squash / 13764 posts
@agold: Nothing in particular...I guess maybe the fact that I don't feel like I am showing at all yet? I mean I have other symptoms (peeing more, hungrier, boobs are bigger, etc) but...I don't know! I had a miscarriage between my two kids at 6 weeks and I'm sure that's part of it. But I've had two good ultra sounds at this point...
I"m not at all concerned that the stomach thing affected the baby--I just had a very low fever and the nurse on call wasn't concerned at all! I just am waiting for my next appt, and then hopefully I can relax. Can't believe you're just about out of your first tri already!
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@hilsy85: I understand those concerns. I'm so sorry for your two prior losses. And I think its horrible that pregnant moms should have to wait more than a couple of weeks to see or hear their growing babies. You will hopefully feel a lot better after your next appointment. I know i felt better after my 12 week ultrasound. And no, I can't believe I am in the second trimester! Its crazy! Time is moving so fast. This pregnancy is so much different than my first, when all I did was focus on the pregnancy. Now, there is so much else going on that this new pregnancy seems to be going by so fast! I am not yet really showing either, except at home at night when I let my stomach really get comfortable.
persimmon / 1339 posts
@agold: yeah i've gotta say it was just what the doctor ordered! One of my friends is also pregnant (about 20 weeks) with her first, recently married, and the other one is as single as they come, no interest in a husband or kids, and then me who has been married 6 years - somehow we managed to find 3 days worth of stuff to gossip and laugh about! It was great. Things are a lot better with my husband. He's really coming around - last night while we were reading in bed he absentmindedly started rubbing my belly and said he'd been thinking about "us" all day I think we're on the mend. Can't recommend couples therapy enough to anyone who is going through a tough time - i've been shocked at how much and how quickly its helped!
nectarine / 2262 posts
@anniefannie I will ask in the FB group about how to add you. I'll let you know what I find out.
@hilsy85 I have had similar thoughts/concerns and I am not sure why. I haven't had any spotting, still having symptoms (unfortunately) but just kind of worried. I think because at my first ultrasound the HB was a little low (125) and baby was measuring a few days behind, just makes me a little concerned. Although my doctor was not concerned at all. I will feel better after my 12wk u/s.
@scarlettbegonia that is awesome about you and your husband. Great news. Glad the couples' therapy is helpful. I feel like my husband and I are pretty disconnected but I don't feel like we have any "issues"... it's more that we are both SO busy and stressed to the max, we have no time for "us."
nectarine / 2262 posts
Ok. @anniefannie wall me your email address that is affiliated with your Facebook account and I will send you the invite.
grape / 78 posts
@MrsADS: Thank you so much for finding out! I hope you feel better soon. Almost done with 1st tri!
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@ScarletBegonia: Your weekend away sounds like a dream! Amazing you three girls were all able to pull it off. And I'm so glad couples therapy is working out great for you.
grapefruit / 4045 posts
When are you girls telling your work about your pregnancy?
I'm not yet showing and really am not too anxious to tell. I'll be four months at the end of November. I could tell (a) end of November and just before big long project; (b) risk having to tell during the long project because I start showing; (c) try to hold out until after long project, which could be end of January and I will be 6 months. That doesn't seem like giving work enough notice. What would you all do?
apple seed / 4 posts
@agold: It depends on your employers maternity leave policy. My work's policy states that the employee must give at leave 10 weeks notice before taking maternity leave. So I guess it depends how many weeks pregnant you plan on working up to, and then minusing 10 weeks from that figure. I haven't told my work yet. I start annual leave in a week until early December, when I'll be about 16 weeks by then. I'll probably tell my boss from sometime then onwards.
Will telling your boss or not about your pregnancy have any ramifications on the big project coming up? Or would it be a big deal announcing it during the project? I wouldn't think it should matter too much. It's your health, and that comes first, it shouldn't really matter at what stage a project is. They also might be more understanding if they're aware of your pregnancy, perhaps not being so demanding on long hours or physical labour?
squash / 13764 posts
@MrsADS: hopefully the next two weeks goes by quickly for both of us!
@agold: I work part time (20 hours a week) and I"m actually not sure what the policy is for part time employees. Regardless, I will have been there not quite a year at end of May, so I don't know that I would qualify for anything anyway. I will probably say something toward the end of the year. I'm not really sure what my plans are after baby comes--I imagine I would take the summer off? But I don't know if I would come back--juggling three kids and part time work seems really hard, especially when my job doesn't even cover childcare. SO we'll see, and we'll see what my supervisor says.
nectarine / 2262 posts
@agold that is tough! I think it depends so much on your work environment, work situation, etc. I am personally planning to tell after my 12 week NT scan. My work was very supportive with baby #1 and I felt so much better knowing it was not a big deal if I was out for appointments, work from home, etc. Also, with #1 I had to go on bedrest at 24 weeks so I had to start working from home fulltime.
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@MrsADS: Ha! My work environment is such that it is a small, non-PC office and I believe half the employees will be planning the push me down the stairs as soon as I tell them I'm pregnant! In all seriousness though, my boss is really accommodating and I know the months I need to have off should be open on my end. I was put on bedrest at 6 weeks with my first pregnancy so I had no choice but to tell work pretty much immediately that time.
@hilsy85: That is so nice that you will have the option possibly of not going back to work. If your income can't cover childcare, and if you will be able to go back to your job/career at some point after some extended time off, then I think staying home may be the best option. Its what I would do!
@nightowl: That's nice you have annual leave coming up! Which nice country do you live in?? And you are right. It shouldn't matter too much when I tell. Thanks for your opinion!
pea / 21 posts
Hi mamas! It’s been a while since I posted anything — this first trimester (2nd pregnancy) has been kind of tiring between the nausea and taking care of my preschooler.
I wanted to ask, if any of you have had bleeding with placenta previa. I started spotting around week 11 and I’m still spotting at week 13. I’ve gone to see the doc a few times and the baby seems to be doing fine. This is my first time dealing with spotting which makes me nervous. The doc said it was fine as long as I don’t start bleeding heavily. Just told me to follow pelvic rest but not necessary be a couch potato. I’d love to know about other mom’s experience and any advise that has helped.
squash / 13764 posts
@agold: So my job doesn't my childcare costs now, but I work because after 5 years home with my kids, I felt like I had to get my foot in the door again! I don't know if I want to stay home again after working only for a year...but I also don't know if I could juggle three kids and part time work, pumping, finding a flexible nanny, etc. We'll see how I feel I guess! I do love my organization and hopefully they would be flexible? Maybe let me work from home or something?
nectarine / 2262 posts
@mamallama I haven't had any experience with placenta previa, but I did have a subchorionic hemorrhage with my first baby in the 1st tri. This resulted in a one-time heavy bleeding episode with cramps and on and off spotting during the 1st trimester. I was also told pelvic rest/take it easy and they monitored it with ultrasounds until it went away (around the end of the 1st tri). Good luck, I would try to trust that if everything looks ok with the baby, everything is okay! I know the bleeding is so stressful though, I freaked out a lot.
Is anyone else still just so freaking exhausted?! I think it's pregnancy + full time work + super demanding 2 year old (who is having horrible tantrums and every morning basically just screams and cries from when he gets up at 5:30 until I leave for work at 7:45). I am just so exhausted and I have SO MUCH TO DO all the time. I just don't feel like I can do it any more, like I am at a breaking point. My husband does a ton anyway, it's not like he doesn't help, but I just can't keep up. I had a breakdown last night and just cried my eyes out because I don't know how I can keep up with everything and feeling tired and nauseous. Trying to hope that in a few weeks I will feel better and it will be easier (I'm 11 wks now).
grape / 78 posts
@MrsADS: Ive felt like this too. Starting at 4.5 weeks, I was so sick that I could not function AT ALL. Husband had to pick up basically all the responsibilities - house stuff, 2.5 yr old, dog, cooking, etc. And I'd cry about it too - missing time with my son, being a horrible doggy mama, being a bad wife and roommate... I was such a mess I didn't recognize myself. I literally couldnt function until this past weekend. I've been having good days and bad-but-not-horrible days since Saturday. I'm 11w0d today, so basically i was a mess for 6.5 weeks. I FEEL you. It's so overwhelming but it IS temporary and things WILL feel normal again soon. I'm here with you....
pea / 21 posts
@mrsads thanks for sharing your experience with me. The taking it easy is harder than it seems - lol!
I totally understand about feeling overwhelmed— being pregnant is hard, with all the symptoms and hormones. But when there’s a little one already in the house it’s even harder. I also have a little one and have noticed the difference from being pregnant without kiddos around and this time around with a little one to take care of and think about.
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@MamaLlama: I did not have placenta previa, but I spotted with my first pregnancy almost all the way through my second trimester. It was something horrible, I thought, but eventually it didn't worry me. As long as your baby is fine and your doctor isn't worried, you should try not to worry as well.
@hilsy85: Oh I absolutely understand all of those concerns and wanting to keep your foot in the door. In that case, I get how you could want to stay working even if you don't cover the cost of childcare. Childcare is truly a short term problem in the scheme of life and your career. I am needing to find a flexible nanny for my second baby and its the thing that is stressing me out the most. How do we go about finding a flexible nanny? I work from home one day a week and it is hard. But I love that I am able to do it. I hope you figure out a solution that works for you. Keep me posted!
@MrsADS: I'm so sorry you are having a hard time! I had terrible exhaustion and I think it was from all the things you mentioned. But I feel like that specific exhaustion has passed for me. I'm like 14 weeks right now. And I haven't felt that for a few weeks. So hopefully when you come out of the first trimester, you will feel a little better. I'm just now generally tired all the time! As soon as I put baby girl to bed, I am ready for bed myself!
nectarine / 2262 posts
@mamallama yes it's so much harder with another kid already here. I was just telling my husband - with baby #1 I could come home from work and lay on the couch for an hour when I was exhausted and feeling bad. I can't do that now. It's nonstop, no breaks.
@anniefannie yeah I'm 11 weeks now and I think feeling a smidge better. I feel bad complaining because I was never really like THAT sick, like throwing up all the time, but sick enough to be totally miserable.
@agold glad to hear your exhaustion is a bit better! I am hoping I will feel better in a few weeks. I put my son to bed about 7pm and I am ready to go to bed then too. But I still have to pack lunches, wash dishes, pick up the house, fold laundry, etc. etc. etc.... ugggh! Last night I just said forget it and went to bed (like asleep) at 8pm.
Unrelated, but we are going to Disney World in early December, I will be 15 weeks. I am hoping by then I feel great and have a lot of energy!
pea / 21 posts
@agold Hope I get to the point where I get used to it and it doesn’t worry me.
@mrsAds Disney World sounds like a great trip to look forward to! Let us know how it goes!
@hilsy85 That’s a good point about getting your foot in the door after being away from the workforce and not wanting to give it up. I’ve stayed home with my little one and feel I’m totally rusty — my brain si bogged down by chores. Before we decided to have our second we debated it for a while since our little one is almost kindergarten age — meaning we will be starting over and I will be postponing getting back in the work force. I think what I might do is find some classes I can take to exercise my brain when I feel I need to expand my world a bit. There’s a cool site that offers courses online called Coursera — in some you can earn certificates etc that can be included in a resume.
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@MamaLlama: I hope the bleeding just stops and you don't have to get to that point!!
pea / 21 posts
@agold You’re right! Unconsciously I guess I’ve accepted it cause it’s been going on for a while - even if I’m uncomfortable with it. Thanks for sharing your experience and pointing that out to me. Keeping positive the spotting will go away soon.
persimmon / 1339 posts
@MrsADS: Do you have any family or trusted babysitters that could watch your son for a night? You might benefit from a bit of a reset - a day out on your own or with your husband, and a night at a hotel or airbnb or even just at a friends house who can look after you a bit - uninterrupted sleep, wake up when you want, have a nice breakfast and hopefully your brain will be a bit more at ease. I mentioned in a previous post that I went away with my girlfriends for a weekend and it honestly did me a world of good - its almost 3 weeks later and I still feel the effects. My husband looked after my son for the weekend but MIL stayed with them and he freaking owed me after being out of town nearly 2 weeks.
I'm really sorry you're feeling overwhelmed. Its so tough the second time around with SO many more demands on your time. Hugs!
nectarine / 2262 posts
@scarletbegonia thanks lady. A weekend away would help so much. Unfortunately it's not really in the cards - my mom is the only one who could really watch my son for a weekend, she would have to fly to our house, and she is not really comfortable doing a whole weekend by herself with him (he is handful!). My husband is pretty good about taking my son out for an outing and letting me stay home and rest or whatever. Unfortunately that usually means doing laundry, cleaning, etc. which doesn't really help.
apricot / 374 posts
@MrsADS: We're going in about a month too! Are you doing the MK Christmas party? I'm hoping my 2yo holds up during the late evening (or at least willingly falls asleep in his stroller).
nectarine / 2262 posts
@nanilani no, we're skipping the Christmas party. My 2yo usually goes to bed at 7pm (and turns into a MONSTER with not enough sleep). We are going Dec. 2-5. I am not quite sure what to expect with the 2yo. He is already talking about it a lot but I have a feeling it will be overwhelming for him. I am planning to do mornings in the park, go back for a nap, then go back for a few more hours, then early bedtime. We'll miss a lot, but it will be a slow pace.
apricot / 374 posts
@MrsADS: Hopefully he has fun! We took our son for the first time around 18 months, and he really enjoyed it. We went back for an impromptu day trip when we were in the area about three months later, and he really surprised us with how much he remembered! (Which is why my husband talked me into getting annual passes so we could take him again while he's still under three and free.) So even if it doesn't seem like it, the little guys really do take it all in. We also planned on doing hotel naps every day, but most days he fell asleep early in the stroller so we often ended up staying in the parks anyway. Without our previous experiences with him in WDW, I don't know that I'd be willing to chance the Xmas party either. Enjoy your trip!
nectarine / 2262 posts
@nanilani do you live in FL? We are Florida residents, we only live 3 hours away from Disney and before the 2 year old was born, we had annual passes every year and went all the time. Since he was born, I've gone a few times solo to meet up with friends (like a day trip or one overnight) but haven't taken him, so it's definitely time! I hope he loves it like your son does. I would love for him to take a stroller nap so we don't have to go back to the hotel - especially in December when the days are so short. He's never napped in the stroller so I'm not optimistic!
apricot / 374 posts
@MrsADS: No, we're not local. But I married into a Disney family -- there's almost always a member of DH's extended family there. So to him it's completely normal to go at least once a year if not more, whereas my family didn't go until I was 16. It can be a pretty different experience with a young child (I've been on Winnie the Pooh more times than I can count), at least compared to the days when we could ride things together or go drinking around the world. As long as you're willing to be flexible, and you certainly sound familiar enough with the parks to change plans on the fly, it's more than doable with a toddler.
nectarine / 2262 posts
I had a regular OB appointment this morning (11w3d). My OB couldn't find the heartbeat with the doppler, so they did a quick ultrasound. Heartbeat is 152 bpm. The amazing thing is, it is a real baby in there - arms and legs and everything! I guess at 11w it still doesn't feel real. It feels a lot more real after seeing that. I have my NT scan on Monday. I also had Panorama drawn today, so I should get results by the end of next week. EEEK.
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@MrsADS: Oh my gosh. Were you terrified during the hopefully short wait between the doppler and the ultrasound? Early pregnancy is such an exciting and also terrifying time. I'm so very glad you got the ultrasound and saw a real baby in your belly! What a great thing to see. And hopefully you will get some great blood test results! Did you opt to find out gender with the panorama test?
grapefruit / 4045 posts
Has anyone made their announcements yet, or when are you planning to do so? I realize I'm a few weeks ahead of most of you in here with my early May due date. I've been telling people about my pregnancy sporadically as I see them. But I unexpectedly told my work yesterday after have a serious calendar discussion that was pushing up to May and it just didn't seem right for me to participate and not divulge that - hey, I won't be here. Instragram announcement maybe tomorrow. And then gender reveal party on Sunday! Time is moving quickly!
nectarine / 2262 posts
@agold I was a little freaked out but my OB was like hey, it's still early, this ehappens all the time. Yes we are going to find out the gender! I am excited/nervous. Don't know what to expect. I have my NT scan Monday and if that looks okay, we will begin telling people next week (we've already told immediate family). I will probably tell my boss the end of next week and the rest of my work people the week after that. I HATE doing the announcement thing, it is soooo awkward, but I always feel better afterward once people know.
grape / 78 posts
We just got our Counsyl results today. Baby is healthy and is a girl! im SHOCKED. I really really was convinced it was another boy, but nope! I guess if OWT's are sometimes true, they are true for me. Horrible debilitating morning sickness = girl.
@MrsADS: Hope your results come back soon!
nectarine / 2262 posts
@anniefannie yay, congratulations!!! I have also had horrible acne, maybe that means I am having a girl. I'm okay either way, but looking forward to knowing.
So an embarrassing pregnancy problem I had at my ultrasound today. The ultrasound tech tried to do it abdominally, but could not see ANYTHING because I was too constipated. I was literally too full of poop for the ultrasound to work! OMG. She did it vaginally and was able to see then.
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@MrsADS: I hate the announcement thing, too. I always feel so awkward! That's hilarious about the ultrasound incident. Hopefully the tech/dr was a good sport about it.
@anniefannie: Fantastic news on the early results! Are you so excited to have a boy and a girl now? That's so great.
grape / 78 posts
@agold: Yeah, im excited but still getting used to it. It totally took me by surprise. I know boy world so well and am comfortable with it, so in some ways, it feels like im doing this for the first time all over again emotionally. Is that weird or does it make sense? Girl world will be a whole new adventure!
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@anniefannie: It makes perfect sense! I have the same feelings about if I happen to be pregnant with a boy!
squash / 13764 posts
@anniefannie: congrats! I was similarly shocked when I found out my daughter's sex but it's been fun having one of each!
@MrsADS: omg that is terrible! Are you in terrible pain? I'm terrified of constipation, if i don't go every day i take a colace.
I finally got my MaterniT21 blood drawn today, as well as some other genetic testing for things that I might be a carrier for (random genetic diseases!). Hopefully we have the results at the end of next week, and everything comes back negative.
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