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New Year, New Babes - January 2015 Postpartum Chat

  1. Raindrop

    grapefruit / 4731 posts

    @MrsHansen82: I should mention before I pump it looks like the "too large" picture... after pumping for a few minutes it looks like the "just right" picture because my nipples enlarge. I hope that helps! The LC had me pump for five minutes to see how my nipples expand to tell me if it was a good fit or not.

  2. namaste

    persimmon / 1313 posts

    @Raindrop: I'm really excited to see the other kids/meet some moms! Food trucks and froyo is a win-win to me!

    @MrsHansen82: Aww take your time! There's plenty of time to be out, preferably when it's warmer We're just lucky to live where the temperatures are moderate and our town has an insane walking/biking trail. You can pretty much walk anywhere here.

    A had her one month appointment today. At the last minute, her old peds office called us yesterday to tell us they didn't take her insurance so I was lucky enough to get an appointment with the local family doctor. He's always recommended and I was worried I wouldn't like him but I LOVE him. He's just so nice and his staff is fantastic. It's easy to get last minute appointments (obviously) and he was such a professional.

    She's doing great! She's an inch and a half taller. I just didn't expect to love our pediatrician after her first visit (the place was kind of gross :/) so I'm happy with his stance on breasfeeding, vaccinations, etc. My cold isn't going away and I'm so over it. I sort of hope my mom can come in town next week so I can work on feeling better. The only thing that usually helps me feel better is sleep since I normally don't sleep much. I would also love an hour in the steam room. A girl can dream!

    What are your plans for the weekend?

  3. Mrs. Blue

    blogger / pomelo / 5361 posts

    I think my post-partum adrenaline has worn off and. Ow I'm just so. freaking tired. That is all I can contribute today.

  4. Espion

    pomegranate / 3577 posts

    @Mrs. Blue: Hear, hear. This kid is allowing me a maximum of a 2 hour stretch at night, but mostly less. I'm exhausted.

    I'm feeling a mixture of guilt and relief at having to leave for 5 days week after next. I'm going to miss my guys so much, and I'll have to pump every couple of hours, but it will be amazing to get some sleep...

  5. turquoisemama

    persimmon / 1481 posts

    @Mrs. Blue: @Espion: I feel you ladies. Sleep deprivation is catching up with me. We are at a max of 3 hour stretches of sleep and by the time I put her back down and get back to sleep, I only get about two. Tell me this will get better!!

  6. Espion

    pomegranate / 3577 posts

    @MrsHansen82: It does get better. The first two months are all about survival.

  7. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    @MrsHansen82: it does get better. I promise.

  8. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    @Espion: I'm kinda jealous of your trip. DH was out of town so I've done double bedtime. L is getting her 2 year molars and C decided to get a jump on her six week spurt. By eight o clock I'm toast.

  9. HappyBaker

    nectarine / 2242 posts

    @MrsHansen82: yes it will get better! I seriously just keep dreaming if the day both kids are in bed at 7:30 and STTN, it feels far away but I know we'll get there eventually! Hang in there.

  10. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    @MrsHansen82: we are still about there with night sleep too. 3 hours between feedings and if we are lucky, 4 hrs. So i usually get about 2.5 hrs of sleep stretches. Do you nap during the day? That is absolutely key for me. I need a 1.5-2 hr nap most days. Nap with the baby or Give the baby to dh and do it. I didnt with #1 and i was majorly sleep deprived and it was horrible.

    but to answer your question, it totally gets better! We had normal sleep for a good year and a half...now our toddler sleep sucks. So we are kind of back to motn wakeups. But it wont last forever.

  11. sorrycharlie

    hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts

    I swear I'm following along! just exhausted over here. solo parenting most of the time and I finally lost it the other day (not on anyone, just in my head). I tried to take the girls out because we've been house bound for weeks, but my SUV was stuck in the snow, C wouldn't stop screaming (she hates the carseat) and then O pooped so I just called it. We stayed home and we all cried.

    DH came home from work and took the girls and sent me to target. It was barely an hour but god it felt good.

  12. sorrycharlie

    hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts

    and I had to reschedule my PPA/PPD check in because of a blizzard (I was supposed to go a week postpartum, but delivered early, so it would have been 2 weeks PP). then my reschedule appt is tomorrow, during ANOTHER EFFING SNOWSTORM. I don't really know what to do. I don't wanna drive with C in the snow when she hates the carseat to begin with but god. I can't wait til 6 weeks postpartum to be seen, really.

  13. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    @sorrycharlie: Like you, I really am following along even though I don't post often! My SIL is in the hospital so things are a bit crazy around here too. I'm so sorry that you're so cooped up--and I hope you get to go to your appointment soon! My kiddo also hates her carseat...literally every time we put her in it we have to swing her around like crazy in it to get her to chill out. And if she isn't sleeping in the car...she's screaming. Poor gal. Anyway, I'll be thinking about you! (Also, isn't it amazing what an hour getaway to Target can do? I did the exact same thing a week ago, and it was glorious.) Hang in there, mama.

  14. Espion

    pomegranate / 3577 posts

    @sorrycharlie: I have no idea how to handle getting two kids out the door. I hear you about the cabin fever. I get so jealous of DH when he leaves the house to pick up E from daycare. I hope the storm isn't too bad.

    DH took H and I got 4.5 hours of sleep at the beginning of the night. Was wonderful. As long as I have a pumped bottle of milk ready to go, I can buy myself a little time.

    This kid does not want to sleep anywhere except near me, though. I wish I could put him down in the swing. It would make things so much easier.

  15. Radish

    nectarine / 2079 posts

    @Espion: Glad you got some good sleep! I slept in the last two mornings and it seriously helps. I am so happy DD2 will sleep pretty much anywhere, because DD1 did not. I almost feel neglectful this time since I am used to having a newborn attached to me.

  16. charmed

    persimmon / 1177 posts

    I've been reading along on my phone, but haven't had a chance to reply! This last week A has decided that during the day if she isn't nursing she is crying, and she will not go to sleep unless I wear her forever. DH was awesome last night and took her between feedings so I could sleep.

    @Happygal: nursing bras are ridiculous I ordered 4 from Amazon, and none of them came close to fitting. So I'm sending them back and trying again.

    @MrsHansen82: still have a pooch here, but most of it was there pre-baby. It seems like everything on my lower body has shifted around so my pre-baby jeans fit weird. I went jean shopping yesterday (that was depressing), and it just made me anxious to get back to the gym.

    @Happygal: Hi! It's so great that your pediatrician comes to your house! Ours is just a few miles away, but we still have to pack her up in the carseat and drive.

    @namaste: glad you like your new pediatrician and that your LO is doing great!

    @sorrycharlie: sorry about all your snow! That was us last week, DH had to take the morning off work to drive us to an appointment b/c I was too nervous about the roads.

    @mfa_lady: all doctors should prescribe a solo hour at Target when you leave the hospital

    @Espion: hooray for sleeping!!

    We got our newborn pics back - they were great despite the fact that A did not want to cooperate for the photographer. Then I took a few myself the other morning with her in the hats I bought- they're not as great as the professional ones, but I still love them. These are my two favorites: (first is from the photographer, the one with the owl hat I took)

  17. charmed

    persimmon / 1177 posts

    The photographer also took some pics of our nursery while she was waiting for A to calm down:

  18. namaste

    persimmon / 1313 posts

    @sorrycharlie: So sorry you had a hard time trying to get out with the girls. Snow is just a fun sucker!

    @Espion: Yay for sleep! I'm sure he will adjust to sleeping on his own in due time. Your DH is awesome for letting you get some sleep.

    @charmed: These pictures are the absolute cutest!

  19. Radish

    nectarine / 2079 posts

    @charmed: Awesome nursery and great pictures! She is too cute! I never got my jeans to fit the same after LO1 - I think my hips are completely different.

  20. Happygal

    pomelo / 5000 posts

    @charmed: what wonderful pictures! I love them both and see why they're your favorites. Which bras did you buy? The Bravado something is working fo rme.

    I feel like I'm in that weird early first trimester phase where maternity clothes are too big, but your regular clothes are too tight. I put on my pre-pregnancy jeans the other day to run errands (really--sit in the car and ride around) with my husband. I didn't zip them up, but it still felt good to have on regular clothes for a couple of hours! Ha. I've decided just to accept my yoga pant fate for the next few weeks or so and may go out to Target and buy a cheap pair of jeans.

  21. Happygal

    pomelo / 5000 posts

    @mfa_lady: oh, sorry you have a car seat hater! My sisters have had some of those. When they switched to a convertible seat, it seemed to get much better.

    @Espion: hooray for sleep! Do you have some babywearing devices? I have some that I like, although I do find that sometimes if she's close to me in a carrier, she just wants to nurse!

  22. Happygal

    pomelo / 5000 posts

    Our last home visit from the pediatrician showed she only gained about .5 ounce for the entire week. I was so surprised as she had been gaining about 3 ounces a day! We're trouble shooting to figure out what is going on--it definitely isn't a supply issue. I think my letdown is too much for her, so she latches on, pulls off, repeat. She gets frustrated and doesn't nurse as well as she should. We're experimenting with some pumping--didn't think I'd be breaking this thing out so soon.

  23. Espion

    pomegranate / 3577 posts

    @Happygal: We definitely baby wear, but he problem is that I want to sleep too! Or I need to sit at a desk and do some work.

    Last night I gave DH a break and was back to the usual up and down every hour. I can't wait for this kid to sleep some longer stretches.

  24. charmed

    persimmon / 1177 posts

    @namaste: @Radish: thanks!

    @Happygal: I tried a couple Bravado and some Cake Lingerie. I measured myself and used the size guide on the websites and they still weren't close to fitting If they had fit I think any of them would have worked.

  25. charmed

    persimmon / 1177 posts

    Just posted A's birth story if anyone is interested: http://boards.hellobee.com/topic/as-birth-story

  26. Radish

    nectarine / 2079 posts

    How is everyone doing this week?

    We are all chugging along over here. My mom is still here until the end of the week and I'm not looking forward to her leaving. LO1 is testing us a lot more lately and her sleep has been pretty rough. LO2 has been pretty chill, though she has been a bit gassier and spitting up more these last few days. She consistently gives us 3-4 hour stretches of sleep at night and I'm really hoping they continue (if not get longer) as we start to get her to wake more during the day. LO1 seems like a giant these days compared to LO2, even though she's very petite for her age.

  27. namaste

    persimmon / 1313 posts

    @Radish: You're a champ and things will be good even when your mom leaves! I am in awe of all of the mommies of toddlers and newborns. You ladies are amazing.

    I'm still recovering from this cold but I'm glad that A is doing well. She's always smiley and making so many baby noises. She's started to cry more when she needs things. She never cried before really when she needed a diaper change but now it's like get it off ASAP!

    Hope you're all doing well!

  28. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    @charmed: Loved reading your whole story! I REALLY need to write mine up.

    @Radish: My little lady is getting a tad more needy, too. Like @namaste: said, she's really letting us know when she needs something/is not happy. I joked with a friend of mine recently (who has a 4 month old) that she just doesn't seem to like BEING AWAKE. Haha. Sleeping? Great. Eating? Stellar. Just hanging out? Not her fave.

    We had our one month appointment today, about a week late, and E is growing like a weed. She's almost 2 pounds over her birth weight and is three inches longer! Seems totally insane to me to grow 3 inches in 5.5 weeks. No wonder I feel like all I do is feed her! Happy to get a good report, though, and to be reassured that everything is going well.

    Hope everyone is doing great!

  29. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    @Radish: I was shocked at how big L was once we were home. I mistakenly called her giant and now she tells everyone that says she's big that "No, Lily a giant!"

    @namaste: Glad you're feeling a bit better!

    @mfa_lady: Nice growing baby! I always feel so proud after good checkups. It's nice to know all those feedings are working.

    Our house is chugging along. We have tons of snow (not as much as my NE family) so getting out has been tough.

    Our grocery store recently started online shopping, you just pull up and they put everything in the car. It has made my life so much easier! Only $3! I'd pay $20 to not have to grocery shop with a toddler and newborn.

    C has been just awesome with sleep lately, seven and then four hours last night and luckily I slept for most of it too.

    Just home from my six (!) week check up. Doc was very pleased with my scar. I came home with a script for the mini pill...not sure if I want to fill it, but we're thinking to tttc in nine-ish months and I do not want to get pregnant sooner.

    We DTD last week.....not as much fun as it used to be.... we'll try again tonight probably.

    What are you ladies doing for BC?

  30. Espion

    pomegranate / 3577 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: I'm doing the mini-pill and condom back-up while I'm breastfeeding. We're definite two and through, but I couldn't bring myself to do anything permanent. BCPs don't bother me much and I psyched myself out of considering the Mirena.

    H has been an easy baby so far in that he's easy to please. Little man wants the boob and wants to be held. But not being able to put him down ever is slowly making me crack. I think it is really because I can't just enjoy this down time because I have a huge, huge, huge examination next week. I'm having mini-meltdowns because I can't balance a laptop, baby, boob, and a numb butt from sitting all day all at once.

    I made DH go and get me some ice cream last night, when I really need/want a whole bottle of wine and more than 3 hours of sleep.

  31. Espion

    pomegranate / 3577 posts

    @mfa_lady: That's awesome she's growing so well!

    @namaste: Hope the cold makes a quick exit! I'm jealous of your walks. As soon as we warm up to the 30's, I'm definitely headed outside!

    @Radish: Dude, H is SO gassy. He doesn't get upset, but he farts all the time. I have no idea why, except maybe its the fenugreek I've been taking. I hope LO1 settles into a better routine. E has taken to throwing toys up at me in an attempt to share, but sometimes he nearly hits little brother. I didn't realize I would say "don't hit your brother" this early!

  32. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: I'll be on the mini-pill, too. That's the progesterone only one, right? I'm NOT excited about taking the pill again, but I also don't want to have Irish twins. Good for you for DTD already! I'm still kind of freaked out. My follow up appointment is next week so I will probably just wait until then.

  33. Radish

    nectarine / 2079 posts

    @namaste: Smiles are the best! I hope you feel better asap.

    @mfa_lady: Every day I can have a not very needy baby is a blessing right now. I am waiting for the other shoe to drop.

    @oliviaoblivia: $3!? I can't imagine how that is profitable for them. 7 hours of sleep sounds amazing. We are just doing NFP - I've never been on birth control before. Very on the fence about a third (leaning towards no) so I may try something after I wean.

    @Espion: Yeah... LO1 has already hit LO2. It is so weird because she doesn't hit and I'm not really sure she was meaning to hit hit her. Fun times. I hope you can relax once your exam is done. Good luck!

    Speaking of ice cream - I totally bought a gallon on the way home today despite still being 15 lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight and 20 from my ideal weight.

  34. sorrycharlie

    hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts

    @Espion: It was 30 here today and felt like spring!!

  35. Espion

    pomegranate / 3577 posts

    @sorrycharlie: Isn't it amazing how a stretch of single digit weather will make the 30 seem like you can ditch the coat and snowpants? If it was in the 40s, then heck, that's shorts weather!

  36. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    @Radish: yes! Haha. Changing lo1's diaper and picking her up, she totally seems huge even though just a month ago, i thought she was so tiny. What flavor ice cream did u get? I had a milkshake the other day for the first time in years..and it was soooo good.

    @Espion: wow you are managing ti study for an exam next week? You are seriously super woman. I cam barely add numbers in my head right now.

    @oliviaoblivia: i can't wait for those longer stretches of sleep. I wqs checking my baby app for lo1 and it said that around 6 weeks is when she started sleeping 6-8 hour stretches. Hopefully only a few weeks to go before this one does too...

    @mfa_lady: awesome job on the weight gain and growth! I love when they have good numbers...def feels like the work and the night wakings are all worth it.

    As for us not much has changed. Our nanny is off for the next couple of weeks so we are going to stay with my parents for that time to get a little extra help. I got my tooth worked on today...unexpected cost of $1000 because insurance doesn't cover it. Ugh.

    Baby is starting to get fussy when she is awake for too long, usually over an hour. Then she has trouble putting herself to sleep so we have to hold her or pat her. Last night after a feeding that took 45 mins she had the hiccups for half an hour and then she couldnt go back to sleep so i had to bring her in bed with me and cuddle her. I don't think this happened until later with dd1...like 10 weeks. it is too early to form bad habits...right??

  37. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    @sorrycharlie: omg yes! The sun came out when i was outside today and i unzipped my coat because i felt hot! It was 33 degrees.

  38. namaste

    persimmon / 1313 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: My appointment is tomorrow and I'm honestly thinking about asking about doing an IUD in the future. I've never been on BC so I'm just not in the mood to deal with the whole thing. I'm sure DTD will be better soon!

    @Espion: Sending you so much love momma! I also want a bottle of wine but just so I can....:P The weather is the only good thing about this state for me lol

    @SleepyMonkey: A started to get fussy last week when awake too long. I just catch it quickly and sort of rock her and put her to sleep before she gets overtired.

  39. Espion

    pomegranate / 3577 posts

    @SleepyMonkey: I'm not sure I'd call it effective studying! There is no denying that the timing is terrible, though. The test is only offered once a year!

    Guys, I think H has a dairy sensitivity. He is so gassy and his poops are breasted baby poops, but they are smelly, and I know they aren't supposed to be smelly. When I read more, other signs can be excessive gas, watery poops, AND waking every 1.5 to 2 hours, nursing all the time, and fussiness at the boob. He doesn't have mucosy poops or blood, but the wakefulness is enough for me to cut dairy out. I've noticed he's been a little worse since DH bought me my stress ice cream (I've already eaten 2 bowlfuls today!) If this is the answer to him sleeping longer stretches, then bland chicken every day, here I come.

  40. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    @Espion: you will rock the exam! I am sorry about the mspi though. did your first have it too?

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