persimmon / 1339 posts
so I just got back from the GP and it looks like my bHCG was just about where it should be for this time last week (a teeny bit below actually, which gives me hope that it isn't twins ), and he's given me a referral for a dating scan, but he's told me to wait til I'm 8-9 weeks - unfortunately the exact time frame that my husband is out of town for work, doh! I asked my paediatrician friend if I could go earlier, and she didn't recommend it, she said later is much better than earlier. So, I guess I'll wait til I'm closer to 9.5 weeks and my husband is home. With all the high emotions around this pregnancy already, i don't think I could handle finding out I've miscarried without him there.
I'm 6w6d today, and feeling pretty good even through I didn't sleep a wink (or so it felt) last night - the first trimester insomnia is REAL! I have to go back to work next week - dreading it!!!
How's everyone feeling?
nectarine / 2262 posts
@scarletbegonia great news on your beta HCG and great that you have a dating scan!! Glad you are feeling okay. I have started to feel a little yucky - not like about to barf, but just kind of a hungover feeling. And I'm soooo exhausted all the time.
@hilsy85 very impressed w/your exercise. Like @agold said I also do minimal exercise. I wish! Unfortunately I just can't find the time, I feel like, unless I got up and did it at 5am. Which isn't going to happen. I feel like a blob. My husband and I would always walk when we got home after work pre- baby #1, but now we have to feed a cranky 2 year old and get him to bed, and by the time he's down, it's too late and I'm exhausted.
squash / 13764 posts
@MrsADS: I don't know if it even counts as exercise since I'm not getting my heart rate up! But at least I'm moving around.
Feeling pretty normal here at 6w1d--tired, and sometimes slightly icky feeling, but normal enough that I"m still worried about my u/s appt next week.
nectarine / 2262 posts
@hilsy85 I think it totally counts! I am sitting on my butt so it's better than that My u/s is next week too. I had no nausea or symptoms other than being really tired (unusual b/c I felt crappy right away with my son), but literally just in the last 2 days I have started to feel kind of bad.
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@hilsy85: It counts! I'm glad your u/s is coming up! is your husband going with you?
@MrsADS: I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks it is hard to find time. I'm glad your u/s is coming up, too!!
@ScarletBegonia: I'm so happy you were able to schedule an ultrasound. Will you get any more ultrasounds throughout your pregnancy?
persimmon / 1339 posts
@agold: Yeah I'll likely have the NT scan around 13 weeks and the anatomy scan at 20 weeks. With my first pregnancy my doctor didn't want to give me a dating scan early on for whatever reason, so I was on tenterhooks for almost 12 weeks as my symptoms were pretty minimal and I had a couple of friends who'd had missed miscarriages.
nectarine / 2262 posts
Well, I'm officially feeling like trash. And I thought I wasn't going to get morning sickness... BOOOO.
squash / 13764 posts
@agold: yes he will be going with me!
@MrsADS: ugh yeah, I am feeling kind of hungover this morning...and I (obviously) had nothing to drink. not fun!
grape / 78 posts
Hi all.
Im usual very quiet and shy on these boards, but I am having such a rough time right now I figured it was a good time to come out of my shell.
Im 6/7ish weeks right now with my 2nd and my first doctors appt is next thursday. I am feeling HORRIBLE. I had morning sickness with my first, but it was fairly manageable. Some days were worse than others but I was basically just super tired and mildly nauseous all the time. This time though, its like someone turned up the volume knob to 11. It's still just tiredness and nausea, but Im nonstop on the verge of throwing up and i cant eat ANYTHING because it all sounds vile. The only things I can muster the courage to eat are Frosted Flakes and orange gatorade (super healthy! I was a health freak last time around so this it hurts to think this is what im eating so far). Even worse, it wakes me up at night so I now have a routine of eating cereal at the kitchen table at 2am in the dark and then brushing my teeth before sneaking back into bed and trying to fall asleep again.
Im trying to keep my belly full but every hour is a battle and its really starting to wear on my mind. There is SO MUCH LEFT.
Anyone else feeling this terrible? What do you tell yourself to get through it?
nectarine / 2262 posts
@anniefannie welcome and so sorry you are so sick! That's how I felt all day yesterday and part of today. I would call your OB's office and ask if they can call in some medication for you. My OB called in some Zofran for me to the pharmacy right away. There is also Diclegis that works great for some women. I would definitely call. In my opinion, food-wise, nothing really helps. I just feel crappy regardless.
persimmon / 1339 posts
@anniefannie: I'm so sorry you're feeling so bad. Have you tried Diclegis, or unisom + B6 at night? If the nausea is waking you up, maybe it would be a good remedy or at least help to you since you might be able to sleep through? I know my nausea is always worse when I'm tired so its been great for me. Other than that, the only thing that works for me is never getting hungry. I try to eat every 2/3 hours, even if I don't want to.
I've definitely started feeling some nausea - it hasn't been too bad yet and I don't want it to get worse!!!!
cherry / 121 posts
How is everyone doing this week?? I got hit with a migraine yesterday morning. Managed to see my OB today and she thinks it's the Zofran. I'm so disappointed that we have to reconfigure meds again!! But I can't function on migraines. Anyone have experience with Reglan?
Any second time moms feel like this pregnancy is going so much faster than last time??? I feel like the first trimester lasted forever last time! Now, I'm already 8w3! It seems like yesterday that I was just hitting 6 weeks!
nectarine / 2262 posts
@bernieboo I am taking zofran too and it sometimes gives me really bad headaches, although usually I can manage w/2 Tylenol and some caffeine. Sorry Zofran makes me terribly terribly constipated so that's my struggle right now.
My first ultrasound is this afternoon! Woohoo! I am tired of feeling like crap all the time. And holy food aversions. I feel like there is nothing I can eat. My diet is terrible. Yesterday I had some dry Life cereal, gatorade, McDonald's fries for lunch, more gatorade, Kraft mac & cheese, and diluted apple juice. Yep.
pea / 23 posts
its been a while since i have updated. im currently 8w6d and the nausea has started to hit I was feeling great until about 3 days ago and then it started. Nothing crazy but noticeable for sure.
At 7w I was released from the RE back to my OB and was super excited, however it hasn't been the smoothest transition. Being that I was working with the same medical group, i would have thought that they would have reviewed my info before scheduling appts. Last week i got a call from a nurse at the OB office to schedule my appt. She started asking me all these questions as if i had just peed on the test and it came up positive. i quickly stopped her and went through the whole thing. That i had been working with the RE at X location and that i was 7 and a half weeks. had done 4 betas, 2 ultrasounds and i was being released to my OB. It was my understanding that the OB would pick up where the RE left off. She said that she understood and would schedule me for an intake appt. on 10/ 12. Well yesterday i get a text that i had missed my appt on 10/5, and i would be charged an office visit and needed to reschedule. I called to fight the charge seeing that i told the nurse i was out of town until the 10th and thats why my appt needed to be the 11th or later. ( she clearly just got the Thursdays mixed up) but i wasnt going to pay for a missed appt. that wasnt my fault. So after that i had to reschedule the appt. and the scheduler started asking the same questions as the nurse and told me i would have to do a urine test before the intake and then they would send me for Beta testing. I dont understand why they dont just take a minute, put me on hold and take a look at my file notes. ( i can see the same thing they can, and its all spelled out) So anyway i have my intake appt. tomorrow morning. I really dont know what to expect since everything has been a bit backwards so far.
Sorry for the ranting, i was so exited to be transferred back to the OB and it has been a huge headache so far.
bananas / 9229 posts
@Mrs.Macaroon: That drives me nuts. My OB did all prenatal blood work early on. Then called to say my TSH (thyroid) was high but it could be because it was taken too early in pregnancy so she would do it again. Second time, level is fine. But it's like they're on auto-pilot all the time and don't look at how far along you are, you history, etc. Same thing when they asked why I came in so early. WTF? First, I wanted to but second, if you didn't want to see me then why did you schedule the appointment?! Do people really not call their doctor until they're 8+ weeks pregnant to come in? I don't get it.
cherry / 121 posts
@Mrs.Macaroon: omg I'm so sorry! That really sucks!! When I called for a confirmation appt, they almost wouldn't let me make it with my OB. She's pregnant and I later came to find out, due in December, so she'll be back in plenty of time to handle my last couple of months. But the receptionist was really rude about it and didn't want to have me see her. I was insistent, as she's the one who managed the end of my last pregnancy and the one I'm comfortable with. It's all sorted out now, but seriously so annoying!
@LindsayInNY: apparently, that's a thing. My SIL didn't see a doctor until she was like 8 weeks along with severe abdominal pain (despite years of infertility and multiple losses). Turned out to be ectopic and she lost the tube bc she waited so long to be seen. I cannot imagine waiting that long!!! I was upset enough at having to wait until 6 ish weeks!
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@Bernieboo: I"m so sorry you are having migraines. Those can be terrible. I hope you get them under control and don't need the meds for too long. And yes, I'm a second time mama and this is all going too fast. I'm 10 weeks today! Gulp!
@MrsADS: How did your ultrasound go???
@Mrs.Macaroon: I'm so sorry you are going through all of that! I hope you can get out of the missed appointment fee. Maybe there is confusion because you are going to the OB at the normal time when girls go for their first appointments. In my prior pregnancy, I stayed with my RE through my first trimester, so when I went to OB, I entered as a second trimester patient. Since you are going to the OB at 7 or so weeks, that is pretty much like the first intake appointment for all pregnant people. It seems almost like you wouldn't even need to have an appointment with the OB until 12 weeks or whenever the standard "second" appointment is since you have already had your "first" appointment and more with the RE. I hope this all get figured out for you to your satisfaction though. Such a bummer for there to be so much confusion. Its so time consuming already even when it all goes smoothly. Let us know how it turns out.
@LindsayInNY: That would drive me nuts, too! Actually, though, I never even knew of people going to the OB "early" before I read about it here on HB. I called my OB a few days after my positive pregnancy test, and they told me to come in at like 8 weeks. So I called rather immediately, but I didn't go in immediately. I personally felt it was a long time because I was used to going weekly while with an RE. But that was with an RE and I paid a ridic amount of money to do that. I think 8 weeks is just standard.
@Bernieboo: That is terrible about your SIL! Did she already have an appointment scheduled that happened to coincide with her abdominal pain? Poor girl. Did she go on to get pregnant again?
nectarine / 2262 posts
@agold ahh, thanks for the reminder! Yeah it was yesterday and it went well. I was 7w1d by dates but baby measured 6w5d. I am not 100% sure when I ovulated so that seems okay. Heartbeat was 125 which seemed a little slow to me, but OB said it was fine considering how early it still is. I would have felt better if it was a bit faster, but I guess it is probably okay. She gave me Diclegis (finally) and I can already tell a difference today after taking it last night.
Is anyone else dealing with heartburn/reflux? I don't remember it being a problem till later on in pregnancy. It is killing me! I am taking Pepcid which helps a little, but even that is not really doing it. I hate taking tons of meds (especially in the 1st tri), but I feel like the heartburn really makes my nausea worse.
cherry / 121 posts
@agold: no, she ended up going to the ER. It happened two years ago and no pregnancy since . They're foster parents though so they may adopt.
@MrsADS: ugh yes!!! I've had some really bad intermittent heartburn. I definitely didn't have it until like 20/22 weeks last time, so it's a drag! But at least it's not constant for me yet!
pea / 23 posts
Well my OB intake went fine. I was only there maybe 20 minutes. I just went over family health history. She gave me some info on the hospital. I was told that they provide breast pumps. Is this common? I am still undecided if i want my own or if i should just go with whatever they provide. I went down for blood work and urine testing and that was it. I meet with the Dr. in 2 weeks.
On another note. I made it to 9 weeks without morning sickness, and then this morning it came out of nowhere.
grape / 78 posts
@MrsADS: @ScarletBegonia: Thanks for the advice! I finally got to see my doctor yesterday and she put me on b6 for now to see if that helps. Also im starting gummy prenatals instead of my standard rainbow light mini pills. And now that the stress and anticipation of the first appointment is behind me, im feeling a little lighter emotionally. So all good things.
But MAN, this past week was really really rough and I could barely function, hence the delayed reply here. I couldn't do much more than the bare minimum. Hopefully only a few more weeks of this before I'll get some periodic relief from the nonstop awful. And same for everyone else on here!
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@Mrs.Macaroon: Glad your intake appointment was fine! How long can you keep the hospital pump for? I am sure you buy all your own parts and such, so I wouldn't mind borrowing a pump, but maybe you will want it for longer than they will give it to you. Do you plan to go back to work? Are you in the US?
persimmon / 1339 posts
@Mrs.Macaroon: Oh god you're scaring me. I'm 8w2d and feeling pretty okay - random waves of nausea but nothing too serious so far - I was just getting to that point where I was breathing a bit easier about it but maybe its still coming? Yikes!!! Are you feeling terrible??
bananas / 9229 posts
I've been having brown CM/discharge. I think since yesterday but not sure. I don't have a doctor appointment until Halloween and praying this doesn't increase or doesn't get worse. I'm hoping I just overdid it or something? Sigh.
nectarine / 2262 posts
@lindsayinny I'm sure you just overdid it and everything is fine, but maybe call your OB tomorrow morning for peace of mind? Maybe they can work you in.
squash / 13764 posts
@LindsayInNY: I would call also and try to go to see the doctor next week. Otherwise I know I would be freaking out the next two weeks even though I'm sure it's fine.
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@LindsayInNY: Remember, brown blood is old blood. So no active bleed. That's good. Call your doctor Monday am. Also, I bled so often with my last pregnancy. It was all fine, though!
bananas / 9229 posts
@MrsADS: @hilsy85: @agold: It hasn't continued. It's basically slowed to a stop. So I feel silly calling the doctor tomorrow? Or will they think I'm crazy?
nectarine / 2262 posts
@lindsayinny I don't think they will think you are silly for calling! I had a subchorionic hemmorhage with my 1st pregnancy, I actually had bright red bleeding like a period and cramps around 7wks and I was so convinced I must be miscarrying. My RE's office (this was post-IUI) had me come in ASAP for an ultrasound, baby was fine but I had the SCH, which is like a little pocket of blood in the uterus. I had some brown spotting/cramping after that but no more bleeding. The SCH did require a few extra ultrasounds in the 1st tri to make sure it had gone away, so it might be worth just checking on.
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@LindsayInNY: Don't feel silly. Just call and let them tell you what to think.
squash / 13764 posts
@LindsayInNY: I would definitely still call! But that's me, I know I'd be feeling anxious otherwise.
bananas / 9229 posts
@hilsy85: Waiting on the exam table now . The discharge stuff hasn't gotten worse in color or quantity but I called anyway. Hopefully just getting some reassurance now.
bananas / 9229 posts
Having made it this far, I thought I was safe... I learned this morning that I will be leaving this group. I haven't come to terms (at all) but if anyone else has been in this boat, this far along, please message me. I could use some support. ️
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@LindsayInNY: I'm so so so sorry. I hope you get all the support you need. I'm really going to miss you in this due date group. Big hugs to you.
cherry / 188 posts
@LindsayInNY: I’m so so sorry. I haven’t been posting much, but I’ve been reading and keeping updated. Please know you are in my thoughts.
squash / 13764 posts
@LindsayInNY: I"m so sorry. I commented on your other thread, but I had a missed m/c as well and it is awful. Thinking of you.
pea / 23 posts
@agold: I didnt really ask about it. But you raise a good point about how long they will let you keep it. I do plan on returning back to work part time after maternity leave, however baby will be coming with me. ( i work for the family business) yes, i am in the US. As of now i am leaning towards purchasing my own.
@ScarletBegonia: Its like as soon a i hit 9 weeks it hit, and hit hard. i have a 35 minute drive to work and just prey i dont get sick in the car. I have been taking unisom/b6 2 times a day and it does seem to work. I fell asleep last night before taking it and am feeling rough this morning. Luckily it goes away mid morning and stays away as long as i keep food in my stomach. Hopefully you are one of the lucky ones that doesn't feel like garbage.
I think my coworkers may be starting to catch on. All day snacking, leaving early on Friday after throwing up all morning, and coming in today looking and feeling like death warmed over.
I try not to feed into all of the Wives tails but if the one about girls stealing their mothers beauty is true, i am absolutely having a girl. My hair is completely out of control. I have naturally curly hair but nothing like this. I am a makeup addict and thoroughly enjoy getting ready, but lately i look so pale and blah.
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