Hellobee Boards


Nov '12 Babies: Feeding

  1. ChelseaRose

    persimmon / 1161 posts

    @lindseykaye: I'm glad it was helpful! I'm also going to be looking into whole milk Greek yogurt if I can find it. I didn't see any at TJ's that didn't have sugar listed as an ingredient. I bought some tofu for him to try too.

  2. lindseykaye

    pear / 1992 posts

    @ChelseaRose: I've heard good stuff about tofu, too! LO has already had chicken +veg purée but little tofu cubes sound great.

  3. kodybear

    pear / 1616 posts

    if your LO eats finger foods, how did you know when they were ready? so my LO eats mum mum's but that's about it. i'm not sure when to start giving her pieces of fruits and veggies tho. it doesn't seem like she really chews her purees so i don't know if she knows how to chew. my fear of choking is making me hesitant but i also dont want LO to be eating purees forever! any advice would be helpful!

  4. immabeetoo

    honeydew / 7687 posts

    @kodybear: We've been doing homemade/chunky purees and finger foods. I figured if he seemed panicked or struggled with finger foods, we'd back off but he likes both. I just make sure the chunks are big (like a thick apple slice, a whole strawberry, a sweet potato wedge) and watch him carefully, but we've had very minimal gagging and if he gnaws off a piece he usually spits it out.

  5. ChelseaRose

    persimmon / 1161 posts

    @kodybear: The actions within the mouth for purees vs. food is different. Puree is sucked off the spoon and immediately goes to the back of the mouth. Finger foods are chewed from the front and LO has to move it to the back and work on it as it moves.

  6. kodybear

    pear / 1616 posts

    @scg00387: @ChelseaRose: thanks for the info! i think i might try it this weekend.. she still doesn't seem super interested in eating, she mostly just tolerates it. so hopefully if she can play with her food alittle it'll be more fun for her!

  7. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    I gave her a banana flavored mum mum this weekend and she made the most hilarious faces!!

    We are still on only green purees and cereals...but DH really, really, really wants her to be a healthy eater with a taste for veggies so he's hoping this helps things LOL. We'll see!

  8. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    How is feeding going for you ladies?

    I'm about to start slowly weaning.

    This is my plan:
    Currently: Nurse 1x a day, pump 5x a day
    July: Nurse 1x a day, pump 4x a day
    August: Nurse 1x a day, pump 3x a day
    September: Nurse 1x a day, pump 2x a day
    October: Nurse 1x a day, pump 1x a day
    November: Nurse 1-2x a day (LO turns 1 on the 27th), give remainder of freezer stash.
    December: Wean completely, or continue nursing 1-2x a day if she has any interest

  9. ChelseaRose

    persimmon / 1161 posts

    @highwire: Sounds like a good gradual plan. Are you planning to add more formula as you go or hoping that her milk/formula needs decrease with her increase in solids? I don't really have a specific plan for weaning, but I'm soooooo looking forward to pumping less.

  10. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    @ChelseaRose: I'm not totally sure! For now I'm able to keep up with her needs with the 5 sessions instead of 6.

  11. kml636

    pomegranate / 3225 posts

    @highwire: good plan. I haven't even thought that far ahead!

  12. travelgirl1

    cantaloupe / 6630 posts

    @highwire: Wow you are super organised! I haven't got a proper weaning plan.... Right now we still nurse on demand and always to sleep. She has breakfast and dinner but we're not on lunch or snacks yet. We haven't given her water yet either.

  13. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    @travelgirl1: I had to come up with some kind of plan to keep me going in the early days

  14. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    So carrots...NOT a hit. She didn't even make a grossed out face or anything, just gagged every time I'd give her a bite. Will try a few more times, but it doesn't surprise me since I also do not like carrots.

  15. lindseykaye

    pear / 1992 posts

    @highwire: LO loves carrots mixed with banana, it's one of her favorites. But then again she would probably eat anything mixed with banana

  16. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    My super slow weaning process is going well! I'm down to 4-5x a day total (nursing once and pumping the rest of the time) and my supply has not started to decrease at all. I still produce about 10-15oz a day.

    We are on two solid meals a day (breakfast and dinner). I guess we will be adding lunch in soon!

  17. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    @highwire: we're the same! breakfast and dinner are a must, and then lunch depends on the day, he almost always has a mum mum for a daytime snack tho.

    we're still nursing 5 times a day, when i'm at work i pump anywhere from 10-13 oz (over 2x or 3x). i can't wait to stop pumping in a few months!!!

  18. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    @mrsjyw: Yess! I'm sure my boss is excited as well!

  19. MamaChin

    clementine / 830 posts

    I am slowly weaning N as well, albeit not as organized. My supply has slowly been decreasing since I stopped working (and pumping) in April so we're just going 50/50 from my freezer stash and I'm only nursing once a day. My stash will run out in the next week =(. I did all sorts of things to try to keep up my supply - drinking gallons of mother's milk tea, coconut water, pumping after every nursing session, adding an extra pump before bed, it was so much work and I still wasn't keeping up with him. He went from 95th percentile to 86th at his last check up, gaining only 1.5 pounds in two months. Being a nursing mom is such a big part of my identity and it is really hard to let go! Anyway, N's eating schedule now looks like this:

    6am - nurse
    9am - breakfast (cereal and fruit/veggie puree, sometimes tiny cubes of toast)
    11am - bottle
    1 pm - lunch/snack - yogurt and fruit puree
    3pm - bottle
    6:30pm - dinner (meal puree, or he feeds himself pasta, veggies, pieces of chicken)
    8:30pm - bottle

  20. kml636

    pomegranate / 3225 posts

    @MamaChin: My supply is really dropping too. I stopped pumping other than 2x a day 2 days a week when I'm at work. Could you try nursing in the evenings as well? I am trying not to stress, but the other day I was on a boat trip and went 12 hours without pumping and feeding her, and I wasn't even in that much pain! My first indication I am producing much less.

    Have you ladies been feeding your LOs much meat? We have given her a small bit of steak, but I saw the blended up Chicken and Turkey Plum Organic packages and it made me wonder if she's ready.

  21. MamaChin

    clementine / 830 posts

    I've pretty much stopped nursing unless he really needs the comfort and stopped pumping altogether. I am never engorged anymore and hardly ever feel full. He is doing just fine on formula, and although I mourn the ability to nourish my child from my body, I refuse to feel guilty about it.

  22. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    @kml636: No meat yet, but I'm ready to expand her palate here. We are still just on cereal, fruits, and veggies.

  23. kodybear

    pear / 1616 posts

    @kml636: i've given LO some chicken. she still doesn't really seem like she likes food in general tho. she is just tolerating it. she does seem to like finger foods better than purees tho so i'll probably try to offer her more finger foods.

    @MamaChin: i know how you feel! i went through the same feelings when i gave up nursing bc of latch issues (tongue and lip tie). i EP but can't make enough milk for her so she gets about half formula. i'm trying to keep pumping until 1 year but since AF came back last month my supply takes a huge hit around that time. i always question if i should keep going! bleh

  24. lindseykaye

    pear / 1992 posts

    @kml636: We have given her chicken puree here and there with dinner for about a month now. She enjoys it, and it's a different flavor as it's a little bit salty/savory while most of her foods are still sweet.
    I poach a chicken breast or thigh, and puree it with some of the cooking liquid. Then I add rice cereal to thicken it back up (the meat separates from the liquid after it's pureed) and always serve it to her mixed with a veggie. So it's like a little mini meal for her!

  25. travelgirl1

    cantaloupe / 6630 posts

    @kml636: I made up one puree with chicken/sweet potato/grapes and one with beef/sweet potato/carrot/peas and froze them in batches and she gets one of those a night. So far she likes it! I haven't given her fish or pork yet though. Oh and she's had turkey too.

    We've started doing some BLW and I love it! She never tolerated being spoon fed so I used to give her loaded spoons for her to smear over herself/drop on the floor and perhaps eat a tiny bit of, ha ha. Anyway she's taken to finger food like you wouldn't believe! Her favourite thing by far though is a mix of natural yoghurt and mango puree that I froze in ice cube trays and give her in a mesh feeder for a cool treat - girlfriend loves some dessert, she's going to be just like her mama

  26. kml636

    pomegranate / 3225 posts

    @travelgirl1: haha, too funny. I hope L doesn't have my sweet tooth!

    I'm starting Lily with little things for BLW like corn kernels. So far she loves it

  27. MamaChin

    clementine / 830 posts

    N recently decided he hates being spoon fed. I've had to make up dinner on the fly a couple times and it makes me crazy! Last night for dinner, after refusing his favorite dinner purée (turkey and rice), I cooked some pasta, microwaved frozen broccoli and stole some of the dog's chicken (poached plain) and he fed himself. Made a mess but at least he ate something. Gone are the days where I just have to pick a different color purée than the last one he had!!

  28. immabeetoo

    honeydew / 7687 posts

    @kml636: yep we've done bits of marinated chicken. He likes it! I just rip it into little pieces or give him a large hunk to gnaw on.

    My little guy loves hummus! I've tried a black bean hummus and am going to make a pinto bean one today. It's so fun watching him get into more food, I think we're going to start adding dinner soon.

  29. NovBaby1112

    grapefruit / 4066 posts

    man, you guys are making me feel so boring with our food choices! i need to branch out and try giving M some of these things. we pretty much just do the organic pouches of purees, but I will also make easy stuff like mashed avocado and bananas. i want to try that chicken puree a few of you have mentioned. i am a horrible cook so i guess i am just worried whatever i make wont turn out right and she will hate it. the pouches are just so easy! she also has no teeth so finger foods scare me.

  30. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    @NovBaby1112: We are still slow going on the foods also! I let her play with a whole banana last night. She had fun with squishing the texture on her hands but hates the flavor.

  31. turkeylurkey

    kiwi / 541 posts

    Finished nursing last week. Was a little sad but now I'm excited because I feel okay leaving him with the Grandparents for a get-away with the hubs! @highwire your plan is very similiar to what I did. I slowly took away a feeding and replaced it with a bottle of formula or solid. I continued to pump at first and have frozen a good supply. So I give him some frozen milk every few days. I guess it is my way of feeling like I'm still providing good mommy's juice for a little longer. We aren't doing to well on the finger foods. We can do the mum mums and wagon wheels pretty good. But he gags on the avacado slices. I think I'm doing to big of a slice and he isn't swallowing what is already in his mouth before the next bite. Will keep trying. We have a good mix of puree going on from veggies to fruits and mixture of fruit/veggies.
    How many oz is everyone's eating right now? Mine is still around 6 oz but will occassionally do a full 9oz bottle.

  32. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    @turkeylurkey: C eats about 6 oz for each of her feedings.

  33. ChelseaRose

    persimmon / 1161 posts

    @turkeylurkey: Wow! 9oz? That would be two of my LO's bottles, but he only gets breast milk and there's no way I could give him that much in one bottle because there's no way that my body would produce that much for a feeding (with the exception of first thing in the morning and that's only because I have religiously pumped after first feeding since my LO STTN).

  34. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    We're EPing until she turns one. The nursing was just not working! After this week I am dropping down to only 2 pumps at work!!! (Plus one in the morning and one before bed)

  35. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    @highwire: i've also only been pumping 2x at work!

    i've been out on vaca, and only working in the office 2 or 3 days a week, i nurse the days i'm at home, so i've cut down to 2 pumps for office days, and i haven't really noticed a supply issue. so there it is!

    i CANNOT wait until NOVEMBER, when i am quitting the pump. FOREVER ('til future LO2)

  36. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    @mrsjyw: I can't wait! I've been emotional the last couple of days about LO refusing to nurse, but I'm quickly getting over it and moving on. And dreaming about a day where I'm not pumping/nursing round the clock. It is almost here.

  37. kml636

    pomegranate / 3225 posts

    @mrsjyw: @highwire: I"m so over pumping. I'm doing only one session while I'm at work. That's it.

  38. SLR

    clementine / 824 posts

    You guys are making me curious about going to 2 pumpings a day at work! I'm still doing 3 and it is such an inconvenience. I feel like I need to sneak away so it's not obvious how much time I have to spend away from my desk. I've tried pumping in my office but it is just as much of a hassle, plus it doesn't feel private enough. I've started to see a little bit of a supply hit since E has started to sleep better at night and am started to wonder if we will make it EBF until one. I'd be okay with supplementing though, better that than stressing about making enough.

    How long have you all been doing 2 pumping sessions? (Long enough that you'd see the diff in supply if it was going to be an issue?)

  39. MamaChin

    clementine / 830 posts

    Packed away my pump this week, that was SWEET. N has enough frozen milk to mix with formula until 9 months, he doesn't seem to be able to tell the difference taste wise from bm and formula? Not even a wrinkle of the brow or anything!

    He' been eating puree and finger foods like I starve him? He's been eating about 15oz total a day of cereal, purees and yogurt PLUS finger foods like fruit and puffs after each meal while I do the dishes. He ate a whole pint of blueberries (cut in half) over 4 days. He never drank a big amount of milk, he is getting a little less than 20oz a day over 4 feedings.

  40. kodybear

    pear / 1616 posts

    i'm down to 1 pump session at work and 2 at home, LOVE IT. i don't feel tied to the pump as much anymore.

    @SLR: i was at 4 pumping sessions a day for a couple months, then dropped to 3 last month i think. usually when i drop a session i lose about 1-2oz. granted i drop cold turkey so if it was more gradual i'm sure it would've been better. do you pump alot more than LO takes? would a couple oz make much of a difference?

    @MamaChin: wow! you have such a good eater! my LO decided that she doesn't really like solids anymore. the only things she eats consistently are puffs and mum mums. she'll eat about 1.5oz of purees each meal and maybe a couple bites of a finger food (banana, blueberries etc). maybe i'm doing something wrong? or maybe she just doesn't like eating? i have noticed that she has to get used to something for a couple weeks so hopefully she'll pick up on the finger foods soon!

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