Hellobee Boards


May 2018 moms!

  1. agold

    grapefruit / 4045 posts

    Girls who suffer with HG..... I have some questions.

    I woke up last night at 1 am throwing up hard. I kept throwing up all night and morning. I couldn’t so much as take a sip of water. I was exhausted. Ob told me to go to Er. Er gave me fluids and zofran and told me I have HG. . I had a 99 temp at time of discharge. My temp is now 100.1, but no throwing up.

    Does this seem like HG? Is a fever common with morning sickness? I have never suffered from morning sickness and it seems so odd to be hit with it at almost 12 weeks. I’m hoping it’s like a flu because it’s terrible and I want to be rid of it ASAP. I have been useless today. I’m so sorry to all you girls who suffer with morning sickness of any kind.

  2. ScarletBegonia

    persimmon / 1339 posts

    @agold: Not an HG sufferer but that 100% sounds like a virus, not morning sickness - to start so late and so violently just doesn't seem to fit the profile. And the fever is very odd. I guess only time will tell, but if I had to guess I'd say its a bug. I'm kinda surprised to doc would just diagnose you on the spot with HG? I thought it would have to be a regular occurrence of illness that would lead to that, not just one isolated one?

    Anyway - I really hope you feel better soon - sounds so rough!!

  3. MrsADS

    nectarine / 2262 posts

    @agold I agree that sounds like a bad stomach bug or even food poisoning. How are you feeling now?

  4. agold

    grapefruit / 4045 posts

    @ScarletBegonia: @MrsADS: Hey girls. Thank you so much for responding. I am feeling better this morning, but wonder if the fever is giong to creep back up on me. I came into work because of some pressing matters, but am not sure how long I will stay. I'm sure this was a bug of some sort, and not a form of extreme morning sickness. The fever just doesn't make sense with morning sickness. And yes, why would the ER doc just diagnose me with HG? I didn't have a fever when I went in, but that was also at 11 am. So when I checked out at like 1:30 or whatever, and my temp had gone up to "99" (but 99.what??), shouldn't they have guessed that it was a virus at that point. Is a 99 temperature ever normal for anyone?

  5. MrsADS

    nectarine / 2262 posts

    @agold I totally think it sounds like a virus. I would take it easy if you can, I bet you will get better. I think it is super weird the ER and your doctor just diagnosed you with HG like that!

  6. Bernieboo

    cherry / 121 posts

    @agold: that does not sound like HG to me at all. My HG (first pregnancy) started around week 6 and lasted until week 20 and was constant nausea. It didn't come and go on its own, it was just constant. Probably a virus, but hope you feel better soon!!!

    Ugh it's been a rough two weeks here. Last Monday, I had a migraine. Got a last minute appt with my OB, who said it was caused by the Zofran and switched me to Reglan and gave me meds for the migraine. Took 2 days to get rid of that sucker. Then, over the weekend, more headache. But I increased my fluids (it was in the 90s here) and took Tylenol as needed. Called the nurse line on Monday and they cleared me to take ibuprofen and talked me through managing the headaches. This morning, headache returned and was so so so much worse!!! Called the nurse line again and they gave me a 430 appt. Then, throughout the day, I developed a low grade fever, chills, and body aches. Once I finally saw the OB, I was feeling pretty miserable. Unfortunately, she thinks it's the very very beginning of the flu or it's the beginning of a nasty virus and we won't know which until tomorrow. So much suck!!! She basically said during the first tri, your immune system takes a hit so the flu and viruses are really common. Ugh! Already told my boss that I'm working from home tomorrow, but wish I could just sleep for a few days... The only bright side was that she checked on the baby (woohoo surprise ultrasound!!!) and it was wiggling all around! HR was about 175, very normal. So, cross your fingers that tomorrow I wake up feeling more like general crap virus and not like the damn flu! 😑

  7. agold

    grapefruit / 4045 posts

    @Bernieboo: oh dear. I hope whatever you have passes very quickly. I woke up feeling fine today, so whatever I had was a terrible 24 hour thing. Did you take zofran during your first pregnancy? I really don't like to take meds while pregnant and am now so worried that my baby is going to be born blind or deaf because I got that shot of zofran. but I now understand why meds can be necessary for some while pregnant so that was an eye opening experience for me. I'm so glad you got to see your baby wiggling around. I go next week for my 12 week ultrasound.

    I got my early genetic test results back and they are all negative. Thank god for a few less things to worry about. Gender is also in, but we are waiting a bit to find out because we are doing a small gender reveal party.

    Anyone else take the early genetic blood test?

  8. Bernieboo

    cherry / 121 posts

    @agold: thanks! Yes I took Zofran and I think Phenergan the first time around. My OB clarified that the one study that showed a tiny increase in birth defects only saw that increase among the women that were on very high doses (like Zofran pumps). Mine was never that bad, thank goodness! And this time the nausea is definitely much easier. It comes and goes somewhat (like one day it's level 2 and I can eat if I'm careful, next day it's a 6 and I don't eat much, etc). First time, it was like level 10 at all times. Yeah, I was really happy! I'm actually back next week for my 10 week appt to discuss the genetic testing. We did it last time, but I don't remember the process at all. Our risk was pretty low to begin with, so I wasn't too stressed last time. But it's so nice to have that reassurance. We've also talked about getting the sex, since we've met our deductible so it's probably free! But haven't decided for sure yet. I'm still not keen on finding out at all, but my DH really really really wants to know.

  9. ScarletBegonia

    persimmon / 1339 posts

    @agold: I took Zofran about 4 times in the first tri with my son and he's perfect! He does have a very small hole in his ventricular wall, which as soon as I heard I was immediately blaming myself thinking it must have been the Zofran, but his cardiologist said its so common, and happened just as commonly before Zofran was ever prescribed to pregnant women, so not to beat myself up (and that it will likely close on its own by the time he's 5 and has no ill effects!). This time around my nausea has been a bit worse, at 9 weeks I've already taken it 3 times and honestly won't hesitate to take it more if I need/want it. I've got significant anxiety around nausea/vomiting and I figure Zofran is better than a constant anxiety attack for 12 weeks.

    Don't worry!! And I'm so glad you're feeling better.

    @Bernieboo: I hope whatever you've got passes really really quickly and that you don't feel too bad. You've been through the ringer, poor thing!

  10. MrsADS

    nectarine / 2262 posts

    @agold I'm taking Zofran most days. I worry a little, but my OB said it was safe and she would not worry about it. She would rather me take it and be able to eat and drink than feel horrible and get dehydrated, etc. I am also taking diclegis at night. I am glad you are feeling better!

    @bernieboo definitely sounds like the flu or some kind of virus, that is a bummer. I got some kind of bronchitis over a week ago and I'm still coughing a lot. Coughing up a ton of mucus is making my nausea much worse.

  11. agold

    grapefruit / 4045 posts

    @Bernieboo: @ScarletBegonia: @MrsADS: Thank you, girls, for telling me about your positive experiences with Zofran. I haven't needed it again, thank God.

    How are all the May mamas feeling? Who has an ultrasound coming up?

    I feel my stomach starting to pop out. I'm so relieved to have my 12 week ultrasound later this week. I can't believe I haven't seen my growing baby in weeks! I look forward to the time I feel the little reassuring baby kicks.

  12. MrsADS

    nectarine / 2262 posts

    @agold glad you are feeling better!

    My next OB appointment is Nov. 9th, and my NT scan is the week after that (I think the 14th)? My OB sends all her patients to a MFM doctor for the NT scan and anatomy scan, so I have it scheduled with the same MFM I used for DS. Unfortunately I just found out today apparently they don't take our insurance anymore so I have to find another MFM. I don't even know if there is another one in our town, and this doctor already knew my history, etc. Just kind of a pain.

    I am planning to get NIPT, I called the company and they said the max I would pay would be $100-200 so I'm definitely willing to do it for that price. I am hoping I can get it done at my appt on the 9th!

    I am still feeling nauseous and gross, no better. And my other main symptom (maybe TMI) I am SO constipated. I am taking Miralax and even with that it's terrrrible. And not like I am feeling like drinking a lot of water or eating a lot of fruits and veggies! But hopefully things will improve in the 2nd tri which isn't that far away now!

  13. mamabird

    cherry / 188 posts

    Hi all! Checking in! Tomorrow I go for my first appointment at almost 10w. I still haven’t seen my baby, but I’m so excited! I’m trying for a homebirth so I waited a little longer to call. I’m feeling okay thankfully. Love seeing how you are all doing!

  14. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    Didn't update before, but I had my first u/s on 10/12 and all looked good. HB of 133, which seems low to me? But doctor said it was fine. I also got another quick peek at my midwife appt on 10/18. Makes me think it's a boy!

    I am annoyed about NIPT tho--apparently not covered at all by my insurance (aetna) so could be 900-1500$. Or I could do the sequential screening and NT scan...I thought I would do NIPT but I was told
    It's 99% predictive vs 95% predictive. Not sure of that difference is worth the money. Need to decide soon so I can schedule a lab appt!

    Next appt is 11/15. Seems so far away! My slight nausea has abated for the most part, and I still don't feel like I'm showing? Maybe I'm kidding myself tho, ha!

  15. MrsADS

    nectarine / 2262 posts

    @hilsy85 for what it's worth re: NIPT, I called Natera (the company who makes the Panorama NIPT). My insurance covers it but they cover it as out of network, which means it might as well not be covered (major $$$). Natera says the max they will bill anyone who is either out of network or doesn't have insurance coverage is $100-200. They said they way it would work is I will get a bill form them for the full amount, I have to call them immediately when I get the bill. Then, they will "lower" the price for an "immediate cash pay discount" and the max will be $200. So that's what I'm planning to do.

    Also re: the baby's heartrate, at my u/s which was 7w1d, the HR was only 125. I was a bit concerned by this, the sonographer and my OB said it was fine. I am anxiously awaiting my next appointment to hear the HB on the doppler, though.

  16. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @MrsADS: I did panorama with my daughter and I paid nothing for it! Unfortunately I was told my choices this time are Materniti21 or some other one that begins with a Q, and I don't think there is the same agreement on price with them. 😕

  17. agold

    grapefruit / 4045 posts

    @MrsADS: That's awful your insurance doesn't cover that doctor you like anymore. Since you would only need to see him one time, could you find out how much he would charge if you were to pay him cash? It might be just a couple hundred bucks and maybe worth it then. I hope you can otherwise find a suitable doctor you are happy with. And so sorry you are still feeling yucky! I'm still feeling so tired.

    @hilsy85: I'm so glad you had a great ultrasound! And I wouldn't worry about the heart beat. How exciting to already get an idea of gender! I was convinced my first was a boy. She wasn't! As for genetic testing, there is no way I'd pay that much for it. Not worth it at all, imo. And I don't think I'm showing either, although my stomach is so bloating out. I just cover it a bit.

  18. ScarletBegonia

    persimmon / 1339 posts

    Hey ladies! So I had an u/s last week, when I was (I thought) 9w1d, on the u/s the baby was measuring 8w2d, so I'm almost a week behind where I thought I was. Bummer, but HR was 164 and baby was moving around like crazy so still thinking things are ok. Things with my husband have gotten better, then worse, then better again - we're settling into this idea of having 2 kids I think, but I sense its going to be a process. I've told a few more people since having my u/s and its a bit weird feeling happy about it but anxious about my marriage and what this all means - I wish it could all be 100% happy but that's life! We saw a marriage counsellor for the first time a couple of days ago and I can tell its the right thing - we both clicked really well and things have been a ton better already since we talked with him.
    Anyway! Sorry to be a bit of a downer. I'm waiting anxiously for 11 weeks or so so we can go ahead with NIPT, and going away for the weekend with some girlfriends on Friday - soooo excited about that. I just hope I don't feel like crap! Nausea has been on and off. With my son I started feeling a lot better as I got closer to 10w so hoping for the same this time around.

  19. MrsADS

    nectarine / 2262 posts

    @agold well, the insurance saga continues. Lol. After many back and forth calls, the doctor's office tells me they DO still accept my insurance and I need to call the ins company back. So I am going to call them back today and hopefully get it straightened out. With baby #1 I had preterm labor and I was there ALL THE TIME in the 2nd/3rd tri, so it's a lot of appointments.

    @scarlettbegonia glad your u/s went well! It sounds like you are handling it all really well. I am glad the marriage counseling is going well. It is great you're being proactive now about it.

  20. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    Just called Materniti 21 and looks like they will only charge me $449 for the test, so I think I'm going to get it. Now just need to find out whether a 12 week u/s will be covered as well and then schedule that if so!

    @ScarletBegonia: I really relate--we still haven't told our parents about this baby despite being with them all last weekend, and I think it's because I still am feeling slightly conflicted and nervous about baby #3...I'm happy but also worried about how we will deal, and the cost, our living situation, etc. Glad you guys are going to a counsellor, and that it's been helpful.

  21. agold

    grapefruit / 4045 posts

    @MrsADS: I'm so glad there is great hope for insurance coverage with this doctor that you like. Keep me posted! I'm really hoping this works out for you. And praying for no pre-term labor with this babe.

    @ScarletBegonia: You aren't a downer! I'm glad things are taking a positive turn for you and your husband. I hope you feel better physically soon, too!

    @hilsy85: I'm glad you are comfortable with the price, but yikes that still seems high! I hope you get the ultrasound covered. You should. 12 weeks seems like the super standard ultrasound for pregnancies. And I hear you on all the things to feel nervous about with a next baby. I'm feeling those same things about baby #2!

  22. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @agold: It's much better than the 900-1100 I was mentally prepared for! And I think that if I do the NIPT the 12 week u/s is not viewed as necessary--but my midwife said she would order it for me, so perhaps that means that she will bill it as medically necessary to insurance?

  23. anniefannie

    grape / 78 posts

    Hi all! Can someone add me to the facebook group? I can DM you my info. thanks!

    I'm starting to feel less pukey over here (more throwing up, less constant nausea) so I'm starting to feel like I can function normally again a little bit. hooray!

  24. agold

    grapefruit / 4045 posts

    @hilsy85: I hope you get it. Surely the 12 week ultrasound does more than test for down syndrome, right? Doesn't it look to see that arms and legs are growing and things like that? So the genetic test just checks for trisomies, I think. Or does it check for more?

  25. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @agold: so that's what I thought! I thought the 12 week u/s was the one where you would first see signs of spina bifida, and you could get a first look at the heart--not just for markers for Down syndrome, but general congenital things? That's why I was so surprised when they told me it's standard practice to do either NIPT or NT scan/sequential screen. I got both at my last OB office.

  26. agold

    grapefruit / 4045 posts

    @hilsy85: But yea, I feel like 12 week ultrasound is standard and the genetic testing shouldn't have bearing on it. I hope this gets figured out in your favor. Would you prefer the genetic testing over the ultrasound, if you could only do one or the other? Can you find out how much the ultrasound would be if you had to pay out of pocket? I would really hate to miss a chance to see my growing baby. I'd probably go to one of the 3D places for $49 or something if I couldn't get one done at my ob's office.

  27. mamabird

    cherry / 188 posts

    Appointment today went great! We got to see our baby and my new edd is 5/21! HB was 165.

  28. agold

    grapefruit / 4045 posts

    @mamabird: Great appointment! I forgot to comment on your previous post. Why do you have to wait longer in order to have a home birth? I hope you get the birth you are hoping to have!

  29. mamabird

    cherry / 188 posts

    @agold: awww thanks! I must’ve wrote that wrong. Because I have homebirths I go to the doctor a lot less and it’s just not the same schedule as going to the practice. I’m the one who waited so long to call. Yeah I hope to birth at home, but I’ve had almost every type of birth so I’m ready for anything. I’ve had an induction c-section, induction vbac, and homebirth so far.

  30. agold

    grapefruit / 4045 posts

    I just had my 12 week appointment that included an ultrasound. Phew. So great to see a big growing baby. Heartbeat was 180! (Could it be another girl?!?) I was told some interesting things, like stomach was full, so that means baby is swallowing. Bladder was full so kidneys are functioning. Heart on correct side. Skull is forming correctly. Fingers and toes all there. Really interesting things that I wasn't expecting to learn!

  31. mamabird

    cherry / 188 posts

    @agold: yay! SO great! Glad it went well!

  32. agold

    grapefruit / 4045 posts

    @mamabird: Such a relief, right? When do you go back for your next appointment?

  33. MrsADS

    nectarine / 2262 posts

    @agold woohoo, that is great news! Glad it went so well. My OB appointment is on 11/9 and my NT scan is 11/13.

    I have been feeling some anxiety this week for some reason about the pregnancy - I hate to even say this but I had a dream I was miscarrying. Normally that kind of stuff doesn't bother me but it has kind of stuck with me. So I am hoping to hear the heartbeat at my OB appointment, although that's still 2 weeks away.

  34. mamabird

    cherry / 188 posts

    @agold: yes sweet relief! My midwife will probably start coming to my house around 12ish weeks and then my next ultrasound will be my anatomy one at 20 weeks. I’m 20 weeks on January 1st so I’m hoping to do anatomy Christmas week or before.

  35. mamabird

    cherry / 188 posts

    @MrsADS: I hate those kinda of dreams

  36. ScarletBegonia

    persimmon / 1339 posts

    Hey! Where is everyone!?

    Things are trucking along - I'm 10 weeks today according to my new dates, feeling pretty good! I'm seeing my GP Monday to hopefully get my referral for NIPT, so thats the next big step. I had an amazing weekend away with my girlfriends last weekend, really what I needed I think with all the stress/uncertainty since I found out I was pregnant. Barely any nausea the whole weekend, which really tells me that most of what I'm feeling is probably down to stress and worry - when I'm footloose and fancy free my stomach co-operates

    Hope all you ladies are feeling good/better - how is everyone?

  37. MrsADS

    nectarine / 2262 posts

    @scarletbegonia thanks for bumping up the thread! I am 10 weeks as of Monday. I am hanging in there but still feeling pretty crappy (nauseous) and exhausted. I am so over feeling bad. Hopefully in a few weeks it will get better, but that sounds like an eternity today.

    My next OB appointment is Nov. 9th, I will be 11 weeks and should be getting my NIPT blood test drawn then. Then I have my NT scan scheduled for the following week, the 13th. I am anxious to hear the HB again, feels like it has been a long time.

  38. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @ScarletBegonia: glad you're feeling better!

    I am 10w1d today and feeling pretty ok--I had food poisoning or stomach flu last week (not sure which) and felt pretty destroyed. Now I'm recovered. But I find that I am having a lot of anxiety about whether or not this pregnancy will work out. Or maybe anxiety isn't the right word--I just feel very pessimistic for some reason. I have my NIPT blood draw next Thursday, and an u/s and midwives appt on 11/15, so hopefully that will go well and I can start to actually look forward to things.

  39. agold

    grapefruit / 4045 posts

    @ScarletBegonia: A weekend away with girlfriends sounds like a dream! Its great you were feeling good. I hope your stress and worry is subsiding.

    @MrsADS: I'm so sorry to hear you are still feeling pretty crappy! Maybe once you hit the second trimester - which is coming up quick for you - you will feel better. Hopefully! I'm always anxious to hear the heart beat. I'm glad you have a couple of appointments coming up. Even just a blood draw is still something exciting, in my book.

    @hilsy85: That is terrible anxiety to have! Anything in particular making you feel that way? I had the 24-hr flu a couple of weeks ago. I threw up terribly and was worried for my growing baby. But all is fine! Did you have a fever? I think your fever has to get really high in order for the baby to be affected by it. Try not to worry at this point if there is no reason to specifically be worrying.

    I can't believe all you girls at at 10 weeks! I feel crazy sitting here just hitting the 13 week mark today!

  40. anniefannie

    grape / 78 posts

    @ScarletBegonia: @MrsADS: Im also right at 10 weeks now too! Still feeling crappy alot of the time but definitely better than I was 2 weeks ago. Had my NIPT blood draw today so now its just the wait for results.

    Also just wanted to see again if anyone could add me to the facebook group? Would love to join!

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