or accompanied by bleeding. I've also had cramps on and off for the past week or two, and occasionally more acute abdominal twinges like ChiCalGoBee described. Had some this evening in fact, although the probably lasted no more than 5-10 minutes.
nectarine / 2028 posts
@nanilani: Vent away! It's what we're here for! SO sorry you threw up twice in one day! And I 100% feel you on your feelings of, "BUT THIS IS SO DIFFERENT THAN LAST PREGNANCY!" My nap count for my last pregnancy was 5 total in 40 weeks. My nap total for this pregnancy-which isn't even 5 weeks along, is already at 3. This little one is really rocking me hard. I hope it means s/he is growing big and strong!
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@ChiCalGoBee: @nanilani: girls, I'm also having a wildly different pregnancy this time around! The cramping is on and off and it's definitely very noticeable. And turns out I have a low grade fever, which explains how bad I was feeling. But no other sickness. Do you think low grade fever is a pregnancy thing? Or do you think I should call my doctor? It's really weird to me to not be at the doctor every week for blood work and ultrasound.
@nanilani: I hear you on not wanting these pregnancy symptoms to interfere with work. I'm worried about the same thing. I hid out in my office all day today and am so glad I will be working from home tomorrow. I have no desire to disclose this pregnancy at work any time soon.
bananas / 9229 posts
@agold: I had a head cold when I got my BFP. I think as your body implants are starts the pregnancy, it takes a bit of a hit towards your immune system too. At least that's my theory lol. Could the low grade fever be similar to a post-O temp spike even?
cherry / 121 posts
So excited to be here!!!!
Location: Phoenix, AZ
EDD: 5/20
First child?: nope, #2, M (my daughter) turns 1 on October 1st!
Any symptoms?: not really.... Some light nausea but that could just be in my head.
Who have you told? A couple of close friends, DH, my due date group from M.
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? We're just so excited! This was the perfect month for a ton of reasons (I'll be past the first tri for a big trip in December, I won't have to be preggo in the AZ summer heat again, we'll be able to go on a big trip with family for 4th of July next year, we can do a cutesy fall announcement, etc). I have no history of miscarriage, but we'll still be nervous until we see a heartbeat. Dr appt isn't until 9/27 so hoping these next two weeks ish go by super fast! Also hoping I don't have HG this time!
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@Bernieboo: Congratulations! And EEKK!! Your kids will be closer together than my two will be! Ha! So glad to have another mama in the two-under-two boat. What big trips are you taking? I have only taken on cross-country trip with my girl to see family. But oh my gosh. The thought of taking two cross-country freaks me out.
nectarine / 2028 posts
May Mamas
5/1: NaniLani
5/5: Agold, Pollywog
5/7: LindsayInNY
5/12: Chicalgobee
5/13: MamaLlama
5/20: Bernieboo
nectarine / 2458 posts
Location: Southern Maryland
EDD: May 23
First child? Haha...nope, fourth
Any symptoms? A few shitty pimples and PMSy moodiness
Who have you told? No one telling DH later today. And I have plans to tell my best friend sometime this week.
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? I'm kinda dreading telling people. People don't get excited for fourth babies We have three boys, and I don't wanna hear people speculating on gender so I might try to hide it till we know, but I'm not great at hiding it. We shall see...
cherry / 121 posts
@agold: Yay!!! I'm definitely nervous about 2 under 2, even though this was our preferred age gap! We're going to visit family in December (about 2,000 miles away), but we're going with my parents so 4 adults (well me pregnant lol) for just M. So that trip should be pretty easy. Though I'm worried about packing for snow bc i have no idea how to handle that weather for M or myself while preggo. Then, next year, we're planning a trip to Yosemite and Mt. Rushmore for 4th of July with my parents in their camper trailer. This baby will be about 2 months old. So that will be interesting!!
nectarine / 2028 posts
May Mamas
5/1: NaniLani
5/5: Agold, Pollywog
5/7: LindsayInNY
5/12: Chicalgobee
5/13: MamaLlama
5/20: Bernieboo
5/23: Navy_Mommy
apricot / 374 posts
Congrats and welcome to the new posters!
@Bernieboo: Did you have HG in your last pregnancy?? I am in awe at anyone strong enough to survive that! Especially when I'm over here bellyaching over my run of the mill MS I hope you have a smoother ride this time!
@Navy_Mommy: I'm with you on wanting to avoid the gender speculation bus. I'm still a little ticked off at certain friends and family who were openly dreaming about a hypothetical girl baby when I was still pregnant with my son. Have some tact, people!
cherry / 121 posts
@nanilani: yep! It was all kinds of awful. I lost around 25 lbs in 4 weeks. And the diclegis actually gave me vertigo, which made it that much worse. I'm really hoping to be on top of it this time. Last time, i was between jobs for the worst of it, so I had the luxury of doing nothing. This time, I'm in a pretty demanding role at work. So I need to be able to function. My first question at my first appt will be for the Zofran rx!
cherry / 121 posts
Anyone still testing??? I can't help myself! I love seeing those lines get darker! And my first appt isn't until 9/27! With M, I got a positive on Tuesday, then had my appt on Thursday so I think I only took like 4 tests. When did you/will you stop POAS?
bananas / 9229 posts
@Bernieboo: Oh man, that is rough!! FX it doesn't happen this time!
I stopped testing after my second round of betas, I think? When I was still less than 5 weeks. Today is 6 weeks.
pea / 23 posts
I cant believe I actually get to add my info to one of these boards!
Location: Michigan
EDD: May 16th
First child? Yes!
Any symptoms? Cramping/pulling in the lower abdomen, and sore boobs. oh and I'm hungry all. the. time!
Who have you told? My husband and our best friends.
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? at the moment, relieved. I was told my numbers were not increasing as they should be. Had a great beta on Saturday so fingers crossed. After being told that we had a 3% chance of conceiving on our own, I am still in shock!
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