blogger / pear / 1964 posts
Speaking of bananas....if your LO ate banana, did you notice "threads" in their poop the next day? I was kinda freaked out until I looked it up.
clementine / 824 posts
@Mrs. Tricycle: We haven't done bananas yet, so that's good to know!
We tried sweet potatoes tonight and they were a hit! After two spoonfuls she started leaning in and opening her mouth real big when I was bringing the spoon close. The true test will be how tonight goes; hope they don't give her a tummy ache like the rice/oatmeal.
blogger / pear / 1964 posts
@SLR: I can never tell if the baby is just being fussy at night or if his tummy hurts. I'm ALWAYS on the fence!
pear / 1992 posts
@SLR: The peach in the feeder definitely keeps her occupied but it is pretty messy. She also likes to throw it and wave/bang it around which can make juice fly everywhere. Worth it though to see her little face loving those noms! She did make kind of a sour/what is this face at first but now she loves it. I think it even helps with teething too, as I think she's either getting her top or more bottom teeth right now (again with the drool and more fussy than before). Sweet potatoes and carrots are her favorite by far but I'm afraid of turning her orange! Though we mentioned it to her pediatrician and she said it would be totally OK.
@Mrs. Tricycle: Thanks for the tip on bananas too! We haven't given her any yet because I'm afraid of the possibility of them to cause constipation but I also think she would LOVE them so I want to have more options to offer her.
I think this weekend I'm going to cook up some chicken and rice for her. Puree some poached chicken and broth to mix with her brown rice cereal. Mmmm protien!
honeydew / 7687 posts
I think we're the only ones left who haven't tried solids yet! Waiting until next weekend...
however I'm curious if any other LOs are nursing every 4 hours?? I was so scared to "skip" a feed but felt like he wasn't as eager when I was offering every 3 like we had been. The past 3 days I've just been offering at the 4 hour mark (and he nurses once overnight) and he seems completely fine with it. It has had zero effect on our overnight sleep thus far, but seems to be helping naps - today is the first day.. EVER that he has taken 2 naps longer than 1 hour (we've been all over the place lately with napping).
Once we're in a good place with solids, maybe he'll drop the night feed?? Or move it to a day feed?? I feel like I'm going to be nursing him at 2 AM until he goes to college!
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
@scg00387: We just tried the couple of pieces of avocado a few weeks ago, but nothing else since then.
LO is frequently stretching out to 4 hours between feeds more frequently these days. And my pumping schedule at work seems to be doing the same because I'm busy - glad it is concurrent!
persimmon / 1161 posts
@scg00387: We are anywhere from 3-4 hours, sometimes a little more depending on what we are doing. Now that we are in full on solids mode it is definitely longer. We've been giving him various things to try about 2 times per day and usually 30-45 minutes after nursing so that he's not super hungry or full.
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
@scg00387: we haven't started solids yet either! Probably starting next week. LO seems to be going through her 6 month growth spurt so I had to up her ounces at day care because she was actually getting hungry every 2.5 hours. Sometimes on the weekend she'll go 4 hours if a nap runs long but other than that the kid still likes to eat every three hours.
cherry / 211 posts
this is what we have been doing:
6:30 bf
9:30 3.5-4oz pumped bm
11:00 3-4 oz rice cereal mixed with bm to a thin porridge consistency
1:30 4 oz pumped bm
4:00 bf or 4 oz bm
6:30 BF, 2-3 oz purees and he also chews on carrot sticks/fruit slices, etc but he definitely isn't swallowing any pieces.
7:30-8 comfort nurse last thing before bedtime.
My question is that he sometimes gets little formed poops right now instead of the smeared out soft serve/runny poop he normally has. (sorry for the mental pic) Does that mean i need to give him water or something to soften his poops. We had our six month checkup two weeks ago and our doc told us to double his cereal intake at that visit for the iron in it, so he has been getting more solids lately.
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
@scg00387: A usually goes 3-4 hours between feeding depending on his naps!
our feeding schedule now looks like this:
7/730am nurse
830/9am banana
1030/11am nurse
130/2pm nurse
430 nurse
530/6pm puree/blw veggie
7pm nurse
pomegranate / 3225 posts
@scg00387: I feel the same way about L's night feeding. I'm going to hope she drops it and if she doesn't by 9 months then I may be forced to do CIO I suppose... hope it doesn't come to that though!
cantaloupe / 6630 posts
We'll be doing our third veggie tonight! She's had sweet potato and carrots so far and tonight we're doing peas. After a few days of that we're going to try a few fruits. I love feeding her solids so much, but ew, these diapers are pretty gross!!
When did you ladies start doing two lots of solids a day? We just do tea time solids at the mo but wondering when to introduce lunch and breakfast too?
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
Started cereal yesterday! Poor girl had a rough time this weekend. I think the cereal hurt her tummy, she's got those two teeth coming in, and we were all over the place during the day, and she was up late at night and early in the morning and had all her naps interrupted. Little lady has been so cranky, understandably! Happy to have such full social stuff, but it was too much for her I think. Guess she is officially out of the newborn stage where shed eat/sleep/do her thing anywhere! Girlfriend has some serious preferences for things now.
honeydew / 7687 posts
@bamblm: I have no clue since we haven't even started, but I bookmarked this post as a poop reference! and welcome! I'm not sure I've seen you post before - when was your little one born?
@kml636: we did a dream feed for a while which stretched him to 5 am.. but then he wanted to start the day then. not. worth. it. !! I think I'm going to do a gradual weaning and have DH give pumped milk in smaller and smaller amounts... I don't have it in me to just let him cry cold turkey when he's used to getting fed! But glad I'm not the only one crossing their fingers for a natural drop soon!
pomegranate / 3225 posts
@highwire: same here, if we are gone all day she def wont just fall asleep in th car anymore! It's hard. She also will no longer be moved while asleep... So I feel like I'm trapped in the car or with her strapped I the ergo if she's sleeping there.
@scg00387: Going to try the gradual thing too. Right now I'm only feeding her 5 mins on one side for her night waking... Would like to get it down to where it's so little she won't be hungry.
cherry / 211 posts
@scg00387 - Thanks! LO was born early November, five weeks early. His due date was mid Dec. And thanks for the link to the post. That is a lot of poop info. LOL. It doesn't seem to bother him. I think it surprised me how it just changed so quickly, we have only been doing solids for a couple of weeks, and he still gets mostly breastmilk.
@travelgirl1 - we originally gave him a small amount cereal or purees just at dinnertime while our whole family was seated together. It was more just for fun since he kept watching us eat intently. At our six month visit our ped. told us to increase his cereal intake for the iron since breastfed babies can be low on that. It also helps stretch the amount of pumped bm that our nanny has to use since right now i only pump about 2/3 what he takes in. I have a good freezer stash, but I'm hoping the cereal during the day helps stretch the stash. So he's only been getting the two meals for about a week or so.
pear / 1616 posts
@SLR: so did the tummy troubles end up being because of the cereal/oatmeal? i'm kind of scared about that now that you and others have mentioned it! we're starting solids this weekend!
@highwire: i'm glad its not just me. my lo loves sleep but only in her crib so going out for longer than her awake period is hard, she gets cranky fast. and eating out is hard now too since her attention span is like 10 min. so one of us has to keep bouncing her or keep her distracted. hopefully it'll get better once she starts eating with us!
honeydew / 7687 posts
@kodybear: i'm nervous about this too, we're starting on saturday!
@bamblm: definitely check out the other november threads and chime in i'm not looking forward to "real" poops!
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
@highwire: @kodybear: @scg00387: Now I'm nervous about the upset tummy too! Especially since M has a sensitive tummy to begin with! Because of this we are going to start with cereal. I hadn't originally been planning on it and was going to go straight to purees. But I think the cereal will be an easier transition since it's so bland. I think we are actually going to start tonight!
@bamblm: Welcome!!
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
How long did you do cereals (if you did them) before you went on to purees? Did you mix cereal in with the puree?
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
@bamblm: welcome to the group! we've been giving him water to drink when we feed him purees and haven't had too much of an issue with pooping/constipation-- tho sometimes he pushes a lot harder than he used to with EBF poop!
@kodybear: @scg00387: our solid poops haven't been all that bad!! DH actually likes them better because they aren't messy and we don't have to deal with blowouts! the smell is def there, but not as bad as we were expecting.
A has tried swt potato, avocado, banana, peas, green beans, pears, apple slice...
His adjustment to solids 2x a day has been smooth, so we've been feeding him whatever we have on hand and he's liked everything so far. He's not a HUGE fan of avocado or green beans tho
pear / 1992 posts
@highwire: we mixed the rice cereal with a purée of choice and a little milk or water depending on what was convenient. I felt it was more nutritious than just rice cereal but still a gentle transition. Now we do mostly purée but use the reveal to bulk p the texture so she can transition to more whole foods.
This weekend I made her some chicken and rice purée and she liked it but tonight I mixed that with sweet potato and she went nuts! I think we have a new favorite for sure
cantaloupe / 6630 posts
@mrsjyw: What did A think to peas? My A HATED them! Good girl would still put them in her mouth but oh my goodness, the faces she pulled, real disgusted 'seriously, what is this shit' expressions.
Sweet potato and carrot - HITS! Peas - big fat miss! Next on the list - banana!
cantaloupe / 6630 posts
Oh and I had to throw away my ENTIRE FREEZER STASH OF MORE THAN 100 OZ! sad, sad day. Now I have to pump 4oz a day as well as nurse her to have enough to mix with her solids.
clementine / 824 posts
@kodybear: Actually, I'm not really sure now. She had some god awful nights when we did rice and oatmeal and some really good nights in between when we did nothing. She loved sweet potatoes and although she wasn't nearly as fussy at night, she did wake up a lot. I do think the cereal was a little harsh on her tummy because she was crankier than usual before bedtime, but I also think her sleep is just getting bad altogether (she has to have help (usually nursing) to go back to sleep after MOTN wakings). I got the Ferber book and we're attempting sleep training now.
She does not like peas one bit. I think we'll go to carrots or maybe give oatmeal another try next.
clementine / 824 posts
@travelgirl1: Oh no!!! Why did you have to throw away your freezer stash? Ditto on the peas....HATED them.
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
@travelgirl1: he didn't love them, but he didn't hate them either-- he eats everything tho so i'm not sure if it's a good indicator
and OH NO about your stash!? AHHHHHHHH liquid gold!
cantaloupe / 6630 posts
@SLR: @mrsjyw: @kml636: I think it's all bad : ( I sometimes try give her a bottle so I defrost the odd bag here and there for that and every single time it's off, so I think the whole freezer must have gotten too warm once or something... or maybe I stored it in the fridge too long before freezing, but I've tested about eight bags now so I think I need to take the plunge and just chuck it all. It's not excess lipase as I've frozen some then defrosted the next day to test for that. Sooo gutted about it, gah!
cherry / 211 posts
New feeding milestone! Over the memorial day weekend I had an overripe banana that I cut into thirds and mashed into his cereal. On Saturday it was a puree consistency and he gobbled it up. On sunday I must have got lazy and it was a little uneven in its consistency, so I saw him using his tongue to mash little bits and even it out. Monday I got super lazy and left small chunks of soft banana (could fit within his baby spoon)- he was totally mashing all the chunks between his tongue and gums! I've also given him some mum-mums to suck on after we feed him since usually we're still eating and it buys me time to eat while he's working on that. I think since he seems ok with the chunkier textures and can bring the mum-mums to his mouth I might try some BLW next weekend! I'm not sure what to try, I guess an easy one would be to cut a banana into pieces he can hold.
apricot / 429 posts
We've been doing solids for nearly two months now, and my little girl is a pro! She has tried basically everything.. carrots, turkey, beans, spinach, broccoli, plums, sweet potatoes, strawberries, mango.. everything! We feed her the Baby Gourmet line of baby foods (Basically the only organic line in Canada worth buying).
The only things she truly hates are beef, and chunks of fresh banana. Pureed? Fine. But do not attempt to give her a chunk of banana unless you want to see her throw up.
kiwi / 643 posts
@wildcardinside: When did you guys start proteins/meats? We are still in the veggie purees and are moving to fruits next week...
apricot / 429 posts
@twoofeverything: We actually started proteins/meats first! Her ped said to, so we started with beef (hated it, still does), then beans, chicken, turkey etc. We started veggies and fruits shortly thereafter and have been adding more and more as time goes on.
Some of her puree blends have tomatoes, different spices like cumin and oregano, and even coconut. She hasn't had any negative reactions to anything, so we aren't shy in trying some interesting flavours.
We let our daughter guide us basically. She mostly prefers greens to fruit.. so: WIN!
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
We were having the worst issues with nursing lately (refusing to latch, wouldn't nurse when hungry, etc.)
But the last few days she has been much better! I've taken us back to nursing only in the nursery itself, in the rocker, while using the my Brest Friend pillow. And she'll agree to nurse when we are there with no distractions. Thank goodness! We only nurse 2x a day as it is since I'm at work all day, so I was really wanting to make sure those two sessions were good ones.
pomegranate / 3225 posts
@wildcardinside: wow! That's awesome. I need to get more adventerous I guess. I've only given her fruit, cereal and sweet potato.
@highwire: Lily is majorly distracted all the time too. Frustrating!
clementine / 824 posts
How are all the November babies doing with solids? Em doesn't seem too interested yet. She opens her mouth and leans forward for the first 4-5 bites, but then she's over it. She is more interested in sticking her hands in her food or gnawing on her bib. Anyone else not all that into it yet?
pear / 1616 posts
@SLR: same! LO is not really interested in it. she will open her mouth and will eat it but doesn't seem like she's enjoying it at all. she eats maybe 1/2oz of veggie or fruit and maybe 1/2 tbsp of rice cereal. so not much at all. but at least she stopped gagging for the most part!
kiwi / 643 posts
I was sort of surprised when our doctor recommended that we start "mashable" finger foods with our (barely) 6 month olds. They aren't even through the purees yet, but he said that anything they have eaten and been fine with, we can do as a finger food. Oooooookay! Trying tomorrrow...
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