Hellobee Boards


Nov '12 Babies: Feeding

  1. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    @kml636: DH is ready to start ASAP (no idea why) and I'm not ready at all. We are probably going to start at around 5 months depending on where she is developmentally at that point. Since he wants to start at 4 months and I want to wait until 6, 5 months seems to be the compromise for now.

  2. SLR

    clementine / 824 posts

    @highwire: We may do that too. I wasn't ready at 4 months so we are going to reevaluate at 5. Im totally ok with waiting until 6 too. Im not sure she has shown a huge interest either. She watches us eat dinner, but its not like she is fixated on what we are eating.

    Cute pic, btw!

  3. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    @SLR: Thanks!

    So...any of your LOs in the early stages of teething? C wants to gum and chew on everything and is drooling constantly.

    She loves chewing on fingers especially. And it is biting, not sucking. Sometimes I will rub her gums with my fingers and she is just super happy when I do that. That aspect of it is cute.

    The not-so-cute part is that she has been chomping on my nipples! NO THANK YOU. Ouch. And this is just with gums. I can't even imagine how much this is going to hurt when she starts sprouting teeth.

  4. ChelseaRose

    persimmon / 1161 posts

    @highwire: W is five months old and has been like that for at least a month or two. Everything goes in his mouth and everything gets chewed on. He has to wear a bib constantly because of the drool. Ditto on the painful nipple chomping. That combine with more pumping at work has left me sore. Are you going to be starting food soon? I remember you posted that your husband wanted to, but you wanted to wait.

    We will be starting in the next few weeks as W will be six months old at the end of this month. He's sitting really well and can do so unassisted for short periods of time (like 10-20 seconds). He really wants to try anything that is close to my mouth including food and drinks and seems to get mad when I won't let him. Obviously I'm not going to let him have soda or a muffin, but he thinks they both look great. It is probably time to clean up my own diet a bit too. I'm thinking of seeing a nutritionist for some guidance with this, but haven had the time to research, make an appointment, etc.

  5. kml636

    pomegranate / 3225 posts

    @highwire: I definitely thought she was teething. We asked the Dr about it and she said drooling, biting, and putting everything in her mouth don't mean she's teething. I guess we'll know when we see a tooth!

  6. ChelseaRose

    persimmon / 1161 posts

    @kml636: I've heard that too. Many of the things that are associated with teething are normal developmental things at this age, which is also around the age when teeth first start appearing.

  7. MamaMoose

    GOLD / squash / 13464 posts

    @highwire: I thought M was teething too bit I think this is just the age where they start exploring the world with their mouth! Did your hubs ever give you a reason why he was so anxious to start with solids? My husband was anxious to start because he was excited to be more involved in feeding her... But as soon as I sent him a few articles on the benefits of holding off he was totally on board.

  8. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    I think Round Three of mastitis is coming around the bend. My milk supply went up, I got engorged over night, and it was hurting when she nursed last night and this morning. That breast is also red and warm.

    I've been massaging and staying on my pumping schedule, but I think things are clogged up in there because the left one is usually my good producer, and it is lagging behind today.

  9. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    @MamaMoose: I don't know if he had a reason! It might be that, though. I'm really excited to start, but still want to wait until at least 5 months before introducing anything.

  10. SLR

    clementine / 824 posts

    Are any of your LO’s super distracted while nursing now? I don’t know if it’s the age and normal distraction that comes along with this or if she has started to prefer the bottles at daycare and is becoming a lazy nurser as a result. (Which would really be something after a couple hard months of struggling to get her to even take the bottle.) When I feed her in the am before daycare and then the couple times before bed, she latches on for a just a second, takes a quick gulp, then pops off and squirms around - over and over again. There is no way she’s getting a full meal doing this. The only time she’s been nursing really well over the past couple weeks is the middle of the night feeding.

  11. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    @SLR: Yep! The nursing session immediately after work is the worst. She'll suck for a minute, pop off, smile, hang out, latch back on, take her sweet time. If DH or I start talking to each other she pops off to look at whoever is talking.

    The first nursing session of the day is good because she is sleepy. My pump does a good job emptying my breasts the 4x a day that I do that. I just let her have her one bad nursing session in the evening and know that I'll be pumping at 9 PM to empty my breasts before I go to sleep.

  12. MamaMoose

    GOLD / squash / 13464 posts

    @highwire: @SLR: Yup LO definitely gets easily distracted while nursing these days. I absolutely can not talk to hubs while nursing any more. I find that side lying nursing gets her to nurse the best. She gets cozy and relaxes and she really can't look around and see much other than me so she focuses better.

  13. kml636

    pomegranate / 3225 posts

    @MamaMoose: my LO also gets distracted after about 5 mins. So frustrating!

    I'm so upset, I just can't pump enough for her at day care! I'm barely getting 8 oz between 3 pumping sessions! I think traveling and having a cold really affected my supply! Now I'm trying everything to bring it up.

  14. MamaMoose

    GOLD / squash / 13464 posts

    @kml636: Order More Milk Plus ASAP. I'm telling you it made a big difference for me.

  15. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    @kml636: Try not to stress momma! Lots of people had success with supplements like MMP. Also, make sure you are hydrated and fed! If you've been sick you definitely need more fluids and food.

  16. kml636

    pomegranate / 3225 posts

    @MamaMoose: @highwire: Thanks ladies, I just ordered it!!!

  17. SLR

    clementine / 824 posts

    @kml636: I've been trying to give my supply a little boost and have noticed a difference doing the following --

    I've been having oatmeal for breakfast most mornings. I just keep a cylinder of Quaker in my office and use the hot water out of the coffee machines. It cooks it well enough.

    Taking a dose of MMP liquid at night just when I need a boost. I'm not good about taking the 3-4 doses per day, and when I have taken more, I think it bothered my stomach. Even with one dose at night, I notice that I'm fuller and pump more in the morning.

    Having lactation cookies handy as a snack at night. I made a big batch and froze them so I can just pull out one at a time. Plus, I think I like them better frozen (but they need to be a little under-baked!).

    You might also try to mix the brewers yeast in with some foods. You can sneak it in soups or a V8. I think they also make brewers yeast capsules, but I'm not a good pill taker. Or, I know someone who swears by a good dark beer at night.

  18. immabeetoo

    honeydew / 7687 posts

    @SLR: same! no bottles here, but he is still bananas trying to look around more often than not. i can't talk to anyone, and sometimes he protests even if i try to look at my phone. silly baby!!

  19. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    @SLR: I do the same with my oatmeal! I also stir in peanut butter (for flavor) and flax seed (also supposed to help with milk supply).

    It is delicious!

  20. SLR

    clementine / 824 posts

    @highwire: That does sound delicious! I will have to give that a try.

  21. kml636

    pomegranate / 3225 posts

    And I got a whopping .25 of an ounce in my morning pumping session. I pray my MMP arrives today!

  22. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    @kml636: not sure if this is a fluke or not. but i only took MMP liquid form twice a couple of days ago and haven't since.. (i work from home on th/f and nurse).... and I can already tell that boobs are fuller at each feeding. This morning they were rock hard (not painful) and last night after LO went down (I usually don't notice fullness after our last nursing session) boobs were very much full. hope it works for you!!

  23. SLR

    clementine / 824 posts

    @kml636: If you dont get the results you want from MMP, maybe call the doc and ask about Reglan? Hoping the MMP does the trick!

  24. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    DH and I had another talk about starting solids, and I explained to him about how starting too early can lead to allergies, obesity, diabetes, etc. so now he is 100% on board for waiting until 6 months.

  25. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    @highwire: yay! and even still, can you believe 6 months is only 1.5 months aaway!?

  26. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    @mrsjyw: NO. I cannot believe it.

  27. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    C is definitely a biter...and she doesn't even have teeth yet! She bit me so hard this weekend that I yelped in pain and scared her...and then while I was comforting her I joked that I was the one that should be crying!

  28. MamaMoose

    GOLD / squash / 13464 posts

    @highwire: Oh man, M hasn't started biting yet. But she does get distracted and starts looking around while nursing which results in her twisting my nipple. NOT fun.

  29. SLR

    clementine / 824 posts

    @kml636: How's the MMP working for you? Any luck?

  30. SLR

    clementine / 824 posts

    E hasn't been eating much the past week. I'm not sure if it's her cold, the fact that she's majorly distracted, or something else. She usually has three 5oz bottles at daycare, but I don't think she's completely finished more then one or two bottles this week. Yesterday she only took two ounces out of one of them.

    The teachers were saying how some of the feedings are taking the full hour and that she seems to be sucking but not actually taking much. They said I should think about moving to a faster flow nipple to see if that helps. Have any of you done this??? I'm conflicted....I want her to get plenty to eat during the day, but I don't want to compromise her BF'g by her getting used to the easy way.

  31. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    @highwire: L has been biting for the past couple of weeks, mostly when she is done with eating. i usually pull her off and say "NO" very sternly...which she promptly replies with a big gummy grin. no respect for authority!

    @SLR: when L is sick, she never eats as much. my pedi said its because she's swallowing all the snot/mucus and it takes up room in her stomach, so she's not as hungry. and there are just some weeks where she isn't as hungry. my LC told me that babies won't starve themselves and they'll eat when they want to!

  32. travelgirl1

    cantaloupe / 6630 posts

    @kml636: How are the supply issues going? Hope the MMP is working for you : )

  33. ChelseaRose

    persimmon / 1161 posts

    @SLR: We are actually just now moving to level 1 nipples from premie nipples (Dr. Brown's), although my LO was not a premie. He used to choke on milk and then spit it up from drinking too fast, so we used the premie ones. He still takes his time with them and the 4-5oz bottle takes about 15 minutes.

  34. kml636

    pomegranate / 3225 posts

    @SLR: @travelgirl1: thanks for asking; if seems to be improving but LO is now getting some formula at daycare to make up the difference. Hoping to get my supply up!

    I think you can move to the medium flow nipples now. I have on occasion and LO has no problem with it

  35. kodybear

    pear / 1616 posts

    @SLR: oh yes we are going through this stage right now. i'm not sure if its related to her diarrhea but she is not eating like she used to. she'll kinda fidget when i try to feed her. trying to look everywhere. my newest trick to beat her at her own game is to distract her with a musical toy. so she'll be watching it while she's eating. last night she ate pretty normal (altho i found spitup in her crib this morning ) but the night b4 i think she ate 5 oz less than normal. hope this is just a stage.

  36. travelgirl1

    cantaloupe / 6630 posts

    Has anyone tried a nursing necklace to help with distraction? We haven't yet but am thinking about it... on Wednesday I went to a mum and baby group and she popped off at a crucial moment and milk went flying towards where the leader was sat, I hope she didn't notice but it might have hit her stereo. *mortified mummy*

  37. lindseykaye

    pear / 1992 posts

    @travelgirl1: We have had one for a while and it's hit or miss. Sometimes it helps her have something to grab besides me (serious pinching going on over here) but sometimes she gets more distracted trying to put it in her mouth instead of the boob. It wasn't expensive though so I figured why not try it.

  38. kodybear

    pear / 1616 posts

    so i'm starting to buy solid food stuff. i got a high chair, sippy cup, solid food masher and i'm going to go to target later this week to start getting spoons and stuff (i'm the biggest sucker for baby stuff. like my baby will not care about using cute baby spoons but i do! haha) i probably won't start until closer to 6 months (she's 5 months today!!) but i'm starting to get antsy about it. anyone else getting started with this stuff? i'm so excited.

  39. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    @kodybear: We got a lot as gifts, so I got it all out of the closet a couple of weeks ago, and will start opening packages/sanatizing soon.

    We have a hand me down high chair in the garage that we need to get set up and cleaned. I don't want to do it until right before we start, though, because I will be tempted to put her in it and feed her! LOL. I'm dying to start but we still have a month to go before we are introducing foods (she'll be 5 months on Saturday and we are waiting until closer to 6 months)

  40. ChelseaRose

    persimmon / 1161 posts

    @kodybear: I bought a couple of food bibs and spoons awhile ago. I've let him have a plastic spoon on his exersaucer for the past month or two. He likes to hold it and can even get the correct side in his mouth. I have some sippy cups in my shopping cart for diapers.com, but haven't ordered yet.

    My LO will be six months old at the end of this month. We are going to do BLW and not many purees. So far we've let him have an apple slice (like a 1/4 an apple), some avocado (just a bite from a wrap I was eating on Saturday), and some whole raw carrots as a teether. He's enjoyed all of them.

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