nectarine / 2028 posts
May Mamas
5/1: NaniLani
5/5: Agold, Pollywog
5/7: LindsayInNY
5/12: Chicalgobee
5/13: MamaLlama
5/16: Mrs. Macaroon
5/20: Bernieboo
5/23: Navy_Mommy
nectarine / 2028 posts
@Mrs.Macaroon: Welcome! I added you!
Everyone, feel free to update the list/add appointments if you want to! I want to make sure everyone feels included so I've been updating it with all newcomers but don't feel shy!
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@Navy_Mommy: Welcome and congratulations on your 4th!! I think having a 4th is fantastic. One of my friends has 4 and they are such a fun bunch. And isn't it awful to worry about people's outspoken speculation? After I found out I was pregnant, I worried about people thinking I was having number 2 too soon. I also expect to hear people say, "oh, i bet your husband hopes its a boy", but really, he would love another girl. Stupid comments from stupid people!
@Bernieboo: That will be great to have your parents help with the first trip. I agree about the snow - I have no idea how to pack for it and have been avoiding such a family trip for that reason. I will have to buy some new clothes for snow! And okay... you are more adventurous than me with the camping trip you have planned! I can't wait to hear how it goes! I'm sure you will do great!! Your parents sound amazing. And side note - was your HG bad the first time around? My cousin had it with both her pregnancies. With her second last year, it was terrible. I am so very sorry if you have to deal with that and hope you have all the support and help and medical resources you need. And yes, I'm still sort of testing. I have one test left. I'm not sure when I will use it. My appointment is the 26th, although I may move it so my husband can come, too.
@Mrs.Macaroon: Congratulations on your first baby!! And that's amazing you got pregnant on your own after being given such terrible odds. My first was an IVF baby. Are you seeing an RE right now?
cherry / 121 posts
@agold: yes!!! I have a good amount of winter stuff for myself, but I just realized recently that since I'll be 19 ish weeks at that point, my coat probably won't fit . I'm hoping we can score some awesome deals on black Friday! We actually did a quick trip in June to see family, just the three of us. It was pretty easy, except for all the stuff we had lol. M should be walking by December, so I think that will make things easier. Yes, I had HG with my first. It was really bad. From 6 ish weeks to about 20 weeks. Then, the nausea returned at the very end for a few weeks. I already have some gi upset (at 4w4d 🙄), so I'm sure it's coming lol. The only, very small, silver lining is that I gained only about 5 lbs (they don't count gain until you gain back what you lost) and left the hospital weighing less than when I got pregnant!! But I'm hoping this time around will be easier. I'll be asking for Zofran first thing at my first appt!
pea / 23 posts
@agold: Thank you! We are seeing an RE and I have my 6 week scan and first appt. with him next week. As long as everything looks good we will be "released" to my OB at 10 weeks.
pea / 23 posts
@Bernieboo: I was just looking at maternity jackets this morning. I didn't even think about Black Friday, such a good idea!
nectarine / 2458 posts
I had a home birth with K (my third) and plan to again with this baby.
Emailed the midwife. My first appointment will be October 17. She asked if I wanted an ultrasound before that. We've decided to skip it. I don't need to date the pregnancy, I know what day I ovulated.
I'm excited. I didn't plan the homebirth from the beginning with K...we transferred care at 32 weeks. It'll be nice to work with with her from the start
nectarine / 2028 posts
@Bernieboo: Sorry you have such a rough time with pregnancy! I was very lucky with mild m/s and only threw up for a few weeks during my second trimester. I can't imagine how hard that is!
@Mrs.Macaroon: Congrats! Two of my close friends have recently had babies through IVF and they, too, couldn't believe when it was time to graduate to the OB. Fingers crossed for you!
@Navy_Mommy: A home birth intrigues me. Definitely not for me, but I admire the women that do it!
apricot / 374 posts
Had my first appointment yesterday, nothing terribly exciting. My official due date is April 26 for now based on LMP, at least until my dating scan next Monday where I expect to measure almost a week behind that. I technically could've had the ultrasound this week, but my OB advised waiting until early next week given what I told her about my dates. As soon as I get my actual due date confirmed next week, I'll be able to schedule my first trimester and anatomy scans too!
She also got me started on B6 and Unisom for nausea. Unfortunately it hasn't been a panacea yet as I got sick again this morning The Unisom didn't help me sleep particularly better last night either. I feel like I got hit by a bus, I just want to close my office door and take a nap!
apricot / 374 posts
I've been trying to keep an eye out for sales on decent maternity jeans, but I didn't even think about coats! Last time I was pregnant in the summer. Another thing to add to the shopping list . . .
nectarine / 2028 posts
@nanilani: exciting! Sorry you're already feeling the nausea. I am a tiny bit but nothing compared to most of you. I've been taking half a unison a few nights a week to help me sleep past 5 AM. My early AM insomnia has been bad.
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@Bernieboo: Oh gees, I hope you don't get HG this time around. At least you seem to have a great attitude about it. It actually terrifies me! Have you been told to expect it to be worse with this second pregnancy?
@Navy_Mommy: Your home birth sounds exciting! Definitely not for me, either. I'm a scaredy cat. Are you close to a hospital in case you need to get to one?
@Mrs.Macaroon: I remember being released to my ob - such a surreal feeling. I hope you are feeling great thus far!
@nanilani: That's nice you've had an appointment already. So sorry about your nausea. I have a teeny tiny bit and I can't imagine having anything more than that. Why do you think you will measure another week behind the LMP measurement? Just curious since I really don't know how to calculate my own due date other than just looking at LMP.
apricot / 374 posts
@agold: I know when I ovulated from tracking OPKs, BBT, etc., and it was closer to CD20 than CD14. The standard due date calculation assumes a 28 day cycle which is not applicable for my situation since I was on track for a 34 day cycle.
apricot / 374 posts
@agold: I think the regular calculation works just fine in most cases, especially when you consider anywhere from 37/38 to 42 weeks as full term. I'm nervous about being measured by LMP instead of O date after I was induced for medical reasons at 37+2 and my son ended up in the NICU. If I hadn't been "full term", my OB would not have sent me to L&D that day and DS would've had the little extra time he needed to grow. I don't have an increased risk for the same issue a second time, but I still can't help but worry about this nugget being evicted before he/she is truly ready!
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@nanilani: Will you share what your medical issue was previously? And why aren't you worried about it for this second pregnancy? I had random issues during my first delivery and I"m hoping to not have to worry about this with this next baby. It will be the first thing I talk to my OB about.
apricot / 374 posts
@agold: I was diagnosed with low fluids. I'm not officially worried about it b/c my OB told me there is no particular risk of it reoccurring just because I had it last time. But of course, I still worry 0:) I also plan on drinking a TON of water this pregnancy b/c that was the only factor over fluid levels I have any control over.
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@nanilani: I had low fluids, too! I was monitored weekly for the last month or two. I plan to drink a ton of water as well. Thank you for the reminder!!
pea / 23 posts
@agold: I am feeling great as of now. I get tired much earlier in the evenings and have insomnia after midnight every night but other than that no complaints.
We have created such a bond with our RE and his team that I'm a bit sad that we will be getting handed back to my OB (which i love) but i just keep reminding myself that its a good thing
nectarine / 2028 posts
@agold: Sorry you had a rough delivery. I did, too. I'll almost certainly be having a RCS this time. What went wrong for you?
nectarine / 2028 posts
@Mrs.Macaroon: I'm very much the same. The insomnia has been rough, as has the all day exhaustion. The tiredness didn't happen in my first pregnancy so I'm in totally uncharted territory here!
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@ChiCalGoBee: I didn't dilate, I had super long labor 35ish hours, then I dilated super quickly going for 1-10 in like 45 minutes, baby girl came out in 4 pushes and gave me a 4th degree tear and then I had a retained placenta that was manually ripped out of me. Phew. I threw up through out and was put on oxygen several times. Husband said one and done after witnessing it all and 12 months later here we are with sort of surprise baby number 2. I don't think I will have the dilating issue again, but I'm curious about the retained placenta and absolutely dreading another tear like I had. I have always wondered why I didn't get a C section and sort of wished I had. But I see how things were done and it was all a blessing in disguise for giving me my second baby. And really... it wasn't all that bad. Thank God I eventually got the epidural. I vividly remember thinking a few times during the first weeks of nursing that I'd rather do the delivery 10 times before the early weeks of nursing again. What happened during your delivery? Deliveries can be so crazy. I can never imagine delivering at home but so admire the girl who have [edited] deliveries at home.
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@Navy_Mommy: Oh, shoot. Of course it was! No birth I imagine is ever easy peasy. Poor choice of words on my part. Child birth is crazy no matter where it happens!
nectarine / 2028 posts
@agold: Mine sounds similar. It was 28 hours and I never dilated past 3 CM. His head (98%tile) was too big to fit so it got stuck. Because my water broke so long beforehand I got an in-uterine infection and had a 104 fever. Right before the C-section his cord collapsed and he was born not breathing, his first APGAR was 2, and he went up to the NICU for 4 days. Suffice it to say what was supposed to be one of the "best" days of my life was one of the scariest. So. If this is my healthy baby #2 it will be a *very* different process. I suppose there's a small chance I will go into labor on my own and s/he might actually comes out, but my RCS will be on the calendar far in advance just in case!
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@ChiCalGoBee: Wow. That is all quite an overwhelming experience. I can't imagine. I'm so glad you and your baby boy made it out okay! That's so scary. I can't imagine having something happen to the baby during delivery. I'm so glad you have a RCS scheduled. Does that sort of take the first experience off your mind with regards to this new pregnancy? I'm having a bit of a hard time forgetting about the tough parts of my first delivery. But I try my best to forget and remain so very positive during this early part of this pregnancy.
coffee bean / 30 posts
Yay everyone!
Location: Boston, MA
EDD: May 17th
First child? No, my second!
Any symptoms? Little nausea
Who have you told? Husband and bestie
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? Hesitant to get excited yet because I had a chemical pregnancy last month. Hoping all is well this time!
Also nervous because I had HG with my first.
nectarine / 2028 posts
May Mamas
5/1: NaniLani
5/5: Agold, Pollywog
5/7: LindsayInNY
5/12: Chicalgobee
5/13: MamaLlama
5/16: Mrs. Macaroon
5/17: Walshbee15
5/20: Bernieboo
5/23: Navy_Mommy
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@walshbee15: Congratulations! How old is your first? And oh gees, I pray you don't have to deal with HG this time around.
coffee bean / 30 posts
@agold: Thanks so much! He is 20 months old!
And thank you, I really hope I don't either!! Can't imagine it with a toddler at home!
apple seed / 4 posts
Hi May mamas! Congratulations to you all so far I'm new to HelloBee after hearing about it from the May 2018 Babies Facebook group! I'm so happy to be here too.
Location: Melbourne, Australia
EDD: 20 May
First child? Yep! So happy.
Any symptoms? Bloating, dull pelvic cramps for hours at a time, slightly larger and tender breasts, tired and a bit flat, hungry and perhaps ever so slightly nauseous.
Who have you told? Just my husband.
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? I'm kind of in disbelief. Apart from the multiple positive HPTs, nothing has officially confirmed my pregnancy so I don't believe it's real! I'm excited to get my blood results back and eventually have an ultrasound. I can't wait to have a baby bump! I hope I show early haha. I'm fearful of having a miscarriage and I'm fearful of our child being born with a disability or illness. I'm a neonatal nurse at a non-birthing hospital, so I only see very unwell babies and so my perception is a bit skewed.
nectarine / 2028 posts
May Mamas
5/1: NaniLani
5/5: Agold, Pollywog
5/7: LindsayInNY
5/12: Chicalgobee
5/13: MamaLlama
5/16: Mrs. Macaroon
5/17: Walshbee15
5/20: Bernieboo, Nightowl
5/23: Navy_Mommy
nectarine / 2028 posts
@nightowl: welcome to you and @walshbee15: !
I love Australia-I've only been along the East coast but it's a brilliant country!
apple seed / 4 posts
@ChiCalGoBee: Australia is beaut! The east coast is the best anyway so you've selected to see some wonderful places. I love the US! I've been twice (once for five months!) and have seen more of the US than I have of Australia! Haha. I'm hoping to change that though I'm taking more Australian holidays and I'm loving our adventures so far.
cherry / 188 posts
Hey ladies! Extremely excited to be here
Location: Georgia
EDD: 5/26
First child? Actually, my 4th 🙃
Any symptoms? Very tired, extremely hungry all the time, but don't want to eat, and very full sore breasts.
Who have you told? My husband, sister, mom, and. Few close friends.
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? Way more fearful about miscarriage this time around, but very excited as well. I have a 5,3, and 18 month old. They are going to be SO happy! I'm excited to give birth before it gets crazy hot out.
apricot / 373 posts
Location: Los Angeles, CA
EDD: 5/26/2017- The same EDD for DD 1! She Was born on June 4th
First child? 2nd
Any symptoms? Just really tired and feel bloated. Also, getting up to pee every 5 mins. Lol
Who have you told? DH, my mom and my aunt.
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? Excited but it still doesn't feel real. I'm nervous about a miscarriage but trying really hard to stay positive. I hemorrhaged with DD so I'm a little worried about delivery but I know it doesn't always happen the second time around.
Congrats everyone! ️
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@nightowl: Congratulations on your first baby! I can't imagine how much you see as a neonatal nurse. Just think about all the positives and try not to worry unnecessarily. Enjoy every moment you can!! And I think that positive pregnancy tests are a pretty good indicator of pregnancy! I have family in Melbourne and I love it!
nectarine / 2458 posts
@mamabird: super crazy... I'm due 5/23. I have a 5, 3, and 18 month old, too What are the odds?
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