pea / 23 posts
Ok I must be blind, but a while back there was talk of a FB group. Is the group "secret"? If so I would love to be added
bananas / 9229 posts
@Mrs.Macaroon: It's secret otherwise FB people will be able to see you're in it aka know you're pregnant. I can't remember who sent me the link... someone here so she might chime in! Or I think I can add you or send you the link if you post on my wall?
squash / 13764 posts
@LindsayInNY: id love the Facebook group as well--who ever posted the link!
bananas / 9229 posts
@Mrs.Macaroon: @hilsy85: Wall me your email. I'm at my computer all morning so once I get it, you can edit the post to remove it. I can send you an invite that way!
nectarine / 2262 posts
Very tentatively joining...
Location: FL
EDD: 5/27/18 but just based on online calculator and my LMP
First child? 2nd - DS just turned 2
Any symptoms? Nothing yet
Who have you told? Just my husband and my doctor's office!
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? I had a positive beta HCG at my OB's office and I'm going back tomorrow to see if it is doubling. My test at home this morning was much darker so I am hoping it's a good sign.
I have so many fears. This time around is WAY SCARIER than the first! I could write a book of all the stuff I'm freaked out about. In the short term, I'm worried about having a miscarriage since I have been having nonstop cramping (but no bleeding). And then worried about dealing with morning sickness, working full time, and a 2 year old.
bananas / 9229 posts
@MrsADS: Welcome and hugs!!! Cramping is totally normal - your uterus is expanding!
nectarine / 2262 posts
@lindsayinny thanks!! I will feel better when I get my 2nd beta result. I know you're right re: the cramping, but it is hard not to get freaked out about it!
squash / 13764 posts
@MrsADS: welcome! And fingers crossed for your second beta.
I tried to go to the lab during work today for a beta test but the wait was crazy! And they have no appointments til Friday. Guess I'll just have to deal without knowing my beta numbers. Good news is my u/s was moved up to 10/12. I did g realiZe but apparently with midwives you don't necessarily have an u/s at the first appt? That seems crazy to me, so I'm glad I was able to schedule one for the week prior.
pea / 23 posts
@MrsADS: Welcome and congrats! I was and still kind of am worried about cramping too. I had to stop and think about the type of cramping it was. For me its more twinges and pulling feeling (which makes since) not that dull consistent cramping that comes with a period. Thinking of it like that has helped me remain calm.
nectarine / 2458 posts
Soooo I decided I wanted a dating ultrasound, after all. Nothing happened. But this is most likely my last pregnancy, I should "enjoy" it, right? So that's next Tuesday, which I should be 6 weeks.
We've had an exciting week. Monday K (my 18 month old) got his pinky finger stuck in a cabinet door. Ended up with an "open fracture" (cut to the bone, the bone was fractured). Spent all day at Children's in D.C. They were afraid he'd need surgery, but ended up with SIX STITCHES!
And I was there alone while DH was home with the 3 year old (and 5 year old after school). It was slightly traumatic and thoroughly exhausting.
AND I've been struggling to keep up my gym schedule even though I feel a million times better after I work out.
We'll probably announce to friends after my ultrasound. I'm already sick of pretending to not be exhausted (Its out of character for me) lol
nectarine / 2262 posts
@navy_mommy omg your poor baby! I cannot imagine, that sounds terrible. Glad he is okay.
What is everyone doing with caffeine? I was definitely stricter with baby #1. I neeeeed caffeine. Lol. I am not feeling sick (yet) so I still want coffee. I having 1 cup in the morning and sometimes at lunch having like 1/2 cup or a little Diet Coke. I feel like maybe that is too much? IDK.
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@MrsADS: Congratulations! I'm still pretty much 50/50 on super excited and super panicked about this pregnancy! I feel you on the worry over miscarriage, working full time and having a 1 year old! But we will get through it! I keep reminding myself that I'm not the first to do this. I had cramping, too. It freaked me out, but it came and went and hasn't been back. I hope yours goes away, too.
@hilsy85: I'm glad you were able to get an ultrasound scheduled. I am dying to see this babe through an ultrasound image. I didn't have a blood test done for this pregnancy. Its not really standard where I'm at unless you are with an RE. Ive never heard about anyone getting the blood test before I came on HB. But I had them last pregnancy every few days for quite a while. I think I'm happy to not be getting them with this pregnancy, though.
@Navy_Mommy: Oh, your poor baby boy! What a tough thing for both of you to go through. And I don't know how you keep a gym schedule with three kids!! You are amazing!
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@MrsADS: I'm not a fan of sodas, but I think that amount of coffee seems fine. I have chi tea lattes whenever I can. And 1/2 a coke is probably fine too.
squash / 13764 posts
@agold: yeah it's not standard here either but since I've had a m/c I thought it might provide some reassurance. But truthfully with 2 kids and a part time job I just don't have time!
@MrsADS: I think the rec is under 250mg? I have one (necessary) cup in the morning but that's it. You could try half caf?
pea / 23 posts
@MrsADS: I am a diet coke addict. I would typically drink a cup of coffee in the morning, and have 2-3 diet cokes per day. I have completely cut out coffee and switched to caffeine free diet coke. I typically only have 1 maybe 2 a day and have pretty much cut out all caffeine.
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@hilsy85: Yes, I can imagine after having a m/c it is so reassuring. I also found it so inconvenient to get to the appointments!
bananas / 9229 posts
@MrsADS: The limit is something like 250 mg of caffeine, I think? I have a small cup at home while I'm getting ready. Then one cup regular/one cup decaf mixed at work.
nectarine / 2262 posts
Thanks all. Once morning sickness kicked in with baby #1, coffee turned my stomach so that made it easy not to drink it. Once I started feeling better I would usually do a cup a day or try half caff. I bought some half caff k-cups to try too. I really would like to kick the Diet Coke habit though, I know it's just chemical garbage but there is nothing like an ice cold Diet Coke with my lunch!
And re: ultrasounds they told me when I got my beta hcg done that they will schedule one for about 7 wks. I don't know if they do bloodwork routinely at my OB's office. Baby #1 was through an RE so he did it obviously. I was having a lot of cramping and my first few BFPs were really light, when I mentioned this to the nurse she had me come in for betas. My beta was only 65 which she said was "a little low" but I think I may have ovulated later? I am not sure. I have a giant batch of wondfos at home so I am continuing to take those. My wondfo today was MUCH darker so I'm hoping that's a good sign.
@navy_mommy also. gym schedule! how!!! You have to tell us your secrets. That is definitely not happening here. LOL
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@MrsADS: During my last pregnancy, in the third trimester, I became obsessed with orange Fanta soda!! And my first baby was also through an RE! Did you need fertility assistance for this second baby?
nectarine / 2262 posts
@agold nope.... we were ntnp (my husband was trying to talk me into trying for baby #2) and well, here we are
nectarine / 2458 posts
I'll drink a cup of coffee in the a.m. and a can of soda in the afternoon and my midwife never had an issue with that.
persimmon / 1339 posts
Can't believe I'm here
Location: Sydney Australia
EDD: 5/24/18 based on online calculator and my LMP
First child? 2nd - my son is 3 and a half
Any symptoms? Nothing yet
Who have you told? NO ONE!!! I just peed on a stick this morning and my husband is at the gym!!!!!!!!!!!!
We've been really torn on having a second - so this is a huge surprise! We only had sex once during my fertile period this month, so I guess I'm one of those people who can say it only takes once (well, and 8 months of semi-trying before that!).
I'm seriously in shock!
nectarine / 2262 posts
@scarletbegonia hi! I am totally with you on the shock factor - we had sex 2x last month (ntnp) and our first we had to do IUI + clomid, so this is a biiiig surprise
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@ScarletBegonia: Congratulations! I'm also with you on the shock!
@MrsADS: I had sex ONE time last month!! Second postpartum period while still exclusively breastfeeding and I had to do IVF last time! ETA: how sad is it that I only had sex one time???? OMG. So sad.
persimmon / 1339 posts
@Mrs. Oreo: yes, and it didn't go very well. We really had decided to stop actively trying - we had sex once when there was a minor chance (2 days PO), which I told him before we went ahead - he knew there was a chance and so did I.
I think its brought home to him that he's been struggling mentally for a couple of months and needs some help that my son and I can't provide. He's made an appointment to see a counsellor and I'm hoping it will help him to process all this. He puts on a great front but work stresses and family (not immediate, but his extended family) stresses seem to have gotten the better of him, and this added news brought it all to a head.
Sorry I'm unloading here - its been a rough day and my mind is so all over the place, one minute I'm excited and the next I'm devastated. I've told my best friend who is pregnant too, and she's totally excited which has helped, but my husband understandably doesn't want me sharing everything with her about how he's feeling.
Sorry to bring the mood around here down!! Hope all you ladies are doing well
pear / 1677 posts
@ScarletBegonia: Totally understandable! Feel free to share how you feel with us ... I certainly don't mind; we all need a safe and judgement free place to let things out. I'm glad your DH is recognizing his struggles and has proactively sought help with a counselor. Crossing my fingers that this is a smooth journey for your family from here on out!
nectarine / 2458 posts
Totally random...but my first three pregnancies I couldn't stomach plain water. It always tasted metallic to me. But we now live in a house with a well, and my water is like the most delicious thing I've ever had It's goes through a softener and then filtered through my fridge, but I actually enjoy water more than I do when I'm not pregnant, which is odd for me.
But it's only our water, hahaha, I tried the water at the gym and it tasted like metal to me.
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@ScarletBegonia: I'm so sorry you are having some tough times. It sucks when we can't have 100% overwhelming excitement over finding out about the pregnancy, but have to share some other emotions during the moment, whatever those may be. But that's what this group is here for - just share all of your thoughts and we can help support you! And we aren't going to see your husband to tell him you told us!! It's nice to have some people who can be super excited for you. I'm so excited for you! I'm also over here sharing the same shock that you are feeling. So I get all of it! My husband and I sat on the couch a few nights before I got my positive pregnancy test and talked about our immediate 3-year plan. Ha! I think every one can use some counselling at some point in their lives!
nectarine / 2262 posts
Is anyone still nursing another baby? What are your plans with nursing while pregnant? Tandem nursing? I am still nursing my just turned 2yo. Didn't really intend to go so long, he's just boobie obsessed and I'm tired and it's an easy way to calm him down. Lol. I keep hoping he will wean on his own but it's not happening. I am not sure what I'm going to do. I would rather not force it, but when I was pg with him I had preterm labor and I am wondering if my OB will want me to stop because of that.
nectarine / 2458 posts
@MrsADS: I'm still nursing my 18 month old.
I nursed W through my second pregnancy then tandemed for over a year. I was still nursing O when I got pregnant with K but he weaned in the middle of my pregnancy. I won't force K to wean, but I'm not gonna lie, I have no desire to tandem nurse again.
It's convenient in that if your older baby needs something while you're feeding the new baby you can just be like, "hey, how about we nurse instead?" lol. But it's exhausting. I had to eat A LOT. And drink MULTIPLE gallons of water a day or else I would get sick. There were sweet moments where they would hold hands, but overall it's not something I'd like to do with four kids to take care of.
But if you have a history of pre-term labor I'm not sure how your provider will feel about it. Technically, unless you're instructed that it's unsafe for you to have sex you should be safe to breastfeed if it's something you'd like to continue doing..
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@MrsADS: I'm still nursing my almost 13 month old. I stopped pumping at work two weeks after her first birthday. My supply had tanked due to her nursing for less time and, I'm sure, the pregnancy. I'm down to nursing her morning and when she goes to bed. I'm sad because she's not having even the slightest hard time weaning. I'm sure if I never nursed her again she'd be fine. So because of that, I'll be stopping soon. maybe another week or two. I don't have a desire to nurse two at the same time. Making milk bottles is a lot easier than I thought it would be.
nectarine / 2262 posts
@navy_mommy @agold thanks ladies. Yeah, I really don't want to tandem nurse. And I have a feeling my OB may tell me I really should stop by 20 weeks or 24 weeks or whatever (I was 23 weeks with baby #1 when I started having bad contractions w/cervix shortening and funneling). I wish my LO was less into nursing. He's obsessed. I really have no idea how to wean him except through a lot of crying on his part.
nectarine / 2262 posts
When's everyone's first OB appointment? I just scheduled my ultrasound and OB appointment for 10/11. Can't wait!
bananas / 9229 posts
@MrsADS: Went this morning! All went well. Funny how laid back I am with #1. As in, she checked the heartbeat, measured it, and I didn't even ask what it was!
squash / 13764 posts
@ScarletBegonia: totally understandable that you have a lot of different feelings about the whole thing! It's good that your DH is willing to go talk to someone.
@MrsADS: I have my u/s on 10/12. Feeling very anxious about it!
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@MrsADS: My appointment is this upcoming Thursday! I'm so excited and also very nervous. I just want everything to go well. I'll be almost 9 weeks along.
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