Hellobee Boards


May 2018 moms!

  1. Bernieboo

    cherry / 121 posts

    I had my first OB appt yesterday!! Everything looks great! HR was 116 (which she said was within the normal range, though a little on the low end of the range). I'm trying to decide if that makes me nervous or not lol. She also gave me some stronger meds for my HG, so hopefully that will start improving.

    EDD based on LMP was 5/18, but based on OD and measurements, it was 5/20. But since it's less than 5 days, they'll keep it as 5/18 in my chart. I'm not really sure which one to count by (am I 6w5 or 6w2??), but i guess I'll have to go by their measure? Thoughts??

    I won't have another ultrasound until 12 weeks! Which seems SO far away!! Last time I was high risk, so I had a ton more appointments. This time, we're planning that I'll stay with my regular OB unless something happens with my asthma to make me need more monitoring. My history of hypertension is definitely a concern, so something they'll be monitoring.

    How is everyone else doing?? Any other appointments?

  2. nanilani

    apricot / 374 posts

    @Bernieboo: I have the same issue with my dates. U/S at 8 weeks gave me a EDD of 4/30 which is right in line with what I expected based on O data (5/1). However my OB is keeping my official due date as 4/26 by LMP since the two dates are less than five days apart. This makes me a little nervous given my history with my son. I had to be induced at 37+2 and he ended up spending a week in the NICU -- he really could have used the extra time inside I'm just now getting into the habit of counting by my official EDD (also, it feels nice to sound like I'm further along), but if I'm faced with another early induction I'll probably attempt to put up a little resistance knowing my actual dates.

  3. nanilani

    apricot / 374 posts

    @Bernieboo: And congrats on the good ultrasound! It's always reassuring to see LO I don't have another until my NT scan at 12+6!

  4. agold

    grapefruit / 4045 posts

    @Bernieboo: Congratulations! Your little baby looks great! I'd not be worried about anything at all unless your doctor is worried. And I'd probably go with the due date your doctor gave you since that is what they will be going by. I hope you get all the monitoring that you need, but hopefully you won't need anything extra.

  5. agold

    grapefruit / 4045 posts

    I just had my first OB appointment and yep, there's a baby in there! I'm still in shock. My husband came with me to the appointment so it was nice to see the baby together. I measured 8w3d. The ultrasound tech guessed boy based on baby's location in the placenta. But we don't put a lot of stock into that guess. Heart rate was over 180. I saw the PA, not the MD. She discussed the option of c-section based upon my prior 4th degree tear and the retained placenta/hemorrhage issue. Not sure which route I'd like to take but luckily its not something I have to decide now.

  6. MrsADS

    nectarine / 2262 posts

    @bernieboo @agold congrats on your great ultrasounds! Such a relief.

    How's everyone doing with symptoms? I am not even 6 weeks yet so it's still really early for me. But by this point with LO#1 I was already feeling sick, and I'm not feeling sick yet... don't know what to think. I'm happy I'm not sick but also a little worried?

    I am utterly exhausted though, like crazy crazy tired all the time.

  7. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @Bernieboo: @agold: congrats on good appointments!

    @agold: I can't believe they even ventured a guess about gender that early ha!

    @MrsADS: not much in the way of symptoms here. Somewhat tired, maybe bigger boobs, waking up to pee at night. But that's pretty much it.

  8. agold

    grapefruit / 4045 posts

    @MrsADS: I think you should count not feeling sick as a blessing! I never felt sick with LO#1. I've had tiny waves of nausea with this pregnancy and I'd be happy to drop those anytime! I'm otherwise tired, too, like you. Don't feel worried! When is your appointment?

    @hilsy85: Thanks! So I prompted her guess by asking about gender guessing theories. Do you want to find out gender early?

  9. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @agold: I would love to, and we're doing NIPT so we could, but DH is determined to be team green! Are you doing any of the cell free dna testing? We found out at 13 weeks with my daughter and it was really fun!

  10. agold

    grapefruit / 4045 posts

    @hilsy85: Yes, I plan to do it as long as it doesn't cost too much. I did that test with my daughter mostly because I was anxious to find out some good news about her health. Its possible my insurance will cover the test because I turn 35 during this pregnancy. I really do love the idea of finding out gender at birth, though. I can't think of anything more exciting than that!

  11. hocuspocus

    apricot / 373 posts

    @MrsADS: I'm around 6 wks based on LMP and cycle length and the nausea has been coming and going. Yesterday was bad. Couldn't eat anything In the house. I have lots of aversions this time around. Usually love all things pumpkin spice and now even the smell of it makes me want to gag. Also so exhausted all I was to do is sleep!

  12. MrsADS

    nectarine / 2262 posts

    @hocuspocus I think with my first the nausea really kicked in around 6 weeks, and I am not quite there, so I won't be surprised if it starts up next week. I am definitely having food aversions/nothing sounds good.

    @hilsy85 @agold I am hoping we can get NIPT again this time. We got it for LO#1 because he had some ultrasound findings that were increased markers for Down's or other issues. I got it done at like 20 weeks, though, so not super early and we already knew gender. But it gave me SO much peace of mind when the test results came back normal. I am hoping we can get it done again. I really think in a few years, NIPT is going to be the standard of care for everyone, not just high-risk.

  13. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @MrsADS: yeah at my current new practice, they don't even do the 12 week nuchal screenings if you do NIPT because it is just so much more accurate. I still get a 12 week u/s though, so it's all good, ha. And I'm not high risk at all (nor was I when I got it done for my daughter).

  14. agold

    grapefruit / 4045 posts

    @MrsADS: @hilsy85: It is crazy that there is testing like that available, but it is only coverage under certain circumstances or can otherwise be so very expensive. I did pay like $99 for it with my last pregnancy, but the company I did it through (that was reccomended by my OB) initially sent me a bill for thousands of dollars. My OB was great in helping me get the amount reduced to what they originally quoted me. But gees. Can you imagine being charged that much? That would be crazy!

  15. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    We had NIPT testing with my daughter. My OB recommends it as standard practice but 1. I'm not 35 and 2. No known risk. So my insurance won't cover it and cash payment is $350 or $450. Not worth it. So now DH and I debating being team green... He's prepared for a second girl and I think I'll have some disappointed if that's the case. So I kinda like the idea of waiting. This will be our last kid and we have a lot of baby items already so not having clothes isn't a huge deal. Any other team greens here?

  16. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    @MrsADS: I'm almost 9 weeks and feel normal. Well, except for being tired lol.

  17. ScarletBegonia

    persimmon / 1339 posts

    Hey ladies! So, after a fairly rough week I think things are settling down with my husband and his ambiguous feelings about this baby. We've been talking a lot, and he's been out with a couple of his friends one-on-one who have 2+ kids which I think has put his mind at ease. We aren't at 100% and probably won't be for a while but we are moving in the right direction...he went out shopping yesterday without me and bought me some lululemon maternity pants so at least I know he's not in denial
    I'm 6w3d today and been feeling okay, but I'm a serious emetophobe (I have a sometimes debilitating fear of vomiting), so lots of nerves and anxiety, which makes me feel sick anyway. My last pregnancy was the same. I'm just hoping it doesn't get any worse!
    I got bloods drawn last week and haven't heard from my doctor yet so I'm hoping no news is good news? Its a long weekend here so I won't get any news, good or bad, til Tuesday at least. I'm pretty sure I won't get an u/s til 12/13 weeks - thats pretty standard here unless you use a private OB for antenatal care, which I won't be.
    Hope everyone else is doing well!

  18. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @LindsayInNY: @agold: so when we had panorama done with my daughter, my OB told me that basically even though the test was a few thousand dollars to do, panorama would never bill me more than $25, because they they don't follow up on their debtors, and they also want the test to become widely used. Maybe my OB had a relationship with a panorama rep? I have no idea. But I was never even charged that $25, and I'm 99% sure that this time it is covered for free even though I'm under 35 and not high risk. They are becoming so much more common that I would be surprised if anyone is having to pay full price. I feel like i have also become more anxious with subsequent pregnancies so for me personally, it is worth it even if i have to pay a few hundred dollars for the peace of mind that all the genetic testing is fine. But if you can get the quad screens done instead that would fill that need too!

    @LindsayInNY: we will prob be team green. I responded on FB, but basically we have one of each and this is probably our last chance to do it. I don't really want to but DH really does, ha. You could always find out the sex at the anatomy scan though, no? Even if you don't do the NIPT?

    @ScarletBegonia: glad you guys are feeling more at ease with the situation!~ And I wish my husband ever went clothes shopping for me, ha!

  19. MrsADS

    nectarine / 2262 posts

    Hi, can someone add me to the FB group? How does that work?

    @scarlettbegonia so glad you're feeling better about things. I am too.

    @lindsayinny @hilsy85 I don't think I could ever be team green, but I do think it would be an amazing moment when the baby is born! I plan to find out as soon as possible LO#1 is a boy and I really have no preference for #2. Another boy, I think they might play well together and be closer, I guess I worry a boy/girl won't be that close. And I can reuse all the clothes! But if it's a girl, then I get to have a girl and that is nice too.

  20. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    @MrsADS: Wall me your FB email and I should be able to add you! It's not just HB but also WB people in the group.

  21. agold

    grapefruit / 4045 posts

    @ScarletBegonia: Hold up..... lulu lemon has maternity leggings? I've been living in my Align pants and I'm asking for some more for my birthday. You have an awesome hubby that he went out and bought you lulu lemon. I'm so glad things are turning around. I'm honestly praying for no throw up for you!!

    @hilsy85: I agree about peace of mind in taking the genetic test. And I would absolutely wait to find out gender if I was on my third and already had one of each. How exciting that will be for you!!!

    @LindsayInNY: If you think you will have gender disappointment if you have another girl, maybe consider finding out early so that you could deal with the disappointment then rather than at the actual birth. But hopefully you don't suffer any disappointment! Sisters would be the best to have!

    @MrsADS: I have no preference either! Do you really worry about a brother and sister being close? I guess that's just my one kind of concern, too. I hope I could raise them to be great friends! But honestly.. that can be the same for brothers and for sisters. What will your age difference be, again?

  22. MrsADS

    nectarine / 2262 posts

    @lindsayinny thanks, I just posted it on your wall.

    @agold yeah, I am a little worried about a boy and a girl not being as close as same sex siblings, but I guess you never know. Mine will be about 2 years 8 months apart if this one comes close to due date.

  23. ScarletBegonia

    persimmon / 1339 posts

    @agold: Well maybe not official ones? But they are super high waisted and not overly tight so very comfortable!

    We are team green! We were with my son and will definitely do it again. I have no gender preference and I hate pink so wouldn't want to be given anything girly if we were to find out it is a girl. All of my son's old clothes are neutral so it should work out fine!

  24. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @MrsADS: @agold: I have a boy and a girl (3 years apart) and they are super super sweet together. Hard to say now how close they will be as they get older, of course, but they play together a lot and love on each other alll the time. It is awesome to watch!

  25. Bernieboo

    cherry / 121 posts

    We were Team Green with M, and it was super fun! People went out of their minds though that we didn't find out. This time, DH really wants to find out and do some kind of fun announcement at our sprinkle. I do not, under any circumstances, want to be surprised with that info in front of anyone, so I would be the one who find out and reveal it. I really don't care either way. We're planning 3 or 4, so it's not our last so I don't care either way. I think DH really wants a boy just bc he wants to have at least one of each. If we had a boy, I'd push to be team green again for any future kids.

  26. mamabird

    cherry / 188 posts

    We have found out with all our kids so far, but I’m not sure what I want to do yet. We now have both genders so I’m up in the air.

  27. agold

    grapefruit / 4045 posts

    @ScarletBegonia: Maybe they are the Align! I love them! I also have a pair of Blanqi post partum nursing leggings. They are amazing. They make maternity leggings and I'm going to look into getting them if they have a black friday sale.

    @MrsADS: I think we can just do our best to have the kids be close! I'm worried about having two girls and them not getting along. They will be one grade apart in school and what if they are just two totally different girls and they don't get along? Ugh. Girl drama.

    @hilsy85: I love love love hearing that your boy and girl get along so well!!

    @Bernieboo: Its so funny that people get so invested in other people's pregnancies! I honestly could care less what anyone else is having just beyond that they are pregnant and i'm so happy for them. Its always funny when people keep gender or names a secret. So funny. I love all the pregnancy excitement. I also hope a little that I have a boy so my husband has a son. We won't be having any more after this so we get what we get!

    @mamabird: Be team green again!

  28. Bernieboo

    cherry / 121 posts

    @agold: yep! This time we'll definitely keep the names to ourselves! That was a hard lesson... We shared them with my MIL and she was awful about it. So we're not even sharing our list this time with anyone! I'm also thinking I'll find out at 20 weeks, but we won't reveal to anyone until after the holidays, maybe like February or March!

  29. agold

    grapefruit / 4045 posts

    @Bernieboo: What is your reasons for keeping gender and names secret? I'm so curious! I know some people like to keep names secret because they don't want people to comment negatively on the names. But if they are going to comment negatively, they are going to do it sooner or later I suppose when they find out!

  30. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @Bernieboo: @agold: we definitely keep names to ourselves until the kid is born...people are much less likely to negatively comment on a name if it actually belongs to the baby, rather than just being a hypothetical choice! But I don't think I could keep gender a secret! I would totally slip up

  31. Bernieboo

    cherry / 121 posts

    @agold: @hilsy85: so on the names, last time, my MIL started going off about how she didn't like this name or that name and we should consider this other name instead, etc etc. On and on for days. Like days later, she was still texting DH about why she didn't like our preferred boys name. And even after M was born, she commented that she was so glad we didn't choose the other girl name on our list bc she hated it (meanwhile it's still on our list for this baby lol). So we won't be sharing with anyone. It's easier to just say we're not sharing than to share with some people and not others. As for revealing the sex, I have a really hard time with the aggressive gendering of kids. Especially babies. There are so many clothes out there (like "handsome dude" or "mommy's little man") that make me profoundly uncomfortable. The sexualization if babies in this way is really icky to me. I know if we announce sex at 20 weeks, we'll spend 20 weeks hearing this kind of stuff or getting this stuff as gifts. And I really want to avoid that as much as possible. I'd really rather just not find out at all! But DH really really wants to know this time. So we're still figuring out the logistics.

  32. agold

    grapefruit / 4045 posts

    @hilsy85: Terrible for anyone to say anything negative about a name. I suppose they just don't say it to our faces after the baby is born! I like to know what going to be done with the name I pick. I had a name picked out for my first girl, and my MIL instantly nicknamed it and referred to the baby as that all the time. I don't like nicknames. So I changed the name. Phew. Dodged a bullet.

    @Bernieboo: I don't like the sexualization of kids, either, but I hadn't ever thought of it to that extent. My baby girl will never be in any jazz or cheerleading classes. But I do imagine her as an elegant classy ballerina and love to dress her up as a princess! She'll more likely be a tomboy golfer. Its so interesting to hear your take on it. I hope you don't get any of those things you despise, or you get them from places you can do easy returns!

  33. agold

    grapefruit / 4045 posts

    How are all the May moms feeling? I hope you all will still post over here even though there is some secret facebook May page going on that I'm not part of!

    Anyone worried about weight gain?

    I'm pregnant and stopping nursing all at the same time so I'm really worried about sudden weight gain. I haven't gained any yet but I'm sure feeling pretty pouchy already.

  34. ScarletBegonia

    persimmon / 1339 posts

    @agold: I'm not part of the FB group either and I'll still post here!

    I'm doing okay - I was having some nausea periodically but not in the last few days, so of course now I'm thinking that something is wrong - even though this is exactly how my last pregnancy was in terms of symptoms. I am going back to the GP tomorrow to get my blood test results so I guess I'll find out then.

    I'm kind of concerned about weight gain, but at the same time I know that what will be will be so I'm just trying to stay active and eat well, and hope that I can lose the baby weight one more time!

  35. agold

    grapefruit / 4045 posts

    @ScarletBegonia: Good for you for trying to stay active! What do you do most? I'm so embarrassed but I hardly find any time for exercise. I get up before my baby to get ready for work, and then she wakes up and I get her ready and boom, day starts. I still haven't figured out much to get activity in. But I walk the stairs of my parking garage and walk to lunch and try to walk the baby in the evenings if time permits. And yes, it will be what it will be. I'm trying to eat healthy. Oh, but why do I keep stocking my home candy dish with dove dark chocolates?!?!

  36. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @agold: are you on FB? did you want to join?

    I am feeling ok so far--tired, but I have two kids so I'm always tired and hungrier than usual. But that's about it! No real symptoms yet, so this whole pregnancy doesn't feel real. We'll see how my first appt goes next week.

    As for exercise, I haven't been to the gym in ages, but I do walk my son to school and back most days, and school is about 1.5 miles away, so at least that's about 6 miles a day if I walk for both drop off and pick up!

  37. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    Is evening nausea a thing? Am I making that up? Lol

  38. ScarletBegonia

    persimmon / 1339 posts

    @agold: I am on holidays now, and I've been walking about 5k every morning - I normally do boot camp and boxing 2 nights a week, but I've had to miss a bunch lately, and I do pilates on Saturday mornings. I find exercise takes my mind of things and helps with my anxiety!

    @hilsy85: did you have morning sickness with your other kids? How far along are you?

    @LindsayInNY: It was definitely a thing for me in my first pregnancy - this time around when I have had nausea its been more in the middle of the day.

  39. agold

    grapefruit / 4045 posts

    @hilsy85: I want to join, but I'm not on facebook. So I'm out of luck! I, too, am hungrier than normal. That is amazing you get to walk your son to school. 6 miles a day is awesome! I love love love walking. I pray I can end up in a house that is walking distance to an elementary school. I'm walking distance right now, but I won't be in this house too much long, God help me!

    @LindsayInNY: It is a thing!! So sorry you are feeling it! I don't feel it past like, my commute home. Ugh. Sucks!

    @ScarletBegonia: You are amazing. I did a form of pilates on a megaformer before I got pregnant last time. I thought I would continue during the pregnancy, but no. I was put on bed rest and, well, blah blah blah, it didn't work out. You are inspiring me, though!!

  40. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @LindsayInNY: yes! With my daughter I had nausea from like 5pm til bedtime. I often just skipped dinner. @ScarletBegonia: I had some nausea with my daughter but pretty mild. Nothing at all with my son! I'm 6 weeks today so still pretty early. I'm due right at the end of the month 😉

    @agold: ha it is definitely more walking than I would like. I really just need to embrace it and wear workout clothes but I end up wanting to look nice and wear stuff that I should not be walking 6 miles in!

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