Welcome and congrats to our May 2019 moms.
How far along:
First child?
First doctor appointment:
Any symptoms so far?
Who have you told?
Welcome and congrats to our May 2019 moms.
How far along:
First child?
First doctor appointment:
Any symptoms so far?
Who have you told?
clementine / 995 posts
Location: Virginia
EDD: May 10
How far along: 3 weeks 5 days
First child? Yes
First doctor appointment: September 24
Any symptoms so far? Not really. I just feel a little off overall. I have been pretty emotional too.
Who have you told? Just DH. We will probably tell our parents next week, but they will be sworn to secrecy. We won’t tell anyone else until 12-13 weeks.
Can anyone recommend a good pregnancy book? Also, DH is interested in reading one geared towards dads.
cherry / 105 posts
Location: Kansas
EDD: May 7!
How far along: 4w1d
First child? #5! Still birth, two healthy toddlers, MMC
First doctor appointment: viability Sono oct 2 @ 9w
Any symptoms so far? Slight nausea, EXHAUSTION, food aversions to meat
Who have you told? Husband, the HB March moms group
persimmon / 1168 posts
Congrats mamas!
@NCSUchick27: when i was pregnant with my DS I really liked The Birth Partner. It’s very readable and straightforward. It’s geared towards dads/significant others but I also found it helpful to read
nectarine / 2288 posts
Location: phoenix az
EDD: May 7
How far along: 4 weeks 1 day
First child? Second, my daughter will be 3 in October
First doctor appointment: not set yet
Any symptoms so far? I'm ravenous, my boobs hurt, and I've peed like 75 times today
Who have you told? Hubby and my best friends. We will likely tell our families soon as well
I am so excited! It has been an unexpectedly long road to get here
nectarine / 2288 posts
@NCSUchick27: remind me to dig out my list of a couple books. I also recommend starting a child behavior book now because once your little is here you'll have little time to read one
clementine / 995 posts
@MamaBear87: Haha, that’s good advice! I would love to hear your recommendations.
nectarine / 2288 posts
@NCSUchick27: what are your feelings about pregnancy and birth? More natural or not? I merely ask because some books are better for one or the other
nectarine / 2288 posts
First appointment made for September 12th.
I'm seeing midwives at a birth center and will be referred out for a dating ultrasound so I think that's why they do it a bit early
I'm so excited to try water birth! Just crossing my fingers they don't decide I'm risked out due to my svt (superventricular tachycardia) on the upside if I am I can still birth with them, just at the hospital
clementine / 995 posts
@MamaBear87: I am seeing an OB and planning on getting an epidural so I guess I lean more towards not natural.
nectarine / 2288 posts
@NCSUchick27: i saw an ob and ended up with an epi for my first. It was an awesome birth experience
The mayo pregnancy book is great. Ina mays guide to childbirth is also a great read. The second half is all about how birth works
nectarine / 2641 posts
Hi! I haven’t regularly been around the boards in a couple years, but I’m back and wanting to share about #3 since we arent telling anyone as long as we can get away with it.
Location: Montana
EDD: May 14
How far along: 3 weeks?
First child? Third
First doctor appointment: I havent called yet. Maybe I’ll call Tuesday
Any symptoms so far? I have a very distinct side pain (like ovulation cramps) I get when I’m pregnant the first couple weeks, so I’ve been feeling that.
Who have you told? Just my husband. Will tell my co-teacher soon (she’ll have to teach my class for the last two weeks in May, but she knows it’s a possibility). My LOs are 5 and 3, and we’ve been telling people we are pretty much done, so I’m looking forward to surprising people (especially our parents). Numbers 1 and 2 were obvious and people generally saw them coming. Aside from my co-teacher, no one knows we were trying.
nectarine / 2288 posts
May mommas!
Nicollette1189: May 7th
Mamabear87: May 7th
Ncsuchick27: May 10th
Jess1483: May 14th
clementine / 995 posts
I am so emotional right now. I totally cried in a meeting with my 2 bosses today for no reason. I thought about telling my female boss that I am pregnant because I know she will understand. She has 4 kids. It is still so early though so I didn’t. They probably think I am crazy now.
When I do tell them I am going to be like, remember that time I cried in that meeting. Yeah, this is why.
I have also been having some light cramping, which I know is normal. It haven’t had any bleeding to go along with it.
I don’t have any nausea yet, but I know that sometimes doesn’t start until around 6 weeks. I really hope I don’t have it at all or if I do that it is mild. Vomiting is one of my biggest phobias.
nectarine / 2288 posts
I found early pregnancy to be the most traumatic emotion wise. I'd cry at everything.
Morning sickness for me wasn't too bad. I only actually puked a few times. I also hate it but motherhood really makes you get over it
nectarine / 2288 posts
Worried this morning. I still have tests left so took one and it was so much lighter . Trying not to freak out because I've had a ton of water this morning and my pee was basically clear so maybe just way less concentrated than any of the other tests I've taken
nectarine / 2641 posts
@MamaBear87: I'm sorry I'm sure you're right about the concentration, but I totally understand the worry. I mc'd between my first two boys, and have since overanalyzed everything possible when it comes to pregnancy. Fingers crossed that everything is as it should be.
nectarine / 2288 posts
@Jess1483: thanks. It's just been such a crazy road to get here I'm going to be devastated if this pregnancy doesn't stick
It was still clearly positive so I'm trying not to freak. It was Internet cheapies too
clementine / 995 posts
@MamaBear87: I am sure the line was lighter because you were well hydrated. I had that happen yesterday, and it made me a worry too. I also had less symptoms yesterday, but they came back later in the day.
I can add insomnia to my list of symptoms so far. It is currently 1:54am, and I am wide awake. We are on vacation all week so hopefully I will be sleeping better by the time I have to go back to work.
We are telling my parents later today. I know they will be very excited, but I am still nervous. I am an only child so this will be their first grandchild. We are telling them early because we are on vacation with them, and I don’t think I will be able to hide it all week.
nectarine / 2288 posts
@NCSUchick27: thanks! I took another cheapie this morning and it was still lighter so caved and took my last frer and that was clearly darker. My lo was a month 1 baby so having the temptations of tests around is new to me.
Telling parents is so so much fun! We already told mine but get to tell my in laws in person next week. Their reactions are awesome!
I didn't have insomnia but woke up to pee at least 2 times, often more, my whole last pregnancy. Usually your body eventually gets used to it
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@MamaBear87: will your dating ultrasound be the same day as your first appointment? Or soon after?
nectarine / 2288 posts
@Sams Mom: I'm not positive my birth center does them....I'm pretty sure they do to catch twins early but not positive. They don't have an ultrasound machine though so I will have to schedule with the ob they work with after my first appointment and will be gone the 19th-25 so likely won't be until I get back. I'll still only be 8 weeks that week anyway
nectarine / 2641 posts
I’m spotting Only brown, but the only pregnancy I’ve ever spotted in was my m/c. Prayers appreciated.
nectarine / 2288 posts
@Jess1483: hopefully your cervix just got irritated. All the good vibes
nectarine / 2641 posts
No more spotting last night or today, so I'm choosing to be positive. Calling the doctor now for a first appointment
nectarine / 2288 posts
@Jess1483: yay! First appointments are always so nerve wracking.
I hear you on trying to be positive. I hate how symptoms come and go
apple seed / 1 posts
Location: Southern CA
EDD: 5/5/2019
How far along: 6 weeks tomorrow
First child? 2nd
First doctor appointment: not set up yet calling today.
Any symptoms so far? Sore boobs, tired some food aversions.
Who have you told? Only DH
cherry / 105 posts
@Jess1483: how's the spotting going? Hopefully it's cleared up!
Because nothing ever goes 100% smooth with my pregnancies, I've bled a little bit the last couple days. More than spotting but it's brown/dark red. I had an HCG draw yesterday so we are just waiting on levels. If it's over 10k, we will do a Sono. If it's not, we will redraw on Monday and wait til it's at 10k to do the Sono. Crossing my fingers - the bleeding is gone for now!
cherry / 105 posts
The nurse called this morning and said my HCG was over 13k! So they had me come in to do another blood draw and I have a sono on Monday afternoon!
nectarine / 2641 posts
@nicollette1189: it has! I haven’t had any more since the one time, so that’s made me feel a lot better. Thanks for checking in!
nectarine / 2288 posts
@nicollette1189: yay for nice high betas!
@Mamac626: welcome!
Were on a vacation in Sonoma this weekend. It's the worst not being able to enjoy a few glasses of wine
cherry / 105 posts
@MamaBear87: hopefully you got to relax and put your feet up though!
We had our viability scan today and everything looks good! Heart rate was 121 and I have 2 SCH, which eases my mind that the bleeding was that and not something crazy!
nectarine / 2288 posts
@nicollette1189: yay for our first us picture! Glad the bleeding wasn't from anything too scary
We had a nice weekend but coming back to the heat was rough! I'm super excited for my first appointment on Wednesday but will likely have to wait until after 9/25 for my first us
nectarine / 2641 posts
@MamaBear87: Mine is on 10/11. Such a long wait! But I also had a m/c at 8 weeks, and I feel like 9 weeks will be more reassuring, so I will be patient.
@nicollette1189: Hooray!
nectarine / 2288 posts
@Jess1483: that's my feeling as well. I'd rather get one at 8-9 weeks rather than go too early and not see anything or have something happen after
clementine / 995 posts
@nicollette1189: Yay for a good ultrasound! Mine is 2 weeks from today. The wait is killing me.
I am feeling ok. No nausea yet, but I have a lot of gas, which can be painful at times.
nectarine / 2288 posts
@NCSUchick27: i feel you on the gas. Peppermint tea helps me with both the gas and nausea. Not sure if it's just the warm tea or something with the peppermint but it usually gets the gas moving instead of it being trapped and painful
clementine / 995 posts
@MamaBear87: Thanks for the tip. I picked up some peppermint tea at Trader Joe’s today so hopefully it will help. I also got some ginger tea.
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